Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 58

Chapter 58 The Splendor Is Complete, And The Conference Room Explodes!

Ning Cheng was named and answered by Bureau Wang, and he probably guessed the reason.

The case of sibutramine started out as a clue that Ning Cheng unearthed against He Qiuman.

Wang Ju knew this, and wanted to ask him about the plan.

In addition, Ning Cheng has been in the limelight recently and has repeatedly solved major cases.

Ning Cheng was really favored by Wang Ju and wanted to test his abilities.

As for the detachment leaders of other city bureaus, they were questioned and uncomfortable.

Ning Cheng doesn’t care!

The case is the most important thing to him, it’s none of his business if others question it or not!

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. If you want these old rivers and lakes to be convinced, you must show the strength of repression!

Ning Cheng never mind showing strength!

Compared with ability, who is afraid of whom?

Strength is everything!

“Regarding the case of sibutramine contraband and this group of criminal gangs, I think the key to breaking the situation is the sales person in charge called Zhao Luowei!”

Ning Cheng stood up and looked at the woman on the screen calmly.

“As long as you get the ledger from her, everything can be solved and the criminal gang will be completely eradicated!”

There were smiles on the corners of the mouths of the old captains of many city bureaus.

Who doesn’t know that getting the ledger from the female criminal leader can be done once and for all?


The female leader Zhao Luowei can sell the contraband ecological chain worth 150 million yuan to the whole country at a young age. How easy is it?

Just now, Wang Ju has said that many methods simply do not work, and now Ning Cheng’s words are equivalent to not saying anything.


Wang Donglai pondered slightly, and patiently said: “What about the specific plan to get the ledger?”

“Now the means on the bright side are not good at all, and according to our investigation, this Zhao Luowei is a very cautious woman, and the means are very powerful!”

“The means on the bright side are not enough, then use the means on the dark side to get the ledger!”

Ning Cheng said the plan directly, saying: “Send someone to approach the female leader Zhao Luowei, and then get the ledger!”

Many old city bureau captains looked at each other and already understood what Ning Cheng meant.

Set up an undercover lurker and get the ledger.

This is a good way!

“You mean the undercover method?”

Wang Ju smiled slightly, shook his head and sighed:

“We placed informants in this criminal gang, but it didn’t work. The female leader, Zhao Luowei, is very vigilant. She hardly trusts anyone. It is difficult for us to gain her trust!”

“Is there any plan?” Wang Donglai continued to ask.

Ning Cheng insisted: “My plan remains the same, because this plan is the most effective under the current situation, and the input cost can be reduced to the lowest level.”

“But we have already sent informants, and nothing has been achieved!”

“If it doesn’t work, then send a more capable police officer to get that ledger!” Ning Cheng whispered.

Wang Donglai was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

“Ning Cheng, are you questioning the quality of the informants we dispatched and can’t get the ledger?”

“Indeed!” After hesitating for a while, Ning Cheng still spoke the truth.

During the meeting, Ning Cheng leader Zhang Chao sighed in his heart.

After all, Ning Cheng is still too young, and he has swelled up after solving many major cases, and he dares to say such a flamboyant speech in front of Wang Qiang.

If Wang Dong said he wanted to let Ning Cheng District take the ledger.

How should Ning Cheng answer?

If you can’t speak, don’t you slap yourself in the face?

“Hahaha, young people are young people. I like them very much. They have a high-spirited vigor and unyielding energy. I am also like this when I am young. I like it very much!”

Wang Donglai was not angry, but felt that the rough jade of Ning Cheng still needed to be polished.

“Ning Cheng, you said that the informant is not good enough. If you are asked to get the account book, can you get it?”

The old captains of other city bureaus were full of joking smiles, thinking that Ning Cheng was still too young!

Ning Cheng’s face was calm and there was no panic.

Since he said that sentence, he had expected the result.

There is no better way to show your abilities than to solve a case.

Only in cases where everyone is helpless can they truly show their abilities.

Now is the perfect opportunity to shut up all those who are dissatisfied!

