Wrecking Fantasy with Technology

Volume-2: Chapter-42: …The Fields Red!

Outside the Country of Eruchea:-

“...the fields red!”, Harry said to himself.

But before that, going back in time just a tad bit, the scene of the vandalised carriage arriving at the army camp comes into view.

The vehicle looked almost the same as before, sort of.

It was the same Black carriage with golden highlights from all directions…

Except for the front…

Because the front (the part right behind the driver) had the scene of Wang Tian using Harry’s hand to punch himself plastered over it. And that too is a very high-resolution version of it!

{Harry: “Being a modern guy, I consider nothing but 1080p as good! ...Unless the internet is bad… But even then it has to be 720p at worst!”

Author: Yeah, don’t mind him… I’ll be mind wiping him for this bit of something of a fourth-wall break…}

And as for the star of the show himself, he was lying inside the said carriage, groaning with pain…

Though Wang Tian could be best described as a ball or a meatball, that did not mean that all that fat could completely negate the damage from injuries.

One could think of him as a little more mobile version of all those humans from WALL-E…

But the only real thing that his excess fat, coupled with his lazy lifestyle had done, was to make him more susceptible to pain.

Since recent experience with actual pain was very little, his body had basically forgotten what actual pain feels like.

And, hence, even the minor injuries and scrapes he received, which any normal person could walk off, hurt about five to ten times more for him…

As usual, the bumpy carriage ride only poured gasoline to the fire and made his injured body hurt even more.

After a few minutes, the carriage finally reached its destination.

But even after getting injured, Wang Tian’s job was still not done.

‘Forget about it being done, that shameless creature of a king made it worse!’, Wang Tian thought to himself as he dragged himself out of the carriage.

There was no way that he could stop Qin Tao from looking at that painting of his.

But he could try his best to direct his attention towards the siege of that “Erukie” country or whatever it was called.

And once the battle started, no one would pay much attention to that embarrassing painting!

Everyone would be too busy worrying about their lives and about killing the enemy to care!

‘But now that I look at it, this painting is like god level!

If not for the fact that it shows me in such a shameful act, I just might have it framed and hung in my bedroom!

It’s almost a pity that I’ll have to destroy it…’, thought Wang Tian as he finally admired the “art” made by Harry.

He quickly instructed his knights to destroy the front of his carriage.

He realised that he should have done it earlier, but he was in too much pain to think about that before the current moment.

Just as his knights started slashing at the carriage to disfigure the front with cuts to try and hide the embarrassing scene of their king, Wang Tian noticed Qin Tao approaching him from within the army.

It seemed that the guy was strategising in their tent or something, near the back of the huge army and had run all the way here when he heard the news of Wang Tian returning with injuries.

And on seeing this, Wang Tian, who wasn’t that injured, started acting once more, making his injuries seem worse than they actually were.

No one pointed that out. The ones watching were Wang Tian’s men. How could they do such stupidity? Pointing out royalty’s lies was a death sentence regardless of whether the person belonged to the same kingdom or a different one.

If one did such a thing, either they would be executed publicly with some charge put on them (like insulting the royalty or even something fake) or they would be assassinated secretly if it couldn’t be done openly.

“Tao Tao! Look at all the things that that horrible king did to me!”, cried out Wang Tian.

Over the time he stayed with his Qin Tao, Wang Tian had gotten so good that he had developed some control over his tear glands!

If not for this stupid brain and personality, Harry might have even hired him as an actor.

One has to know that usually, actors either completely fake it (without tears) or use some eye irritants (like glycerine) or sad memories to force tears to come out during emotional scenes.

But this guy was one of the natural actors.

He needed no stimulus to cry.

He could do it whenever and wherever he wanted to! (As long as there was water in his tear glands...)

Seeing his friend’s state, Qin Tao ignored his surroundings and rushed towards him.

He completely ignored the knights who were busy destroying the carriage’s front at triple their initial speed.

“How dare that man! How dare he hurt my friend!?”, Qin Tao thundered in anger.

To him, Wang Tian was his best friend. And he could not see his friend injured and in tears.

Noticing that his knights were nearly done, Wang Tian started explaining his story to Qin Tao, albeit exaggerated as usual.

In the meantime, another knight had come with bandages and herbal medicine to provide some first-aid medical treatment.

“... And look over there! He even tried to make his knights destroy my carriage!”, said Wang Tian while pointing towards his carriage, which looked like a mess.

While he was talking to Qin Tao, Wang Tian had signalled other knights to join it and make the carriage look even worse.

And the one that had joined in, ended up making the entire thing look like it had been used as a target for sword practice. (Which was technically true...)

