Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 2 – Chapter 3 – Worries, Devils and Leaks



Third Person Point of View

"Ufufufu, I will admit I have been keeping an eye on Azathoth, eagerly waiting for him to choose another ~"

The being sighed.

"But I did not expect a soul to wander near him… He goes by Jin now, doesn't it? Either his soul was lucky or… Had the poorest luck in the omniverse, ufufufu."


The being looks to its side and chuckles.

"I did not expect something like that to happen during his reincarnation…"

It looks to its other side

"Nor did Azathoth expect it either. It has been a happy surprise to all, and it will be to him."

"It shall make his fate a fraction more entertaining to follow."

A cruel smile appears on its face

"His past was nothing interesting after all… It was painfully generic, almost laughable generic."

It starts to laugh but stops immediately.

"Even so… Why would he do such a thing? Blocking his memories, since it wasn't anything extravagant. A run-of-the-mill tragic story…"

It sighs again. The being opens a portal, and it shows a certain individual flying through the multiverse.

"Ufufufufu, at the very least, after that incident… it made his future a lot more entertaining. Since he has 'this' searching for him quite desperately."

The being hugs itself and lets out a weird moan.

"Ahh! I can't wait to see it all play out! A love that transcends time, space, and universes, struggle more! Struggle to find your fated one! Hehehe… Hahahaha!"

The being watched the other as tears streamed down their face as they used as much of their power to reach that certain someone.

"Such a tragic fate… It will take them years, perhaps even hundreds of thousands of years, to reach him. They must be lucky to reach him before he moves on ~"

The beings calms down a bit and dismisses the portal.

"I must admit… I did not expect that fresh soul to reach our level of power that quickly."

"To attain the same power as Azathoth, could it be possible our little brother impressed him that much? Or perhaps the previous candidates were just so disappointing?"

It mused and summoned another portal.

This portal showed other previous candidates that Azathoth picked to be reincarnated, and they went about their newly reborn life. They were reincarnated in the same universe setting, however, in a different timeline, this new soul did a lot of manipulation in the background. Their past appearances and personalities carried over, the only new thing they held was 'The System'.

With this newfound power, they became a bit insane, seeing as how they didn't look like the dreamy prince they dreamed of-they used mind control to get their way in the world, controlling certain women from each faction, overpowering certain individuals and conquering the supernatural world and eventually the human world. But tragedy struck as Azathoth was not happy with the outcome, so he destroyed that universe and replaced it with a completely different one.

"Quite unfortunate for that fool… He only reached the peak of a Dragon God's power, after all, he would have died if the Gods and beings of Evie Etoulde (ExE), such a shame, it was entertaining while it lasted."

The being dismissed the circle and summoned another one.

"This fool… My, such a child."

Another previous candidate appeared and chose to follow the 'Alpha Chad' protagonist route.

"So, an incel in his previous life, who had no prior experience with women at a deep and intimate level, how amusing. Are these incels that afraid of a normal and equal relationship with women? They've most likely never been with a woman, so why do they lie to themselves? What was the term again? 'Self-inserts'?"

The being cackles. The boy got reincarnated into the same world albeit a little different, he abused I.D Create, changed races, and attained the power of a Dragon God within a day. He then proceeded to destroy canon a million times over.

The boy had some sort of agenda towards all the supernatural world— Although it was all aimed towards the males. He proceeded to cuck and NTR every married man of the supernatural, be it Sirzechs and Grayfia, Venelana and Zeoticus, even the Hyoudous. The man was unhinged and did not care for who he fucked into oblivion.

His lust was what drove him and what made him look 'cool'. Mind control was also a part of it. Any women who didn't submit after his display of power had their minds and memories altered. The boy also summoned different individuals from different universes and had them run amok amongst the world's inhabitants. Anyone or anything who hurt his small and fragile pride or ego was killed without hesitation, no questions asked. While this one nearly broke through into universal power, he didn't get a chance to.

Azathoth stepped in and destroyed him and the universes that he managed to completely screw up. The being dismissed the portal.

The being was a little surprised that Azathoth would do such a thing. Although he had been a silent observer of these things, even with previous threats and trouble he did nothing. But once he started reincarnating souls, he began to act, and he seems to have a plan for them.

The entity called forth a new portal. Once the newly chosen candidate came to be, he was named 'Jin' by 'The System'. The being expected it to follow the same path as the others, but much to their surprise it didn't.

The new candidate did things differently… Is this really different? He is gathering women for a harem, but not forcefully. He had reached the power of an Outer God thanks to Azathoth and 'The System'. This hadn't happened with previous candidates, it piqued the being's interest.

So, it decided to prank the new 'little brother' they had. A new sibling, this hadn't happened in a very, very long time. It wanted to give their new sibling a little bit of a challenge, so the being went back in time in that universe and powered up a certain individual.

