Woman In Irish Linen Shirt

Chapter 139

Chapter 142:

We walked hand in hand for a while, although only a short distance.

Miss Pan De said: “You know, even if you wear a mask, I can feel you smile as if you just finished whitening your teeth today.”

“Your analogy is really terrible.” I took a breath. “And I’m not the only one laughing at all. What’s your position on me?”

“I meant to say that you laughed stupidly.” She avoided the importance of it, “but I like the way you look now, and I look very confident.”

“Like just finished teeth whitening?” I answered.

Miss Pan De shook the hand we were holding: “That’s right!”

I immediately said: “If that is true, you will laugh like you stole the last pudding in the refrigerator.”

She paused and squinted: “In fact, it’s quite accurate.”

“Do you like pudding?” I asked smoothly.

She shook her head: “I like things with a richer and more fixed taste. Moreover, commercial puddings are usually not healthy enough, and homemade, taste and texture are always pleasant surprises. I’m not saying that I don’t like surprises, but in refined processing. When it comes to food, people often have better choices.” She glanced at my left hand, “like the one you carry.”

“Why don’t you let me pack two copies?”

“I didn’t say I want to eat.” She looked aside.

I laughed: “I just bought it for you. I won’t eat it. Are you happy?”

Miss Pan De hid her smile and did not answer.

We went to Miss Pan De’s house. She bought a new projector, which can project directly on the wall, but the machine has not been debugged since it was delivered. I propose to try it in the living room first, but the owner of the machine claims that she is very good at these things and insists on the first try in the master bedroom where wiring is difficult.

We watched the movie, two hours later. The chicken rice is cold.

Today I am very airy. It seems that every gust of wind blowing around is gentle, as if the scorching sun and the torrential rain suddenly become gentle, and the French windows that isolate the danger are escorted here, and I starred together with her, and I and her became mine. The protagonist who dances, crosses, and resonates in the world.

I have been able to share with her everything around me: the best Hainanese chicken rice in the world that I know, those beautiful clothes that have withstood the test under my critical eyes, as well as my feelings and my pain-the most important thing It is my joy.

Moreover, my joy can resonate with her.

Miss Pan De was also very happy. She was visibly happy with the naked eye. She hopped and sang “One Two Three, Three Two One, One Two Three Four Five” even when she received a glass of water, but in front of me, she refused to mention the extra word. .

The clock is ticking. In the clouds and mist, we are still full of happiness and reluctant to think about it, but there are always people in the world who stay awake.

“What did you say?” Miss Pan De, who was video chatting with her elder brother outside the room, suddenly raised her volume, “What do you mean by ‘just stopping by’,’ a fourteen-day quarantine…”

“I do not want–”

“And where did you get it—”

“…Okay, but—”

Her voice came intermittently outside, and the more I listened, the more nervous I became, and I simply sat up from the bed and dressed neatly.

Outside of the rest of the people, those who stay awake are responsible for ringing the alarm bell, as human society has always done.

The fragmented information was pieced together to form the same answer: Miss Pan De’s brother is coming to Singapore.

There was no movement outside for a long time, Miss Pande slowly opened the door and looked at me: “I want to tell you one thing…”

“Well,” I walked over, “Your brother wants to see you?”

She took a breath and spoke extremely slowly: “Yes. In addition, you may need to…well, have a meal with him. I promise not to make him too annoying, but…”

I feel my voice is distorted. I pointed to myself: “Your brother wants to see me.”

Miss Pan De nodded like a fate. She took my hand and looked pitiful: “Can you see him? Can you? Please.”

“Yes.” I answered dryly.

She was obviously relieved: “Thank you.”

I want to say something more, but the trachea seems to be clamped, I just feel that it is difficult to breathe. I know I am nervous, but Miss Pande seems to be more worried than I am.

I don’t know why she is so worried about Rajiv’s visit. As far as the descriptions are usually heard, their relationship is quite good, even better than some blood brothers and sisters-maybe it is for me?

I want to try to comfort her, but both of us are releasing the anxiety that is insulated from reason at the same time, as if we drank a drink called “drug of restlessness” and had to be nervous all night for no reason.

Miss Pan De and I looked at each other, and finally she didn’t know who was the first to laugh.

“Why don’t you want him to come?” I embraced her, and the two of them sat on the low sofa in the corner of the bed. The projector hadn’t turned off yet, and a square white light fell on the wall.

