Wonder Woman: Spellbound

Part One

AN: The Zatanna Omake is here! Rejoice! The branch-off point for this "what if?" venture is some time after Twisted Dominion 3.4 - Diana still tells Mark about Aresia and Aphrodite's Rod and Mark still goes on and retrieves it. They still have discussions about including another woman in their fun, but Diana has not yet decided on which woman that will be.

Read the next two chapters on my Patreon!

Part One

“You’re telling me that she doesn’t use any magic during these live performances?”

Mark gave Diana a doubtful look, but the Amazonian remained smiling. The expression on her face was that of calm confidence. She reached over and took Mark’s hand in her own, leaning over to whisper in his ear.

“She might use magic every now and then, just to enhance the show for the audience's sake.” Diana spoke low and softly, humming as her lips brushed against Mark’s ear. The young man let the pleasant sensation settle in his gut. Every chance Diana got to tease him, she took it. Not that Mark minded at all. “But most of the time, Zatanna uses real tricks and illusions.”

Real tricks and illusions?” Mark snorted, giving his date another peculiar look.

Diana lightly slapped his arm.

“You know what I mean.”

Mark let out a small chuckle, giving his Amazonian girlfriend a small grin as he leaned back in his seat. Fixing his eyes on the stage, he went back to enjoying the show.

Damn good seats they were, especially for a hot ticket event like a Zatanna Zatara magic show. The middle seats of the middle row, putting Mark and Diana right smack in the center. The fact that they were free only made them that much sweeter.

Mark had himself a good view. Actually, no. It was a great view. 

Straight ahead was the Mistress of Magic herself, striding across the stage in those lovely high-heeled boots, those delectable fishnet stockings, all wrapped up in that flawless magician outfit. Every inch of the woman was immaculate, almost as perfect as Mark’s own Wonder Woman. Hell, if he didn’t know any better, Mark could have sworn Ms. Zatara was glowing. Her luminous, shimmering hair seemed to be sparkling, at least. Raven locks tumbling down her shoulders in soft, bouncy waves. And her smile… warm, gentle, confident, and dazzling. Mark just couldn’t keep his eyes off of her.

Ms. Zatara’s beauty was almost… magical.

There was a strut in her step, Mark could see. A little umph that oozed poise, confidence, and power. Click, clack, click, clack, her heels would sound off as she moved to center stage. Every step sent a faint tremble through her legs, her body. Not enough to be distracting or obscene, but enough for a man with Mark’s keen eyes to notice. Even dressed up tightly as she was, Zatanna had some wibble and wobble to her more pronounced femininity. 

Magical, indeed…

Zatanna stood at the stage edge then, her hands planted on her wide hips. She was wearing shorts, not panties like she used to. Well, they hadn’t been panties exactly, but the bottoms she used to wear had been high-cut like a bikini. They may as well have been panties. These days, Zatanna had opted for something more modest - but no less sexy. Short shorts made of the same shiny, black material. And they hugged her waist and rear so delightfully.

The Mistress of Magic beamed over the auditorium, taking clear pride in the packed house.

“And for my next trick, a true classic!” She called out, her voice carrying easily over the audience. Perhaps she was using some magic in that regard, as well. “My assistant, Zachary, bravely volunteers to be… sawn in half!

Zatanna gestured to the young man in question - he seemed to be around Mark’s age - who was standing off to the side. The crowd gave some polite applause, Mark and Diana included. But there was some scattered laughter coming from the audience. And Mark couldn’t exactly blame them. 

Classic? More like ancient.

Mark gave Diana an aside glance, his brow furrowed. Is she serious, was his unspoken question. But his girlfriend gave him a simple shrug in return.

“Just keep watching, Mark.” Diana told him, smirking. 

Mark bit his tongue and did as his girlfriend bid. It was clear that she knew something he did not. And they were her free tickets to begin with. Mark had never been the type to look a gift magician in the mouth.

At the very least, the eye candy was nice. Very, very nice.

Zatanna gave the crowd one of her winning smiles as she guided her assistant into the classic, long wooden box. Mark could have sworn she had looked right at him. But the excitement he felt was fleeting. His attention was quickly caught by the box itself. Painted black with bright yellow question marks… and bright yellow letter Zs. Mark couldn’t help but snort.

Cute. Real cute.

“Now, I know this trick is a bit of an oldie.” Zatanna closed the black box shut just as her assistant poked his head and feet through the holes at both ends. “But just bear with me and I’ll make it worth your while!”

