Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 8

Chapter 7

It was such a coincidence that Jiang Cheng remembered that the house that Old Xu entered just now was the village head’s house that the old woman said. Feeling concerned, he went over to the old woman and asked her to allow them some time. He told the old woman the reason again. At this moment, the village chief was reuniting with Father Xu, so he didn’t want to disturb him.

“That’s exactly the reason.” The old woman was also relieved when he heard that he had escaped with the relatives of the village chief.

“Let’s go, I’ll show you the house first.” She said with the bamboo basket in her hand.

She walked ahead, Jiang Cheng and others quickly followed.

There is a yard at the head of the village, surrounded by mountains and rivers, the yard is very large, there are four main rooms, three side rooms, a stove, a cellar, etc., and even some furniture.

The house is not new, but it is much better than the house the Jiang family lived in before. It is spacious and strong.

“This is where we used to live. Isn’t this a new house?” Speaking of the new house, the old woman’s face was full of joy.

Jiang Cheng saw her new house just now, it has five main rooms and two courtyards, it is really magnificent. He was envious in his heart, and whenever he could have a house like this, he would be satisfied.

There will be, when he enters the mine, everything will be there, he is full of expectations for the future.

The two negotiated the price, one tael a year, and the contract will be signed when Jiang Cheng finds the village head tomorrow and reports to the county.

The Jiang family can live here first tonight.

The old woman is a local, and she is not afraid of being cheated by outsiders like the Jiang family.

Jiang Cheng thanked Mrs. Chen for their kindness, and said that they met a good man, and such a good house only cost one or two taels of silver a year.

They were polite and courteous, and the old woman was also happy. Anyway, she had lived in the house for more than ten years, and she also had feelings. She was relieved to rent it to such a family. Otherwise, she would rather not have that little money than let others defile her house.

“Okay, you’re tired too, pack up and get some rest!” The old woman smiled and left.

After closing the door, Mrs. Chen looked at the bright house, then at Jiang Cheng and the others, her eyes were red again, finally, they had a place to live again.

Jiang Cheng was also heartbroken, and he held her hand and said, “It will get better.”

Chen nodded fiercely. She said this before to comfort herself, but now, she believes, yes, it will get better!

The family began to tidy up the house.

The house is well maintained, as long as it is cleaned, it can live in.

Jiang Yunzhu was busy tidying up her room, and finally, she went to bed again! She didn’t expect that Father Xu’s journey to seek relatives would be so smooth, and they would also be honored.

Jiang Wuze ran back and forth excitedly, looking here and there for a while, and asked Chen and the others with a small face from time to time, “Mother, can we really live here in the future?”

“Of course.” Chen and the others would answer him tirelessly, and the huge courtyard became lively again.

In the evening, someone knocked on the door again. It turned out that the old woman brought over a pot of hot soup and a few pancakes mixed with white flour, thinking that the Jiang family must have nothing to eat when they first arrived here.

“How can this be done, we can’t ask for it.” Chen said hurriedly. Pancakes mixed with white flour are only eaten on special occasions.

The old woman didn’t care, the people in Wuling County were rich, and this pancake was just their daily food.

Leaving pancakes, she left.

This night, the Jiang family drank hot soup and ate hot pancakes, and felt warm in their hearts.

Occasionally, a thought flashed in Jiang Cheng’s mind. They fled famine this time, they had six taels of silver in their hands, and they met Father Xu and the two of them so they got here so smoothly. Road… He really didn’t dare to imagine how hard it would be.

Fortunately, fortunately!

After a sweet night, the next morning, Jiang Cheng got up, washed himself up, and went to find the village chief, Gu Yongde.

Gu Yongde didn’t know him, but Mr. Xu knew him well. He immediately asked Jiang Cheng to help him drive away the thieves, and then the two families supported each other. Then he told Gu Yongde about the safe arrival in Changshi Village, and his words were all correct. Jiang Cheng’s words of praise.

“So that’s the case, then this matter is easy to handle.” Gu Yongde believed that Father Xu, Wuling County is currently short of people, as long as he talks about this matter, it will be possible.

“Thank you, thank you.” Jiang Cheng thanked Gu Yongde, and thanked Father Xu.

“Hey, thank you between our two families.” Father Xu’s words seemed to have deep meaning.

In fact, Jiang Cheng also likes Xu Qingshan very much. Xu’s family has a simple population. If Jiang Yunzhu marries, he should not be offended. But this matter has to be discussed with Jiang Yunzhu, and now is not a good time to talk about it, so he just pretends not to understand.

Gu Yongde did what he said, just right, if Father Xu and Xu Qingshan wanted to stay here for a long time, they would have to go through this.

The three of them went to the county government office together.

In less than two hours, Jiang Cheng returned, his face full of joy.

“Is it done?” Mrs. Chen was standing at the door waiting.

Jiang Cheng showed her the household registration certificate in his hand, “I owe the village chief and the Xu family a big favor again.”

To be able to do it so smoothly, the package of tea leaves that Gu Yongde stuffed into the county yamen’s book played a big role.

There is no one who asks others to do something and asks them to pay for it. Even if the money is not all for him, Jiang Cheng feels that he owes others too much, and decides in his heart that if he has money in the future, he must repay it double.

Mrs. Chen took the certificate, looked at it happily, and then put it away properly. At this point, they are considered to be from Wuling County, and they no longer have to worry about being arrested by the government as refugees or driven back to their original places.

“I’ll go to Aunt Zhao to sign the contract for renting the house.” Jiang Cheng decided to settle all these matters in one go.

“I’ll go with you,” Chen said.

After a while, the two came back and signed the contract, and everything was settled.

