Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 17 - Candidate for marriage

Early the next morning, Will woke up in bed.

A white arm of jade lotus lay on Will’s chest, and platinum “color” hair showed, Betty smiled sweetly.

Will gently opened Betty’s arm.

After getting up and getting dressed, he went to the study after washing.

Today, there is a reply.

Will pushed the door in and Baro Leo had been waiting for a long time.

There is nothing to hesitate.

As soon as Will sat down, he said the answer he had obtained after a night of hard thinking.

Baron Leo had expected Will to answer this way, and Baron Leo handed Will a stack of paper in his hand.

Above, there is information about the marriage partner.

Will first glanced at random, and found that the girls above belonged to the Quimper family, that is, the Quimper family of his mother Delia.

Will is a noble. Although he is only a little son of a baron, he must be a noble if he is worthy of Will.

Now the woman who can marry the Viscount Quimper family is already extremely high.

There are also multiple places for Will to choose.

If other baron families get this kind of treatment, I am afraid they have to wake up laughing.

All of this stems from Will’s mother, Delia Quimper.

Because he has to travel to Yueluo City every year and live in the Quimper family for a few days, Will is still familiar with the younger generation of the Quimper family.

Although there are many Quimper families, with hundreds of people, there are only a few girls suitable for marriage with Will.

Will looked at the first girl. ——Viyn Quimper.

This girl, Will knows, is still familiar.

Weiyin Quimper was two years older than Will, and his “sex” was strong and fierce, and his figure was uneven.

Thinking back then, Will used his young age as a shield to harass Weiyin, lift skirts, peek at the shower, and accidentally touch the body.

At the same time, it was not beaten by Wei Yin.

Thinking of his childhood anecdotes, Will couldn’t help laughing.

“This guy, haven’t married yet?” At that time, Will often ridiculed Wei Yin, saying that her “sex” style didn’t have a man.

Unexpectedly, one day, Wei Yin will appear on Will’s marriage partner.

However, although Wei Yin has an angel-faced devil figure, the two are too familiar, and Wei Yin’s boy “sex” is not a good candidate for Will’s wife.

Will looked over the second page.

Looking at the two names on the paper, and two similar faces.

“Good guy, actually packed?” Will shook his head silently.

Dickie Quimper, Dina Quimper, a pair of twins, the two have similar sex, similar faces, and even very similar hobbies.

But Will never admitted to missing people.


Di Ji, although young, her chest is as big as an apple.

After a year’s absence, I’m afraid it has amazing development again.

Dina, the same age as Di Ji, but the development of the chest is different from that of Di Ji. In her twenties, the chest is still the same as the 304 stainless steel plate.

If the two are separated, the appearance can only be considered excellent, only better than Tracy.

But the two together, even the gorgeous Weiyin, are slightly inferior.

“Really intend to marry me together?” To be honest, Will moved, “If there is no good candidate behind, they are not bad.”

Although it is unlikely.

In fact, Will already has a candidate in mind.

There is no need to read on. The people Will wants are not on this list.

Will put down the list in his hand and smiled at Baron Leo: “Father, is there one less person here?”

Baron Leo looked at Will bitterly, “Will …”

“What happened!” Will’s expression changed, “What happened to Edith?”

Edith Quimper, daughter of Will ’s third uncle, is the same age as Will.

Will and Edith are both good friends, and they have no guesses. Since childhood, their relationship has been very good.

Whether it was Baron Leo or the people of the Quimper family, they all agreed in their hearts that after Will and Edith were married, the two would be so happy.

“Will, calm down, things are not what you think.” Baron Leo saw the excitement in Will’s heart. “Edith entered the League of Allianz College six months ago.”

Hearing Willia Union College name, Will’s pupil shrank.

Will has heard the name many times, but no one knows exactly what this college teaches, what it is used for, and what it is used for.

I have never heard of anyone who graduated from this college.

The League of Allianz College, a “fan” -like college, is rumored that all the students who entered this college just disappeared in this world.

There are three main countries in this world.

They are the Cairo Empire, the Ledorian Empire, and the Amona Empire, and the League of Rulea Union College is rumored to be jointly organized by three countries, each of which is composed of three words.

“Father, how many things do you know about the League of Allianz?” Will asked.

“It’s only recently that I learned that this college exists.” Baron Leo smiled bitterly.

“Edith actually entered this academy?” In front of Will, the figure of Edith Miaoman appeared.

Will Will’s love for Edith be love?

It should not be.

But Will still felt a pain in his heart.

If the rumors about the League of Allianz Academy are correct, it may not be possible to meet Edith again.

I did not expect a difference a year ago, just forever.

