Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 3 – Chapter 1 – Part 1 – Training and moving forward*

Japan, Kuoh

Kuoh Academy

Jin Skyward


It's been a month and two weeks since the small reunion that the Himejima's had, as well as when I checked up on Sae Toujou. Many things have happened since then that I don't even know where to start…

I gazed up at the sky as the clouds slowly drifted across the sky. The weather was bright and sunny, and a weak breeze brushes by my face every now and again.

I was currently on the rooftop of the school and it was lunchtime. Why? I don't know… I just felt like it, maybe… I wanted to come up here at least once. It's quite famous in anime after all. While I ate my lunch, not all of it mind you, I lied on my back.

I already informed everyone that I would be up here, so if they needed me for anything they can find me— Or they could use a communication circle or the transceivers. I was easily reachable.

I sit up as I heard some shouting below me, when I leaned over to see it was the perverted Duo— Matsuda, and Motohama being wacked by the female kendo club members, they probably were peeking at them…

When will they learn…?

Hug ~ Gyuuuu ~ Chomp ~

"Hmmm? This soft body, these breasts, and this nibbling of my ear… Akeno?"

"Ufufufu, you really do know me and my body now, don't you, Outer God-sama?~"

Akeno had come up behind me and hugged me tightly, pressing her chest against my back as well as nibbling on my ear. She also called me that… Ugh, when will they let it go?

"Haaaa… When will you guys let that slide? It's been nearly a month already…"

That's right, I revealed myself to them. When? On the day when everyone headed home— Suzaku was the one who convinced me… Well partially, I was already planning on telling them, but she was the one who coaxed it out of me…

"Hmmm~ never?~"

She giggled to herself and hugged me tighter.

I also told them about my reincarnation, and when they learned this, they were shocked. The only lie I told them was that I had no prior knowledge of this world, I didn't want them having an existential crisis like Ddraig and Albion.

The other point was… I rescued Valerie Tepes, she's currently in my home. She hasn't met up with Gasper yet. I told her that a peace conference was on the horizon and she told me she'll wait till then. Why? She wants to surprise him I guess; she's done well avoiding him while staying in my home. I also said she was free to join the school, Rias said she'd approve it quite easily. She said she would think about it…

I also brought her with me into the [Pocket Dimension] along with my lovers and the other girls. She didn't go for the first one though, I brought them all in there a total of three times, so three years in total.

Well, I stopped the aging of our bodies, but our minds are another story. When I first brought in the Gremory peerage, I did not have the aging feature on so we all aged up. So, I'm 18 but I should be 19 before I graduate. Rias and Akeno were 19 making them graduate at 20, Kiba and Asia were 17, Shirone and Gasper were now 17.


1 month prior


"Okay, we'll get moving then."

Baraqiel and Shuri were the ones who wanted to leave first, we just finished having breakfast. I thought she would want to stay a little longer… Maybe they didn't have time to do their…. 'Plays' so, they were hightailing it back to their home in Grigori.

"Are you sure? You can stay a little longer you know, mom…"

Akeno looked a bit upset, but knowing she can reach them anytime she wants, she wasn't that upset.

"I can't stay here forever, Akeno… But you can come over to our home anytime you want. Including Harem-King-sama."

What kind of nickname is that? I'm glad she's a bit more open about it. I want to be in good standing with both of them. Baraqiel wasn't against it, the only gripe he probably had was if I was able to protect and take care of Akeno.

I can do that easily, Shuri was a different story. Being revived and then being told her only daughter might be in a harem must have been quite a shock.

Why do I care about all of this? Akeno obviously cares about her parents, plus the fact that her dead mother is now alive, and her relationship with her father has been repaired. Therefore, she wants both their approval, so if I said I didn't want their approval and did whatever I wanted… She might not be happy.

I like them too, they clearly care for me, especially when they extended that 'Himejima hug' a few days back.

"See you around then, Shuri, Baraqiel."

"Yes, you too Jin."

Baraqiel nods at me as he and Shuri teleported away. The only ones left were the Slash/Dog team, but the girls don't seem to want to go yet…

"Me, Kouki, and Sae will get going then, Jin. Thanks for having us."

After he finishes his breakfast, Tobio says. The other two nodded along with their leader's plan.

"Really? Well, if you guys want to… What about, them?"

I gesture to Natsume and Shigune.

"We're staying for a little bit longer."

I nod, I wonder when Natsume will move in? Or if she even wants to…

[She will eventually, Partner. Don't rush these things.]

I'm not rushing it! I was just wondering that's all.

[Right, well my point still stands, she'll approach you with that question when she's ready.]

"Alright, we're off, see you around, Jin."

Tobio and I fist bump as they left through the door. So, the only ones left were myself, my harem, Suzaku and Shigune. Well, Yasaka and Kunou too…

"So will the two of us, see you at school, Jin-senpai."

Gasper and Kiba also leave… What was the hurry? Nothing of significance was happening… I think.

"Jin? Can we talk?"

I feel a hand on my arm. When I turned to see who it was, it was Suzaku. What does she want to talk about?

"Sure, lead the way."

The girls were staring at me and Suzaku, but we ignored their gazes and headed to my room. Once there she sat down and I did the same thing.

"So… I think you should share your secret with everyone… Like, right now."

To the point I see. Well, I was already planning on doing that down the line— Aka, before the peace conference. Why did she want me to tell them it now?

"I was planning on doing it eventually, why do you want me to reveal that now?"

"I believe it's just the right time, many of them are here… The only ones missing are Rossweisse-san and Gabriel-sama."

Certainly, I can teleport them here whenever I need to let them know, but she has a point… Many of them are already here. I planned on bringing them into the [Pocket Dimension] soon too… Fine, I'll do it.

"Haaa… Sure, I'll get them… No, can you gather everyone into the living room? I'll get Rose and Gabriel to come."

She smiles and nods, she leaves the room and I'm left to get the Seraph and Valkyrie… What about Latia? We're not that close yet. I mean we're quite close friends but I doubt she has any kind of romantic feelings for me... Ophis can hear me through the necklace. Therefore, I'll make sure she does. Irene? I can tell her when she moves in…

I use the transceiver on my ring and call Gabriel first.

[Hey, Gabriel?]

[Jin? Jin! How can I help you? Hehe.]

She sounded quite happy to hear me.

[I actually need to… Talk to you, as well as everyone else, if you're free can you come down to my home? The rest will be in the living room…]

[Mmm! I'm free right now, I'll teleport there then! I'll see you there!]

With that the line goes dead. I switch over to Rossweisse and call her.

[J-Jin? How can I help you?]

She sounded a bit surprised by the sudden call. I don't blame her, since it's still very early.

[Hey, Rose. I was wondering, can you join me at my house? I have to tell everyone something… That will include you too.]

[Tell me… Something…? Oh… Um sure, I'm free.]

[Great, I'll teleport you to the living room so just join everyone there.]

[Yes, I will, see you there.]

I nod and teleport Rose from Asgard to my living room. Since I'm quite used to her aura and mana, I can do it easily.

"Haa… Time to do this tango then."

[Partner, will you reveal your reincarnation?]

{I was wondering about that too…}

I may as well, I'll just leave out the part where their world was a work of fiction… To save them from having an existential crisis.


You two combed through my memories… I didn't exactly tell you. You guys just found out that way.


I chuckle at them and make my way downstairs. In the entrance hallway, Suzaku was waiting for me, she nods at me and we go into the living room together.

Once we enter, all eyes were on me, I did say I was going to tell them something. Once I sat down, I cleared my throat and looked at them seriously.


Thud! Hug!

"Don't break up with us nya!!!"

Kuroka tackled me as she started to comically cry. Most of the girls' eyes opened wide, but a few seemed incredulous; what the cat girl said seemed foreign to them. Also, I wasn't dating all of them… Please don't start jumping to conclusions, Kuroka-san.


I steady myself and put Kuroka on my lap as I let out a defeated sigh.

"Where in the world did you even come up with that? Also, I'm not even dating everyone in the room…"


Kuroka looked up at the ceiling, finally figuring out her mistake, she turns red and goes back to sit with Akeno. She teased her relentlessly.

I shake my head and look back at them.

"Alright… So, how the hell do I go about this…?"

I look at Suzaku as she gave me a smile that indicated that this was up to me, great, thank you Suzaku-sama, very helpful...

"So, some of you may have wondered what I am."

"Oh, so you're finally telling us that you're no longer a Human Dragon God Hybrid?"

Akeno tells the group, and a few who weren't aware look at her in shock.

"W-Wait, a what?! W-Wait, WAS?!"

Natsume freaked out, a few others sharing her shock as they stare at me wide-eyed. I also let Ophis hear what I was about to say. Can't leave out the loli dragon.

"Yeah, so it WAS the truth, once upon a time I WAS a human Dragon God hybrid. But now? I'm not."

They nod in unison.

"When… When did you change?"

"It was when… I believe it was only Kuroka and Akeno? Remember when I said I had to go out and I was on the moon?"

The two nod.

"The moon? You went to the moon? Woah…"

Natsume for some reason, was surprised by that… Can't the supernatural travel to the moon easily…?

"Right… Anyway, when I went up there I… Well evolved? Changed? Either way, I became something else entirely."

They waited for me to continue so I did.

"I became or evolved into what's called an Outer God, to be more specific, I'm an Outer Dragon God, so I'm technically still a Dragon God."

""Outer God?""

They all repeated in unison, yeah that term doesn't exist here, so I went on and told them what I said to Suzaku a few days ago. They all became shocked… I wouldn't blame them, what I— We are is kind of weird…

"So, uh, any questions?"

Kuroka raises her hand.

"Yes, Kuroka?"

"So, you can grow an extra dick and fuck both my holes at the same time nya?"


The room fell silent as Kuroka finished blurting out those words, a few— No, all eyes were on her as she remained oblivious and waited for my answer. Many of the girls turned red at her vulgarity.

Smack! Bite! Smack!

Shirone bit Kuroka's arm, Grayfia smacked her head and Rias brought out a paper fan… From somewhere and smacked her on the head.

"Ow! Nya! It was a legitimate question! Shirone stop biting me! Ow ow ow!"

"I… Well, I can, but I won't… I'm not into that… Anyway, any real questions? If not, I'll continue."

"Continue? There's more?"

Reni was confused and I nodded.

"So, our world isn't the only one out there… There are multiple worlds, timelines, realms, and realities… The multiverse and omniverse theories are real."

"So, there is a timeline that you would have said yes!"

Kuroka again got lightly hit by them.

