Xian Xian

Chapter 22

Chapter 21: Accident

Li Chaoge always felt that it was him, and when she heard the word “Shen Yan”, she became more sure in her heart.

In the Black Forest that day, she had just been reborn, and she was in a period of self-doubt. At that time, she asked how to be an emperor and a daughter at the same time, and he also said “carefully.”

The tone, voice, and wording are exactly the same. Li Chaoge didn’t refute on the surface, but in fact he smiled secretly. What if you don’t admit it? Hey, it’s not like letting her try it out.

The two of them walked left and right in the jungle, each at a leisurely pace, not like hunting, but more like coming to provide for the elderly. The two were walking, and suddenly there was movement in the jungle in front of them. A roe deer ran towards them head-on and noticed that there was someone in front of him. The roe deer changed direction halfway, leaped quickly over the bushes and rushed into the depths of the woods.

Li Chaoge, including Gu Mingke, the two of them just watched indifferently, watching the roe deer go away. After the roe deer escaped, there was a sound of chasing in the forest behind, and arrows flew from time to time: “Quickly stop the roe deer, don’t let it run away!”

The crowd yelled and chased this area. They rode closer and found Li Chaoge and Gu Mingke parked under the woods, quietly around, without any traces of trampling or hunting. The chaser was stunned and asked, “Did a roe deer come over just now?”

“Yes.” Li Chao, holding the whip in the singer, pointed to the left, “it went in that direction.”

The chaser couldn’t understand the current situation for a while: “Did you see it?”

“Yeah.” Li Chaoge and Gu Mingke nodded together. The chaser opened his mouth in astonishment. After a moment, he couldn’t say anything: “Princess Anding, since you have seen it, why don’t you catch it? Wang Zhao and Princess Guangning have been chasing for a long time, and they are about to be caught. Why are they let go?”

As he spoke, there was another sound of horseshoes approaching behind him: “What’s the matter, have you caught it?”

The chaser stopped talking and turned to salute the visitor: “King Zhao, Princess Guangning.”

Li Huai, Pei Ji’an and others protected Li Changle and slowly followed. Li Changle’s riding skills are very ordinary. In addition, she is fourteen years old this year. She is not fully stretched. She is squeezing her elbows on the horse. She can’t even sit securely, let alone draw a bow and shoot an arrow. She came to hunt, in fact, she was completely grabbing the credit of the guard or her brother.

However, Li Changle still enjoys it. After she approached, she kept asking: “Where is that deer?”

The chaser was embarrassed and said, “Back to the princess, that roe deer was already surrounded by us. We drove it in this direction. Unexpectedly, it slipped away at the last minute.”

“Ah, slipped away?” Li Changle said in a very disappointed tone. “Which one of you made a mistake, why let it slip away?”

The pursuer did not speak, and quietly glanced at Li Chaoge and Gu Mingke. Li Changle followed the eyes of the people below and found that Li Chaoge was not far away, his face couldn’t help but look.

Seeing this, Pei Ji’an hurriedly said: “Princess, my cousin is weak and not good at riding and shooting. I am afraid he can’t contain the prey. If the princess likes it, I will hunt one with the princess.”

Li Huai also said: “Yes, Changning, it’s okay, there are many roe deer in the back mountain, brother will help you beat one in a while.”

Everyone felt that Gu Mingke was too sick and unable to ride and shoot, so the prey sent to the door was released. Li Chaoge was rumored to be very skilled, but Zhong Langjun didn’t see it with his own eyes, and now he can’t help but despise him. The so-called very strong, I am afraid it is just a name.

These two people are so rubbish, the roe deer rushed to them, and they couldn’t catch it.

Li Changle pouted and reluctantly said, “Okay.”

Seeing Li Changle’s depression, the lords felt pity and encouragement, so they volunteered to help Li Changle hunt prey. Opposite Linzi, Li Chaoge and Gu Mingke, who were “very trash”, were still indifferent and couldn’t raise any interest.

Everyone Wu Yangyang chased in the direction where the roe deer had left. Li Chaoge and Gu Mingke stayed at the end, waiting for everyone to pass before they followed. Pei Ji’an rode a horse, and when he turned his head, he saw the two standing side by side under the tree, Li Chaoge Li and Gu Mingke were cold, both of them were dressed in white clothes, both of them were lazy, and the mottled sunlight in the forest shone on them. , Really, there is really a smell of immortal family couples and independence of the world.

Pei Ji’an didn’t know why, his heart sank heavily, and an unreasonable irritability surged to his heart.