But they did ensure that only the exterior was damaged and that it could still function normally.

And seconds before Wang Tian had pointed towards the carriage, they sheathed their swords and pretended to be angry while inspecting the damage that had been done to it.

Seeing the horrendous state of the once beautiful coach, Qin Tao was furious.

Not only did that king injure his friend, but he also damaged the property of the Showa kingdom by mutilating the carriage.

“Tian, you go and take rest back at camp.

I’ll go and deal with that guy!

No need to make your condition any worse.”, said Qin Tao out of goodwill.

Like any good human being would, especially after seeing the level of damage being portrayed.

“No, no! I’m feeling much better now!

Plus, it’s just a little further, right?

I have travelled for months with you. How can I not go along at the final moment?”, said Wang Tian.

The thing was that he was jealous.

Jealous of Harry’s army’s strength.

He wanted to see the army in action and maybe try to save one or two good enemy knights who could help him train his army in the future.

How in the world he would do that, even he didn’t know.

But currently, he was too blinded by his greed for power to care!

He had the entire: «Step-1: Go watch the fight.

Step-2: Find strong knights.


Last step: Profit!»

ーType of plan in his head. Just go, look around and somehow or the other end up with an ultra-powerful army.

“Are you sure about this?”, asked Qin Tao on seeing his friend’s energy and willingness to go to the battle.

“I mean, your carriage looks like it’s in shambles.”

“Oh, don’t you worry!

I did travel here in this carriage only, right?

It can last the battle just fine!

And as for the really strong enemy knights, I really doubt that they would be able to deal with so many knights at once!”

Wang Tian was confident that even if they seemed to be losing the battle he could always flee by sacrificing some part of his army.

And since Qin Tao would already be dead by then, he could go rule Showa instead.

This expedition had always been a win-win situation for him since he was guaranteed to get at least one kingdom by the end of it.

After hearing all of this, Qin Tao decided to not waste any longer in arguments and asked Wang Tian to enter the carriage.

And after a few minutes, when the rest of the army was also assembled, the entire group proceeded forward.

So, now the story comes back to the present. With the army standing in front of the walls of Eruchea and soldiers with all sorts of projectiles and explosives standing on top of the walls of Eruchea.

‘I just hope that I don’t end up looking like some insane psychopath...’, Harry thought to himself.

The thing was that he was very, very excited about this war.

This was going to be the first-ever actual use of all the weapons that they had been building and storing for so long.

And Harry just wanted to see his enemies get blown to bits.

It was kind of annoying that he couldn’t kill everyone in front. But since Wang Tian’s army was extremely big compared to Qin Tao, Harry figured that it compensated for it.

Harry could only smile as he looked at the highly confused and arrogant faces of the soldiers down below.

The ones who disregarded the dealings that happened near the walls would be the ones with the most arrogance dripping on their faces.

For them, there was no way that they could lose.

But thankfully for Harry, Qin Tao’s soldiers made the first line while Wang Tian’s were all standing behind them, with the man himself sitting in that broken carriage right in the middle of the army.

Now, all that was left was the order to open fire at the enemy.

“Men, fat is a great source of fuel.

And fire is something that is quite helpful during winters.

Even though it isn’t the winters right now, it is still spring and somewhat cold.

Coincidentally, we have quite the stock of fuel and fat that has been delivered to us personally by the king of the Showa kingdom!

So, let’s light a fire to warm up our dearest guests, shall we?

All soldiers, OPEN FIRE!!”

Meanwhile, down the wall, some people were feeling way too overly confident.

And by “some people” it is naturally implied that it was only Wang Tian.

Sure, there were other too who were confident. But everyone else wasn’t as blindly confident as him.

Everyone else kept the fact that they were going to fight a battle clear in their minds.

And the fact that some of the soldiers had already faced defeat at the hands of their enemies was also there.

Hence, even though they were confident of their own abilities, they didn’t let it get to their heads.

The outcome of a battle was never clear until the battle was truly over.

But everyone was confused by a few things.

Why was everyone on the walls?

And, what were all those metal tube things?

To the soldiers, the cannons looked like those oil pouring cauldrons that many kingdoms used for defence during a siege.

It made somewhat sense even though all of them seemed to be pointed towards them instead of upwards and also didn’t have oil.

But what really was confusing were those thin and long metal rod things that some of the people were holding.

No one had any clue as to what those were.

However, dearest little Wang Tian was not paying attention to any of this.

He just saw people on the walls instead of at the gates.

And just from this much, he concluded that they were too scared to even come down and face them.

‘After all, all battles are fought on land. 

Sure, there are archers. But I don’t see any up there.

