Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 96

Chapter 96 Peeling The Cocoon, Traces Outside The Window! 【Seeking Full Order】

“Ning Cheng!”

Ning Cheng thought that something happened to Mu Xiaoyu, so he quickly pushed the door and came in.

“what’s going on?”


Mu Xiaoyu pointed to the window above the toilet.

When Ning Cheng saw the open window, he directly motioned to Mu Xiaoyu to take a picture and save it, and then took out the disposable gloves in his pocket to start the inspection.

It stands to reason that this window will not be opened, the window below is covered with a thin layer of ash, while the window above is very clean.

Therefore, Ning Cheng judged that this window was only recently opened!

But if it is just for ventilation, it is enough to open the lower window. The upper window is so high that the deceased Zhao Chaoxian’s stature is 185, and he also needs to use a ladder to open it.

So who opened the window?

“You helped me find a ladder.” Ning Cheng ordered.

“Are you going to step on the ladder to look at the window?” Mu Xiaoyu immediately looked for the ladder.

“No, don’t use the ladder at the deceased’s house. Go to the property in the dormitory building immediately and ask them to borrow a ladder. There may be traces left on the deceased’s ladder, so you must not move.”

“I understand!”

When Mu Xiaoyu went down to find the ladder, Ning Cheng saw a strange trace where the window was open.

This old-fashioned dormitory building has tiles on the outside, and after a long time, the tiles have turned yellow and become a little jagged, but the tiles on the top of the head are concave and form a right angle because of the concave design.

It was very dark at night and there was no light outside, but Ning Cheng saw a gap in the tile where the window was open!

“Is there a gap in this place?”

Knowing that he might have found an important clue, Ning Cheng turned on his phone’s flashlight and began to observe the gap.

Since the traces are very new, Ning Cheng judged that the notch is a recent wear and tear, and it has a radial shape from top to bottom. There is a fan-shaped wear from the outer tile to the right angle. The diameter of the notch is about 3mm visually.

The wear of 3mm is obvious for the tile, but since it is on the outside, only people can see the wear by sticking their head out, so the previous police officers completely ignored it when they came to check.

At this time, Mu Xiaoyu had already brought the ladder over.

“Ning Cheng, have you found any clues.¨?”

“I want to see if there is anything left on this trace.”

Ning Cheng put up the ladder, scratched the gap with a cotton swab a few times, and put it into the evidence bag. There seemed to be some dark marks on it, and there was a strange smell.

“Why is there a gap here?” Mu Xiaoyu curiously stretched out her head and looked out, and happened to see the residue on Ning Cheng’s treatment marks. Her eyesight is not that good, and it takes a lot of effort to see.

Ning Cheng asked suddenly, “What kind of wear and tear do you think this is like?”

Mu Xiaoyu pondered for a while, and replied, “This gap seems to be a fan-shaped cylinder. It feels like… I don’t know what it is for the time being, but it must not be a sharp weapon such as a knife or an axe.”

“Indeed, the notch is small, but it is obvious to the tile, and, do you think this wear and tear looks familiar?” Ning Cheng reminded.

“…It seems a little familiar, but this kind of wear and tear is normal for this old-fashioned tile.”

Mu Xiaoyu frowned after watching it for a long time.

“But what if the gap is recent? I just checked and the window should have been closed before, so there is dust on the outside, but there is no dust in the inner profile of the window, it was opened recently.”

Ning Cheng spoke about the problems he found.

“So, the window that was only opened in the last few days, as well as the opening just now, are all related to this case?” Mu Xiaoyu’s heart skipped a beat.

“We shouldn’t believe in coincidences. Any deliberate move will have its reasons. Did you just go to the deceased’s house? Is there a ladder?”

Ning Cheng asked another question.

Mu Xiaoyu reacted, pondered for a moment, and told Ning Cheng.

“I’m feeling weird. I checked the whole house with them before and couldn’t find any ladders, and when I went to the property to borrow a ladder, the worker said something when he got up and opened the door for me, why have you come to borrow a ladder recently!”

“Anyone else borrow a ladder from him?” Ning Cheng asked as he climbed down from the ladder.

“Yes, he said it was the resident who lived here, it was a man.” Mu Xiaoyu replied.

“Who is it, is it the dead?”

“It should be, he said that the man was tall, and he was in his prime. He wore a suit and looked very particular, but he was a little rude, and he complained to me for a while.”

Ning Cheng heard the words and directly asked Mu Xiaoyu to lead the way to find the property.

“Who is it? Tmd is tired of living, why is there anyone else!”

An irritable and rough male voice came from the room.

Ning Cheng took out his documents, “¨々 Police!”

The man was holding his slippers. He was originally furious, but when he saw the tall and tall Ning Cheng, he wilted, and his face became sad and his voice became a little quieter.

“Officer, I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong, why do you keep coming to me?”

Ning Cheng observed his attitude and concluded that this person was an honest man who was bullying the soft and fearing the hard. He should have nothing to do with this case, so he took out his mobile phone and asked the photo of the deceased.

“You said someone else came to borrow a ladder from you before, is that the person?”

The man timidly looked at Ning Cheng’s phone, and shook his head after a moment, “It’s not this person, this person is more handsome.”

Mu Xiaoyu was a little surprised at the moment, “Isn’t it Zhao Chaoxian?”

Ning Cheng thought about it. He was tall and not Zhao Chaoxian. The deceased’s toilet window should have been opened with a ladder. Wasn’t he the one he borrowed from the property, but a friend?

Wait, what if this window wasn’t opened by the dead man himself?

Ning Cheng’s heart skipped a beat and immediately called Tang Xin.

“Tang Xin, ask the people in the institute to send me a photo of Fang Hai.”

“Okay, did you find any clues?”

“Perhaps.” Ning Cheng was noncommittal, if it was what he guessed, then they could finish work tonight.

After Mu Xiaoyu heard Ning Cheng’s words, she thought to herself, it is true that Fang Hai is the same as the deceased. Because he is a salesman, he has been wearing a suit and is tall, but how could it be Fang Hai?

After a while, the photo over there was sent, and Ning Cheng took out the photo.

“Look, is it this person?”

The man was dozing off all the time, but he woke up after seeing it, and said, “Yes, yes, it’s this person! What’s the matter, did he do something wrong?”

“That’s not what you should be concerned about, go to sleep!” Ning Cheng smiled when he got a satisfactory answer. .

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