Wizard King

Chapter 26: The Roost Pt. 3

"Alright girl," Harry said as he jumped out of the Demigryph's back, and patted her neck. The big softy was shivering as she stared up the peak of the mountain, she never had that kind reaction when she faced any of the other Griffin-like creatures that they met.

The scent that drifted down of the Royal Gryphon must have shaken her since these guys are the true alpha and supreme ones of this mountain.

"Thanks for bringing me all the way up here," Harry voiced, as he softly nested his head against her neck and rubbed behind her ear."Go back to your little pups, I can make it on my own from here."

Recalling how the big furball lead him to her nest once they left the Griffin lair, Harry remembers well those to die for little Demigryph.

The Demigryph he thought all along was a male was actually female, with her own litter of Demigryphs. Harry was shell shocked when the big furball lead him to her nest to met her little pups.

Crooning softly at him the big furball looked torn between following him up the rest of the mountain into the Royal Gryphon territory or running back to her nest. Placing his hand on her crest, Harry whispered to it, "Its alright girl, I will be fine, but I am not sure if I can protect you from big hungry birds the size of airlines. Don't worry, I will make sure to visit and cuddle with your adorable pups."

Gazing at him for a long while, the big griffin like creature slowly nodded her head and then slowly bounded away. Watching as she disappeared into the distance, a small part of him went with her.

Even if the journey was short the two of them made a very close bond and they got to know each other very well. Sighing Harry willed himself to spin around and look at the summit of the mountain.

From this distance, he could make up a few Royal Gryphon the size of airlines gliding in the sky.

Trudging up the rest of the distance, Harry cast a warming charm on himself to keep the chill away. Even though he would have needed a heavy winter clothing, Harry made do with only his regular summer clothing. It was all thanks to the body temperature regulation he seem to have, plus the highly warm body as well that he could make do with very little clothing in this freezing temperature.

Finally reaching a gorge with a opening up ahead, Harry walked through and when he did he was blown away with what he saw. On either side was a mountain face with countless cave openings, there were numerous ledges as well that held a myriad of Royal Gryphon.

Somewhere little chicks running about and playing around the size of bulls, otherwhere juvenile and trying to please the female populace with tricks and gifts. Most of the adults where either gone out hunting or just sitting on the legs watching everything that was going on.

They all had different coloration ranging from gold, blue, green, red, black, and so forth with either patches, spots, stripes, or just nothing but smooth silky feathers.

Harry felt like an ant inside a giant's home as he took in the sights. He though at any moment some Gryphon would squash underfoot by accident. However, he kept his cool and held out his head up high.

His family was able to subject these creatures by not acting weak or afraid, but by being bold and fearless. So he should follow in their example and be the man of the house.

Suddenly Harry spotted a Royal Gryphon he knew very well, one the color of pure gold banking towards him. The very familiar Gryphon didn't look to be as mature as the adult Royal Gryphon but he could give them a run for their money in comparison to them for might and size.

Being given a wide berth the Royal Gryphon landed before him as it folded its wings. Staring down at him, the giant bird/lion creature seem to get across to him, "jump on board," as it bent its head low.

Seeing no reason to disagree, Harry did as asked of him, and climbed on to the golden Gryphon's neck. It was a struggle at first climbing aboard since he felt like a tick crawling on a dog. But soon he was in position and the Gryphon spread its wing and took off.

Wondering where the creature was taking him, Harry just asked it since most griifn-like creatures seem to understand him very well. "Where are we going goldy?"

Craning its head back to stare at him with one eye the size of a truck's wheel, Harry somehow understood that the creature seem to be musing about the name he called it. "Goldy," Harry repeated, "you are just so golden, I guess that name fits since I don't really know yours."

Saying nothing, the Gryphon just continuing beating its wings as it flew on. Before long they seem to reach the very top of the mountain, and the Gryphon slowly descended downward.

Bending its head low so that Harry could climb off, Harry decided it would be just easier if he slide down instead. Landing on the ground in a mess of snow and ice, Harry picked himself up and dusted himself up.

Gazing around, Harry had a really wonderful view of everything from here, he could see miles on end and they were so high up that the clouds covered everything from hundreds of feet below.

However Harry still had no idea why the big goldy brought him here, the view is wonderful but there is nothing here at the peak but a giant mound of snow the size of a massive hill.

Turning around to face the Royal Gryphon, Harry was just about to ask it why exactly it brought him here until he felt a great vibration at his feet. Peering around to see where the shaking was coming from, Harry saw nothing but moving snow.

