Wonderful Life After Exchanging Fate

Chapter 100

Chapter 99

The next day, the Ministry of Officials issued a list of those who passed the scientific examination, and Gu Yanzhou and Xie Chen were on the list.

Gu Yanzhou, the number one scholar, served as an attendant of the Imperial Academy.

The number one scholar in previous years also entered the Hanlin Academy, and was generally appointed as the editor of the Imperial Academy. This is an official position from the sixth rank, while the servant of the Imperial Academy is from the fifth rank, which is promoted to one level.

Moreover, the Hanlin Academy of the Xia Dynasty was a very important department. Almost all cabinet officials went out from here, and entered here, which can be said to have a bright future.

Xie Chen, he is a Jinshi and was appointed as the recorder of the Jingzhao Mansion. This is an official from the eighth rank, and his official position is not high, but Jingzhao Mansion is a great place. It is in charge of various affairs inside and outside the capital. It is probably similar to the modern city government and has real power.

Most of the other candidates who won the examination were also appointed to fairly good official positions. It can be seen that the previous rumors were not groundless. The emperor really wanted to make an exception to appoint the candidates who were selected this time.

In front of the two people, there was a crowd of people for a while.

Later, Xie Chen found Gu Yanzhou. The scientific examinations at this time were not like later ones, where they only examined stereotyped essays, but also examined policy theory, etc. The two of them were the best among them, and of course they had an understanding of the situation in the imperial court.

They knew why the emperor made an exception in appointing the candidates who won the exam. Now the ruling princeling party and the sixth princeling party each accounted for half of the country, and the party disputes were fierce.

Appointing these candidates with no family background may alleviate this situation.

Just really can?

These days, the princelings and the six princelings have also shifted the focus of their struggle to these candidates, wooing and buying them, so to speak.

Now these people seem to be disciples of the emperor, but if they are not guaranteed, they will quietly join the prince or the sixth prince.

The emperor made an exception to appoint them, and he was likely to shoot himself in the foot.

Is there no loyal person who is dedicated to the emperor?

Yes, but it’s too difficult. As an official in the court, it is inevitable to deal with superiors, subordinates, and colleagues. If the people in your department are all princelings, and you are loyal to the emperor alone, it may not take long before you will be pushed out.

And the emperor, it is impossible to abolish the entire department because of you alone.

The powers of the crown prince and the sixth prince are intertwined, and it is extremely difficult to stand in the middle. For these candidates, choosing a faction to join is the best choice. Xie Chen believes that most candidates will do this.

So the question is, which force to choose? If you choose the right one, you will rise to the top of the sky; if you choose the wrong one, you will have to kill everyone in the future.

These days, there are not a few people who come to see Xie Chen and Gu Yanzhou, so Xie Chen wants to ask Gu Yanzhou what he thinks.

“Partisanship has been a problem for a long time, and if things go on like this…” Gu Yanzhou frowned, he didn’t want to join any force, he just wanted to serve the court and do things for the people.

“But this problem is not something you and I can solve. The court, even the emperor, is like a mirror in their hearts, but how to solve it?” Xie Chen said.

“Use the method of thunder to settle everything.” Gu Yanzhou said.

Xie Chen looked at Gu Yanzhou in surprise, he didn’t expect him to say such words when he usually looked at someone like Lang Yue. The method of thunder is to flow blood into rivers. Can the emperor make that determination? That will be recorded in the history books, leaving infamy.

What’s more, even if he really decides to do that, can it be done? If it can’t be done, there will be chaos in Chaolideng. Now there are still Xirong and Beidi staring at each other outside, and if there is another civil strife inside, maybe the mountains and rivers will be broken, the country will be destroyed and the family will perish.

The emperor shouldn’t have favored Concubine Wu in the early days and let the sixth prince grow up.

It’s just that it’s too late to say these things now.

It is estimated that the emperor also regrets it now, but it is difficult to ride a tiger.

Of course, the emperor has another choice, which is relatively simple, and that is to favor one side and get rid of the other. It’s just that after the other side’s power is eliminated, the remaining power will grow bigger, and the emperor may not be able to rest easy by then.

This is also the reason why this matter has not been resolved for so many years.

“What do you think?” Gu Yanzhou asked Xie Chen.

Coincidentally, Xie Chen thought the same as him, but this road was the most difficult. But if it is made, it will definitely change the world and rejuvenate the game.

It’s just the two of them, one has no background and the other has no connections, how can they do this.

At this time, Xie Chen got up and went to the door of the room to check out. There was no one outside. He closed the door, checked the windows and other places, and then returned to the table, whispering to Gu Yanzhou, “I have I want to discuss an idea with you.”

“What?” Gu Yanzhou asked.

Xie Chen didn’t speak, but dipped his index finger in the tea, quickly wrote two words on the table, and then immediately wiped it off with his hand, so as not to let the third person know.

Gu Yanzhou looked at him in surprise.

“Those who make big things don’t care about small things.” Xie Chen’s eyes flashed cruelty, and then quickly disappeared. He didn’t want to be passive defensive anymore. That would only make him suffer and regret. If he should stop, he would have to stop.

On June 2, it is appropriate to open.