That being was a Fallen Angel named Azrael, The Angel of Death, the one who ended the lives of the four original Satans and the God of the Bible.

While Azrael at the time wasn't weak, he was only slightly above the Satans in power, while God was weakened, he took the opportunity to strike, ending his life. Then Azrael fled into hiding, weakened and in a desperate state.

So, it appeared to him, gave him a very very very very small fraction of its power. It was enough to power the fallen to the peak of God-class. But it didn't stop there, Azrael trained much to the being's surprise, and it made him even stronger.

This was the little prank she had ready for the new sibling. Its new brother was already powerful, it wanted to make it more interesting. This world was a lot different from the other ones, perhaps Azathoth had a hand in it?

"He has the knowledge, but he isn't manipulating everything from the shadows, he has power but isn't needlessly proving himself…"

The being smirked, amused by it all.

"He just wants to live a new life given to him? Cute."

"That fallen is certainly amusing, who would have thought he would revere me this much? Ufufufufu."

"He's also gotten very arrogant thanks to the new power, haah… Hurry up and end them for me 'little brother'!"

It smiled a wide smile

"The only ones to ever make you fight seriously are fellow Outer Gods… Even then…"

"The only ones awake at the moment are Azathoth and I, the rest are asleep, though they can wake up at any time."

"HAAAAAH! ~ hurry, little brother! Reach the apex! And 'devour' me ~"

The being said with bated breath.

"I, Nyarlathotep, shall wait for you to 'come' to me!!!!!!"

She screamed. The being now known as Nyarlathotep had reached some sort of euphoric state, her hands were near her own private area as she recalled Jin.

"Hurry! Haaah!!"


Third Person Point of View

With Azrael


Azrael sat in an unknown place as he stared at a shrine, he had made of the being that helped him reach this new state of power. The fallen had to go into hiding for a few years after he killed the Satans and The God of the Bible.

His fellow fallen were after him for other reasons, the devils and angels for very obvious reasons. He was weakened and had next to no energy, as he used most of it during the Great War.

A few years into hiding, 'she' appeared before him, silently gave him more power, and wanted nothing in return. Azrael after that went off the deep end. He didn't know who or what it was, but saw breasts on the thing and assumed it was female.

An omnipotent goddess that came to him during a time of need! He could compete with the strongest in their world, but he didn't stop there… He trained and trained until he could reach a higher level.

"A level of a weak Dragon God… But that is enough!"

Were his words at the time of achieving it. In his mind, the initial reason for restarting the Great War was because of the humiliating feeling he got from Azazel. This is because they were the first to flee the war.

However, in his convoluted mind, restarting the Great War meant it might summon his goddess to him again, gracing him with her presence again.

His blood also changed when he got this new power, he refined his powers and mastered them. His blood became more condensed, and he grew more wings, but he wanted to experiment with his blood.

He traveled to the human world and chose random creatures and animals as test subjects. He gave them a very small amount of blood, and it changed them— Perhaps creating new species or subspecies over the years and setting them loose onto the human populace as well as the supernatural world.

The untold deaths, he found it all amusing, even the new myths and folklore that came about were due to Azrael's blood. Bigfoot, Chupacabra, and the Mothman were a few of the beings he managed to create.

Many of them are now dead, however, since the supernatural or humans got rid of them. With enough firepower and planning, even the low-class monsters Azrael created died by human hands. They had the intelligence of animals, after all, they only got a new body and nothing much else.

"The individuals I've gathered over the years have been useful assets to my goal."

He says to himself as he stares at the shrine he made.

"Kokabiel, Darcel, Acacius, Avezza, and the three other fallen that were with me, but they only reached True Satan-class when I offered them a fraction of my blood. The same vial I gave to Darcel."

"I will have zero problems taking on everyone below the top two, Shiva— The God of Destruction of the Hindu mythology, I may need to use my full power against him. But the top one is still far away… A weak Dragon God is nothing against the Ouroboros Dragon— The Dragon God of Infinity."

Azrael sighs as he leans up against the shrine.

"Acacius was not a valuable member, he had too much humanity in him, as he had bonded with a human with a Sacred Gear."

He scoffs at the thought.

"He did not transcend into what I call the 'True Fallen' because of that sliver of bond between them."

Azrael frowns.

"We, the fallen, are the strongest race in existence, the ones that are in Grigori and are content with peace are a disgrace to our species."

"In order to achieve that, we must slaughter the devils, angels, and other pantheons that get in our way."

Azrael smirks as he pictures Avezza in his mind

"While my love and loyalty belong to my Goddess, I'm in no opposition to having concubines."

