Woman In Irish Linen Shirt

Chapter 128

Chapter 131:

Miss Pan De was extremely pale, like glass falling to the ground.

She seemed to have broken her heart. My tears shed again, and I looked at her: “Do you think I can’t solve my own dilemma?”

She just shook her head: “I don’t want you to be sad. I respect you…”

“This way of treating people is not called respect.” I stroked my chest and breathed as deeply as possible, but I had more than my strength, “I can understand that you have your job to deal with. Our positions are not inconsistent, it is because of balance. , We set a restricted zone. You…you first asked me to lower my defenses, then interfere with me, do my work for me—”

“No, Yao, I…”

I looked at her: “You try to put me where you think it is safe, because you have more information than me, and your position is higher than me. You protect me, don’t you?”

Miss Pan De’s lips opened slightly, and there was no sound for a while. Her eyelashes drove the sadness away, and her tears fled across her cheeks all night.

Flee to the depths where no one knows.

And I struggled back and forth in this depth.

I can no longer care about my embarrassment, but I can’t bear to ask her again. Even I don’t know what kind of thing I am afraid of, her sad face or the accusation that I will eventually fail. But I couldn’t persuade myself to turn around and leave. I had to confess myself, as if I had to be so, as if a sharp knife had turned into my hands, and I and her must sacrifice one.

“As I said earlier, we represent two different companies.” I hung my head, weakly flattening the sharp part of the words, but found that I had no way of starting, “And the way you protect me… I would say that it is actually closer to an’arrangement’. You are arranging me, Sonia, do you know the difference between this?”

She got out of bed and pulled up a pair of loose cotton trousers. Miss Pande no longer shares the same vision with me, but she is still fragile and unarmed.

The difference is that she handed her knife to me, and then killed it.

Miss Pan De sat down on the single-seater sofa by the bed. She looked at me, listened attentively, and calmed a lot.

I don’t know how much falsehood there is in this composure, how much is owed to me.

At least this is a cruel communication.

“I hope you can respect my wisdom and believe that I have the ability to make appropriate judgments. If I don’t have enough information, you will provide information; if I have no confidence, you will be my confidence. Limited by my position and contract, I Understand, there are many things, you can’t even hint to me, but at least you can choose not to confuse me.

“I am an adult, not a child. What I need is support, freedom-to take a step back, if my wisdom cannot be trusted, then at least you should try to understand my personality. A person has the right to make choices. Right to face the truth and have the right to challenge his own destiny. If the price of success is to be dominated,” I looked at her, “then I would rather have nothing.”

She nodded, her eyes sad: “I’m really sorry.”

“You must have seen difficulties that I can’t see.” I raised my eyebrows, “but I’m still very angry, really angry. What I said must sound harsh, I don’t want to disappoint you–but Just thinking about this and just beginning to regret it made me even more angry. Your actions really surprised me very, very much. I regret that my true feelings will hurt your feelings, because at the same time, I don’t want to deceive you. .”

“Frankly,” Miss Pande said, the thin layer of composure disintegrated, “Frankly speaking, I am a little sad. Can I feel sad?”

My fists were clenched, and all I thought was to go over and hug her. I nodded: “Of course.”

But I also have to respect her courage.

“Thank you.” Her voice was soft.

This gratitude made my heartache for no reason. It seems that I have survived the long night, but in the nerves between my ribs, there is something rushing around, and my tired heart bears the heavy hammer of reality again and again.

After thanking her almost silently, she cheered up instead. I have to sigh at her cleverness. Miss Pande at this time has obviously digested everything I confided: my emotions, and the overwhelming emotions, what caused them.

She leaned forward and looked up at me: “Have you been introduced to Ruijie in private recently?”

“Kevin introduced it.” I nodded slightly, “just today.”

“He said he was asking for third-party information?”

“Kevin hinted that our COO will take over as the CEO of the subsidiary…” I spoke as usual when I said this, but I paid full attention to her reaction, “and he has already started working for him.”

Miss Pende was impeccable, as if she knew nothing about Kevin’s true ambitions—I frowned slightly.

Does she really know it or not?

“Listen, Yao,” Ms. Pan De took a breath and seemed to hesitate for a moment. “Your group does have its own preliminary judgment on the candidate for the CEO of the subsidiary. I have met with Ruijie three times outside the company, these three times. It’s not just the two of us. Do you know what I mean?”