"No, my existence is unique. As an Outer God, only one of us can exist. Therefore, I will exist only in the present, not in the past or the future. So, if someone somehow manages to time travel and tries killing me before I changed into an Outer God, it's not possible."

"So… There are more worlds and universes out there? How strong are they?"

Ingvild seemed quite curious about this, she already knew I could potentially create universes.

"Many are far stronger than this world's top ten strongest, many beings out there can casually punch out the Galaxy or Milky Way, and some can outright snap a universe out of existence. Some have abilities and techniques that prevent them from dying or negating everything."

"There is one other Outer God who is awake and interfering with me… That might extend to all of you, I have Cúntóir to tell me about when that happens though."


They all repeat confused.

"Yeah… Hey Cúntóir come out real quick."

When I said that she immediately materialized in front of me. She turns to them with a smile and bows.

"How do you do Jin's harem? I am Cúntóir, I'm pleased to become acquainted with you all."

They all stare at her in surprise.

"She's… I guess a supercomputer with the 'super' part not there since she's limited on what to tell me, since Azathoth is limiting her. She helps me from time to time."

Squeeze ~ Pinch ~

"Nhish, yhou're thaking thah Grayfia rhoute." (Nice, you're taking the Grayfia route.)

Cúntóir pinched my cheek after I teased her.


I brought out the [Boosted Gear] and [Divine Dividing]

"Divine Dividing?! How?!"

Rias blurted out as everyone stared at the two Sacred Gears, I have… Well, Akeno was fine since she knew about it beforehand.

"I don't know, blame Azathoth. I am genuinely the Red Dragon Emperor… There are two [Divine Dividing] in the world though. Hey, Cúntóir care to explain that?"

She nods and turns to the girls. But I stop her.

"WAIT! ONE LAST THING BEFORE YOU DO! I did have a reason for telling you guys that the multiverse and omniverse were real… Since I reincarnated here…"


They all looked shocked at me.

"W-What do you mean by that, Jin? Like the Evil Piece System…?"

I shake my head at Rias's question.

"No, I lived another life before this. When I died there… I was reincarnated here, by Azathoth. I… Don't have all my memories, but I remember my old world perfectly… Probably. Anyway, my memories of my past self are a blur, however, I've been receiving small dreams, flashbacks, and voices over time."

"Wait nya! Is that the reason why you went to Ireland because of the voices?"

"Yeah… But it's a bit more complicated than that. Anyway, I was apparently 26 before I died. Cúntóir can't tell me anything else since she's physically being stopped by Azathoth… So if I add my ages together, I'm 44 years old in total."

[Wrong, before you reincarnated, your soul floated in the void for around 87 quintillion years. You accidentally came across Azathoth's domain and he reincarnated you.]

[So, you're 87 quintillion and 44 years old.]

Ddraig interrupted me, sounding smug.

{Jin may have gone into that if you didn't interrupt him, you know…}

[Shut up, Albion.]

"Uh, what Ddraig said."

"T-This is a lot of information being dumped onto us…"

Rossweisse had her hand on her head, seemingly getting a headache.

"Yeah, I don't blame you. If it'll take you guys' time to digest then have at it."

"Jin. Why don't you use more of your power? If what you say is true, most beings would do that."

Grayfia looked at me seriously, I see a few of the girls nodding— Agreeing with the maid.

"Right, about that… I was just a normal human before reincarnating. So, being thrust into this new world with information of the supernatural being real… New powers, it was a mind fuck."

"How come I don't use it more? Your rings and enchantments are among them, in a way. As well as creating my shadows, I also created a new life. But if you mean by not running around fixing all the problems in the world…."

"I mean, life would be boring, a utopia is never achievable, why? There will always be people— Beings against it. I could easily end this world if I wanted. But I've slowly liked living here, I want to have experiences, you know? It's like in a video game— I'm a cheat character, I can breeze through it if I want. But I'm taking my time so I can at least enjoy it."

"Why don't I do this? Why don't I do that? It's my life and I can live how I want. I'm not interested in starting a faction, I'm not interested in world domination— Omniverse domination? In my second chance at life, I want to spend this life the way I want to. Who the hell are you to tell me how to live it? Uh not you specifically, Grayfia, sorry it's rhetorical."

She smiles and nods, I sigh and look up at the ceiling.

"I have made my own precautions so you girls won't be hurt because of me, hell, I died at 26 that's not exactly the age of super maturity… I probably partied hard or something in my twenties in college. But I died, I mean."

"So, why did you become the middleman?"

I chuckle at Rossweisse's question.

"I was an Otaku in my past life— I can confidently say that. In this life, that also means I am still one. A harem! The work of fiction in my old world interested me in it, I have the power to do that in this world… So I ran with it!"

"The Middleman of the factions? I get to interact with different factions— Meaning I can meet all types of women. If they catch my interest— I'll pursue them, if they don't feel the same? I'll move on."

"Did you have bad luck in romance then? Is that why you want a harem? Love on you constantly?"

Kuroka was staring at me with concern, this question raised a few eyebrows from the girls.

"I have no idea, maybe that's the other reason I wanted a harem? My lack of affection in my past life? Cúntóir hasn't answered that question fully, but based on my own theory, probably, or not? I don't know."

"I know that I lacked familial affection, my past life's parents were probably neglectful? Abusive? Who knows, but for the romance? I'm drawing a blank."

"If you're wondering about my old world, the supernatural wasn't real— Or at the very least very weak. Only the occasional sightings of ghosts or weird creatures. Perhaps the age of gods has ended? Or never existed."

"Has anyone… Experienced your full power? As an Outer God, I mean…"

Akeno has a good question, and Ingvild raises her hand, as well as Yasaka and Kunou. The girls stare at them in disbelief.

"Back when we first went to Kyoto… We got into some topics and Jin unleashed just one percent of his power as an Outer God. Honestly? It was quite sickening… So much power, at such a high density could just come out of a person…"

Ingvild shook her head and slightly shivered. The same with Yasaka, Kunou grabbed onto her but still smiled at me.

"Yes, also… A creature that attacked us many years ago in Kyoto… You said it was called 'The False King, Ghidorah', yes?"

I nod at Yasaka's question.

"That thing is a universal threat, right now it's currently flying around the multiverse destroying worlds and universes, why? I have no idea; it's probably just made by the universe with one thing in mind— Which was to just simply destroy anything in its sight."

"As I mentioned before, that thing is stronger than the top ten strongest in this world, even Ophis, and the True Dragon, Great Red can't kill it, even if they team up. These two are tied for first place."

Yasaka and Ingvild smiled at me.

"But this world has you, right? You will help us, right? No, protect us."

"Yeah, that's what I promised to the three of you as well as Serafall. I will do the same for other dangers. But if I keep doing that, the inhabitants of this world will never grow. There will be times that you will need to face these types of dangers down the line…"

"Not just Universal or Multiversal threats, but threats of your world… An example is Khaos Brigade. I will provide help— Or even take them on myself, but all of you will need to participate or fight your own battles in the future."

I feel a tug on my side, it was from Suzaku.

"Jin, do— Do you remember your old name?"


I flatly answer her.

"That's the one thing I can't remember as well, I was given the name 'Jin Skyward' by Azathoth— Er Cúntóir when I reincarnated here."

Albion and Ddraig were still out, occasionally glowing to confirm what I say but they mostly kept quiet. I sigh one final time… For now, that's all I can think of.

"That's all I wanted to say, if you're weirded out or freaked out, feel free to break it off with me or distance yourself. I won't blame you."

As I said I wouldn't blame them, I just revealed my real… Race? Species? As well as clue them in that the multiverse is a thing. More dangers are out there, and there's a very high chance I'll be a target if they choose to leave. I won't blame them. They'd be safer that way.

Reni gets up and comes over to me, she smiles and hugs me then pulls away.

"I'm not sure if I speak for everyone here, Jin. But wouldn't you agree this is a positive step in the right direction? You finally revealed this… Deep secret to us, that means you trust us, right? I do feel you did trust us in the past but… I would say even more so now."

"You probably agonized over this many times, right? Questions like, would they believe me? Will they think I'm crazy? Lying? Will they accept this? Will they leave?"

She puts her hands on both my cheeks and lightly bumps her head with mine as she smiles at me.

"I, for one believe you, I trust you with my life. You've proven time and time again, helped many people— Even if you just wanted to meet women…"

She giggled cutely, and the other joined in. The ones in my harem— My lovers got up and slowly piled on me— The two Sacred Gears vanished.

Grayfia, Akeno, Kuroka, Shirone, Ingvild, and Gabriel came over and hugged me. Suzaku had got up to make space.

"We have been waiting for you to reveal this to us, Jin."

Grayfia starts.

"It's been a long time coming nya, but…"

Kuroka continues.

"It's like what Reni said, regardless of how long it took you… I— We would have waited for you."

Akeno finishes.

Shirone, Gabriel, and Ingvild nodded along. I could see through some holes in this big hug that Natsume was nodding along… She may not have been in my harem for long— Nor have we deepened our relationship that far, but she was supportive.

Not just her— The rest of them looked… Relieved? I don't know but… I can tell they didn't hold any negative feelings as of this moment, giving me a sense of relief.

"I… See… Thank you… All of you…"

I hugged them back. Maybe this has been piling up inside of me for so long… I just didn't realize it.


God, both of you shut up…

After that, the mood lightened up and I started to answer questions from them. They were hesitant at first but they began to pile up… I'll need to do this with my future lovers too, tell this truth to them.

"Guys, I want to go to that place soon."

The few that didn't know looked at me funny. I chuckle and explain what that place is.

"So, if you can find time… Like ten minutes, that's all I need. I won't go there once… Maybe a few times, who knows?"

They nod and talk amongst themselves on times when they can join, everyone more or less could make it.

"Alright, great! I'll contact you all when the time comes!"

Everyone dispersed, a few still deep in thought, like Shigune, Rossweisse, and Rias. But to the ones I teleported here I sent them back, Gabriel wanted to stay but I had to inform her I had school so I couldn't stay in for the day. So, she reluctantly went back to Heaven.


I turn around and see Suzaku beckoning me to follow her, I do so. We get to the backyard and stand there for a few seconds in silence.

"So, what do you need from me?"

"Did it feel freeing? Is it liberating? Like a burden taken off you?"

She probably means with my secret; well, I guess so? I haven't had time to digest it all, but from what I can gather, the girls are supportive of it. I can see and feel they still have questions… They may approach me in private so I'll wait for them too.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Mmm, take care of Akeno, for me… Okay?"