The Mistress of Magic turned to the audience, wearing a cheeky grin as she took off her tophat. Then she reached inside… and pulled out a handsaw! 

A few gasps and faint claps echoed from the crowd. Even Mark had to admit he was a little impressed. Then the glimmering beauty on stage gave her loving crowd a cute wink, drawing a couple hoots and whistles from the male half of her audience. Mark himself felt his smile growing. He really liked this babe’s attitude.

Zatanna wiggled her white-gloved fingers at the crowd, giving them a cute little wave. Then she approached the longbox with the saw in hand.

“You see, Zachary here is pretty busy when he’s not acting as my assistant. So many things to get done, so little time!” Zatanna explained, moving behind the longbox. Her assistant swiveled his head to the crowd, giving them a sheepish smile. This drew another round of light chuckles. Even Mark couldn’t help himself. Zatanna then put her handsaw into action, slowly cutting through the wooden box at where Zachary’s waistline would be. The assistant, meanwhile, gave the crowd an exaggerated wince. Zatanna kept speaking. “So I thought I’d lend him a helping hand. With a little Zatanna magic, Zachary will soon have the gift… of being in two places at once!

Somewhere off stage, a ba-dum-tiss could be heard.  A few hearty laughs bustled from the audience. Hell, Mark even heard a genuine guffaw! But mostly there was groaning. Sympathetic, yes, but not enough to entertain such a low effort joke.

Zatanna herself didn’t seem too offended. The devious glint in her eyes remained as she continued to saw the longbox in half.

“Painful, I know.” The beautiful magician acknowledged, her voice straining as she worked her arm back and forth. She gave a flat chuckle. “Just be glad I didn’t become a comedian.”

Zatanna continued to saw, drawing the jagged blade back and forth through the black, wooden box. She kept at it until the sawblade was through to the bottom side. A clean cut all the way through where her assistant’s waist would be.

The magician huffed, blowing a rogue strand of her silky black hair from her pretty face. Then she stood, planting her hands on her hips, proudly inspecting her hard work. With a smirk towards the audience, she pushed the two halves of the longbox away from each other, with her assistant's head going one way and his feet going the other away. A small smattering of applause bubbled up from the crowd before Zatanna gestured for them to settle down.

“Can I get a drumroll, please?” She called out to somewhere off-stage. Immediately there came the sound of drumsticks pattering against a snare drum, quick strikes in a steady rhythm. It was a bit corny for Mark’s tastes, but nevertheless the young man felt his anticipation building.

Zatanna moved between the two box halves, arms spread wide to present both of them. She beamed at the waiting crowd, letting their growing excitement feed into her own.

“Behold!” She called out, a dazzling smile spread between full, rosy cheeks. She gestured towards the half of the longbox that held her assistant’s upper half. “The power to be in two places at once!

The box half opened up and out stepped Zachary. A few gasps peppered through the audience along with some confused murmurs. The assistant was completely intact, very pointedly not sawn in half. Mark narrowed his eyes as he watched the young man stand alongside Zatanna, giving the crowd a nervous wave. 

But before the feeling of disappointment could really settle in, Mark saw Zatanna gesture towards the other half of the longbox. The trick wasn’t finished yet, it seemed. And curiously, Mark could see that there was still a pair of feet poking out of the other end of the box.

Huh. That’s different.

The other half of the box opened up then… and another Zachary stepped out! Not the poor sap’s bottom half, but rather a full, complete identical copy. A living, breathing second assistant! Up on the stage, Zatanna was flanked on both sides by two copies of her loyal assistant. Both young men gave the crowd a polite wave and a thumbs-up.

And the audience, once realization set in and just what kind of trick had been played on them, broke into applause. Real, genuine, very impressed applause. Hoots and hollers erupted from the crowd, barely audible over the clapping and cheers. Some people were even rising from their seats. And Mark couldn’t blame them. It was a damn good trick.

As the three performers on stage took a bow, Mark turned towards Diana. He wore a grin, but was shaking his head in disbelief.

“That had to have been magic.” He told her, rumbling through an incredulous laugh. “It just had to have been.”

Diana gave him a smirk. As if his reaction had been very much expected… and anticipated.

“Why don’t we stick around after the show…” The Amazonian Princess offered, her voice smooth and sweet. “And we can ask her ourselves?”

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