Do they think that they can defeat this mighty army with what the heck ever they have now?

They neither have swords nor bows! And they look very scrawny from here, unlike all my knights!

These fools don’t stand a chance!


Wang Tian was getting happy while thinking such thoughts to himself.

It was true that the Eruchean soldiers did not look like bodybuilders like Wang Tian’s knights.

But not having really large muscles did not mean that a person was weak.

Usually, special forces on Earth don’t have ginormous muscles like pro-wrestlers. But they tend to be very, very much stronger than them.

Military men focus more on functionality while bodybuilders focus mainly on looks.

So, while bodybuilders may look really buff, military men tend to have a better physique that can be used better during actual combat.

So, while Wang Tian’s knights were strong, they focused more on their looks and ended up with bigger muscles.

Their muscles were somewhat suited for combat too. But that little amount was nothing compared to the Erucheans, who were trained using modern army methods (improved by the system) purely for combat.

In terms of combat strength amongst mortals, they were second to almost no one. And barely anyone even came close to their strength. (Save for maybe a handful of those ultra prodigies, who were the “get strong while sleeping” types.)

Just as Wang Tian was inflating his ego to be like himself (as in, as large and spherical as him), Harry just gave the order to pop that overly inflated balloon of an ego.

Just this time, the sound came somewhat before the balloon popped.

And the sound came like a miniature thunderclap.




Wang Tian was jolted back to reality by the sound of the cannons firing.

And before he could even look out of the carriage window, he was shaken up by another set of noises. Namely, that of the cannonballs crashing into the army.

These were naturally followed by the loud screams of dying soldiers.


What the f*** is this!!??”, cried out Wang Tian as he looked at the hellscape outside.

Now, Satan might argue that his torture areas don’t look so mild, but Wang Tian hadn’t really seen the underworld to know any better.

In his defence, his immediate surroundings were full of fire, holes, dust and half-burnt gory human remains…

Most people would refer to such scenery as “Hell”.

Looking in front, he saw that soldiers were dead, dying, collapsed or running like headless chickens.

Not even he could think of anything better.

He felt like running away himself.

Who wanted to stay in this place?

It looked like that other king had gotten his hands on some mythical weapons and was using them on him.

He was just thanking God that he had survived the attack.

{A/N: Sorry bud, but this God right here likes his enemies dead… And unfortunately, you fall in the said category of “enemies’’…}


Come and get me out of here!”, screamed Wang Tian when he saw that one of his knights was standing nearby without any major injuries.

“Come here or I will have your head!!”

However, just as the knight grabbed hold of the carriage door, there was a flash in the air and he died with a small hole in his head.

Wang Tian saw several others who seemed to have died in the same way.

In the meantime, several more thunderclaps were heard followed by more crashes and even more screams.

All this caused the carriage to shake violently, not allowing Wang Tian to move.

This made him get into the terrible misunderstanding that he was truly blessed by the heavens, when the true God (namely Moi, L’auteur. Hehehe), was just waiting for the right moment to kill him off.

The moment he saw that there was a small gap in the thunderclaps, Wang Tian quickly steadied himself and jumped out of the carriage.

It was already damaged enough that the wall gave away easily under his weight and he fell on the ground nearby.

Looking around, he got a better view of his surroundings.

It looked like even his so-called “dear friend”, Qin Tao had decided to abandon him.

That selfish snake!

Ah, yes! The classic case of “Pot calling the kettle black”...

Wang Tian almost got lost in his train of thoughts when yet another single boom was heard.

And this one, unfortunately for him, landed very close to his carriage, making both him and his coach go flying.

He landed and was sprayed by bits of flaming wood from the wreckage of his carriage that crashed nearby.

Thankfully, he was so fat that his muscles had acted as the perfect cushion and protected him from any major injuries.

His body’s fat content was second only to that one Monty Python character! (And not by much actually…)

This resulted in him getting comparatively shallow (with respect to his body size, that it) cuts and bruises all over his body.

But he did end up with ringing ears since he was pretty close to the explosion that had sent him flying.

Also, his clothes looked like he had hugged a live grenade. Blackened, steaming and shredded. (The only miracle that did happen was that his nether regions were properly covered by the remaining clothes.)

By this time, Qin Tao’s army had completely cleared the scene and run away, while Wang Tian’s army was transformed into a large but macabre abstract art piece.

But Qin Tao didn’t have to wait too long for anything else to happen.

For after a short while, he noticed several silhouettes approaching him.

He couldn’t hear anything being said but he could see Harry and his men were here to capture him.

And from Harry’s big smile, it was obvious that Wang Tian had lost miserably.

Then, he blacked out.

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