Avezza to Azrael was a valuable asset, with her intellect they could create beings beyond the supernatural world's current understanding. A useful woman, especially with her new 'Divine Beasts'. Azrael sighs

"Quite unfortunate that she is obsessed with her research and experiments, I need not worry as I can use force and my power to have my way with her."

A sickening smile spread across his face.

"Once I deal with that thorn in my side— The Red Dragon Emperor and Middleman, kill the two heiresses, then I can restart the Great War… No, an even larger war, I'll also target other pantheons and bring the world into chaos."

Azrael begins to laugh maniacally.

"I can even release the Divine Beasts once I'm done with the Red Dragon Emperor… I just need a way to mass-produce them…"

Azrael's grin becomes even wider.

"Thankfully, I have very happy and cooperative allies among the Vampire faction that make mass-producing them… Very easy."

Azrael ponders for a moment.

"That terrorist group has also been in shambles recently… Khaos Brigade, was it? Perhaps I'll start a new faction and absorb them into it. Their leader has vanished recently, after all."

"It's prime opportunity to take over and reform it to my liking, I can give them power after all…"

Gears were turning and plans were forming, Azrael was determined to be at the center of it all, and his Goddess would see him in all of his glory.

"Wait for me, My Goddess!"

Unknown to Azrael, he had become one of the biggest simp after Thanos.

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household

Jin Skyward

It's the weekend, finally! The rest of the week was a bit interesting. While I didn't get much attention, I've befriended a few people, a few from my class. As for Saji, he has also loosened up around me, though it seems to be more of a fear reaction than anything else.

It makes me think if Sona said something to him, since most of our interactions have been just greeting each other. Ingvild has a lot grown a lot closer with her new friends and as well as the Gremory Peerage, she was already good friends with Akeno and Shirone, but it looks like a friendship is blossoming with Rias and Kiba too.

After meeting Gasper and training him a bit, he should be starting school next year, a first-year like Shirone. I look forward to seeing how that turns out. He has the potential as a Super Devil, he just needs to grow a backbone and stop doubting himself.

Another positive thing that came about is that Rias— She, well, has been speaking to me a lot. She's also been alluding to the fact that the supernatural is real... So once I accept the club's invitation next week, she'll definitely reveal it to me. She might try to recruit me into her peerage, but it's impossible, so I'll decline.

I did mention I didn't get too much attention, but I still did. Partly due to Rias and Sona having an interest in me, for different reasons— The student body has also caught onto it.


I sighed again, maybe I just attract trouble wherever I go?

"You've been yawning a lot this morning."

Akeno and I were in the living room, and she was giving me a lap pillow.

"Have I? I guess so…"

We recently finished having breakfast, and we're just relaxing here. Akeno has to go to the ORC since Rias called for an extra training day. I just trained them yesterday, so she's definitely motivated.

"Mmm… I'll have to go soon…"

While she wanted to get stronger, this also conflicted with her personal interests— Which were spending time with me. An answer to this is that, well, I go with her. I've suggested it, but she's also declined, so I don't know what to do.

"Yeah… Oh right, here."

I summon a piece of paper and hand it up to Akeno, she looked confused and stared at it.

"This is?"

"Gasper's training regime, it's quite simple, it consists of 100 sit-ups, push-ups, and squats followed by a 10k run around the school. As well as Gasper using up his magic to increase his demonic pool."

Yeah, I gave him the Saitama training regime, I might increase the amount once the guy gets used to it.

"This is quite hardcore, especially for Gasper…"

Akeno had licked her lips once she saw what Gasper had to do for the day. I thought that only appeared during battles? Her masochist side definitely appears during sex. I've slowly found out how Akeno's S&M personality works. She becomes a hardcore Sadist (S) during fights, I've seen it plenty of times when I brought them to the pocket dimension. Especially when she's dominating her opponents.

Her Masochist (M) has mainly come out when we get intimate— So during sex, as she's quite submissive towards me. I haven't found other instances of it appearing outside of that. Further experimentation is needed.

"I should get moving then."

I get up from Akeno's lap. She kisses me on the cheek and teleports away.

"Have a nice day…"

Kuroka and Shirone had proceeded straight to the ORC after breakfast. Kuroka said that her control of her senjutsu and touki had improved a lot. I wonder if she'll achieve [Shirone Mode] earlier as well… Talking about modes, Akeno should be able to use her [Fallen Angel Mode] soon enough too, maybe the trip to Grigori will help with that…

I need to have Baraqiel and Akeno meet and have them talk about it. If we can push her up to at least Ultimate-class in power, it should be possible— Or at the very least make it easier for her to enter that state.

She needs to condense her Holy Lightning blood to achieve that form, whatever that means… I— She needs Baraqiel's specialties for that, maybe even help from Shuri? She did have to use two special bracelets that Azazel made for her to enter that state.