On this day, firecrackers were set off, the lion dance team was invited, and there was a lot of noise. Jiang Yunzhu went up and tore off the red silk on the plaque, and the time private restaurant officially opened.

Time, at first glance, is a bit strange, but in fact, it is a homonym for “eating light”. Jiang Yunzhu hopes that everyone will like the dishes she cooks and can eat them up every time.

Moreover, there is another meaning, this restaurant seems to have traveled through time, allowing everyone to meet the delicacies of various eras that have disappeared and have not yet appeared.

At the same time, it was about Jiang Yunzhu herself.

Of course, she didn’t tell everyone about the latter two meanings.

The name of the private restaurant is already very strange, but with the addition of the word time, everyone is no stranger to it.

It’s just, why no guests come to the door?

Xue Jing looked around.

Just now there were firecrackers and lion dances here, and there were indeed a few people on the street over there to watch the excitement, but they saw that the name of the restaurant was strange, and the storefront didn’t look like a restaurant, so no one came in.

“Boss, this…” Xue Jing was in a hurry. Could it be that the huge capital city is not even as good as Wuling County? I think they opened in Wuling County, and the customers are like a cloud.

In Wuling County, Qishanju opened. Gu Yanzhou brought his friends, and Li Biaotou brought his bodyguards to support the scene. Moreover, the customers of Qishanju were students from the academy opposite. They made a fuss and attracted people. Naturally, guests came to the door. .

But it’s different here, this street is not a street at all, and their restaurant is at the end of the street, so it would be nice to come to these few to watch the excitement.

As for the people Jiang Yunzhu knew, Gu Yanzhou and Xie Chen came, but they didn’t have any close friends in the capital, and they were officials, and some things were easily involved, so they didn’t invite anyone to come.

Shen Fengming, Yang Sheng, and Jiang Yunzhu didn’t dare to let them invite someone.

The rest of her didn’t know anyone else, that’s why she was so deserted.

“Miss Jiang, otherwise I’ll help you recommend it to others.” Gu Yanzhou said, he didn’t expect that today would be like this, he regretted it, or he should have invited some people over.

“No, in fact, I thought it would be like this.” Jiang Yunzhu was not in a hurry. The customers of her restaurant are wealthy businessmen and tycoons, and those people don’t often walk on the street, relying on firecrackers and lion dances, how can they attract them.

“Really don’t need it?” Xie Chen also asked.

“Really.” Jiang Yunzhu had been prepared for a long time, she entered the store, took some invitations and handed a piece of paper to Jin Jiaoyue, “Please send these invitations to those people’s homes according to the list on the paper, and say , in the future, no matter who comes to the door with this invitation card, our restaurant will sweep the couch to welcome you.”

After so many days of getting along, Jiang Yunzhu has roughly figured out the personalities of Jin Jiaoyue and the six of them, and it is most suitable for her to handle this matter.

Jin Jiaoyue took those invitation cards, and saw that these invitation cards were very beautifully made, with the gold-plated skin carved out to look like a lotus flower. Open it, there is a short invitation written inside, the name of the restaurant below it, and some menus are attached.

With just one glance, she was attracted by the menu.

“Yangfang Zangyu, Song Sao’s Fish Soup, Shili Ginkgo, Taibai Duck, Chicken in Clear Soup, Luoyang Yancai…” Some of these dishes she knows, some she doesn’t know, but she knows a few of them, it’s really good Great reputation, some even lost, this, Jiang Yunzhu can really do it?

She has always been calm, thinking so in her heart, but she didn’t show it at all, and she still had a smile on her face.

After weighing it for a moment, she felt that it was really possible. Jiang Yunzhu didn’t seem to be the kind of person who played tricks.

Well, it’s interesting…

She continued to look down at the invitation, but found that the invitee’s name was not written on the invitation.

Think again of what Jiang Yunzhu said just now, “In the future, no matter who comes to the door with this invitation card, our restaurant will sweep the couch to welcome you.” She seemed to have discovered something interesting.

This invitation is sent out, and most people will definitely not take it seriously.

But what if the restaurant catches fire one day? Did she remember that Jiang Yunzhu said that this private restaurant only accepts a fixed number of people every day, what about those who can’t get in?

At that time, they are afraid that they will search for this post all over the world.

Jin Jiaoyue found it interesting thinking about it, and immediately said to Jiang Yunzhu, “Don’t worry, boss, I will definitely handle it well.”

She usually has a smile on her face, but now, that smile seems to be more charming.

Jiang Yunzhu nodded, private restaurants don’t need to publicize, they mainly rely on word of mouth. If you send out these invitations and cast your net widely, you will definitely catch one or two fish. When those one or two fish, no, they are guests, come, taste the dishes she cooks, and slowly spread the reputation, she will not worry about having no guests.

So, wait!

Jiang Yunzhu asked Wu Yu to clean the door of the store, then turned around and entered the store by herself. She still had a lot of things to do.

“Give me a post.” Shen Fengming and Yang Sheng also came today, and Yang Sheng immediately had an idea when he saw Jiang Yunzhu’s post. He was worrying about how to introduce his old lady to the store for dinner, and now he is fine.

In the evening, when Yang Sheng came home, he handed the post to Mrs. Yang, “Mother, don’t you say it every day, and your mouth has no taste? There is a new restaurant here, why don’t you go and try it?”

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