Working Out Issues

11. Morning, Beautiful

"This is so hot," I murmured.

It was the first thing that came to mind when I woke up, flushed, sweaty and with a bad hangover. My blankets felt super heavy and way warmer than usual, and it wasn't until I tried to wiggle out from under them that I figured out why.

They weren't my blankets. I was snuggled up under Adam's blankets.

Not only that, I was on Adam's bed.

Not only that, I was being spooned by Adam himself. He had one arm wrapped protectively around my waist, and his gentle breathing on the back of my neck was sending shivers down my spine.

Not only that, I was pretty sure I could feel the telltale hardness of Adam's morning wood pressed up against my butt.

Not only that...

Actually yeah that was pretty much it.

I felt even more flushed and it wasn't just from the warmth of Adam's body. My memory of last night was hazy but I was pretty sure I might have crossed a line. I remembered getting into an argument, and then trying to cheer Adam up by wearing some of the clothes he bought by mistake, and then...

Oh my god, I had definitely crossed a line. I jerked him off! I mean, it wasn't really jerking him off, it was just, like, we were comforting each other, and then he accidentally got hard, so he probably would have just jerked off anyway, so I was basically just helping him out. That was fine! And anyway it was basically a joke!

I forced myself to calm down. Last night was fine. It didn't mean anything And... it wouldn't happen again. Adam probably wouldn't even want it to happen again. And neither would I obviously.

I carefully eased my way out from the covers, and from under Adam's arm, and started to climb out of bed. Adam stirred behind me.

"Hey..." he mumbled. I turned back. He looked a little groggy, but when he saw me he smiled. His eyes were still half closed. "Morning, beautiful," he said.

I laughed nervously, "Hey man. Um. Thanks for letting me crash in your bed last night. I'm, um, just gonna go start breakfast. You can go back to sleep."

Adam grinned. "Okay," he said, but he kept his eyes on me as I scampered out the door.

While I was cooking, I had some time to properly think through what had happened. Last night, I had been swept up in some weird combination of guilt, and drunkenness, and loneliness, and whatever had happened was just the two of us getting caught up in the heat of the moment. I'm sure it had happened to Adam hundreds of times (although probably never before with a guy) and that's why he was so normal when he woke up. Well, if he could be mature about, then so could I.

We just wouldn't mention it.

"Last night was amazing," Adam said from the doorway.

I jumped and splashed myself with a drop of hot oil from the frying pan I was holding.

"Ow! Fuck!"

In a flash, Adam was at my side. He took the frying pan from my hand and moved it away, then cradled my burnt arm carefully in his strong hands.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, dude, I'm fine," I said, "It was literally, like, the tiniest splash. You just startled me." I shook free of Adam's grasp and wiped my arm clean.

"Sorry," Adam winced, "I just... I was just lying in bed, and... I was wondering what you were up to."

I picked up the frying pan and went back to stirring through it, "Just scrambled eggs. Pretty basic, but it's high in protein and, y'know. Is that alright?"

Adam leaned against the counter and smiled, "It's perfect. You're perfect."

I snickered, "Coming from you. Speaking of which, do you have to get to the gym soon?"

Adam was already dressed in his workout gear. He nodded ruefully.

"Yeah, I've got a client," he said, "I'm really sorry, but I think I'll just have a protein bar on the way, and then have breakfast when I get back? I don't want to miss out on your cooking."

I shrugged, "That's fine, I was just cooking so that --" (we wouldn't have to talk about me jacking you off last night) "-- we would have food when we need it."

"Perfect," Adam said again.  For a few seconds he just stared at me with a dumb smile on his face. I blushed and tried to focus completely on the cooking, which was hard, because stirring some eggs and shit around in a pan is not exactly rocket surgery. I felt weird. I had honestly thought that Adam was going to be awkward and avoid me this morning, but he actually seemed to be in a really good mood.

I guess... he must have needed to bust a nut way more than I realised.

"Hey, is everything okay, bro?" I asked.

Adam shook himself out of his reverie, "Yeah! Yeah, totally. Sorry man. I'm just... ha, sorry. I don't know how to say this without coming off, like, clingy or anything, I just..." He took a deep breath, "I'm really glad I met you."

I looked up from the stove. Adam had his muscular arms crossed across his chest, and I think he was actually blushing a little.

"They're just eggs, dude," I said.

Adam laughed. I turned back to the stove. Okay, something was definitely up with him today. Maybe just overcompensating to make sure I knew that our friendship wasn't ruined because of last night.

"Hey Mel," Adam said abruptly, "Do you think you're gonna wear any more of those clothes I got you? Or are you gonna return them all?"

"Why?" I asked. I hadn't changed since I woke up, so I was still just wearing panties and an old CS T-shirt, "Do you need the money?"

"No, it's just... what you were wearing last night really suited you," Adam said.

I laughed. Awesome, women's clothes really suited me. I should have been insulted but to be honest, I kind of agreed. I mean, I already knew I looked good in sports bras and leggings, and as strange as it was something about wearing that nightie just made me feel really comfortable. And not just because it was super comfortable!

"Well, thanks I guess," I said, "I guess I'm in kind of an in-between stage from how I used to look, and, like, my ideal body. And for some reason this in-between stage seems to fill out girl clothes pretty well."

Adam shrugged, "I guess. I just think you look great."

"You too," I offered lamely.

It seemed like that was as close as we were going to get to discussing last night, which was fine by me. If the big take away was that I should wear more of the accidentally-purchased women's clothing... I was actually pretty okay with that.

Adam stepped away from the counter and nuzzled in behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and sighing contentedly. I stiffened up and focused on stirring the eggs. Fuck, these were gonna be some well-mixed eggs.

"I'm really looking forward to Friday night," he said, "It's been ages since I've gone out with someone I really care about."

I sighed. Clearly he was still bummed about when I made him miss his friends bar opening. I was used to spending months cooped up in the apartment alone, but for Adam a couple of weeks without going out on a Friday with the boys really must be ages. And that's not even thinking about how long it's been since he's gone out on a date with someone. Imagine how excited he'd be if he knew he was going to break that particular dry spell on Friday night.

Adam was still cuddled me from behind so he couldn't see me smirk when I said, "Friday's gonna be amazing. Now you better run off to work, big guy."

"You got it, beautiful princess," he said, then leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I squealed and shoved him away, laughing.

"I'm really looking forward to breakfast!" he called out as he headed to the door, "And to seeing whatever you get changed into!"

"Go to work, you dork!" I yelled back.

I heard Adam laughing as the door closed behind him. I couldn't stop myself from smiling. Weirdly enough, that kiss had actually assuaged my nerves. If he was still fine with doing that after last night, obviously we were on the same page about it meaning nothing. Thank god!

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