"Yeah, I will."

"I'll get going then, thank you for the hospitality, Jin. I will see you again… When we go to 'that' place."

I nod.

"Yeah, I'll teleport you… Actually, let's make it easier this way."

We both turn to each other and I summon a ring, I make the gemstone out of Red Zircon and give it to her. She looks a bit surprised but smiles and slips the ring on.

"That will make communication and finding you easier, as well as protect you… May I touch your clothes?"

She nods, knowing what I'm going to do, so I did.

"With that, everything's done. Goodbye for now, Suzaku."

"Yes, thank you, Jin."

She grabs my hand again and put it towards her face… What is she doing? I have no idea. She brings them down and gives me her usual charming smile. She finally lets go of them and turns to leave.

...A prayer perhaps? I don't know…

4 days later

I made this promise back then to Gasper, and I'm finally following through with it. Everyone decided to take this day off, it was currently Saturday after all. So, no training or anything of the like.

I have to do this alone too, today, I'm going to Romania… I tried to find Valerie Tepes, but it seems like her presence does not exist… I can only conclude that Nyarlathotep is hiding her, maybe she's already been used. I have to hurry up if that's the case.

I do know she's in the Tepes faction of the Vampire faction. So, I just had to teleport there, go invisible and search around for her, simple enough!

Is this a smart move on my part? No! But I can't sit back and let Valerie suffer or have this burden on Gasper. It took me a while to get this done and that's all on me, but I can make up for it now.

Also, Irene will move in three days, I already made some preparations for her Dimensional Gap, the red dragon head on the necklace. I already have it connected to the Dimensional Gap of this world too, so that part of her request is done.

Once done I'll move Bellion and Kamish into the Dimensional Gap and leave them to protect it. I just hope Nyarlathotep doesn't power up the ExE Gods… I also wondered if Chimune Chipaoti or Chichigami would make contact with me. I mean I've shown signs of liking breasts but not to the extent of Issei.

Cúntóir also answered the girl's question about how I had both Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing. It was the first time I heard about it all. According to Cúntóir, my Sacred Gears were created by Azathoth, so they did not belong anywhere, so even the Ddraig and Albion were his creation. He just adapted their capabilities and personalities from the originals.

As to why there's still a [Divine Dividing] in the world and not another [Boosted Gear]? He fused the [Boosted Gear] of this world with mine, so I own 'both' in a way, he left [Divine Dividing] to Vali since… Well Cúntóir said she didn't know, so I put out the thought of 'He may have felt like it' but I did also replace Hyoudou Issei, so I guess he wanted the rivalry to continue? Whatever the real reason is, I'll find out when I meet him.

Anyway, I'll keep an open mind and go from there… Chichigami makes contact around the events of Loki; I'll see from there.

[Partner, are you done? Let's get going already.]

Right, right my bad, let's go.


I've never been here before, so I got no idea where I am… Whatever, I'll just locate their aura and signature… And found it, looks like my fellow Outer God only hid individuals she saw as useful and not the mobs.

Should I be thankful? No idea, probably though. Nodding to myself I teleport away from the random silent alleyway I was in.

When I teleported, I found myself in a very… Peculiar place honestly, I just straight up teleported into some sort of castle area, and I immediately turned myself invisible. Now, to find out if I teleported into the Carmilla Faction or Tepes Faction.

I know the Tepes faction is mostly male-dominated while the Carmilla faction is female-dominated after the quarrel between the two in the past. Even if they're dominated by either sex, that doesn't mean either faction doesn't have the other sex.

Case in point, Valerie Tepes a female Dhampir in the Tepes faction. Well, she's the daughter of King Tepes, but still! The crap surrounding Valerie is complicated. I, for one, want to kick her brother's ass.

Marius Tepes, using and manipulating Valerie in order to use her Sacred Gear the [Sephiroth Graal] I have no idea how bad of a state she's in right now since I can't detect her. The more I twiddle my thumbs here the more she suffers.


I begin my search, flash stepping everywhere— Stopping the wind pressure I create after flash stepping everywhere. I check each room— No matter how insignificant they seemed. Those rooms mostly were storage or had other functions that weren't useful.

I get to a room and stop… What in hell shit is this? In front of me… Were hundreds or maybe even thousands of bags of blood. What the hell? Is this their snack room?! Aren't they noble or something? Do they sneak out and extract blood from humans this way or something?

I know I was busy with looking around the place for Valerie, but now that I stop and look… It's quite cliché looking. Like the typical spooky-looking castles in movies. Chandeliers and candles everywhere— They served the purpose of lighting the place, obviously.

Several red, dark red, or light red carpets were dotted around the place, but there were also other colors, such as yellow and purple. Perhaps the former and current leaders of the faction are represented by a few paintings? Past Tepes perhaps?


I'm sorry! I'll stop being awed by the place! I'll get going!


No, no, no, not here either… Where the hell are they keeping her? Please don't tell me she's in a cardboard box like Gasper? I mean…vampires actually like them— It's apparently like small and easily movable coffins… As weird as it sounds.

I'm no vampire! I won't judge! I'm sorry Gasper for judging you before— Not really but whatever!

Hmmm? This is… A stone door? Oh god, a secret entrance! I won't open it; I'll just slip through it! Vibrate my way through like what a ghost can do, or like what the Flash can do. Once I was through, I slowly walked down the stairs with my invisibility still there.

Removing it now would be stupid, what if there were— You know what I'll just scan ahead… No, but I found my target. Even in this weird place they had pictures of vampires, mostly men, well that makes sense it's the Tepes faction.

This small and narrow hallway was barely lit by candlelight, vampires have night vision, right? They're not that different from devils… I mean in powers; they can turn normal humans into vampires under a full moon when they bite them after all.

But if they're too weak… Then they turn into Undead, poor guys. After my short monologue I go through an open door— Without a door… And find a bed. There lying on it was the female Dhampir I was looking for.

Valerie Tepes.


W-What? She's already an Ultimate-class in power?

Hey, Cúntóir!

Cúntóir: Answer: She has consumed Azrael's blood— Nyarlathotep's blood.

So, she really has been the one that gave that crow blood! It was enough to bring him to… The peak of God Class, no… Probably— Maybe even Dragon God Class… Tch. I should upgrade the girl's rings and enchantment. I'll do it when I get home.

Can it be removed?

I wanted to remove it, I have no idea how that blood works, if Azrael can control it— Or even Nyarlathotep, or if they can outright kill them, the ones who have their blood. I didn't want to take the chance.

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes… Removing blood of Azrael from Valerie Tepes…..

Cúntóir: Answer: Azrael's blood has been successfully removed.

I take another look and her rank goes back to Middle Class. Any abnormalities?

Cúntóir: Answer: No, however, I suggest leaving immediately.

Yeah, I can sense some energy heading towards here. I'll deal with the aftermath later. I grab Valerie who was still asleep and not looking too well and teleport back to my home.

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household

I had teleported into an unoccupied room and laid her on the bed. I snap my fingers and expand the room, covering the windows with blackout curtains. I touch her forehead; I didn't check this earlier since I didn't get time… But she's bad— A lot worse than I had imagined.

How much did they use and abuse this girl? I could feel something bubbling inside of me, probably anger, but I calm myself… Losing my emotions here won't do any good. Her mind, heart, and soul are completely broken.

How much have they made her use her Sacred Gear? No… If Nyarlathotep is involved… Add Azrael, Avezza, and Rizevim… Pieces of damn shit.

Does that mean she achieved her sub-species balance breaker? It's no longer just [One] [Sephiroth Graal] but [Three], I check again and could only feel one of them within her. One of those three has the other two no doubt.

Avezza is a careful woman from what Shigune and Reni told me, while she mostly focuses on her research and making those Divine Beasts and whatever she does. She isn't dumb, she's a mad scientist and she's still smart. How annoying.

Azrael? I have no clue; he seems smart since he hasn't recklessly charged at me yet. Whatever, I'll save these thoughts for a later date. Time to heal… While my hand was still on her, I healed her, mind, heart, and soul.

Once I did, a bright but small golden light emitted from my palm. This light covered her body for a full two minutes… Healing a soul and heart isn't easy, huh? Add her mind too…

I'm sorry for being late, Valerie Tepes. I'll make it up to you before the events with Kiba and Kokabiel start, maybe even Azrael will show up.

Cúntóir? How is she?

Cúntóir: Answer: She has been healed, however, she has suffered for quite a long time, so it will take her time to awaken.

Cúntóir: Answer: I suggest you delve into her mindscape and soul to help ease her. Talk to her.


Talk to her, huh? It's still around three in the afternoon and I told the girls I'd be out for who knows how long…Alright. I cover the room with a dilation barrier, I have no idea how long this will take, but let's dive in.


10 minutes: 1 year

I dove into her soul first, once there it was a mix of light and darkness, these powers were battling with each other— Trying to see who could be the dominant one. Was she fighting this by herself for this long?

Even when she 'broke' she kept on fighting silently… I have got to admit I'm moved by this. Most people would just give up, but she kept fighting. Why? Is it because she believed there would be a better future? To meet her childhood friend Gasper again? Whatever the case, I'll help her even more now.

As I flew around her soul for a while, I even discovered a large piece of the [Sephiroth Graal], but Valerie was nowhere to be seen.

Is she at a different place? Her heartscape? Or mindscape?

[Check both, but how about going into her mind first?]

I planned on doing that, so let's go there first.

I go into her mindscape instead.


The voice echoed far, but it also sounded near and everywhere at the same time.

"Help! Someone!"

"It hurts…"

"Father… Why?"

The sounds of crying started to resound everywhere, I flew around but it was an endless void, nothing or no one could be found, are these her memories perhaps? From when she was young? From when she was being used as a 'tool'? I didn't know, but she did suffer that much is clear.

"Gasper… Help me…"

Those two really cared for each other. She wants to see him that badly. Don't worry, I'll make it happen. She was the one that got Gasper to cross-dress a lot…

[Time to move on then.]

{To her 'heart', Jin.}


I had arrived in her 'heartscape' I look around and… It's mostly, reddish-pink? A few pieces of furniture were also of the same color, almost like… The castle I was in. But the bed was different, even if it was a little weird in color.

I flash step around until I see a figure in the distance, I had to leave the 'castle' but when I turned back it was just a regular house, but the inside was weird… Did she and Gasper have a good childhood? Even while being hated by their own brethren?

Vampires discriminate more on half-bloods— Dhampir's even more so than Noble devils to Reincarnated or low to middle-class devils. Even to the point of nearly neglecting them. These two found each other and grew close, supporting each other when no one else did.