But with enough training… She can do it at will. After Raynare and before Riser, that should be a good time… I'll bring Akeno to the pocket dimension, just the two of us. Get her to Ultimate Class and let her learn some anti-healing magic.


Kuroka was looking at me strangely the entire morning. It was like she wanted to talk to me about something. But I didn't approach her about it, since she looked like she wasn't quite ready yet. I'll let her initiate it then, whatever that may be.


A familiar voice calls out to me from the living room's door. I turn towards it and see Ingvild, in casual wear, smiling brightly.

I smile, get up and walk towards her.

"Looking forward to your outing with your friends?"

I reach her and lean onto the door's frame.

"Mmm! We've been planning this since Wednesday, so we've all been looking forward to it… We even have it all planned in the group chat."

She says this as her phone vibrates again.

"Glad to hear, stay hydrated, alright?"

This apparently was funny as she giggles at me, I mean it, everyone should stay hydrated throughout the day.

"I'll be back around two or three in the afternoon, I've already informed Grayfia not to make my portion for lunch."

"You still have enough money?"

She gave me a strange look when I asked that.

"More like— When will I run out? Not many of us here are heavy spenders, Jin. You gave us more than we needed, in my opinion anyway."

I won't deny that, I just wanted them to be ready…for, well, whatever. I just wanted to spoil them a bit.

[Through excess amount of cash? What are you? Their sugar daddy?]

{It sounds quite accurate; I will not lie.}

Cúntóir: Answer: Title acquired:  Sugar Daddy Jin

Hell to the no! Are you insane?! I don't want that title!

Cúntóir: Answer: Heh, it was only a joke, Jin.

[She got you good, partner.]

Tch. She's becoming more and more sentient and teasing me more. Those two lizards are also teaming up with her. I'll get them back eventually. Hehehehe.

[I don't know what you just said to yourself, Partner, but I feel uneasy about it.]

{I concur.}

Oh, don't mind me, just thinking about…stuff.

"Is that so? Well, anyway, have fun today."

I start to turn around when Ingvild hugged me, quite tightly might I add.


She quietly murmurs to herself.

Cute. I hug her back, but we quickly break it.

"Where did that come from?"

Even though I knew the answer, I want to hear it from her.

"Am I not allowed to hug you? It's just… A good luck charm, anyway, I'll get going. Bye, Jin!"

After explaining herself, she turned around and walked out the front door with a small blush on her face.

Beru. When I called his name, he immediately entered In's shadow. Better safe than sorry, actually… Cúntóir, what power level is Darcel?

Cúntóir: Answer: Darcel, or his true name, Vārnu Karalis. Current Rank: Ultimate Class – Ex++

Huh? I expected him to be a lot more powerful… Even In can win against him— If we're talking about raw power… But that guy has experience, so it was the right call to have Beru with her. But what the hell does Vārnu Karalis mean?

Cúntóir: Answer: Vārnu Karalis means King of Crows.

I chuckle, is that a self-proclaimed title? Or did he name himself that? Sounds more like one of Azazel's titles, truthfully speaking.

Cúntóir: Answer: Please keep in mind, that his current state of power may be of an 'idle' nature and not powered up or full power. These can change quite drastically.

Yeah, I guess you're right. If a wild animal is pushed into a corner, it will need to make that final stand in order to survive. Then, I can assume his true power is somewhere around Satan-class…

I turn around and go back into the living room, but I briefly stop by the stairs. Looks like Reni and Ophis are still in her room, what are they even doing?

After breakfast Reni had taken Ophis up with her, they seem to be getting along, a lot more than I initially had thought. Reni said she had the day off, so she just enticed Ophis up to her room with sweets…

Hopefully, she isn't doing anything too weird with her… Ophis tends to just go with the flow of things when she doesn't really understand the meaning behind them. I shake my head and go into the living room.

Unexpectedly, Grayfia is there. When did she even…?

[Ninja Maid.]


I shake my head at the two dragons, never gets boring with them, gotta appreciate it.

"Hey Fia, fancy meeting you here."

I greet her and sit beside her.

"Hello, Jin. Are you heading to the Underworld today?"

She asks me as I lay my head on her lap. She closes her eyes and slowly starts to stroke my hair.

"Yeah, maybe later on, though. I want to laze around a little bit. Does this mean we have some time for each other?"

Grayfia opens her eyes and smiles.

"Unfortunately, your lap pillow services will soon come to an end. I have been called back to the Gremory home, just a few minutes ago."

Despair! No! I sit back up and slump onto the couch, making Grayfia softly giggle at my all too visible disappointment.


"Asteri-sama and Sirzechs-sama asked me to supervise Millicas-sama's training."

This, this was unexpected.

"Training? Millicas?"

I don't remember Millicas ever being trained, isn't he... Young? Since Zechs spoils him as much as Rias.