“After the four-armed ghost ape, did you go to the League of Allianz Academy? This kind of legendary thing came out one by one, just to fight me?” Will was angry.

“Will …” Baron Leo didn’t know how to comfort Will. “There should be someone you want among these people.”


Whether it is Wei Yin, or Di Ji and Dina, which one is an excellent choice.


“Just Diji and Dina.” Will no longer wants to watch.


Due to Will’s familiarity with Quimper’s younger generation, the two of Dickie and Dina are already the best choices.

If it were in the past, Will would be absolutely excited to have twins like Di Ji and Dina.

But Will is not in this mood now.

“Looking at it? Maybe it’s beyond your expectations.” Baron Leo persuaded.

Facing Baron Leo’s repeated persuasion, Will took the list in doubt.

Baron Leo should know nothing about the Quimper family’s affairs and Will’s affairs.

Without Edith now, the Dijdina twins should be the best candidate, so why did Baron Leo persuade him again and again?

Scrubbing, Will looked at the name casually and turned over.

Did not take a closer look at all.

Because these people Will know.

But when he turned to the last one, Will froze.

I didn’t expect this person to appear on this list.

The appearance of Weiyin in the front really surprised Will, but it was only the surprise of “this guy hasn’t married yet”.

Until this person appears.

Niya Quimper.

Niya is also the third uncle’s daughter, Edith’s sister.

Niya and Edith are somewhat similar, but they are very different, and the “sex” style is also very different.

Edith is confident, proud, lively, full of strength, is simply synonymous with youth.

Niya, the body is weak, “sex” is introverted, and the soul is pure and kind.

If it is said that in the Quimper family, Will’s favorite person is Niya, and Edith will also be behind Niya.

However, Will’s love of Niya is not love at all.

“Why does Niya appear here too?” Will puzzled. “I have always regarded Niya as my sister. I never thought Niya would become my wife.”

In Will’s mind, the sweet scene of Niya’s brother named Will appeared.

The figure of Niya flying in the flower field emerged.

The scene where Niya flew into his arms emerged.

Seeing that Niyana and Di Lia have seven or eight similar faces, almost the same “sex” style.

Will threw the list in his hand back to the table.

“I, I will never marry Niya, only Niya, I don’t want to defile her.” Will closed his eyes.

Niya is so innocent, so cute, so kind.

Will is willing to give Niya the best thing in the world, and Niya will always keep a beautiful and pure smile.

Niya is synonymous with beauty in Will’s heart.

And now, actually let Will defile Niya.

Let Niya enter the dirty adult world.

Let Niya let out an unbearable low gasp in bed.


How can it be done!

Anyone who dares to touch Niya will have to die!

“Niya will be married someday,” Leo reminded Will.

“Who dares!” Will yelled angrily.

“Then you took Niya yourself, isn’t it good?” Baron Leo said without a word.

“Impossible, even if I jumped out of the window now, die, and die outside, I would never touch Niya, and I would never marry Niya.” Will took one from the list.

“I think Dickie and Dina are good. If there is no problem, they are the two.” Then, Will walked out of the study. “I’m going to do morning exercises and I’m out of company.”

“Three days later, we went to Moonfall City to raise relatives. When did we change our minds, please contact me at any time.” Baron Leo shouted behind Will.

Will came to the training ground.

On the training ground, the men of the junior team have already started their morning exercises.

Only one of them is missing. -Nikon.


“Master Will.”

“Hello, young master.”

The trainers are saluting Will.

Previously, people only respected Will’s identity.

Since the battle of the four-armed apes and the realization that Will will kill the four-armed apes, people’s attitude towards Will has changed.

In this world, strength is fundamental.

“Is Captain Nissen here?” Will asked.

“Captain Nissen set off early in the morning and negotiated with the Evelyn family.” A member replied.

After the battle of the four-armed ghost ape, the Albert family lost a knight and their strength dropped.

Under normal circumstances, the Evelyn family will certainly take advantage of the opportunity to invade.

But the Evelyn family also lost a knight, 30 elite soldiers, and heirs.

The loss is much greater than the Albert family.

Both parties need to recuperate.

Negotiation is the best option for both parties.

Will walked around the training ground for a few laps, feeling restless, and returned to the bedroom.

In the bedroom, Betty was sitting in a chair, combing her hair, and “sweet” a swan-like slender and beautiful neck.

Will rushed up in an arrow and hugged Betty to the bed.

In Betty’s coquettish voice, Will stripped Betty down.

After a while, Betty panted under Will.

It’s just, I don’t know why, Will is even more irritable.

The thought of that innocent Niya would also “expose” this expression, and a nameless anger surged into her heart.


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