No wonder they have a close bond. Gasper found a new family— New friends. I can do the same for Valerie, and when the time comes, probably during or before the peace conference, they can reunite.

"La la la la~"

I find someone singing, it was her, Valerie Tepes… Well does that count as singing? She was humming a tune and saying la la la. Valerie Tepes is a young woman with short blonde hair and red eyes. She seemed like she was around 20 or 21.

Hmm? Now that I look around… The scenery here is a bit… Too beautiful… Like, it's almost fantasy-esque, did she read books while locked up and being used? No, probably prior to being used as a tool, that's why her 'outside' looks this beautiful.

Vines growing from the tree, trees of all shapes and sizes, small bits or rays from the sun shining through the leaves, a gentle breeze. Yes, it was a picture-perfect 'cottage in a forest' fantasy. Can she manifest other beings here? Like birds and the like?

I noticed that the singing stopped, I look back at Valerie as she was staring wide-eyed at me. I wave to her but she didn't do it back, she… Looked scared in a way.

"Valerie… Tepes?"

I posed that as more of a question even if I knew who she was. She reluctantly nods. Maybe she's wary of me since I came into her personal space— Her heart, I mean I probably would be too.

"I'm Jin Skyward, nice to meet you. You're probably wondering how I got here, yes?"

She didn't answer but kept staring, so I kept going.

"I'm the Red Dragon Emperor, the brand-new Middleman of the factions and… A friend of Gasper Vladi."


A reaction from her when I said Gasper's name.

"G-Gasper… You… Know Gasper?"

She almost said in a whisper.

"Yes, he's safe, has new friends, a new family, and allies. He's quite happy with his life right now… But he is quite worried about you, you know?"

I start to walk towards her, seeing her body relax a bit. I reach her and stand beside her.

"As to how I got here… Well let's say I'm strong and can do a lot of things. I… Rescued you from your fate, you're currently in my home, in Japan. Gasper is a reincarnated devil now and he's part of Rias Gremory's peerage."

"Reincarnated… Devil…"

"Hmm, he nearly died, that's when Rias Gremory— His King, found him and reincarnated him, making him her servant and also saving him from death's door, don't worry though. The devils of Gremory are known for looking after their servants, treating them like family, so he's been in good hands."

I won't tell her about him being locked up for quite some time… I'll let Gasper say that part. A smile dawned on Valerie's face, seemingly relieved after hearing what I said about her childhood friend.

"I see… I'm glad… Um… Jin-san…? How long will I be here for?"

"In where? My home? Or… In here?"

I gesture to my surroundings.

"Both… If you don't mind me asking…"

"Well, you can stay in my home for as long as you like, my home is probably— No, definitely the safest place in the world right now. Here? I'm not too sure… I healed you so, your mind, heart, and soul are okay now, but I'm not sure on when you'll wake up."

She seemed both happy and sad after hearing that.

"Don't worry, even if you're still asleep I'll come here and talk to you. Rias lives in my home, she also brings her peerage here quite often, including Gasper. I can relay stories about him to you daily if you wish."

She brightened up upon hearing that, she nods slowly.

"Please… It seems like a bother, but I would appreciate it very much… Um… When I wake up… Can I see or meet Gasper?"

"Well, that's entirely up to you. I removed the blood from you earlier, so right now you're back to Middle-class in power, you were Ultimate-class… But if you kept that blood, it may have been dangerous…"

"I was forced to drink it…"

Her body shivered, I put a hand on her shoulder and calmed her, she noticed this and smiled at me as well as giving me a thankful look.

"It's fine, it's gone, you won't need to worry about it. Anyway, as I said, it's up to you when you want to meet him. With my help Gasper has become an Ultimate-class devil in power, he's gotten better control of his powers and is only getting stronger and braver."

"He still cross-dresses though… You're the one to blame, yes?"

I grin at her as she giggled and nodded.

"He looked cute in girls' clothing when we were younger… So I had him cross-dress a lot…"

"Valerie, even when you wake up, don't push yourself. You still need to adjust, but I can help— The same with my… Harem or lovers."


She repeats the word as she looks at me. Am I being judged? I can't tell from her expression, but her emotions were neutral.

"Very well, I will keep that in mind, Jin-san."

"I'll get going, for now, I'll tell you more stories when I come again tomorrow."

I tell her and she nods at me with a smile.

I'm back out… Time to tell the girls later then, I just need to wait for them to be here and Gasper to be gone. I don't think he'll be fine seeing his childhood friend in this state. I look back at Valerie, she is a lot better off now but still looking pale… Paler than what a vamp— Dhampir should look like.

But the strained and pained expressions she had before I rescued and healed her were gone, it just seemed like a normal person sleeping there. Well, apart from what I said earlier.


It was dinner and everyone was there, Gasper and Kiba left after being handed a box of what Grayfia and I cooked. We invited them to stay but they declined… I understand guys, you want to eat like unhinged animals, not caring about looking elegant or whatever… I totally get you.

[That's just you, Partner…]

Do not be like that, Red Dragon of Domination! I for one, when alone— That's rare but can happen, eat like an animal without caring how I look and just be a slob! Actually, don't you guys see that?!

{[No comment.]}

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, they— We do.


"So… I have something to announce…"

I start and they stop eating to look at me.

"This may concern Gasper, for now, don't tell him…"

I feel like I have a legitimate reason this time for keeping this secret. Seeing as how pissed Gasper got when he found out Issei 'died' as well as Valerie's 'death' I don't want to take chances.

Yes, the guy has improved greatly, but that's in terms of power and a bit of emotional stability… I think once Valerie gets better and is on her two feet… Then I'll have them meet again.

"Jin, please explain before I agree to this."

Rias looked concerned and also curious, the same with everyone else. I nod.

"So, Gasper had a childhood friend called Valerie Tepes, she's also a Dhampir like Gasper. Well, things happened, I promised Gasper, I would rescue her, and I did today."

They fall silent as they stare at me without a word.

"She's in an unoccupied room right now, sleeping. I healed her already… Her mind, heart, and soul. They were all damaged after repeated us of a certain Scared Gear… She even attained [Balance Break] and a sub-species one at that."

"But… She was mainly used as a tool, for what? I don't know."

I do and don't at the same time. Yes, the Evil Dragons may still happen, but probably not at the rate and amount like in canon… But Avezza and Nyarlathotep are still a thing, they may just create Divine Draconic beasts instead…

"They used her as a tool, forced a balance break, broke her mind, soul and heart, she was basically a shell in a deep sleep. I healed her as I said, so she'll wake up eventually…"

"You guys seen that Gasper can control darkness and shadows, the majority of vampires can also do that, but they vary. Anyway, from my brief conversation with her… Those two care greatly for each other."

"I don't want Gasper seeing her like that and losing control. That's why I want to keep her a secret for now. I don't want my junior to suffer and have a bigger burden on him."

I think it's the right step, of course, I can't protect him forever from finding out the truth…but let's keep it easy for him for now. I'm bringing them into the pocket dimension after all… I'll work with Gasper in his confidence, darkness, and shadow powers as well as bravery….

Sorry, Ise, I'll be taking your rules for the guys of Gremory. I'll just tweak it to the Occult Research Club rules for men instead since I'm not part of Rias's peerage.

ORC group's male lessons:

1. A man has to protect a girl!

2. A man has to stand up no matter what!

3. Don't give up, no matter what!

I think that's more or less it…

"I see… I am fine with that then. Gasper's powers are still in training after all and If what you say is true, then I can only imagine what Gasper might do…"

At least Rias agrees. Sorry, buddy. I'll be keeping this a secret for a while; I hope you'll understand my decision.

A few weeks later

Around three weeks have gone by, I did what I promised to Valerie and visited her every day, I talked to her about random things, including what Gasper has achieved and is focusing on as of late.

I also gave him the rules of the Occult Research Club for males. He seemed quite fired up for it, Kiba as well. So, the three of us— Enemies have to go through us if they want to hurt the ladies. Though, I'll probably beat them up first, more or less.

Good news as well… Valerie woke up, I helped her up and got her acquainted with everyone during at night of course since Gasper wasn't there. She still looked quite pale… I hypothesized she may need blood. So, I let her have some of mine… I didn't know how to go about it so, I let her bite me on the neck and suck the blood from there.

She seemed embarrassed by it, a few of the girls— Kuroka, wanted to try it… Sorry but I declined.

Anyway, a few weeks passed and it was time… Time to go into the pocket dimension again. Everyone was here. Valerie has gotten a lot healthier, even the day after she drank my blood, she seemed a lot better.

It turned into a nightly ritual for us… I invited her to the pocket dimension, she declined but I insisted over the coming days… So she relented, but we did come to an agreement she wouldn't participate in the hardcore training.

She would 'train' in her own way, so, a lot of meditating, slowly getting her mana reserves up. I was fine with that but told her if she needed help with actual training, she could come to me or anyone else.

Of course, she also became friends with everyone else. They were quite welcoming, especially Rias and her peerage, so Akeno and Shirone. She was Gasper's childhood friend after all. She got along the best with Reni and Grayfia… I have no idea how or why, but they did…

"So, everyone ready?"

They all nod. I managed to get everyone… And I mean everyone, Gremory peerage, including Gasper, but I had used transformation magic on Valerie so she was disguised. Gasper being Gasper he was a bit nervous with the new person.

Ingvild, Grayfia, Gabriel, Reni, Natsume, Shigune, Suzaku, Yasaka, Kunou, Rossweisse, Kuroka, the Gremory peerage as mentioned before and last but not least, Latia.

Yeah, she came over once before, I invited her to join us and she was fine with it. Even I managed to convince Suzaku to come along… Well she had time, apparently.

"Alright, let's go then."

Once in the pocket dimension, the ones who knew what was going on went off to start killing the monsters and do their own thing.

The newcomers, so, Yasaka, Kunou, Rossweisse, Natsume, Shigune, Suzaku, Latia, Gabriel, and Valerie, I explained to them what this place was and how it worked. Quite a few of them were excited.

"That thing over is a replica of my house, so Valerie you can go over there or sit by the benches behind me. Everyone else go wild, try out as many new things you want— Master what you can. We'll be coming back here two more times."

They all nod and leave, Natsume, Shigune, and Suzaku stuck together. The Duo Kitsune of mother and daughter stayed together, Latia decided to join Rias as they know each other and finally Rossweisse and Gabriel were stuck by my side.

"Not sure on what to do, you two?"