Then that was when it hit him, it wasn't exactly the snow moving but the hill. Peering closely at it, a great big milky eye open ajar like gates as they were the size of a king-sized bed. Gaping, Harry watched as the snow drifted away and what laid beneath was uncovered.

"Ahhhh-hhaaaaaa," the massive hill said as it yawned like it was waking up from a nap.

Staring wide wide wide and mortified, a very ancient Royal Gryphon with grey and white feathers was now presented. Crying out shrilly, Harry took it that goldy was as surprised as him until he saw it ran around the humongous ancient Gryphon.

It was like comparing a dog to a giant as the golden Royal Gryphon ran circles around gigantic Gryphon. "Would you quiet it down for a moment," the immense Gryphon called out as it yawned.

Harry wasn't even shocked anymore when he heard the creature speak in a very human-like tongue. Deep down he knew that some very ancient and powerful magical beasts are capable of human speech, but he was far, far too gone for that as he just stood there frozen unable to process anything more.

"Mh," the white and grey mound said as he listened to the golden Gryphon speak in its bird/lion-like language. "You say are guest has arrived?" the giant Gryphon asked. "Well, why didn't you say so?"

The golden Gryphon shriek in annoyance as it said a few choice words in its own Gryphon language, and the giant Gryphon looked down at it and uttered, "Now watch your tongue before I have to wash it with snow."

Deciding it was best, the golden shut its mouth and did not back mouth its elder like a mouth teenager.

"Now where is our guest?" the ancient creature asked no one in particular as it whirled around its head. Harry noticed that it had a grey beard jutting out of underneath its jowls.

"I am over here," Harry called out as he really did not feel like being stomped on.

Turning its head to face him, a kind smile split the old creature's face, "Oh-hohoho, Sunchaser did tell me you would be visiting, young one, when he went down the mountain after he sensed your presence."

So that was what goldy's name was Sunchaser, quite an apt name since he does shine brightly like the golden sun. Inclining his head to the ancient creature, Harry greeted it, "The pleasure is all mine, sir."

"Now, now," the venerable Royal Gryphon said, "there is no need for sir. Your parents, your grandparents, their parents, and their parents before that have been calling me old Gryp. You can call me that too."

Gazing up at Old Gryp, Harry wondered how old he was if he had four generations of Potters calling him old Gryp. Still conceding to it, Harry remark, "My grandparent if you would say- told me to visit you. You are the venerable old Royal Gryphon, right old Gryp?" Harry asked.

"Yes, that is me," the old birdy answered with a chuckle which sent snow tumbling down and vibrations to his very core. "Now before all that," the wizened old creature said, "did you bring any snack?"

"Aaa," Harry said, "yes, I guess." as he unslung his pack.

"Good, good, it has been ages since I had anything. After a while it gets dull sustaining yourself on magic alone."

Saying nothing at the unimaginable word that came out of the creatures beck, Harry pulled out all the remaining meat he had. "I do not know if they will be enough, but I got fresh meat."

"My boy, it has been 34 years since I ate something. I do not care if its even rat poop, just toss it into my mouth."

"Okay," Harry said as he did as told. It was like feeding a man grains of rice but the old creature still smiled as the meat when down its gullet.

"Mmmm, prime meat," the old Gryphon said as he closed his eyes. "Now back to the business at hand, I assume you are taking on the Lordship of House Potter."

"Yes," Harry replied with a nod.

"Aaaa," the old creature said with a said sigh, "how such a great and powerful House has fallen that only a child remains." Tuning around the old birdy, quickly amended, "I mean no offense to you my boy but I remember the old day where your family used to field legions, possess dozens of main branch members and hundreds of side branch. Ah, those where the day as we tore apart our enemies and conquered all."

"None taken," Harry said with a shake of his head, there was no denying that his family has fallen on hard times that he, a child is the one to assume power.

Peering closely at him with sad eyes, the old Gryphon pronounced, "there is much that rests on your shoulder little one."

Standing up straight with his head held up high, and declared, "I will not fail, old Gryp, I will lead my family to greatness once again."

Although Harry went to visit the portrait room to see his parents, he still got a look at his ancestors of pass. Even if they were kind, good people he still saw the way they held themselves and all that they accomplished. They were great men and women who went out there in the big wide world and better his family.

"Anyways, what exactly brought my family so low?" Harry asked. He was curious to know what happen to such a great family, as the old Gryphon his family must have been really great.

He recently only started to get to know about his family so he did not know much, but this old birdy who has been with the family for countless generations must be the best source to go to for answers.