“I didn’t want him to come…” Miss Pande sighed. “He always cares about me. You don’t think how crazy he was when I came out. Rajiv was at the busiest time of the year. Flying over half of the earth, I want to take me to find a temple in Massachusetts to make Puja.”

This is the second time I have heard of the word Puja. I asked: “When did you come out of the closet?”

“Right to him? It was the day after I met you on the plane.” She lifted the hair that dangled from her forehead. “We are so close, it is impossible to hide him—have I told you, Peter is a very religious Orthodox?”

I shook my head.

“This is really ironic. My brother thinks that he hasn’t eaten it for a long time, uh-we will first offer food to God, and then eat a part of the offering. This is understood to be a gift from God, which is pronounced in Sanskrit. Prasada’-I who have not eaten Prasada for a long time urgently need to be purified and blessed; and my best friend strongly persuades me not to choose such a’Western lifestyle’, because it will make me Go to hell.” Miss Pan De supported her forehead and smiled.

Obviously it was such a bitter topic, but there was no haze in her smile. I hugged her shoulders tightly, Miss Pande just looked at me, and slowly said: “Both of them supported me to the greatest extent. Peter took the course on LGBT, and my brother did it behind the scenes. I have no way of knowing what efforts. He just wants me to be happy…so later I promised him that when I meet the right person, I will tell him the first time.

“Peter helped me a lot. In the months after I found out that I might like girls, I answered my doubts, but then I got into a long trouble—” When she said this, her voice and emotions seemed to be Walking into the distance, “And he, a person who persuaded me to stay away from this’sin’, helped me complete my self-identification.”

I didn’t expect it to be such a story. I said, “They cross religion to understand you.”

“So you can imagine how much they love me.” Miss Pande sighed softly, “And Rajiv may not be as friendly as Peter. His character is stronger than me. You have to be prepared.”

My tension came back again. I touched one eyebrow and put my fingers on the skin of my forehead: “I will.”

She smiled helplessly. For a moment, Miss Pan De asked: “When did you come out with your parents?”

“When I was in high school,” I said, “but the whole process was very long. It took several years to just let them face the problem. And my relationship with my dad was not close—to be honest until now I don’t Know what he thinks, pretend that I want to get married later, or acquiesce that I am a disobedient child. My mother is okay, but since the reunion, we have only sent a message to each other on Labor Day. I haven’t Find an opportunity to tell her about us.”

“Did you meet this year? Just a coincidence?” She looked over.

I nodded: “Before the flight was completely cut off. My’matching’ friend came over to play, and then I met her downstairs at the Sands Hotel. She is a senior behavioral economics researcher.”

Miss Pan De hesitated a little: “Are you a metaphor or…”

I laughed blankly: “It’s true. After leaving the oil field, my mother made a living from this. But she really likes gambling. For a while, I even felt that as long as I was willing to take half a month off to find a circle in Macau, I should I will find my mom soon.”

“Is she currently living in Singapore?”

I shook my head: “It should be in Japan. I don’t know where it is. She has her own life now. I don’t want to disturb her.”

“Maybe that is not necessarily an interruption.” Miss Pande lowered her eyelashes, her eyelids moved, and said again, “But I respect your ideas.”

I felt that such a good atmosphere today is not suitable for talking about this topic, so I asked: “Is your brother a permanent resident of Singapore? The current navigation situation still seems very pessimistic.”

“No.” Miss Pande was silent for several seconds, and she could see that this matter really annoyed her. “He said that the Ministry of Trade and Industry will send him a letter of approval for entry, and our company has an office here. I am. I thought it might be true. I saw a similar introduction in the news a few days ago, but I didn’t pay attention at the time. Now the flight shouldn’t resume. I don’t know when he will come. I will go to the embassy website again later. Confirm the situation on the top-who would have thought that he would spend fourteen days of self-observation time coming to the’office’?”

I frowned slightly: “Why did he come to see you at such a time this year?”

“On the one hand, it’s because we last met on Diwali last year. Almost ten months have passed. We usually meet every three months.” She quietly glanced at me. “On the other hand, it’s because , I was so excited when I met you this year, I accidentally told him…”

I took a breath, not knowing how to respond.

“Furthermore, he is older than me, and occasionally acts like my caregiver.” Miss Pan De pursed her mouth, looked at me, and was silent for several seconds, and said solemnly, “I haven’t come out to my parents yet. .”

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