Gabriel shook her head as well as Rose.

"I do know, but… I'm not sure on where to start…"

Gabriel nodded at what Rossweisse said.

"I see, well… Look at this like a video game, if you kill those monsters that are spawning in, you'll gain a small bit of their powers. That's how everyone got so powerful in a short time."

"But let me warn you, once you reach God Class power, it'll start to slow down. Like in video games, the higher level you are— The more EXP you'll need to level up to the next level."

"I wouldn't see this as a terrible thing, you can master and improve whatever magic, weapon, Sacred Gear, or aspect of yourself you want to improve. You'll have the perfect chance to use them on the same class of monster, of course, they might be below you too."

"But you can master your craft and also have the chance to grow in power… Isn't there something you want to completely master, Rose? Gabriel?"

"…I want to improve my Norse magic… Elemental magic and defensive magic… As well as my hand-to-hand combat."

I nod.

"See? You go and get them then, Rose."

She smiles at me and flies away, the only one left is Gabriel… Not including Valerie on the bench behind us.

"How about you Gabriel?"

She looked like she was thinking about something, she finally turned to me with her usual happy self.

"Jin, can you use light magic or light manipulation?"

Yes, I can, I even put the information into Natsume a few weeks back…

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Please evaluate my current strength and mastery."

She looked at me seriously and I nod. Gabriel then proceeded to show me what she was capable of, being one of the Four Great Seraphs, she was quite powerful as she reached Low-Tier God-class in her training with Greed in my home.

Gabriel was creative with her attacks, she even copied a few moves from the other girls, creating 'Griffon' based on light was a surprise, I guess her friendship with Natsume was that strong…

Maybe I should have her learn from Reni or Grayfia in 'Make' magic, but based on light for her…

Wait… Light magic… Light manipulation…I was going through my memories of characters I knew who used it… Not many come to mind but— Kizaru or Borsalino from One Piece! As well as Patolli or Licht from Black Clover!

I look back at Gabriel as she tilts her head at me, waiting for a response… If I can have her re-create many of their moves, even combine them or develop new ones… She can take it to the next level!

"Gabriel, come here."

I beckon her towards me, she was more than happy to waddle over to me. I point two of my fingers at her, and touch her forehead, I transfer my knowledge of certain techniques from those two into her head.

Once I was done, she stared at me blankly. I also added the 'Light-Make' into her head as well, just to add a bit more spice to her arsenal.

"How about that? Think you can try to re-create those?"

A giant smile appears on her face, she lets out her wings. She gives a peck on the cheek and flies away.


I let out a sigh as I sat down on the bench beside Valerie. We both watched everyone training, I could see that she was in awe watching them work… Her heart rate was increasing, did she want to try training like that too?

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Want to join them down the line?"

"Mmm… Gasper is also working hard…"

She had a gentle smile on her face as she watched her friends and Gasper working hard. She closes her eyes and settles into a meditating pose. Her body was covered in mana as she sat there silently.


I guess she has her own convictions, huh? What should I do? Train? Just observe as usual? Now that I think about it…

'Hey, Irene, Ophis… You guys want to join?'

That's right, Irene was in my necklace now. I had also formally put Bellion and Kamish in the Dimensional Gap. They're patrolling and protecting it as I speak. Irene has joined the girls a few times, many of them surprised to meet another powerful individual…

Surprisingly, she got along with Yasaka and Grayfia… I guess… Milf and Cougar energy is prominent within them?

'I am not a Cougar.'

Irene replied.

Huh? How did she hear me? The fuck?

'The animal?'

Ophis replied confused, how innocent…

Um… Anyway, about what I said… Want to join? Or at least you know, mingle out here?

The blue dragon head glowed and Ophis appeared. She immediately used my lap as a pillow and watched everyone do their thing.

"Ophis, you can help Kunou if you want, you two are great friends after all…"

"Mmm... Later."

Won't argue with that! She's at least willing to help her… A few seconds later the red dragon's head glowed and Irene emerged.

"It still feels quite… Strange being away from my home…"

Irene mutters. Yeah, it'll take you a while to adjust, but I'm confident you'll get through it. After all, both of these dragons can adapt quite easily.

"Mmm-hmm, well you can fly around here if you want, I already put that aura and mana suppression on you. The only thing that'll bother everyone is your dragon size and the wind you produce."

"Zoom Zoom Iyaaan?"

Ophis says while on my lap. Irene turned to glare at her while blushing. How and where the hell did, she even get that quote? Isn't that from the Oppai Dragon show song? I certainly haven't done that…

Cúntóir: Answer: Reverse UNO card.


A memory was suddenly pushed forth into me… I was… In my soul, with the two dragons and Cúntóir and I was… Singing?

"There is a breast-loving Dragon living in the edge of a certain country,

The Dragon goes for a walk when the weather is good.



There are so many types of breasts,

But he likes the big ones the best,

The Oppai Dragon also flies today,

In an edge of a certain town, the Oppai Dragon was laughing,

Even on a stormy day, the Oppai Dragon becomes happy by pressing breasts,



He has seen lots of breasts, but he likes big ones the best,

The Oppai Dragon also pushes today."

The memory ended.



Why was I singing that?! Why are those two lizards joining in?! Why is she happily clapping along?! When did this happen?!?! I can't get drunk! It's physically impossibleeeeeee!!


"Stop! Why are you imagining that?!"

Ow! What the hell? Why did Irene just hit me? I look to see she was even redder than last time; she saw that?! Wait, that's not my soul! That's a dream? What the fuck? I don't remember that at all!!

"I don't know! I don't remember this dream!"

But… This has to be quite early on… Before I met her… Did— Did she see this while going through dreams? Did she like the zoom zoom iyaan part? I'm just confused now…

"Dream? Oh, hello Irene-san."

Valerie had opened her eyes while looking at me and Irene, why, why now?!

"I-It's nothing Valerie… Don't worry about it…"

{Never again…}


Irene had flown away without saying a word, from the looks of it she's going towards Grayfia… Please don't rat me out— Or tell her a lie, the wrath of Grayfia is both great and exhausting.

Wait, am I both S&M now? Akeno?! What did you do to me?! Said girl turned to me and started 'Ufufufu-ing', bruh, how these girls know when I'm… You know what— Whatever.

"A-Anyway do you want to come explore the house or something?"

She nods and we both leave for my home. Ophis had gotten up and was making her way to Kunou.

Third Person Point of View

With Yasaka and Kunou

"Mother… These things are strong…"

Both mother and daughter duo were unleashing their powers upon the monsters, some who were weaker than them were killed easily, this helped Kunou a lot in getting stronger— While the stronger ones Kunou had to support Yasaka.

Land ~

The two turn around and see that Ophis has joined them, a small but content smile on her face.


Kunou exclaimed and hugged her friend, Ophis nodded and killed the monsters around them with a flick of her wrist, Yasaka had a bitter smile on her face.

'Casually flicking them to kill them… These should have been Ultimate-class or higher… Truly terrifying, Ouroboros Dragon.'

"I, will help Kunou train."

She also turns to Yasaka

"And her mother."

"Really?! Yes!"

Being helped by one of the strongest existences made them quite happy, right? Even without including Irene or Jin, this opportunity is quite rare.

"Let us start."

Upon hearing Ophis' announcement, the two kitsunes got ready.

With Latia and Rias

"So, this place has been your training grounds?"

Latia looks around still in awe of the place, to her… It was a video game-esque environment. Kill monsters, absorb some of their power, get stronger and eventually go up in power rank.


That was the question Latia Astaroth had, how did Jin do this? She hasn't been informed of what he is but was just invited on a whim since she decided to visit randomly earlier in the week. She accepted since she was curious about the place.

"Yes, Jin is… Powerful, let's just say that… Haha, but yes, this is almost like a video game, kill monsters to gain experience, and level up to get stronger. But our lives can still be in danger, push yourself but don't be too reckless."

Rias tells Latia as she fired another 'Spirit Gun' made out of her [Power of Destruction] at several monsters. They were quite weaker than her so she didn't need to pay too much attention.

"I see… You have become quite efficient in the use of your [Power of Destruction], yes?"

"Yes, thanks to Jin and my own training, but I still have a lot to learn… A new technique and form I wish to try and master."

'New technique and form?'

This piqued Latia's interest, she wondered what this new form was? Was this the same thing as her older brother's 'True form'? But that's impossible to replicate. Sirzechs in a way, is raw [Power of Destruction] in human form, since his birth— Everything around him was destroyed— They perished. The only exception was Venelana Gremory, she was safe.

His output and power of [Power of Destruction] were that high and dense at such a young age… Could he even be called a devil at that point? A weird mutation? Whatever the case was— He was born from greatness and was probably meant to become a Satan in his life.

'What can this new form achieve?'

"Are you interested?"

In response, Latia nods as Rias smiles.

"Well, I don't have it mastered… More like, I only thought of it a few weeks ago and have been slowly trying it out…"

Rias smiled and her [Power of Destruction] started to cover her body…

With Slash/Dog girls plus Akeno

"Devastating Gale!"

As a thin but strong and condensed wind covered Natsume's body, if you didn't look hard enough, you could almost believe nothing had happened.

"Let's go~"

Sylph was quite happy with how far Natsume had come; she had come out to cheer her on. Griffon was also out, and Natsume had extended her 'Devastating Gale' to Griffon, making his power, speed, and defense even stronger.


The two of them danced around the pocket dimension at high speeds, Griffon slicing monsters apart with his wings, also sending out wind attacks every now and again. Natsume was fighting with both her light gun and a light sword.

She hacked, slashed, and shot at monsters she came across. She had a broad grin on her face because she was having a lot of fun. This was her first time here but it almost seemed like she had already been here.

"Natsume is having fun~"

The rest of the girls watched their comrade and friend swiftly deal with the monsters around them.

"Suzaku-onee-san, will you come and train with me?"

Akeno had joined them since she wanted to invite her cousin to train with her. She turns to Akeno and nods, the two of them go to another area of the pocket dimension.

"Ahhh~ Suzaku left~"


The group turns around to see a giant humanoid dragon… It was like the incomplete [Juggernaut Drive] of Issei Hyoudou.

"Hmm? It's like Jin's armor, bad!"

Lavinia Reni puts her fist over her palm. The air and area around her started to turn cold—the ground beneath her starts to freeze.

Shik! Shik!

"Ice-make: Lance"

She muttered as she thrusts both her hands forward, from her palms shot out lances made out of ice, the attack flies towards the humanoid red dragon and pieces all of its body.