“Wang Ju wants me to tell the truth or lie?”

“Tell the truth, what do you mean by lying?”

Wang Donglai didn’t see the slightest panic on Ning Cheng’s face, but he felt a little interesting: “You tell a lie first and see!”

“A lie is just like mud. After all, telling the truth will be too publicized!”

“Zhang Yang, what kind of publicity is this? The police force is a place to talk about strength. If you have the strength, no one dares to make irresponsible remarks. The mediocre ones will go down, and the capable ones will come up. This is the criteria for the police force to select talents!”

Wang Donglai looked solemn and said solemnly to Ning Cheng: “I want to hear the truth!”

“I can get the ledger and solve this case!”

Ning Cheng said: “I discovered the case of sibutramine, and I think I should close it!”

A faint voice resounded throughout the conference room!

Many city (cdbc) bureau detachment leaders were shocked!

They didn’t know the details of the case, and they didn’t know that the sibutramine contraband case was a clue that Ning Cheng unearthed in He Qiuman. They were really surprised.

At this time, Ning Cheng dared to say these words in front of Wang Shuang, and everyone saw that Ning Cheng had strong self-confidence!

Maybe Ning Cheng found some crucial clues.

These old foxes no longer dared to underestimate Ning Cheng, and their eyes narrowed.

“Aspirational, very good, I’m asking you again, Ning Cheng, can you really get the ledger and solve this case?”

Wang Donglai reminded Ning Cheng and said, “Ning Cheng, you are very capable, young people have ambition, and it is also a good thing to dare to fight, but you must think about it carefully.”

“I’ll give you another chance to organize the language, and you’ll tell me again, if you’ve just been hot-blooded, I can forgive you!”

“I don’t have blood on my head, I think about it very clearly!”

Ning Cheng also solemnly said: “This case is my discovery of clues, and I have the responsibility and obligation to detect it and avoid more victims!”

“it is good!”

Wang Ju Wang Donglai’s eyes lit up like stars, and he didn’t hide his admiration for Ning Cheng, and applauded.

Immediately in the conference room, many old captains also applauded.

Not just because he agrees to follow the king’s game, but because he appreciates Ning Cheng.

Dare to say such confident words again in front of them and Wang Ju, under such strong pressure.

Not only courage can cover, but also ability!

The police department never shy away from being a genius.

As long as Ning Cheng has enough strength to suppress them, what if they are convinced?

All for the people!

Ning Cheng’s hot pillow and sincerity have now been fully displayed!

When facing the case, when the people were being illegally violated, Ning Cheng did not hesitate or back down!

Instead, he took the initiative to accept the challenge and was not afraid of the danger of the case!

Such young people deserve their applause no matter what!

If Ning Cheng fails to solve the case.

They are at most joking!

After all, young people will fall somersaults, and polishing Ning Cheng is still a good material!

“Very good, I like what you said very much. Since you dare to take up the task in front of me, then I will hand this case to you, Ning Cheng!”

Wang Bureau Wang Donglai watched Ning Cheng and said solemnly word by word.

“Okay, then after I solve the case…”

This time Ning Cheng didn’t say it too directly.

But Bureau Wang and many old fox captains must be aware that Ning Cheng is asking for a reward!

This is also a sly little fox!

Wang Donglai thought it was very interesting, and said with a long smile: “Hahaha, if you can solve this case, I will apply for you first-class merit in person, and your police rank and position will be improved!”

Ning Cheng nodded in response and glanced at Zhao Luowei, the female criminal leader on the screen.

“How long will it take you to solve the case and get that ledger?”

Wang Bureau Wang Donglai said deeply: “According to our information, in two months, this group of criminal gangs will disperse their fronts, which is not conducive to us sweeping them all together!”

“I’ll give you two months, can you solve the case?”

Ning Cheng said calmly: “Three days, just give me three days!”

In the conference room, the pot exploded immediately!

All the captains of the city bureau all looked at Ning Cheng, astonished and shocked expressions appeared one after another.

They just cracked!

Ning Cheng is crazy! ? .

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