"Perhaps it's due to the recent events of the supernatural world? The terrorist group Khaos Brigade and the rogue fallen angels that have been manipulating things behind the scenes, as well as the threat of the Divine Beasts…"

Grayfia lists her reasons, but she probably doesn't know what the real reason is either.

"Or, perhaps they just want Millicas-sama to be able to defend himself when the time comes." She smiles

"He has the clan's signature power after all, like her sister and father."

"[The Power of Destruction], huh?"

I wonder how efficient Millicas is at using the POD.

"Or perhaps it's due to Millicas-sama hearing of your deeds and achievements, their son is quite impressionable after all."

"Well, if he looks up to me for that reason, I can pop in from time to time and help him?"

I suggest and Grayfia nods.

"I shall mention your suggestion to both Sirzechs-sama and Asteri-sama."

Grayfia glances at the clock on the wall

"I shall be heading out now, Jin."


I walk over to her as she closes her eyes, expecting the usual, but I want to deepen our relationship a little bit more. I give Grayfia a kiss on the lips, the maid's eyes widen immediately, shock evident on her face. I grin at her as a blush slowly appears on her face.

"I-I shall be going now, Jin!"

She quickly reiterates as she teleports before I could respond.

It had been around ten minutes since Grayfia left, I had gotten my homework done in that time. I was planning on doing it yesterday, but didn't have the time. Akeno and Ingvild will probably get them done tonight, I'll help them with it. I was watching TV until I hear someone call my name.


Reni's voice resounded throughout the house.

Curious, I turn off the TV and go up the stairs. I stand in front of her room and knock on it.

"Come in!"

I open the door and am amused by the sight in front of me. Ophis— The Dragon God of Infinity was dressed up in the Kuoh Academy uniform. Reni was wearing very 'homey' clothing, a loose tank top and short shorts. The blonde female starts tapping the spot beside her.

I was confused but obliged, I sat beside her on her bed. The Dragon God was happily sitting there eating some sweets she had left. When I did so, Ophis puts her hand out to me asking for more sweets.

I chuckle and created more for her, content, she closed her eyes back up and ate away. I scoot closer to her, our thighs touching. Reni moves Ophis over as she's put between us— She sat on both our laps. I also started to pet the Dragon God with my right hand.

Reni smiles and wraps herself on my left arm as she lays her head on my shoulder. She closes her eyes as we enjoy the silence among us. The only noise present was Ophis chewing on the sweets she had.

Not too long after, Reni opens her eyes once again.

"We're like a small family."

She says, and I feel her tighten her hold of my arm.… Family, quite a few of the girls around me have trouble regarding that. While I didn't remember my past, that word also slightly rubbed me the wrong way. I look at Reni, who was already staring at me.

She lost her parents quite early on, her own blood-related family abandoned her and this is the path she was forced to follow… I wonder how different she would be right now if she didn't…


I bring my face closer to her as she closes her eyes

"A family…"

…And connect our lips.


Reni let out a soft moan as we kissed.

The kiss didn't last long. Reni and I have moments like this, but we don't venture further than that. I don't know when to, either. She's clearly told me she wants to take it slowly... We haven't made out yet. I've done that with Kuroka and Akeno. Even then, Kuroka seems hesitant about going forward.

She clearly wants to, but something's stopping her. After our kiss ends, she puts her head back on my shoulder. … These aren't bad. Small little moments like this are fine too.

[What do you mean, Partner?]

I've said it before, but— A normal enough life. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret being dragged into the Supernatural and reincarnation, because if I didn't, I wouldn't have met all of you guys. I chuckle on the inside, It's been a blessing in disguise, even with the small amnesia.


Both dragons snort and cut the link. Do they feel embarrassed I think that fondly and highly of them? Tsundere Dragons…


I feel Reni move her head to the side, as she stares at Ophis who hadn't turned around at us at all yet.


I intertwine our fingers and she reciprocates.

"It's about Kuroka, actually."

This catches my attention.

"Kuroka? Did something happen to her?"

I was immediately concerned.

"No… She's just worried about something, she approached Akeno and I about this…"

"What's she worried about?"



Third Person Point of View

With Akeno, Lavinia and Kuroka

The three women were waiting in Jin's bedroom as he was still out doing something, busy as usual. The three of them were just talking about mundane things, how their day was, if anything interesting happened, girls talk— You know the usual.

Finally, the topic came to their time with Jin— More specifically physical intimacy with him.

Akeno had both a smug and embarrassed look on her face.

"I guess I won this one, girls."

"I mean, that's a bit obvious, nya."

Kuroka says as she starts to mockingly moan towards Akeno, making the girl blush.

"If devils didn't have a hard time getting pregnant, I wouldn't put it past Jin to have you there now."