Pierce! Pierce! Shiiiiiiiiiiiiikkkk!!!

Once the attack was finished; the monster fell to the ground dead. It was at the peak of Satan-class; Reni was a lot stronger so killing it with a simple attack like that was no problem to her.

"Ahahaha… Do you even need your Sacred Gear at this point, Lavinia-san?"

Shigune was looking at the dead monster as ice covered its body. It appeared one second and died the next. Although she thought she would have an epic battle with it, her teammate managed to get rid of it pretty quickly.

"Let's keep training, okay?"

Reni smiled at Shigune and she nodded, Natsume had finished and joined her two teammates.

With the two Himejima's

"Akeno, can you use fire magic?"

"Mmm, demonic fire. I haven't focused much on it in the past, but I have been slowly practicing with my demonic elemental magic. Right now, it's water and fire…I think my demonic lightning and Holy Lightning are in a good place."

"I see… I have fire manipulation thanks to… Well you know, the Vermillion Bird as well as the Shinto gods allowing us to manipulate fire."

"Have… You used the Vermillion bird much, Nee-san?"

She smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"Only on a few occasions, team Slash/Dog were the main fighters… I provided support in the past when we had the same goals or objectives so we teamed up. Even then, I only used the normal fire manipulation. The Vermillion bird has amplified its power, but I haven't…"

Akeno puts her hand on Suzaku's shoulder and smiles at her.

"We can work on that here, Nee-san. Jin can also help! He's really good at magic and other things… He's the reason for many of my new attacks and techniques."

"I see, I will keep that in mind."


A monster had approached the two, but Akeno dealt with it quite effectively by hitting it with a strong Holy Lightning attack. But even more monsters showed up.

Zaha! Daannn!!! Kshhhhhh!!! Fwshhhhhhhh!!!

Suzaku made a small hand gesture and the entire area lit up in flames. The monsters that were near them were burned up, the weaker ones died instantly, and the stronger ones were hurt...but that only agitated them even more.

Suzaku put out her hand and opened her palm, and a small bird made of flames appeared. One moment the firebird was on her palm— The next the entire area in front of the two Himejima's was engulfed in a huge torrent of flames.


Akeno was in awe of her cousin's power, was this the power of the head of their clan? The current possessor of the Vermillion bird— Suzaku Himejima.

'Is she in Ultimate-class in power…? Just below me… Amazing! Suzaku-onee-san is amazing!'

"Akeno. Shall we exchange tips?"


The two of them smile at each other and continue their… Leisurely walk through the [Pocket Dimension].

With Asia, Ingvild, and the Nekomata sisters

Boom!!!! Rumble! Rumble!


Ingvild and the two sisters stare at the giant crevice that was made by their nun friend. A monster that was around 40 meters tall and hairy showed up. Asia screamed at the sight of it, covered herself in touki, and punched the ground.


What resulted in a giant crevice being made from her punch, the monster fell through… They had looked below but saw no end to it… That thing was dead.

"Asia nya… That was reaction was a bit…"


Kuroka had a complicated expression on her face as she stared at the giant crevice. Shirone finished her sister's sentence as she looked at the hole. Ingvild had joined them to further her understanding and mastery of touki.

"I don't blame her… That thing's 'thing' was flopping around…"

Ingvild shook her head. That thing was 'naked', it didn't have any hair and had its manly bits flopping in the wind. Kuroka walked over to Asia as she put her hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

"Asia nya."

Kuroka called out her name, she looked up at her still blushing.

"You'll see and feel Jin's thing in the future, so don't be too embarrassed when you see it."


Asia who was already blushing turned completely red, you could see steam coming out of her head and ears!

Smack! Smack!



Shirone and Ingvild had lightly smacked the cat girl, again with her increasing vulgarity.

"Ow nya! It's the truth! Jin's been getting more and more hornier thanks to all of us! Did you know we had to sneak into the bathroom and I sucked his dick?!"

The other two turned red as well.



Asia had fallen over, her eyes swirling while still being the same shade of red.



The two went over to their friend worriedly, Kuroka just scratched her head not understanding why they were so embarrassed by it.

"You know, Jin's been thinking of monopolizing you two, I'm pretty sure he'll do it with Grayfia first though nya."

When Shirone heard this her cat girl's and tail came out involuntarily, the ears twitched rapidly, and the tail wagged furiously. She seemed quite happy with it.

"Nyahahah! Well, your body has developed quite a bit, Shirone. You're not that far from my body, our heights…the only thing separating us is our chests."

Kuroka put her arms underneath her bust and pushed them forward. Shirone looked at her own.

'...It's true… My chest isn't as large as Nee-sama…. But, but! I can make up for it!'

"Your plump ass makes up for it though, you're cute to nya~ but I have both nyaha!"

She goes up near Shirone and whispers loud enough for the rest to hear.

"If you want Jin all to yourself… The school's a perfect place, no? Lunch maybe? School rooftop? Not the ideal place for your first time…but hey, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do nya~"

'...School… Rooftop…?'

Shirone had gone into thinking while holding Asia. Kuroka turns to Ingvild with a shit-eating grin.

"In-In~ you're a lot more physically intimate with Jin, yes?~ What was it again? 'Pet me'? Nya?"

Ingvild looked mortified at her.

'H-H-H-How does she know about that?! Did Jin…?'

"My ears can hear a lot you know nya~ well, make sure you lose it during our times in the pocket dimension~"

Kuroka got up and let the two girls think it through, Asia was still out of it, but perhaps she partially heard it all? Only time will tell.

Later that night

After dinner

Jin Skyward

"Hmm? So, the girls are taking turns using the open-air bath? I mean, alright… If that's what you guys have planned, but— Why are you telling me this?"

We had finished eating dinner a few minutes ago when Akeno and Rias came up to tell me about the girl's plans… I'm happy they're all getting along. They all did go into their own groups earlier on the day. But tonight, during dinner it's like they've known each other for a long time.

"No peaking, Jin!"

I turn to see Natsume lighting glaring at me, I wouldn't do that though…? Unless I get dragged in by Akeno or something… I turn back to Akeno and she was grinning at me.

"Please don't tell me you're going to try to convince them to let me join you guys… That didn't exactly end too well last time."

"Hmmm?~ you seemed to have enjoyed it quite a bit~"

I won't deny that, but I mean for the sake of the girl's mental health— I'd rather not be an exhibitionist and have my lower half shown to everyone in its full glory.

"….Anyway, I'll be going to the open bath with the guys. I'll see you guys later on."


That sure didn't sound that convincing. I started to walk to the guy's entrance when Kiba and Gasper left in a hurry.

"Uh, guys what's wrong?"

"N-nothing senpai… I… I have something to do! I'll take a bath later!"

"R-Right, I… I want to practice a bit more! I'll see you later Jin-senpai."

They both seemed flustered— No, scared or something… What? They both run away almost like their lives depended on it.

"Whatever. More space for me then."

I take off my clothes, and step into the open bath… Hmm? HMMMMMMMMMMMM???

In front of me… Were… The girls of Slash/Dog, Valerie, Gabriel, and Suzaku! Wait were they stopped by someone else before coming in?! All of them turn their heads towards me…

"I… This is a misunderstanding, wait were Kiba and Gasper here earlier?"


They didn't answer me, but Reni got up and skipped towards me, her breasts bouncing around… Holy crap. She was smiling at me sporting a small blush, looked back at the girls and they were also blushing.

"Hmmm~ I stopped them with my Ice dolls earlier~ hehe, Jin join us!"

"Kuh!! I said no peeking! Reni?! Why?!"

Natsume complained, Shigune had summoned Poh, hugging it, and was slowly sinking further into the water, creating bubbles with her mouth. The Sacred Gear didn't seem bothered by the act. Gabriel happily waved at me.

Suzaku didn't seem too bothered by this… Did Akeno tell her in advance? But she was still lightly blushing...Valerie embraced her body and tried to hide it from me. This is a treat, I won't lie.

I was pulled by Reni to the bath, she made me sit down and she sat beside me leaning onto me.

"So, uh, how are you guys doing?"

Gabriel got up, with nothing on still oblivious to everything… It's all blonde… Her… Pub—

"Don't look at the innocent angel with lecherous eyes, mister."

Reni had whispered into my ear, she sounded way too calm about this. Gabriel sat beside me, two beautiful blondes on each of my sides, Gabriel did the same thing as Reni, she leaned against me.

Ahhhhh— This is Heavenly, literally with an Angel beside me!

"Jin, may I have you assist me tomorrow… No, the coming year?"

"Me too!"

"…I-I would like some help too…"

Suzaku, Natsume, and Shigune asked for my help, I mean that's the point of this place, no need to be so formal, I'm more than happy too. I already knew that Valerie wanted help so we already made that promise earlier in the day.

"Sure, like said before, I'll help everyone out here. Just call me on the rings or when I come by."

Chu ~ Chu ~ Chu ~

I glanced to my left and Reni was showering me with kisses.

"I love the attention, Reni, but what's the occasion?"

I couldn't help but chuckle as she kept on doing it, I could see the other girls were blushing at her open affection towards me. I wrap my arm around her and pulled her closer, I gave her a few kisses back, making her giggle.

"Uwaaa… Being all lovey-dovey all of a sudden…"

"You can do that too you know… Natsume~"

Natsume went silent after Reni teased her back, she seemed to be thinking of what she said. She nods to herself and walks towards me; she had wrapped her towel around her again.

She turns her back and sits between my legs, she leans her back against my chest, lays her head against my chest, and looks up at me. She was a blushing mess, I guess she wanted to be a bit more intimate with me?

The times we've spent were mostly… Well the same, the occasional hand holding but nothing more. I mostly trained them in the training facility after all.

"Hmm-hmm, you're very adorable right now, Natsume."

"I agree! Natsu-Natsu is cute right now! Nice six-pack, Jin!"

The adorable voice of Sylph resounded from Natsume as she teased her partner and complimented… Uh thanks, I guess. Cute nickname for her though.

"Hehe, yeah, Natsu-Natsu is being very cute right now. Don't worry, I'll have a lot of time to spend with you all in the upcoming three years. Of course, they won't be all at the same time."

Being stuck in here for too long won't be too healthy. As much as I want them to be strong and ready, not all of them are training or battle maniacs and neither am I. I mean, I like a good fight, but not to the extent of Vali. Hopefully, the ones that are in Low-Tier God will be at the peak of God-class after the three years are up.

Everyone else can be at least Satan-class and up— Hell maybe even Low to Middle Tier Gods… That would be ideal.

