Wrecking Fantasy with Technology

Volume-2: Chapter-32: Writing books

Country of Eruchea:-

A few days passed since the opening of the houses.

Everyone had now moved into their new homes.

And Harry was happy on seeing them settled.

But his happiness came from two reasons.

The first was of course that the poorest section of the society got proper houses.

But the second was that them getting the houses meant that Harry too would get rewards.

With them having settled down, the system finally marked the sub-mission as completed and the rewards were now ready for Harry to take.

[Congratulations host!

You have succeeded in the task, though not perfectly.

But it’s still enough to make the cut.

And hence, this system shall be presenting you with the following rewards:

  • 5000 SP
  • Chance to claim one reward from main missions before completion of the mission
  • Knowledge of the production of various basic military weapons such as grenades, automatic rifles, etc.
  • Knowledge of making tasers and other police equipment
  • Knowledge of creation and maintenance of prisons

The host can choose one reward from the main mission too.

But the system advises the host to pick carefully.

The host’s country has barely had any major development. So, if the host gives in to greed and picks some really advanced piece of technology, it will be a waste of the reward.]

Harry excitedly looked at the rewards.

The system was right, there has been barely any real development in the country.

All that Harry did was make some machines, teach a few new things and make a few houses.

And honestly, this was making the country go into a chaotic future.

‘If this continues, the level of development of one sector might be stuck in the medieval era while some other sector is preparing to colonise the galaxy!’

Harry couldn’t help but get worried.

‘Unlike all the protagonists of all those novels, the gods in charge of my life are so inexperienced at this stuff!

I guess I’ll have to take some things into my own hands!’

Harry thought as he looked at the set of rewards for the main mission.

There seemed to be only one thing that Harry could choose.

Everything except for the work-related knowledge would require a lot of prior development that just wasn’t possible.

“System, I would like to choose the Advanced knowledge of various fields of work and education as a reward…”


Sending request…

Arranging data…

The system advises the host to steel up since the next step will hurt a lot.

Uploading information to the host’s brain…]

Harry gritted his teeth and prepared for a boat-load of pain.

And when the pain came, it felt like someone was trying to fit 50 deluxe cruise liners into his head!

The amount of information being pumped into Harry’s head was not meant for the human brain to handle.

Thankfully, Harry had decided to do this late at night when Jeanette was already in a deep sleep.

So, all Harry had to do was hit himself in the head hard enough that he’ll get unconscious.

The system could finish the upload and the repairs on its own.

Harry wanted no part of that excruciating pain for himself.

And so, Harry jumped onto his bed and punched his own lights out before the pain got any more unbearable.

The next morning, Harry woke up completely refreshed.

Not a hint of the pain from the last night could be seen anywhere.

And since he seemed to have woken up a bit late, Jeanette had already left the room.

[The system wishes the host a very good morning.

And also advises that the host consults with the system before finalising such choices.]


Good morning to you as well…?”

Harry seemed a little confused by the system’s declaration.

It seemed that the last was quite messy.

“So, what exactly happened last night for you to say something like this?”

[What happened was that the host nearly died!

This amount of knowledge wasn’t meant to be given at this stage.

However, since the host had made the choice, the system had to perform several surgeries to heal the internal bleedings caused in the brain by the information overload.]


The gods were insane to have such a reward available.

But now, Harry felt like his brain had exponentially improved capabilities.

This much was to be expected if one were to somehow survive downloading something like a big chunk of Wikipedia into their head.

The amount of knowledge in Harry’s brain exceeded what a normal human could take in and process.

But after going through such a dangerous route to acquire so much information, it would be an utter waste to let it rot.

Harry quickly got up and ran to his butler to order a large stack of paper.

Stephen was confused by this request so early in the morning but decided not to question it.

Then only did Harry go for breakfast.

“What do you guys think about setting up schools?”

He started sharing his plans at the table.

“Schools?”, inquire Jeanette.

She seemed somewhat confused by this announcement early in the morning.

“Yeah, I was thinking about how the large majority of the citizens here aren’t educated even though the country is so big.

So, I am thinking of setting up schools for everyone…”

“Uh, okay…

But why so suddenly?

Like, we’re just having breakfast, you know?”

“Oh, um, I actually thought up of this idea last night only.

But it would have been weirder if I barged into your rooms

That’s why I decided to share it in the morning.”

Advanced excuse generator to the rescue!

Harry almost ended up making a mess by not being able to control himself.

“Oh, is that so…?

Sounds like a good idea…”

Jeanette seemed to be convinced by his excuse.

Qing and Shin seemed a little less convinced but they didn’t press Harry any further and continued to eat their meal.

Once everyone got up from the table, Harry’s butler approached him.

“Milord, I have prepared about 1000 sheets of paper as per your request. I hope that it will be enough for your request…”

‘Woah! This guy is fast!

How the heck did he get a thousand sheets when it’s barely 9 in the morning!?’

“…Um, good, good…

Have them kept in my office…

I’ll be working on some new and important tasks today.

Just ensure that no one disturbs once I start working, okay?”

“As you wish, your majesty…”

With this, the butler took his leave.

Harry also rushed to his office.

He had his regular morning exercise routine with the soldiers but he decided to sit that out today.

So, while Harry went to his office, the other three proceeded towards the barracks for their routine exercises along with all the servants around the palace.

It was obvious enough that Harry could take care of himself and he had allowed the servants to leave him alone in the palace if he wasn’t accompanying them for the morning exercise.

