Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 5

Chapter 4

The sky was bright, and Jiang Yunzhu and others had already arrived in Lincang County next door.

They didn’t have a guide, and they didn’t dare to enter the county town, so they just walked through the villages and towns.

The morning sun shines on everyone.

Jiang Cheng was pushing the cart with their belongings on it, and Jiang Wu was sitting on a pile of bundles, his little face was full of excitement, and he kept urging Jiang Cheng to hurry up.

Mrs. Chen helped Mr. Chen to walk on the left.

Jiang Yunzhu led Jiang Lin and Jiang Yunxue to the right.

When the family is together, it seems that the road under their feet is not so difficult.

At this time, Jiang Yunxiu’s life was not so easy, that woman, Mrs. Zhang, was taking her around, selling her like a peddler.

Yes, goods are not like people at all, just like cattle, horses and sheep.

“Look at this face, this figure.” Mrs. Zhang introduced Jiang Yunxiu to the rich businessman opposite with her face salivating.

Jiang Yunxiu felt disgusted in her heart, this man could almost be her father. Besides, how can a small wealthy businessman compare with Anping Houfu.

“Ah!” There was an exclamation, like the first cry of a new oriole. It turned out that Mrs. Zhang was dissatisfied with Jiang Yunxiu’s face, as if someone owed her money, and pinched her waist.

Jiang Yunxiu looked at Mrs. Zhang in surprise.

Suddenly, she felt something on her feet again, and when she turned her head, she saw that the rich businessman was lifting her skirt and pinching her feet.

Places like ancient feet are private parts, even if Jiang Yunxiu had married someone in her dream, she had never been treated so frivolously, she was ashamed and angry, and backed away in panic.

“The feet are a bit big!” The rich businessman said dissatisfied with his stomach, and glanced at Jiang Yunxiu from time to time.

Her frightened look just now was quite attractive.

Jiang Yunxiu’s eyes turned red immediately, feeling wronged and angry at the same time. He, he still thinks her feet are big.

Mrs. Zhang quickly whispered to the rich businessman, and looked at Jiang Yunxiu while talking.

Jiang Yunxiu was angry and impatient, shouldn’t she be sold to Anping Marquis Mansion, what’s going on?

In the end, the deal was not negotiated because of the price.

After leaving the rich merchant’s house, Jiang Yunxiu breathed a sigh of relief, but Mrs. Zhang scolded her, calling her a loser, and she still took Joe at this point. Just now, if someone touched her feet, she would make a fuss After being made comfortable by a man, maybe if he doesn’t touch her, she will have to rush to be touched.

Mrs. Zhang is used to hanging out in low-class places, and when she starts to swear at people, she specializes in swearing at people in low places, and her swear words are very unpleasant.

No matter where Jiang Yunxiu passed by, her tears couldn’t stop streaming down, she just wanted to kill herself and never suffer this humiliation again.

But when she thought of Anpinghou’s Mansion and that man who was like a bright moon, she told herself that she had to persevere.

Squeezing a smile, she said to Mrs. Zhang, “Auntie, Changfeng Mansion was hit hard and everyone has no money. Why don’t we go to Luzhou, which has always been rich.” Luzhou, Anpinghou’s Mansion is in Luzhou, and she can’t wait there.

“Go to Luzhou? Don’t you need money to go to Luzhou? Xiaolangzi, as soon as you roll your eyes, I know what you’re up to, don’t try to fool me.” Mrs. Zhang put her hips on her hips and scolded Jiang Yunxiu again.

After scolding enough, she took her to continue to go everywhere.

There are brothels, wealthy households, and officials.

Those buyers will wantonly comment on Jiang Yunxiu’s appearance, figure, and any minor flaws on her body. She is as if she has been stripped naked, allowing others to pick and choose, without dignity.

Several times, she almost collapsed.

Fortunately, she has always had a belief in her heart to support her. Just wait, when she becomes the Young Madam of the Hou Mansion, she must make everyone who felt sorry for her look good! She silently swears.

Jiang Yunzhu wants to eat sesame seed cakes, crispy outside and tender inside. By the way, there are also boiled fish, beer duck, sweet and sour pork ribs, cashew nut shrimp… She remembers that she had dinner with friends before crossing, and these were the ones on the table.

At that time, she lost weight and put down her chopsticks after eating very little.

If she is given another chance, she swears, she will never let them down again.

In the past two days, Jiang Yunzhu’s memories of modern times have become clearer, as if it was just yesterday.

“It’s a robbery, help, come here, someone is robbing things.” Jiang Yunzhu was thinking about all kinds of delicacies when he heard someone shouting in front of him.

She looked up and found that they were passing a village, and on the road ahead, there was a donkey cart, and beside the donkey cart, two men were pulling a bag.

One of the old men looked about forty or fifty years old, and he was the one who shouted.

Opposite him was a dark man in his thirties.

The old man was obviously not as strong as the man opposite him, and the bag in his hand was about to be shot away.

Jiang Cheng also saw this scene, he was enthusiastic, and immediately shouted, “Let go!”

Seeing someone coming, the dark man panicked, but he didn’t let go of the bag in his hand.

The two of them used too much force, the cloth bag was torn, and a pile of rough pancakes fell to the ground.

The dark man grabbed a pancake and stuffed it into his mouth.

At this time, Jiang Cheng had already run over.

The swarthy man quickly picked up a few pancakes, ran into the village in a hurry, and disappeared.

Jiang Cheng wants to chase.

“Father!” Jiang Yunzhu hurriedly called to stop him. She saw just now that after the thick pancake fell to the ground, there were figures shaking in the nearby houses. That dark man robbed openly just now, but no one came out to stop him, which already shows some problems.