Universal, Multiversal, and Omniversal… How long will it take them? Everyone's growth here is weirdly fast so I won't know for sure. In canon their growth was already stupidly fast, with my help they'll reach bigger heights.

Hey, Cúntóir, how long do you think?

Cúntóir: Answer: You can turn on the '2x growth' function, that is the limit since this space is already a very powerful and cheat-like ability.

Hmm, so like a 2x EXP thing… How long will it last? Can I turn it off and on at will?

Cúntóir: Answer: No restrictions, however, I think you should use it once they reach Dragon Gods and up, their growth rate will slow down significantly by then. You said it yourself.

The higher they go, the more 'EXP' they'll need for the next rank-up. The highest here, excluding myself are Ophis and Irene and they're not even at the peak yet, I need those two to train…


I turn to see Gabriel and Reni looking at me worriedly.

"Sorry, I was speaking to Cúntóir."

They nod in understanding, I introduced Valerie to her earlier in the week, but I haven't gotten around to Latia about her. I'll do it during the rest of the year.

We chatted about the things they wanted to achieve, and even more things for the future, they have the determination. So, I wanted to help them reach those heights.


I let out a big yawn, it was around 1 a.m. I had woken up… No more like I couldn't sleep, I felt restless. I don't know why so I just slipped out of the girl's grasp. I could feel everyone else was asleep.

By the way, I was forced into multiple baths after the one from earlier in the night. Two got heated thanks to Akeno and Kuroka… Even Grayfia… Though you could say… The Milf and Cougar squad had a hand in that, they coaxed her into sucking Jin. Jr as Yasaka and Irene watched, the latter mortified and embarrassed.

I go outside and stare at the moon I had created for this place, well it's just simulated, so if you try to go up to it, you'll reach a barrier and just slam into it. I could theoretically make it a real moon, visiting other planets and shit, but why? If the girls request then maybe, but I can just do that out there.


I had looked down and the silhouette of the blonde hair and red-eyed soul was in front of me. He didn't say anything, but I had a hunch that if I say his name… His full body image will be shown to me.

But I didn't, I'm not sure if I'm ready to yet, that means I'll be going to that world down the line when I meet 'her' that's another pile of worms waiting for me… I wonder what state their world is in now? Wait… Is their world based on the WN or LN?

Crap… I didn't… I didn't think ahead to that, the two are basically so different…but since 'he' has been scattered and 'she' is looking for him… Ahhh whatever! I'll deal with it when time comes!

Wait, 'he' said I had trouble when I try looking into the future… Let's try that. I close my eyes and tried to look into the future.


In front of me…. Was a giant single eye looking back at me with a lot of intensity. I could withstand it, so I stood there calmly, just a bit surprised at the start. It didn't say anything, it didn't blink, I couldn't feel any emotions or hear any thoughts.



<Not time>



Time? Not time yet? Evolve? Is this… Azathoth? But why the creepy eye? Or is this the barrier he set in place so I couldn't look into the future? Why though? Let me see it, you shitty geezer!!!!





<Cross road>







<The Outside>


I was kicked out of whatever that place was, but… A few words stood out. Challenge, Crossroad, Test, Beyond, and The Outside, whatever the fuck those mean.

Does that mean he has some sort of test planned for me soon? Does that include the challenge and crossroads? If so then, okay I understand that part… But what the hell is 'Beyond' and 'The Outside'?

Cúntóir: Answer: Perhaps the outside is… It may refer to your evolution and surpassing him.

'The Outside? Huh? That doesn't make sense, if we— Outer Gods are beyond the Omniverse then you're telling me there's something else beyond us?'

Cúntóir: Answer: Beyond, beyond his power, his reach, his throne, his being. You will reach it.

Yeah, thanks for more questions more than anything, fuck. So, I have to go 'Beyond' him to whatever this 'Outside' is and surpass him, by conquering whatever these challenges are at these crossroads? Am I getting this right?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes.

Oh great, you answered. It said soon, so I guess it'll happen… The Kokabiel events…? Azrael… Maybe it has something to do with that.

Then I have to be ready— The same with my harem, I need to help them reach at least Dragon God status… The ones near them at least.

"Jin? You're still up?"

I turn around and see Reni and Suzaku… What an odd pair to see. I nod. I also didn't notice them approach, I was way too engrossed in my own thoughts. Is this a nerf? Well… I rarely use that power so it's not that big of a deal… I can still use everything else.

"Yeah, couldn't sleep, I was feeling restless…"

They make their way to me, each of them standing to one of my sides. Reni hugged my arm and I pulled her close.

"Why are the two of you up? I was sure that you were asleep earlier, Reni…"

Yeah, she was sleeping with me, a schedule was up since a lot of girls were here already. Cúntóir, Grayfia, and Yasaka were the ones in charge of it.

"Everyone else was asleep, I woke up since I wanted a drink… But I noticed that you were gone so on my quest to find you, I came across Suzaku who also wanted a drink."

I see, so they just checked outside and found me, huh?

"You guys looking forward to the year? Or three?"

They both nod, Suzaku has been pretty silent, I wonder what's in her mind? Whatever it is… I sigh.

"Let's go back to sleep then…"

4 months later.

Ting! Clang! Slash!

"Come on Kiba! Use that God-speed of yours!"

Kiba and I were training, no… The Gremory peerage against me, a rematch of sorts, then the Slash/Dog girls with Suzaku next, then everyone else in their teams.

I had a sword made out of pure energy clashing with Kiba's demonic swords. They had improved a lot over the last four months


I could feel myself temporarily freeze, good. Gasper had a good grasp on his Sacred Gear, however…

"Too weak!"


I broke free of its binds. I dodged to the side as a giant bolt of Holy Lightning crashed where I once stood. I evaded a flurry of punches and kicks from Shirone, she was in her [Shirone Mode].

Her punches and kicks reverberated behind me with shock waves too, if a person with the same power rank as her or blow got hit by these fists… They wouldn't have a good time. I jump back while slapping balls of [Power of Destruction] being sent at me.

A full-on assault by the Gremory peerage, they were fully in sync, Asia had her role as support, during the four months she had learned some enchantment magic— Different to mine, she could directly 'buff' her allies, right now they had increased speed and attack power.

Dark clouds in the sky… Akeno seriously wants to use Kirin here?

I look at her as she licked her lips, I guess I wasn't safe from that when we were fighting then. I smirk back at her, she knows full well what I meant by that, which made her blush.

"No flirting in a middle of a match!"

Rias cutely complained beside her [Queen], the spectators laughed at the Crimson-haired princess.

"Ara ara, jealous are we, Rias?"


She had become a lot honest with her feelings towards me, we've flirted— Even kissed but haven't made it official… It's not on my part— But her. It feels like she wants to prove herself or something… Maybe once the rating game against Sona is done? Or even Sairaorg? Either way, I'll say yes when she finally confesses.

She's become a great leader, growing in experience and power, honestly, she's matured a lot faster than me, I'm sort of jealous. Envious even.


Kiba roared as he summoned his fire sword and ice sword, dual-wielding them and slashing them at me.


"That's it Kiba!"

Shirone appeared behind me, the same with Gasper. She sent out a filled powered punch with touki and Gasper sent out several attacks with his shadow and darkness. Above me was Kirin slowly appearing. Rias was also powering up a [Power of Destruction] Kamehameha.

These guys are the distractions, while Akeno and Rias finish me off, huh? Splendid! I'm sure they realize they can't rely on pure power all the time, but this sparring match isn't about that.

Asia used a different enchantment and the three who were attacking me quickly evacuated the area. Their attacks were repelled by me when I slapped away Kiba's swords, stop Shirone's punch, and 'broke' Gasper's attacks.



The giant Holy Lightning Dragon came crashing down onto me, at the same time Rias's POD Kamehameha was coming closer towards me.

"This is a step up from our last match, I love it guys!"

I sent out a punch above me, the shockwave met the Holy Lightning Dragon, stopping it. I dashed forward and punched Rias's POD Kamehameha 'breaking' it. I flash stepped to the dragon and 'broke' it too.

I reappeared beside Rias and point my finger at her neck while covering her eyes.



Huh? W-What the fuck is that reaction? Why did Rias let out such an erotic moan? I could see everyone looking at me weirdly, a few snickering.

"Ara ara, it is checkmate… But Rias's eroge zone is her neck you know~"

Ah crap, I forgot about that! I let go of her as she's blushing furiously at me. I turn around and tell the next team to get ready.

"Alright, next team!"


I felt her kiss me on the cheek, is this her own payback? Hehe, I welcome more then.

"Payback, Perverted Dragon Emperor."

[...….Uoooooooooo whyyyyyyyyy Paaartnnnneeerrrr....]

I'm sorry, Ddraig-san I can't help it. I've somehow gotten weirder titles than Issei, while I'm not an open pervert like him, I'm still a closet one, aka, my house where my harem can see me more honest with myself!

I open my status after a long time, and when I check the titles, it had an (Expand) on it… I'm scared of clicking on it… Fuck it. I mentally press it.


God of Gods

God King

Red Dragon Emperor

White Dragon Emperor

Welsh Dragon

Vanishing Dragon

Outer God

Rising Outer Dragon God

Butt Dragon Emperor

Breast Dragon Emperor

Thigh Dragon Emperor

Lover of Scorch

Scorch Dragon Emperor

Fragment of ====







Successor of Azathoth


Almighty Conflagration

(More…click to expand)

What the fuck are all of these?! There is even more! No, enough! I dismiss the screen and wonder why I had some weird titles…

God of Gods? The fuck you on about?

[GxG is pretty cool… Maybe a future armor that combines both Albion, myself, and your power?]

{It compliments Great R— Irene's titles as Dragon of Dragons, DxD.}

I'm sorry, we somehow got Thigh Dragon Emperor… But the Lover of Scorch, Scorch Dragon Emperor, and Fragment of…. It's too obvious who. Haaaa…. I'll say his name when he appears again. I want to talk to him.

Why Almighty Conflagration then? What the hell does that mean? I haven't excessively used fire magic or manipulation that much…

"Jin, are you ready?"

I hear Natsume ask and I turn around, I'll deal with that crap later.

"Yeah, let's get started."

That evening

Schlurp ~ Lick~ Pah~


I was on my way to my room just to lay done when I was pulled into Ingvild's room. She pushed me down and straddled me, we've been making out for the past few minutes. I was a bit shocked; I didn't think Ingvild was this aggressive.