"Ahahaha… No, I wouldn't be pregnant…"

"How are you so sure, nya?"

That statement caught both the other girls' attention.

"Jin can… He can control if his 'seed' is fertile or not, so… You know…"

Akeno didn't finish the sentence, but the two of them understood.

"So, he can potentially be the savior of the devil race by impregnating all devil women, nya?"

Kuroka snickers.

"You— Our birth rates are going to skyrocket! Wait! Does that mean he can control if we get a single or twins? Maybe triplets or even quadruplets, nya?!"

"I… I guess he can…?"

Akeno didn't think of that.

"Does that mean Jin can choose how many children he can conceive with any of us?"

"In theory, yes, nya."

While the two were curious to see what Lavinia thought of this, when they turned their attention to the female magician, she was a red steamy mess.

"Reni nya? What's wrong nya?"

Kuroka was confused at her reaction.


"You're not use to this kind of talk, you're even older than us…"

With that comment from Akeno, Reni huffed.

"Just because I'm older doesn't mean I have experience!"

She puffs her cheeks.

"I was a maiden until I met Jin. I was focused on different things in life, romance… Romance was far from my line of thinking…"

"Jin and I… We— Mostly cuddle, hug and have a few kisses here and there… I want to take my time with him…"

"Reni nya is a lot more innocent than we thought nya."

Kuroka smiles at the girl who had grabbed a pillow and was hugging it.

"Ahahaha… Right…"

Akeno laughed nervously, she then turned back to Kuroka

"You know, I'm more surprised that you didn't pounce on him when you finally changed your mindset and Jin accepted you."

Kuroka instantly fell silent as her tail stopped wagging and her cat ears became crestfallen.

"I… I've been meaning to ask you guys about that… I'm worried."

Her usual 'nya' at the end of her sentences were absent, they knew she was genuinely worried about whatever this was.

"About what?"

Akeno was the one to continue. Kuroka chuckles nervously.

"I mean, I've done the same thing as Reni, with the added extra of making out with him and light humping… But I'm just scared to go to the next step, as weird as that sounds."

"It isn't, Kuroka. Everyone has their own pace they go at before they reach that level of intimacy with someone."

Reni's maturity came through as her maiden side disappeared.

"N-No, that's not what I meant… I mean... I'm..."

Kuroka was clearly bothered by this and had a hard time saying it out loud. The Nekoshou quickly gets up, opens the door, and looks around the outside. She nods to herself, closes it back up, and rejoins the girls.

The two were just silently staring at her, a little worried, but it was clear she didn't want someone— Probably Jin, to hear this yet.

"I'm not a virgin."

She finally says as she had sat down and took a few breaths in. Both Akeno and Reni's eyes had grown wide, but she continued.

"It was a mistake! It happened during my time as a Stray Devil…"

"I was getting annoyed and frustrated at Vali ignoring my attempts to seduce him."

Reni chuckled.

"That sounds like Vaa-kun."

This made Kuroka smile, briefly taking away the slightly tense atmosphere.

"So, I wandered out into the human world, stumbled into a bar… Got drunk and had a one-night stand…"

She grimaced at the thought.

"It was drunken sex! It was painful… It was quick… Stumble into a room, clothes off, he then penetrated me and then a few pumps later it was over…"

Kuroka slumped down.

"When I woke up in the morning, I was horrified with myself. But I was also thankful since even though I'm a reincarnated devil… The birth rates still apply to me, so I wasn't worried about getting pregnant."

"I quickly erased his memory, then rushed to Team Vali's place, and washed myself ten times over."

She shivered at remembering the scene.

"Jin was many of my firsts, including my kiss… But this is something I can't give to him… That's a big deal to men, right?"

"While some men do want to take girls first time since it gives them a sense of pride, not many are like that, Kuroka."

Reni looks at Kuroka seriously as she speaks.

"But… I still can't help but think that Jin may look at me differently…"

This has clearly been bothering Kuroka for some time.

"Is this why you haven't 'pounced' him yet, then?"

Akeno gets a nod from the cat girl.

"I see…"

"Kuroka, do you believe— Do you think Jin is that kind of person?"

Kuroka has been looking down at the bed after she revealed that information to them, but Reni's question made her look up at her.

"W-Well… No, no, I don't think he is… But like I said, I can't help but be worried…"

She sighed again.

"It's fine to be worried about many things, including that. I mean, he's the man you— We fell for, yes?"

The two girls nod.

"I personally also think that doesn't factor into Jin's thinking. We may have only known him for a short while, but he values the relationship and the time we spend with him."

"Not just our bodies or who puts out first or last."

She smiles at Kuroka and gives her a hug, surprising her.

"So, just go and talk to him about it. Once you find out what he thinks, you can forget all about your worries and go from there."

Reni broke off the hug, and Kuroka appeared as if a weight had been lifted off her.

