World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Big Announcement!

Hey guys, Big Announcement for all of you here. I've decided to take a two week long break from writing. If I have to tell the truth, I've felt a little burnt out and my passion for my writing has gone way down the hill. Not to mention that doubled shifts I've gotten from my boss, which on the one hand means more money, but on the other means less time for myself... And by consequence also less time to write... I also have been feeling a little lost on where to go with the story, Van was supposed to go to the dark woods and defeat the big bad evil in the center of the old Nilfan capital, but taking a few prompts from some of my online writing lessons, I decided to shake things up a little. those who don't read my patreon may not know what I'm talking about, sorry about that.

I also have decided to scrap my world of Solisia book and began anew, if that is something that my readers want. For those on royal road and scribblehub i'll post a few chapters down below.

I'm also working on another book, which I will also post down below.

I have three or four ideas. one is to continue with the revision of world of solisia. the second is a story about a sci-fi world that suddenly has magic. a third is in a alternate world similar to our own but with spiritualism. and the fourth is a water world with cultivation and ship girls. if you guys have any suggestions, please comment down below. in two weeks time i'll make a post about my decision on where I want to go from here on out.

please understand. I've been writing this story for over two years, and while it isn't much, the money I earn from you kind people has actually helped me immensely. so I wouldn't be doing this unless I feel like I have to make a change for the better of not only myself, but as a writer on a whole. if I want to improve, I have to change things up and start from scratch, otherwise i'll continue doing the same type of writing over and over again because that's what's displayed right in front of me.

this isn't to say there will be a sudden improvement, as i'll have to figure out how to digest everything and all the online writing lessons i've been taking. But hopefully at the end of it all we will all be enjoying a lot more stories with far better quality.

Thank you very much for all you have done for me. I will never forget all your help and all your helpful comments. They mean the world to me. =)

Down below is my world of solisia series, tell me what you think.

World of Solisia: Layered Skylands of the Alvarru - Frost Layer - Chapter 1 The Fall


Chapter 2 The Wreckage


Chapter 3 Ugly Spider and Rescue


Chapter 4(imcomplete)


This is a continuation of world of Solisia info dump.


Down below is my Idea of a space fantasy world.

Sci-fi Fantasy World Novel (name pending)(subject to change)


I also plan to try and make a water world or a world like our own but different with ghosts and crap. tell me what you thought about all this down below.

if you like my work please make sure to rate and follow. it really helps. also, if you want to read ahead, please visit my Patreon. links below. there are two free chapters on my Patreon as well. I post on Saturdays and Wednesdays.

if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.

any suggestions? post them down below.

Special thanks to my Patreon members

- CrusaderOfShadows - Eduardo Garcia -  Timothy Seaboch - Ryuu - Soul232 - JToking - KramZe - Soul232 - NeverNaught -

for all your support! =)

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