The fact that COO is a “prince” is firmly established with her. I nodded and motioned for her to continue.

“But there is no cooperative relationship of any kind between me and him. As for Kevin…” She looked at me for a while.

I understood her embarrassment and shook my head gently: “It’s okay.”

We were relatively silent for a while.

With that said, the situation is very clear. The COO has unilaterally become Kevin’s gun, and the true identities of Kevin and I are more complicated than the other party estimated.

If the invisible hand mentioned by Kevin is true…Miss Pande wants to put me in a ‘safe” position, it would be logical.

The question is, is she a member of that hand?

Is she really hiding behind the scenes, to contribute to this?

I found that I didn’t dare to ask—I looked at her.

But I shouldn’t be so cowardly, I always have to be worthy of Miss Pan De’s courage.

I immediately said: “Kevin wants Ruijie to be the CEO of the subsidiary.”

She looked up at me, and immediately fell into thought again, obviously not surprised. Miss Pan De knows it.

She knows it!

My brain is running fast, and she knows this, so she must also know Kevin’s strategy of Li Daitao. I am afraid that Kevin’s plan to “change the dynasty” with me was not mentioned with Miss Pande. This shows that the two are separate. Either Miss Pande is not responsible for getting the big boss to step down, or Kevin has some secret activities. , Even Miss Pan De did not hide it-is his network in the group or outside?

I squinted my eyes. In terms of the company, the founders’ faction is not the only one, and the group should not plan to use such a dirty method, which is costly and risky. This is more like a wild way.

But if Miss Pende was not involved in this matter, how did she learn about Kevin’s ambitions?

Not to mention the indistinguishable history related to the company next door…

I asked again: “Does Kevin know you want me to be the CEO?”

Miss Pan De lowered her eyes and shook her head.

After a while, she asked, “Do you want to be the CEO of the new company?”

I didn’t answer immediately.

Standing in the position of the leader to manage a large Internet company, not to mention fame and fortune, this position is very attractive to me. However, my experience is obviously inadequate. I have never dealt with affairs at such a high level before, and my prediction of the industry is certainly not as good as that of the big boss. If I don’t talk about things outside the body, I just talk about the sense of accomplishment. On the contrary, I feel that being a CEO is not necessarily as good as actually achieving something in my own field of expertise.

Moreover, the position of the CEO of the subsidiary is not as safe as Miss Pan De imagined.

——Is there any more talk about this subsidiary?

If I can get even a little luck…

I think back to the huge amount of information I received in one day today. Someone outside is staring at us preparing for a sniper war, and the composition of the company’s shareholders is complicated. The national crisis is at the forefront, and what we are afraid of is internal and external troubles, but as long as the strength goes to one place and clicks to break through, what else is difficult?

A jackal zhejian, recorded in “Wei Shu”. People 1,500 years ago knew the truth about how people gather firewood with high flames, how about today? It’s just that the easy-to-break arrow shaft is a dead thing, but the company’s strength is torn apart and never twisted into the same unit. No matter how the big boss delegates power, and how willing Kevin is to value me, I don’t know the situation of the group. No matter how careful I act, I’m afraid I can only die under a dark arrow.

Zhuge Liang has east wind, it is because people understand meteorological observation.

I don’t have any distinctions, and I don’t look at the weather forecast. Where can I wait for my east wind?

Miss Pan De was still looking at me, and seeing me regained her senses, she had a slight inquiry in her eyes.

I can’t say anything to refuse.

I am desperate and want to starve to death on Mianshan.

“About our agreement,” I took a breath, “About us, we can’t use personal relationships to obtain information directly or indirectly…”

She nodded: “I’m listening.”

I was silent for a long time again. This is really humiliating, but I can’t accept myself as a young bird under the protection/guard/umbrella of Miss Pende.

I look at my bottom line.

What am I?

Miss Pan De suddenly stood up. I did not expect that she would take the initiative to approach me before the end of the conversation tonight, but her steps were also hesitant, and she was not sure if I was still in anger.

Miss Pande finally sat down with one arm around my shoulder. I am like a despicable person, because of her touch and comfort, I actually relax.

“Can I break this agreement once?” I looked up.

“Are you okay?” She gently touched me as if she was approaching some treasure, “How can I help you?”

She is pampering me.

“I want to know why the group is targeting the big boss.” I spit on myself while asking, “I want to know why the company must be reorganized. Who is the opposite of the big boss?”

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