"I agree with Reni, just talk to Jin about it and let things naturally progress from there. My second time with him came from that, a spur-of-the-moment act— I just wanted to help wash him, and… Well… You guys heard the rest."

The two giggle at Akeno, Kuroka turned to Reni.

"Thank you, Reni nya."

"Mmm, as I said earlier, I'll take my time with my relationship with Jin. Love is still quite new to me; it just feels right with him."

Akeno nodded in understanding.

"Like fate brought us to him, right?"

Earning a smile and nod from the blonde magician.

"Yeah, like fate."

Flashback end.

Jin Skyward


That was not what I expected her to worry about. I guess no matter how we talk or try to understand each other, our actions toward one another can always be a mystery.

[Is it a deal-breaker for you, Jin?]

No. You'll hear the rest; I'll say it to Reni.

[Roger that.]

"So… What are your thoughts about that, Jin?"

"I thought Kuroka was just waiting for the right time or waiting for me to initiate. I guess I read her wrong, haah… Relationships and feelings are weird to comprehend."

Cúntóir: Answer: I can analy—

No, thank you. I'd rather build it out of mutual trust than just analyze it… It would feel fake if I did that.

Cúntóir: Answer …


{Quiet you.}

"I'm slow on the uptake, but your assessment of me is right, Reni."

I kiss her on the forehead as she smiles.

"What she did in the past, belongs in the past, don't forget but learn from it. Kuroka herself said it, right?"

She regretted it in the morning. When drunk, you're not in the right mind space... Kuroka was already not in the right mind space even when not drunk, her life was in shambles after all. Incorporate alcohol into that, and it becomes a disaster waiting to happen. At the very least she wasn't forced to do it, if it was, I'd have a different reaction right now.

"I'll talk to Kuroka about it later tonight, I don't want her to worry about it. I guess this is a failure on my part?"

I chuckle as Reni shakes her head.

"It's no one's fault, definitely not yours. Kuroka was just too worried about how you would react. But you did notice she has been a bit weird lately, right?"

"Yeah, I was going to confront her about it but, she seemed hesitant, so I let it be. I was planning to let her initiate it first and then proceed from there."


I notice that Ophis had stopped eating and had turned to face us.

"Ophis? Is something wrong?"

"First time? What do you mean by that?"

The curious Dragon God strikes again! How do I even start…?

[Bwahahaha— Good luck, Partner!]


"We were talking about sex; the first time is alluding to the first time they have penetrative sex."

Reni interrupted me and explained it to Ophis. I'll be honest, I was a bit stunned by it.

"It's one of the most intimate moments you can have with your lover and partner, the other part is the emotional connection you form with them."

She sighs satisfied.

"For me, both are essential, the hugs, kisses, and cuddles are the start, you also build an emotional connection with them during that time."

"The final physical connection you have is sex. Some say it's the deepest one, while others don't. It depends on who you ask. I personally think both are essential."

I didn't think Reni thought of it like that… Huh, the more you know. But the Dragon God clearly didn't understand what Reni was saying, so she just tilted her head and nodded along.

"Human emotions, complicated."

She mutters and looks up at me.


She points at herself—



I start violently coughing at what she had just said and done.

"Ophy-chan! You're too young!"

Ddraig's mark suddenly appears on my right hand, surprising everyone.

[That's where you're wrong, Ice Princess, Ophis is more than 5000 years old, and is genderless— She can just shape-shift her body into a more mature one.]

With that said, Ddraig vanished as quickly as he appeared.


Aye, yo, what the fuck?! Ddraig?! The dragon refused to answer and only cackled in my head.

Reni looked at me with a complicated expression and then back at Ophis.

"Ddraig is right."

Ophis got off our lap and transformed into a more adult version of herself as she puts her arms out.

"Jin, boobs."


I'm pretty sure I was slack-jawed at the scene that just escalated. Ophis was reaching to remove the… Band-aids that were covering her nipples when—

"Ophy-chan! No!"

Reni jumped up screaming and stopped the Dragon God, Ophis was clearly confused.

"Why? Jin, likes female breasts…"


I won't deny that, but… I'm not that open about them… Right?

[The number of times you've used the girls that are in a relationship with you— Their chest as pillows or just to rest your head on… Is way too many to count, Partner.]

{Perhaps, Jin may also receive the title of Breast Dragon Emperor too.}


Cúntóir: Answer: Generating titles…

I swear to all that is holy if you do…

Cúntóir: Answer: Heh

"Hehe, I won't deny that Ophy-chan… But no!"

She lightly scolds the Dragon God, earning a frown from her. Reluctantly, Ophis undoes her transformation and reverts back to her Loli form. Reni happy with the result picks up the girl and carries her over to me.