Did Kuroka say something to her? For the last four months, she's been increasing her intimacy with me, wanting to take baths with me…since I'm usually the one left in the boy's section of the open bath. Gasper doesn't last long since he'll overheat and Kiba leaves a few minutes later or at the same time since he wants to take care of the guy.

I offered to, you know, heal him but declined for some reason. They probably know that some girls join me or I go join them…

"Jin… Mmmm… Mhlehh…"

Ingvild's tongue invades my mouth, I happily use mine too, I could feel her and my own drool starting to come out of our mouths. I think it's fine… I want to anyway… My title of Butt Dragon Emperor reigns. I wrap my arms around her waist, she didn't react so I slowly snaked my way down to her ass and grab a hand full with both my hands.

"Mmmm! Pahh!"

She breaks out kiss as she moaned and look behind her. She looks back at me as I grin.

"…I-It's…. Fine… Touch me more…"

She grabs my right arm and placed my hand on her right breast….. Soft and squishy. I'll never get tired of groping tits. They're awesome.

"Haah~…. You can squeeze it more…"

Nodding I increase my grip on both her ass and tit, she let out a sultry moan, making something inside of me 'snap'. I push Ingvild down, both my arms placed beside her shoulders, and we silently stare at each other…. I'm waiting for her to give me the okay.

She was blushing even more now… Is this it? She finally gives me the nod.

"It's… Okay… I'm ready… Jin…"

She said invitingly with moist eyes, I leaned in close and—


The door to her room opens abruptly. The ones that came through it were… Asia and Shirone.

"Ingvild-san! That's not fair!"

Asia announced as she flung her clothes off herself, she was just in her bra and panties, they were white. Shirone beside her was staring at her wide-eyed, not expecting Asia to be that bold.

I look back and Ingvild looked quite annoyed but sighed. I get up and help her as well. I'm still hard so…I'll go consult Kuroka, Akeno, or Grayfia or something…

Lime start

"Jin. Sit."

Ingvild points to her bed and told me to sit, I raised a brow but complied.

"Asia, Shirone, come here."

Ingvild gestures for the other two beside her… All three were in front of me now… Oh no, is this a repeat of the open bath from before? Nice!

Ingvild smiles at me and puts her hand on my bulge, the other two blushing looking at both of their senpai's being intimate. Ingvild pulls down my pants and underwear, and my member sprung out, all of them staring at it.

"Uh, it's a bit embarrassing if you just stare at it…"

Ingvild smiles as she goes nearer to my member, she brings her tongue out and licks it, she nods to herself as she grabs it with her left hand, and she starts to stroke it while swirling her tongue on my tip.

"Fuh… Chhhllpp! Fuh…"

Ingvild after doing that for a few seconds swallows my tip into her mouth… She continues to swirl her tongue around my her, still stroking my length, I can feel my tip bathe in her saliva.

Slurp ~ Lick ~ Slur p~

"Shhlllpp! Mmmph, unghh… Haaa…"

Ingvild was making pretty lewd noises while sucking on my tip, she briefly stops and looks at me. She then starts to bob her head up and down, keeping it in rhythm with her strokes, giving me more pleasure.

…Where did she learn to do this…? The only ones that give me regular blowjobs are Kuroka, Akeno and Grayfia… The most likely candidate to teach her these things is either Kuroka or Akeno.

She stops sucking me and looks at me, the other two were brought out of their trance as they listened to what she was going to say.

"Kuroka… And Akeno gave me tips on how to do this….Grayfia also did…"

"N-Nee-sama… Taught Ingvild-senpai…"

"Auuu…. It's big…."

The elegant and strict Grayfia gave In some tips? That's almost unheard of… Without wasting any more time she resumed her actions.

"Chlllp! Unh! Sppt…!"

Ingvild started to suck me off with more speed and passion, maybe she was a bit embarrassed after telling her secret? So, she wanted to make me forget by putting more effort in.

I let her pleasure me and I put a hand on Shirone and Asia.

"You guys can help her… You know…"

Ingvild stops and winks at me, she decides to focus on my tip more, making room for her juniors… Slowly and timidly, Shirone approaches first. She starts to lick my length with her tongue.


I let out a weird groan. This enticed Asia to join, she went towards the other side, licking my length too… This is heaven, Ingvild focusing on my tip while Asia and Shirone were sucking on my shaft.

…I haven't made it official with Asia yet… Crap… I mean it's obvious her feelings for me… But I haven't formally asked her…. Should I do it now? Why not…

Slurp ~ Lick ~ Lick ~ Swirl ~

While the other two continue to pleasure me… I gently prodded Asia away. She looked surprised and a bit hurt. Tears started to form so I had to quickly act.


She asked in a trembling voice. The two stop as they stare at her in surprise.

"Asia… Sorry to spring this up on you… But you know I only do this with my lovers, yes?"

No response and tears begin to fall.

"I love you, Asia, so… Let's make it official, okay?"


"Y-Yes! I l-love Jin-san, I want to be with you forever!"

I smile and nod at her, I guide her back to my member and she happily starts licking my shaft with renewed vigor, the other two joined her. Seemingly happy with what I did and decided to double their efforts too.

"Mlhheeh… Nhuhhh"


"Nyuhhh lhaahhl…"

Crap, this is a bit too stimulating… Getting a new lover, Asia Argento… And having my other two pleasuring me even harder… I'm not…

"Umph… Haa… Jin… You're going to let it out… Shhlp… In my mouth…? Or…"

"Mmh mleeh… Shhllpp… Or… on… our…"

"Faches nyan…"

….Crap… They sure know how to rile me up…

Splurt ~ Splurt ~

"Mmm?! Puaaah!!"

I released my seed into Ingvild's mouth… But she was surprised and pulled away quickly, making me cover all three girl's faces with my seed.


"Hauu… Ahhh… Jin-sans… Seed…"

That's the en—



I look back down as I had looked up and closed my eyes during my ejaculation… Only to see Asia had swallowed my member as a whole… Well she tried too…

She started to rapidly bob her head up and down, the other two shocked by her sudden action.

"Oh… Fuck! Asia… Slow dow— Ohh!"

"All… This semen… Because of us… Hehe, nyan."

Shirone joined her senpai and pushed her out of the way.

"Ah… Shirone-chan…"

Both their tongues danced on the tip of my member but at the same time avoided each other's...such a strange thing to see, they both battling for dominance, wanting my member all to themselves. Ingvild had gotten up and sat beside me. I remove the semen from her face.

"I swallowed what I could… I'm sorry Jin…"

She didn't need to feel guilty… Geez.

"It's fine, In. It felt good. I'll forward for the future. Also…. Sorry… I can't…"

I buried my face into her chest as I let another torrent of my semen out.

Splurt ~ Splurt ~



My two juniors were quite happy with themselves, aiming my cumming member into each their mouths, swallowing as much as they could. They were still covered in my earlier cum… This was pretty hot.


A new voice appeared, by the door that wasn't closed was Kuroka. Who had a shit-eating grin.

"Looks my advice from a few months back worked nya~ he's pretty big and energetic, huh, Asia nya?"

She jumped towards us… More specifically my member.

"Thanks for the extra meal!"

Lime End

6 months later


Four huge torrents of fire went past me as I dodge them. Right now, I was sparring with Yasaka, Kunou, and the Slash/Dog girls plus Suzaku. Yasaka and Kunou had sent out fox fire at me, Suzaku with her fire manipulation, and Shigune with her own fire magic and using her whip's golden flames.

"Good, keep going!"


Natsume appeared behind me covered in her 'Devastating Gale' to increase her power, she was joined by Kunou who was on her shoulders.


The two of them combined their attacks, wind and fox fire, but I quickly 'broke' the attack with a flick of my wrist while also sending a strong shockwave towards me.


The two of them were blown away.

Kunou and Yasaka had improved greatly during these last few months— Of course, everyone else did. But these two… After spending time with a Dragon God and True Dragon… These two in a way mutated.

Kunou now had access to her [Fox Dragon Mode], her hair transformed into the color white, the same with her tails. She had taken her training with Ophis and her mother very seriously. She may be the youngest nine-tailed fox in the history of the supernatural world so far to reach this strength.

She was Ultimate-class… She had gone from Middle-class to that! I was proud of her, very much so. Yasaka also went from Ultimate-class to the Peak of Satan-class, you may wonder why not more? She had helped her daughter more than focusing on herself. A mother's love? Definitely.

Even so, she had learned touki and mastered it, she didn't slack off, in exchange for raw power, she mastered other things, as previously mentioned, touki as well as elemental magic.

Yasaka has also shown signs of manifesting her own [Fox Dragon Mode] thanks to being around both Ophis and Irene, the three… Milf and two cougars have deepened their friendship, they take turns reigning me in if I get too rowdy, ahaha…

Thwack! Fwwwwhhhh!!!

Shigune sent out her whip towards me covered in golden flames, Suzaku also sent out a much bigger bird made out of fire at me. I grabbed the whip while also punching the fire bird out of existence. I pulled Shigune towards me and cocked my arm back.

She lets go of her whip and propelled herself into the air with her fire magic, she's gotten a lot more versatile with her fire magic, she had been exchanging information with the prominent fire users of my harem.

""Fire fist!""

Both Shigune and Suzaku shouted, as they covered their arms with flames and punched towards me sending gigantic amounts of fire to me.

Just like Ace from One piece's 'Fire fist', I'm glad I suggested it to them as well as many other techniques over the last few months. Shigune's 'Fire fist' was golden in color, somewhere down the line, her normal flames turned golden, I can only theorize it's because of her constant use of her whip.

Suzaku's was the same color as before but it was a lot hotter and intense, the Vermillion Bird amplified this even more after her training. The two attacks came at me from different directions…

I sent a punch towards Shigune's fire fist, extinguishing it, and also disrupting her stable condition in the air. She fell onto the ground but softened her landing with her magic. I turn back to Suzaku's attack and smile.

"Rho Aias."

Seven flower petals made from light appeared in front of me, it takes the form of a seven-layered iridescent flower. Originally each flower petal layer has the defensive power of a fortress wall, however, with my own version, these 'walls' are powered with Outer God energy. Unless you're that strong… It won't pierce through any layers.


Suzaku's attack collided with my Rho Aias, but it couldn't pierce through it. It stopped there, eventually slowly dying out.

"That should be fine for now, nice work all of you."

"You sent us flying too far!"

I turned around to see that Natsume and Kunou had come back. I pull both of them into a hug and heal them.

"Haha, sorry, sorry. I'll hold back next time."

"You're forgiven!"

That was quick… But one month left here before we take a break and have another year here…

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