And so, Harry arrived in his office and picked up some of the blank pages on his desk.

“‘Tis the time to burn some quills!”, Harry laughed to himself.

[Worry not host, for the system is here to help!]


[The host need not burn through any of the quills.

The system will be giving the host a special pen made of aerospace-grade titanium to write.

The system estimates that its durability should last until the host can finish making books using all the knowledge that the host recently acquired.]

“Aerospace-grade titanium!?

Isn’t that the stuff that supersonic jets are made of!?”

[Yes, and that is the only reasonably priced material that can withstand the host’s preferred writing speeds.

However, the host is not allowed to use it for anything except for writing these books and it cannot be shown to others.]


Well, good enough…

Beggars can’t be choosers I guess…”

And so, Harry began writing with his new pen.

Since he had ordered the pages from Stephen, he couldn’t fake already having written books.

That’s why he decided against using up his time in the subspace of the system and started writing in his room.

And since his speeds easily started reaching breakneck levels, the system decided to apply a force field in his surroundings to contain the damage from the uninterrupted sonic booms his hands made.

Because he was writing in his office, Harry also decided to go slow about the amount of information he put in the books.

He made books on basic subjects like mathematics, general sciences (combined study of basic physics, chemistry and biology), social sciences and some of the languages spoken in the world.

There were three languages that he had encountered so far- Chinese, English and Japanese.

Chinese was the one spoken mostly by the people from Wangxiu and Japanese was mostly spoken by the ones from Malonia.

And English was the language that was used by the people in the Wastelands.

Harry had no idea how these languages came to be, but he didn’t care too much.

If this world was going to be so convenient for him, who was he to complain?

The schooling system Harry had planned involved all students learning maths, science, social sciences and English.

This much was the bare minimum requirement to live in Eruchea.

Other than that, the students could study the languages of their respective regions as a second language.

And once they advanced enough classes, maybe like reached the sixth grade, they could pick the remaining language as their third language.

Writing all this took about three hours.

He even had to pull out a few pages from his personal stock to finish writing the last couple of pages of the English book.

These books contained a crash-course-like format for the initial batches of students.

Harry needed more people out in the field right now, not stuck in schools.

The way these books were designed, the entire course of a few years of normal schooling could be finished in as little as 6 months.

Once people were done with this, they should probably be ready for taking on various jobs that would be coming up, like jobs in all the utility plants or ones in the EUPAC.

The knowledge they received through these books would be perfect though and they would need to do a lot of hands-on learning during their jobs only.

But it would do for now.

Next on Harry’s list was the school building designs.

He planned on starting small.

He would open one or two schools for now to gather an initial amount of educated people.

The entire project would start as an experiment that will allow for people who wish to be teachers to study.

These people can then go on to teach others and expand the reach of the education system.

Harry’s design for the school buildings included a few classrooms set up like those in colleges to take on a large number of students at once.

So, each teacher could teach about 100-150 students at once.

A large number on Etheldor, but when compared to Earth’s classrooms that could take up 300-400 students at once, this seemed to be a somewhat small amount.

He would also need to hire some cooks for the cafeterias of the schools.

As for the initial teachers, Harry planned on taking classes himself along with Shin.

Shin already possessed most of this knowledge and wouldn’t take too long to learn the rest.

And after about six months or so, they should have many more new recruits for teaching newer batches.

As for others like Qing and Jeanette, Harry decided to leave them out of the teacher thing.

Qing was still only about 17 and Jeanette was a normal person unlike the other three.

Harry didn’t want to put any excess pressure on the two of them.

Now, after about half an hour more of work, the schematics for the school building were ready.

And just like other things, this too would be modified in the future, when the overall quality of living improved and the number of students enrolled increased.

Next on Harry’s list was visiting the masonry guild to get those guys up to speed with his plans.

And apart from this, Harry had also plans for building factories to produce several of the chemical products and other goods.

But he figured that the discussions and planning for those could wait for a little while longer.

People already had jobs and the current production rates were pretty good.

It wasn’t like any of the labour-intensive products like the steam engine were being exported currently.

Those were too precious for Eruchea’s development at the current stage.

They would be exported, but only when that technology became pretty obsolete for the country.

There was no way that Harry would allow other countries with their greedy rulers to use such technologies against Eruchea.

Even these books would only be used for the Eruchean citizens until the level of education doesn’t rise much higher than that level.

People might criticise Harry if they knew about this, but even then, he would still not allow for it.

But then again, there was no way that he’d let even other mortal nations know about Eruchea’s development until he had proper rocket launchers and other modern weapons of mass destruction for protection.

Anyone suspicious who ended up finding out would be silenced off by Harry, either by physical harm or with the help of the system.

Harry looked at his schedule and decided to put his appointments with the masonry guild for after lunch.

He also needed to put up notices and have announcements made across the country to gather his first batch of students.

But this all could wait.

It was nearly time for lunch and Harry had been cooped up in his office since morning.

So, he quickly wrapped up his work and made his way towards the dining hall.

He’ll probably get some amount of scoldings from the others but that couldn’t be helped until he managed to get this country to develop a whole lot more than its current state.

Until then, Harry, who hated to work back on Earth, would have to suck it up and work his a*s off.

‘This will be my life for at least the entire year…

I feel like dying already…’

Harry could only shed a tear in his heart as he prepared for his life at the black corporation called the government of Eruchea.

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