There was only less than one tael of silver left in her hand, Chen said, “I’ll go to the town to buy some food and things to use.” She thought, she didn’t know if the one tael of silver was enough to spend. The hairpin left by her mother was pawned. Although I don’t want to, I have to change everything in a new home. In addition, the weather is getting colder and colder. I have to cover up sooner or later, and I need to add clothes on weekdays. There are places where money is spent everywhere.

“I’ll go ask in the afternoon how I can get into the mine to work.” Jiang Cheng knew the difficulties at home and said immediately.

After eating something hastily at noon, the couple acted separately.

When Jiang Yunzhu heard that Mrs. Chen was going to the town, she immediately offered to go with her. She was about to check the prices here, thinking of a way to make money. Jiang Cheng went to work in the mine, if he could not go, it was better not to go, it was too dangerous.

When Jiang Lin and the others heard about it, they wanted to follow immediately.

Chen thought she had a lot of things to buy later, so it would be good for them to follow along to help get them.

Several people went to town together.

Although Hongye Town is just a small town, but because the people are rich, the streets are more lively than Jiang Yunzhu’s original county town, with people selling cloth, food, furniture, mules and horses, everything that one expects to find.

Chen went shopping around.

Jiang Yunzhu looked left and right.

The freshly baked sesame seed cakes cost three renminbi with meat stuffing, and one penny for spiced ones; oily meat pies cost five renminbi each, and you can get a bowl of millet porridge and pickles for free when you buy the meat pies; you can smell it from a long distance away Fragrant mutton soup, a bowl of ten cents, paired with two cents of cake, can eat to one’s heart’s content…

Jiang Yunzhu only looks at those who sell food. She thinks very clearly that she has no capital and no way out, and there is no way to do other businesses. make money.

She liked to cook in modern times, and in her dream, she stayed in the kitchen of the Anping Marquis for two years and learned a lot of skills. As long as she found the right location, it shouldn’t be difficult to sell some snacks.

It’s just that she couldn’t make up her mind for a while what to do.

In the evening, several people returned with a full load of things.

Pots and pans, grain, oil and salt, and bought two more pieces of cloth to make a quilt, finally looks like a living family.

Jiang Cheng had already been waiting at home, “I have already made an agreement with the person in charge of recruiting, and I will go to work in the mine tomorrow. Six qian silver a month, you can advance one month’s wages in advance.” He finished talking excitedly, and put a A large string of copper coins was handed to Mrs. Chen.

A large bunch of heavy money seems to have more impact than a dime, and the family is short of money now.

“Can you still advance the money?” Chen asked happily, taking the money.

“The recruiter said that there is a shortage of people in the mine recently, so the new regulations have been added.” Jiang Cheng returned, and he thought he had caught up with the good time.

“There are so many people going, but there is still a shortage of people? Such a high salary…” Chen was happy, but suddenly worried again.

“It’s okay, I went to see it, and I can do the job. Besides, everyone in the county is working there, and everyone else is fine, so what can I do.” Jiang Cheng comforted her.

Chen felt that this was the reason again, and hurried to cook for him so that he could rest early.

Jiang Yunzhu was listening, and suddenly slapped her forehead, how could she forget the most profitable place.

With so many people working in the mine, the market prospect is huge!

She immediately asked about the Jiangcheng Mine in detail, mainly about food and accommodation.

Jiang Cheng has already visited the mine this year and has a certain understanding of it. Eat, these workers eat at home in the morning and evening, and bring their own meals at noon. It is said that there is a canteen in the mine, but it is for the officers and soldiers stationed and some experienced craftsmen.

There are also several large sheds on the mine, and there are Datong shops inside. If there are workers far away from the mine, they can also live there, and it only costs 40 yuan a month.

The living conditions are poor and money is required. Most people in the mine would rather spend more time at home to live.

By the way, Jiang Cheng also saw that there was a market at the foot of the mountain. When he went there, it was the hour of work, and there were no people there, but it was probably very lively when work started and left.

That’s it, that market, Jiang Yunzhu thought in her heart, and decided to go to see it with Jiang Cheng tomorrow.

Changshi Village is close to the mine, so Jiang Cheng rushed there after breakfast the next day.

Jiang Yunzhu followed by his side.

Before the two left the village, they met people who were going to the mine. The more they walked to the mine, the more people around them.

When you come to the foot of the mountain, you can see a large area of fireworks from a distance. When you get closer, you can see a large market. Most of the market sells food and smells. If you don’t eat in the morning, you will come here. You must be hooked so that you can’t walk.

At this time, the bazaar was very lively, many workers and even many officers and soldiers on duty came here to buy something to eat, and the crowds were crowded.

“The gate of Chenshi Mine will be closed, and there will be no one here,” Jiang Cheng said.

Chenshi is seven o’clock in the morning. These miners start work at seven o’clock in the morning, rest for half an hour at noon, and stop work at seven o’clock in the afternoon. Jiang Yunzhu calculated that they have to work eleven hours a day, and they do the best Tired physical work, really hard work.

Jiang Cheng didn’t think that he was already very satisfied with such high wages for the same work.

The two walked forward all the way, and Jiang Yunzhu wondered what he should sell.

At this time, a man with a big beard who obviously dressed differently passed by them, followed by two soldiers.

“Vice General Zhao, what do you want to eat today, I will go down and buy it for you.” A soldier asked the bearded man.

“What’s delicious? I’ve been eating these all day long, and the birds have faded out of my mouth.” The bearded man resented.

They pass quickly.

But Jiang Yunzhu stopped in her tracks, she suddenly thought of what she could sell!

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