Li Chaoge turned around and seemed to be talking to Gu Mingke. Pei Ji’an was about to take a closer look, the people behind had already followed, and soon blocked his vision. Pei Ji’an couldn’t help but twisted his eyebrows. At this time, Li Changle’s voice came in front of him, and Pei Ji’an could only respond with a sigh, riding a horse to catch up.

In Li Chaoge’s eyes, this hunt was tantamount to pecking at each other. Li Chaoge didn’t want to fight with Caiji, so he took the initiative to let them go first. Li Changle and Li Huai’s people are mighty, and they haven’t finished walking for a long time. Li Chaoge remembered something and turned to Gu Mingke and said, “Do you have any prey you want for this hunt?”

If she likes it, she reluctantly competes with the rookie, and it doesn’t hurt to give him one.

“No.” Gu Mingke shook his head and glanced at Li Chaoge faintly. “In the spring and March, fishing and hunting are banned from the first month to May. For example, hunting is forbidden in February.”

This edict was issued by the emperor the year before. However, there are exceptions to everything. Princess Guangning wants to go hunting, and it is not a big deal to violate it once in a while.

Had it not been for Gu Mingke, Li Chaoge would not have remembered this ban. Li Chaoge raised his eyebrows and asked, “What about your favorite plants?”

“Things of mountains and wilds are called plants, trees, medicines and stones, and those who take them will be stolen.”

Li Chaoge nodded, not wanting to ask any more. Chatting with Gu Mingke, as if carrying a full Tang law with him, the brilliance of abiding by the law is always shining on the whole body.

Li Chaoge looked forward and saw that the chickens were all walking away. She suddenly drove the horse and dashed forward two steps. The horse quickly ran in the woods: “Since you don’t want to go, then stay here for a while. Yes. I have something to do, I will go back.”

Li Chaoge’s equestrian skills are extremely mature, even if the surrounding bushes are full of trees, it will not affect her to run quickly. Gu Mingke didn’t ask Li Chaoge what was wrong, what else could happen if she could leave?

Gu Mingke didn’t move, but the horse under him was like a psychic, walking in the direction of Li Chaoge without a teacher. Just now Li Chaoge looked at Gu Mingke, and in turn, Gu Mingke was also watching her. Now that Li Chaoge has started his activities, Gu Mingke’s mission will also begin.

Li Chaoge rode his horse and quickly caught up with the large army in front of him. At this moment, everyone was happily chasing the wild deer, and arrows passed through the mountains and forests frequently, and no one noticed that Li Chaoge was coming. Li Chaoge remained silent, drew an arrow from a nearby tree and put it on his bow, seeming to be aiming at the wild deer, but in fact the spear was secretly aimed at Pei Ji’an.

Li Chaoge has a grudge and never stays overnight. It is the limit to spare his life last night, and now it is time to come back.

Li Chaoge let go of his fingers quickly, and the arrow galloped towards Pei Ji’an’s back like a gust of wind. Halfway through the flight, suddenly another arrow hit Li Chaoge’s arrow, her arrow tip deflected slightly, passed through Pei Ji’an’s side, and slammed toward the wild deer. Li Chaoge was so strong that the wild deer was shot through the throat by the arrow and fell to the ground on the spot.

Everyone is shrinking the encirclement, this deer is alert and agile, arrows can’t shoot it at all, and can only use nets to round up. They were laying out nervously, but they didn’t expect an arrow to fly out of thin air and directly pierce the wild deer. Everyone was shocked and turned their heads.

Who has such a good head, such a strong arm strength? After all this far, the strength of the arrow is still so strong! Pei Ji’an felt a strong wind coming towards him behind him, and before he could react, the arrow passed through his side and shot at the wild deer. Pei Ji’an breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that it was the shooting deer who had misunderstood.

Pei Ji’an also turned around, as expected, Li Chaoge’s fingers were still on the bow, and it seemed that she was the one who sent the arrow just now. But she frowned, looking a little confused. When everyone saw that it was Li Chaoge, they were surprised and surprised: “Princess Anding?”

Li Huai was also surprised. He looked at the wild deer killed by an arrow in the forest, and then at Li Chaoge standing far away from the crowd. He was shocked: “Emperor sister, this is the arrow you shot? The emperor is a good bow. Law.”

Many princes were equally admired and praised one after another. They thought that Li Chaoge had a name just now, but that’s it. Unexpectedly, they are just real people without revealing their faces.

Li Chaoge missed an arrow and won a lot of praise. She was quite unspeakable, but in front of so many people, she could only nodded coldly and said: “I missed my head and made everyone laugh.”

All the men choked together. Is this still a loss of precision? Are you humble now, so frantic and unprincipled?