In famine years, people can do anything to survive, so it’s better to be careful.

Jiang Cheng was also worried about Chen Shi and the others, so he stopped abruptly.

Jiang Yunzhu hurriedly helped the old man pick up pancakes.

After a while, I picked up the pancakes.

“Thank you, thank you.” The old man couldn’t stop thanking, these pancakes are also his life.

“No need.” Jiang Cheng helped him put the pancakes on the donkey cart.

At this moment, a young man hurried out of the village carrying a bucket. He saw Jiang Cheng and immediately shouted, “What are you doing!” Running back, seeing Jiang Cheng holding his family’s pancake bag, he thought he was going to grab their pancakes.

“Qingshan, it’s not him, he’s helping.” Father Xu quickly called the young man to stop.

The young man came over and asked the whole story with a few words, only to realize that he had mistaken his benefactor for a thief, so he quickly apologized to Jiang Cheng.

“No, get out of here quickly.” Jiang Cheng also saw the figure next to him, and said vigilantly.

Everyone set off immediately and left the village.

When they reached the edge of a town and no one was following them, everyone felt relieved and started talking.

Father Xu and Xu Qingshan, they are from the next county, and they also fled to the south, but they have a goal, they are going to Changshi Village, Wuling County, Luzhou, where there is a distant cousin of Father Xu, they go there to visit relatives .

But according to Mr. Xu, he hadn’t contacted him for four or five years, and he didn’t know what was going on there.

I’m afraid it’s not very good, Jiang Yunzhu thought to himself while listening. When Xu Qingshan came out of the village just now, she felt that he looked familiar, but she didn’t dare to recognize him, but now she was almost sure that it was him.

Xu Qingshan, in the dream he was Jiang Yunxiu’s husband, that is, her brother-in-law, he did not expect them to meet here, it seems that fate is really amazing.

She remembered that in the dream he and the Jiang family lived in Qinghe Village, Lu’an County, Luzhou, not Changshi Village, Wuling County, which meant that their marriage visit might not go well.

Of course, there may be other reasons. Things in this world are almost completely different. Jiang Yunzhu only found the Jiang family seven years later in his dream, and only met Xu Qingshan two or three times, so he didn’t know much about his past.

But unexpectedly met him here in advance, which shows that fate is sometimes very strange.

Jiang Yunzhu was thinking wildly. When Father Xu heard that Jiang Cheng and the others were going to the south, he immediately invited them to go on the journey together, so that he could take care of him.

Together with Father Xu and the others, Jiang Cheng and the others took advantage. They were two men and a donkey cart. Jiang Cheng and the others are old and young, and there is only one small cart.

At first Jiang Cheng didn’t want to drag them down, but later Father Xu insisted on this, so the two families walked together.

Jiang Cheng continued to push the small cart. He was young and strong, so the donkey cart walked slowly, so it would not be a problem for him to keep up.

Chen and the others could also take turns sitting in the donkey cart for a while, which made them a lot easier.

The two families chatted a few words from time to time and got to know each other better.

In Jiang Yunzhu’s impression, Xu Qingshan was tall, but he often seemed to be hunched over. He was taciturn and seemed to listen to Jiang Yunxiu in everything.

But looking at him now, with a slender body, a rough face, and two piercing eyes, I really want to imagine how he will look like that seven years later.

Jiang Yunzhu kept staring at Xu Qingshan, Xu Qingshan seemed to have sensed it, and turned to look at her.

The eyes of the two met, Jiang Yunzhu didn’t dodge, and smiled at him friendly.

The Jiang family’s children are all good-looking, but the prettiest ones are sisters Jiang Yunzhu and Jiang Yunxiu. They all have fair skin, long brows with willow leaves and almond-shaped eyes, and red lips like plums in snow.

It’s just that Jiang Yunzhu’s appearance is soft, like an apricot blossom in spring, while Jiang Yunxiu’s appearance is more charming, like a silk hibiscus.

Her smile is delicate and delicate, with watery light shining, it is indescribably touching.

Xu Qingshan blushed immediately, and hurriedly withdrew his gaze. He has never seen a more beautiful girl than her, especially those eyes, which are black and white, as if they have stars.

Jiang Yunzhu didn’t care either, she didn’t want to judge someone because of what happened in her dream.

Two days later, the group of them arrived at the edge of Zhuding County, and Changyuan County was further ahead. There was a large piece of uninhabited wasteland in the middle, and there was no way to replenish drinking water, so they stopped at a small shop by the road to rest. Second, buy some water and take it with you on the road.

In the past, when there was no drought, we would go to various houses to ask for some water to drink, but now it is no longer possible. A bucket of water costs ten yuan, and we have to buy it.

After paying the money, the store brought out a bucket of water for them. The water was also muddy yellow.

Jiang Yunzhu took out her simple filter bottle, and after a while, a little bit of clear water flowed down from the jar.

No matter how many times they looked at it, Xu Qingshan and even Jiang Cheng felt that her filter bottle was very novel, why was it just such an ordinary vase, so dirty water went in and clean water came out.

They sat at a table by the roadside, drank tea and ate pancakes, and waited for the water to be filtered before heading on the road.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly came from the west, like thunder.

The team of more than a dozen people were all tall horses, and the people sitting immediately were all dressed in black clothes with golden unicorn patterns embroidered on them.

With a knife on their waist, everyone is full of murderous aura.

The one headed by You Qi has a pair of slightly slanted red phoenix eyes, like cold rivers and glaciers.

Although the people in the small shop didn’t know the origins of these people, they all knew that these people were not something they could mess with, so they unconsciously fell silent and looked over there cautiously.

Seeing that person, Jiang Yunzhu couldn’t help but her heart pounded, why was it him!

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