Wizard's Life Simulator

Chapter 19 Ancestors (Please read later)

Chapter 19 ‘Ancestors’ (please follow up)

"Since your teacher told you this name, I won't hide it from you anymore."

Earl Arthur spoke softly.

If he still had some doubts before, now he was sure that Chen Mu was not lying.

Because the Black-clothed Seeking Association is not information that Chen Mu can find.

Unless his teacher told him, Earl Arthur would not have thought where Chen Mu could get this news.


But he didn't know that Chen Mu's wizard teacher was fake.

The information about the Black-clad Seeking Association comes from plug-ins.

"Actually, I already had suspicions when you first told me about being intercepted. This matter has nothing to do with you, Wei Li. The relationship between the Golden Lion Family and the Black-Clothed Seeking Association needs to be investigated a hundred years ago."

Earl Arthur sat on the chair, with a hint of emotion in his tone.

Chen Mu also sat aside and listened carefully at this time without making a sound.

He knew that Earl Arthur was preparing to tell him everything.

“The story begins a hundred years ago, when the Lords’ War had just ended and the Golden Lion family was at its peak.

There are more than ten thousand people in the family's bodyguards alone, and there are dozens of official knights.

More than half of the entire Donghe Province is the territory of the Golden Lion Family. "

Chen Mu already understood something after hearing this.

You must know that the current Golden Lion family's fiefdom only has one Far Eastern Territory. Not to mention more than half of the Donghe Province, one tenth is about the same.

Moreover, there are only three direct descendants of the entire Golden Lion family, which is very different from what Earl Arthur said a hundred years ago.

Sure enough, the next moment Earl Arthur's voice sounded again.

"However, just at the end of the Lord's War, a wizard came to the kingdom. He was not a so-called wizard apprentice, but a real first-level wizard!"

Speaking of this, there was a hint of trembling in Earl Arthur's tone.

Although he had never actually met the wizard, Earl Arthur could never forget the fear and powerlessness in his grandfather's tone when he told him the news.

"Weili, you may not have any idea about the first-level wizard. It can be said that this wizard can even directly destroy the entire Winter Kingdom by himself. This is not an exaggeration."

"This wizard needs a young man with wizard qualifications as a test subject, and the kingdom naturally has no ability to refuse.

There are very few civilians with wizard qualifications, and after searching the entire kingdom, only about 200 people were found.

But what the wizard asked for was five hundred people, five hundred young people with wizard qualifications. "

At this point, Earl Arthur's tone had returned to calmness, and he continued talking as if he was chatting.

"The kingdom requires each family to contribute at least one person with wizard qualifications. How could those great nobles agree?

As you can imagine, the nobles overturned the table and war broke out!

But is it useful?

The war undoubtedly had no effect, but instead made the wizard take action.

In the presence of a real wizard, the so-called noble? The so-called family? As small as a bug.

No one knew how the wizard took action. The nobles at that time seemed to be very taboo about this matter.

In short, the nobles agreed to the request, and each family contributed at least one person with wizard qualifications.

Only one person in the Golden Lion family had wizard qualifications, and that was Carl Weasley, one of the direct bloodlines at that time.

No one knew what the wizard wanted five hundred people to do.

All I know is that it was for an experiment, and these five hundred people were the wizard's experimental subjects.

It was not until twenty years later that seven of the original five hundred people returned to the kingdom alive.

Carl Weasley of the Golden Lion family is one of them!

No one knows what they went through, but their temperaments changed drastically, causing turmoil in the kingdom.

In this turmoil, twelve families were wiped out.

That's right, there are twelve noble families, the weakest is also a viscount family, and the strongest is a marquis family.

The Golden Lion family was lucky. Although they suffered heavy losses, they were not wiped out. That Carl Weasley let the Golden Lion family go.

Of course, the kingdom is not a vegetarian. The kingdom secretly worships third-level wizard apprentices.

This turmoil did not last long, and within just a few years these seven people hid in the dark.

The seven who survived returned to the kingdom and caused unrest and founded an organization of dark wizards. "

Having said this, Earl Arthur looked at Chen Mu.

After seeing the understanding in Chen Mu's eyes, he spoke again:

"That's right, this black wizard organization is the [Black Seeking Association]!"

After listening to what his father, Earl Arthur, said, Chen Mu had a complete understanding.

The information in reality and the secrets obtained in the simulator were completely consistent at this time.

Chen Mu didn't expect that a formal wizard could be so powerful that a kingdom would have to bow before a formal wizard like a grandson.

It is precisely because the wizard is so powerful that Chen Mu will never give up exploring the path of the wizard.

The knight is just a transition, and only the wizard is Chen Mu's true pursuit of coming to this world.

"Father, does that mean the one who is dealing with the Golden Lion family now is Carl Weasley?"

"How is it possible? If the ancestors really wanted to deal with the Golden Lion Family, how could the family still exist today? Several founders of the Black Seeking Society have already gone to the overseas wizard continent."

"Who could it be?"

Hearing what his father Earl Arthur said, Chen Mu continued to ask.

If he pretended to be confused just now, then he was really curious now.

Who else could it be other than Carl Weasley? After all, if it was really because of hatred, then only Carl Weasley would be contributed by his own family and would generate hatred.

"Too many, anyone in the 'Black Seeking Society' could be one of them. You may not know that in fact, none of the twelve families that were destroyed at that time were the families of the seven founders."

Chen Mu was not stupid either, and immediately understood what his father Earl Arthur meant.

If it was not because of hatred, it could only be because of interests.

What kind of interests could be linked to the 'Black Seeking Society' and the Golden Lion Family? It could only be because of Carl Weasley, one of the founders of the 'Black Seeking Society'.

Sure enough, Earl Arthur's next sentence solved Chen Mu's doubts.

"When the founders of the Black Seeking Society were still in the kingdom, their families were weaker than before but still stood in the kingdom.

But when they went to the Wizard Continent, these families disappeared one after another.

Now only two families related to those founders are still standing in the kingdom, one is the royal family, and the other is our Golden Lion family."

Hearing his father's words, Chen Mu didn't understand what his father meant.

The families of the founders of the Black Seeking Society disappeared one after another after they left the continent, which is enough to explain the problem.

Some people in the Black Seeking Society are obviously looking for something.

And they think these things are related to the families of those founders.

Chen Mu didn't expect that things would end up like this.

It can be said that it is completely opposite to what he imagined.

Not only does this matter have nothing to do with that ancestor, but on the contrary, that ancestor is a potential umbrella for the Golden Lion family.

Please read~

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