After complimenting Li Chaoge, everyone turned their horses’ heads and looked for the next prey. The wild deer just now had their own guards to clean up, and these noble brothers just need to have fun.

Li Chaoge moved with the crowd. When she was riding a horse, her eyes swept across the crowd quietly. Who on earth is the missing eye that smashed her arrow just now? If you don’t know how to shoot arrows, don’t go out and slosh, which has delayed her great opportunity in vain. It’s all right now, they have noticed her, and it will be more difficult than before.

Soon another wild boar jumped out of the bushes, and everyone swarmed up. Li Chaoge mingled in the crowd, and after making sure that no one was disturbing him, he shot his arrow again. This time, her goal was Pei Ji’an’s horse legs. The horseshoes are chaotic during the hunt. If Pei Ji’an can fall off the horse, even if he can’t die, he can still be trampled on him.

With a hum, the arrow flew away. Li Chaoge put down his bow, waiting for Pei Ji’an to fall from his horse. However, this time, when the arrow was about to approach Pei Ji’an, an arrow in front suddenly broke, and the feather of the arrow was flew off, hitting Li Chaoge’s arrow at an angle that violated common sense. Her arrow was knocked crooked, and she flew out of the crowd suddenly, and shot into the ground firmly. After a long time, the tail feathers were buzzing and shaking.

Everyone was taken aback by the arrow, and when they looked back, it was Li Chaoge again. They were wondering what Princess Anding did when she shot the ground. Suddenly someone had sharp eyes and shouted, “There is a snake under the stone! The princess shot the snake!”

The crowd was in a big shock. The snake was hibernating in the cave under the stone, and could not be seen on the ground. Princess Anding was able to find it and shot it with an arrow. This kind of skill, this kind of eyesight, is simply superb and unpredictable!

A group of princes originally believed that Li Chaoge was an expert, but now they saw Li Chaoge shoot two arrows. The Tang Dynasty was still a martial artist, and the men were the most convinced of force. After Li Chaoge showed his great strength, no matter what these people originally thought, they all overruled the evaluation at this moment, and he had a great impression of Li Chaoge.

And the princess is not only superb martial arts, but also very good at heart and ground. She was afraid that everyone would be accidentally injured by the snake, so she took precautions and shot the snake in advance. There are both the strength of a man and the carefulness of a woman. This kind of heart is far beyond the reach of ordinary women.

The princes applauded and applauded. Li Chaoge silently put away his bows and arrows amidst the cheers of the crowd.

Can it be like this? Is this person Pei Ji’an blessed by the gods? Li Chaoge turned around and thought about it, and found that Pei Ji’an’s luck was incredible in his previous life.

Li Chaoge doesn’t believe in evil, try again. She shot a wild deer, two wild boars, two roe deer, three pheasants, and a rabbit that could not be remembered. Every time there was an accident at the last moment, which happened to make her arrow shoot crooked. At the end, when Li Chaoge drew the bow, no one dared to rob her. There were no other arrows in the audience at all, and even so, a truncated branch could fall on the tree, crushing her arrow down.

Li Chaoge was thinking about making accidents before, but later she didn’t want to kill Pei Ji’an anymore. She just wanted to see what other coincidences could be. As a result, none of them are duplicated.

Li Chaoge was agitated, and the more he hunted, the more angry he became. Gu Mingke followed far behind, also very tired.

At the end of work, the children walked back happily, discussing the situation enthusiastically as they walked. They saw Gu Mingke embossed on the outermost layer without even hitting a rabbit. They despised and said regretfully: “Gu Lang, is your body so weak? Just now Princess Anding shot a few exquisite arrow techniques. It’s a shame you didn’t see it.”

Gu Mingke responded quietly, paying no attention to the eyes around him. The children didn’t respond when Gu Mingke said it. They were quite boring, and they soon talked about other things.

“It’s a pity that I didn’t hunt a bear today. I really want to see the demon bear that day.”

“With Princess Anding and King Zhao, there will be a bear, but it will not be your turn. It is a pity that today is nothing unusual, nothing interesting happens, and it’s boring.”

Gu Mingke is very tolerant to these younger generations who don’t know the blessing in the blessing. They are still young and don’t know that in this world, ordinary days are the most rare. The boring day they talked about almost killed people behind their backs.

Gu Mingke sighed rather tiredly. Li Chaoge, this woman is really cruel.

The author has something to say: As long as Bingwu in the spring and March of the year, fishing, hunting and catching in the Guilin are banned. -“Old Tang Book”

The things are plants, trees, medicine and stones. Some people have added skills, or Liu Fa, or accumulate, and those who take it, they all say that they are pirates. —”Tang Law Commentary”

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