"Yes," the old Gryphon said with a deep sigh, "the decline of the family mostly has to do with the two wars that we have participated in back to back. First Grindelwald which was an utter disaster as it included all of Europe and America. That shook everything to its core and the conflict was so terrible that many of Potters died in it, numerous old and great families came to an end, and countless legions waged war every where.

Then there was the upstart Voldermort, before we could even recover from the devastating conflict we were thrown in another. This was more local but as you know it nearly ended everything for us that terrible night the bastard came after you."

Listening as the old Gryphon spoke of days long pass, Harry knew perfectly well most of Voldermort reign of terror. He did not want to dwell too much on that since it has costed him too much.

Turning to more neutral things, Harry recalled as much as he could from his history of magic class and asked. "Isn't the Grindelwald war what gave Dumbledore his name."

"Yes," the old Gryphon replied, "but we had that prance on the ropes when Dumbledore swooped in and defeated him in single combat."

"So," Harry said, "you are saying that I am the only Potter left now."

"Yes," old Gryp replied sadly, "the American branch of the family died out in the Grindelwald wars and there is no one left in our old motherland."

"Our old motherland?" Harry asked.

"Yes," old Gryp said, "Rome, of course, my boy. That is where your family came from."

Recalling that stern-looking man with the Roman legionary uniform, Harry finally connected the dots.

"What about this legion you speak of?" Harry asked. He remembers everyone mentioning this army his family used to have.

"You will have to go to the Fortress to see about the Griffin legion's situation."

Having his questions answered to a satisfactory level Harry got back to what he came here for. "Now why exactly did my grandparents send me again?"

Nodding his head in assent, the venerable beast voiced, "They must have sent you for the ceremony since you are assuming Lordship of the family."

"Ceremony?" Harry asked.

"Yes, all Potters that have come before have partook in it."

"Alright, but what is this Ceremony exactly?" Harry asked.

Reaching up with its clawed talons towards its heart the venerable Gryphon took out a feather. This feather wasn't like its old grey and white feathers but a multi-colored one like that of a rainbow with flowing lights shining within and glittering specks of dust surrounding it.

"You have to eat this," old Gryo simply said as he offered him the feather.

Staring again at the feather Hary saw that it was manageable since the feather seem to be much smaller than the massive feathers covering its body. Still, it was too unusual that why he asked, "Why exactly do I have to do that?"

"To gain my power of course," old Gryp said as if it was obvious.

"I wonder what will happen when you have the power of three legendary beasts coursing through your veins," he muttered under his breath.

"Wait, you know about that?" Harry asked.

"Of course," the old birdy said with a deep rumbling laugh. "I can smell their scent all over you."

"Wait," Harry said, "am I like going to explode or something. You sound too curious."

Waving his concern away with a wave that sent billowing wind, the old creature answer, "No.... actually," he added as if to think it over, "I am not sure really."

"You know what," Harry said, "at this point, I have done too many crazy shit. So what's one more right?"

"Now that's the attitude you need," the old birdy replied with deep reverberating laughter.

Looking at the feather, Harry steeled himself, power is power and he will need a whole but load of it to go against powerful Sorcerers like Voldemort and Dumbledore. In one swift motion, Harry shoved the feather into his mouth and gulped down.

For a long moment, he felt nothing until he felt electricity coursing through his fucking veins. It was like countless bolts were sticking him all at once and his body had no outlet to send it out.

At this point, he should have been used to excruciating pain but he still somehow found a way to scream and tear into his own flesh to ease the pain.

It was a long while before Harry was able to collect himself and catch a breath. Casting a healing spell on himself to ease the burning aftereffects of the pain, Harry got up from the ground he found himself at. 

Peering down at him curiously were the two Royal Gryphon, smiling weakly Harry coughed to clear his raw throat then uttered. "It seems like I survived, but I do not feel any different." 

"It will take time for you to manifest all your new abilities," Old Gryp answered. "I do believe that you are discovering new abilities each and every day, correct."

Nodding his head in answer Harry could see the old bird's point, there is much he still does not know about like if he could rebirth himself like a phoenix or can he cry healing tears. "Well," Harry said as he dusted off the snow from his clothing, "I best be heading down now. I got a lot of distance to cover."

"Don't worry about that," the ancient Gryphon, "Sunchaser can bring you down." 

Nodding his head in thanks, Harry turned to face the massive creature despite the fact he got to know the old birdy, he was still shell shocked at it purely enormous size, might, and very advanced age. That is why he was bothered by one thing that just kept on nagging him endlessly, and so he asked. "Why didn't you kill Voldemort yourself?"

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