That was… A bit too hectic… I look at Ophis. Is she also becoming aware? I sigh inwardly… I don't know…

Reni and I had just been flirting and talking about random topics, Ophis had gone back into the necklace, saying she wanted to find out more about sex… Which was… Well, it'll be interesting once she reads up on it.

"Reni, I need to travel to the Underworld soon. I have a request from one of the Satans."


She clearly wasn't happy about it, but soon found a solution.

"Ah! Can I go with you?"

"I don't see why not… I don't know how long it will take, so are you sure you're free for the rest of the day? Even tomorrow?"

She ponders for a few seconds before nodding.

"Yes, I shouldn't have anything unless Shigune calls for either of us or we get a sudden mission from Azazel."

"Cool, get dressed, and we'll get going."

I get off her bed and change into my usual clothes. I've been thinking of using what I wore for my first meeting with Yasaka as my default clothing… Thoughts?

{You will seem refined and over the top, I see no problem with it.}

[Trying to be a Casanova, huh? I'm all for it, Partner.]

Ddraig snickers at me.… I'll keep thinking about it, but for today I'll do that then. I snap my fingers again and change into the same outfit I wore for my Kyoto visit.

I look back at Reni as she was still slowly changing. Hmm, she's going to wear the same dress as we wore on our date.

Cúntóir: Answer: I suggest adding a small pocket dimension to the ring you gave to your lovers. They can use that to store other essential items, as well as clothing.

Hmm. I'll do that tonight then. It'll be convenient, I mean... It'll become obsolete when they can just snap their fingers and change clothes as I do, but I see where you're coming from. Reni sees me staring at her and she blushes

"Jin… No peeking!"

She lightly scolds me and turns away with a blush. A lot more self-aware than before she figured out her feelings for me. I wonder how she'd react if someone else saw her… I did make it clear how I felt about other guys seeing her.

[And you say you weren't possessive.]

…Alright, alright, point taken. I suddenly feel someone poke my nose and I see that Reni had finished changing. I hold out my arm to her, and she happily hugs it.

"Let's get going then."


Gremory Territory

I will admit I didn't know where the Astaroth Territory is, so I'll start here. The guards notice me and freeze in place.

"H-How can we help you today, Red Dragon Emperor?"

One of them asks me nervously. I haven't done anything to them, why would they fear me?

[Uh because of me.]

Fair point.

"Don't mind me."

I summon a communication circle and contact Ajuka.


His voice comes out of the circle, clearly confused.

"Ajuka, I'm in the Gremory Territory, I have no idea how to get to the Astaroth Territory."

I could hear the man chuckle at the reason for contacting him.

"Very well, I shall teleport to you."

The circle disappears and Ajuka teleports beside the entrance to the Gremory gates.


They greet the Satan even more nervous now. The Satan just nods to them and turns to us. He walks over to us and waves his hand.

"Greetings, Jin. I take it you're well?"

"Hey there, and yeah, I've been good. Let's get this started."

He nods and teleports us all to the Astaroth Territory.

Astaroth Territory.

Once we teleport there, both Reni and I look around. There's… A lot of buildings, like a lot. They are mostly Noble Schools for High-class Devils, based on what I remember. They're pretty fancy looking.

"So, what's the request about?"

I turn to Ajuka and he nods.

"It's from both myself and Latia Astaroth, my niece from a branch family of Astaroth."

"We will have you perform some tests… She— My niece Latia wants to test your powers. If that's alright with you."

Ajuka is reasonable, mind over power— Intellect over brawns. While he's powerful and part of the top ten strongest, he's quite chill, like a certain crimson-haired sis-con.

"I don't mind. But I'd hope that whatever happens today doesn't get leaked to anyone else."

Ajuka nods.

"Of course, it's all in confidentiality, after all."

I'm satisfied with that answer.

"Sure, then I'm all for it."

[Realistically, Partner, they can't do much, even if they find out your powers… Which is basically everything.]

{Mmm, I agree with Ddraig.}

[Like, from what the three of us have discussed, which is Albion, Cúntóir, and I… You're practically invincible. The only beings that can truly make you use your Outer God powers and raw strength are, well, other Outer Gods.]

[Look at it like this, You > everything else.]

[That's regardless of what power they have. Even if you use a normal punch, and someone uses the most powerful defensive technique… It's meaningless before you, as you just bypass it.]

[Time-stopping magic or Sacred Gear? Unless they're an Outer God or higher, which there isn't a being like that… It won't affect you, hell, if YOU use it, everything freezes.]

I know, I'm aware, but I mean it in the context of, if my power and Sacred Gear get leaked before I'm ready to have the energy to be bothered dealing with it, it's inconvenient at best.

[You're way too lazy, Partner.]

I'm not, it's just… I want some time before everything takes off, you know? Some downtime. I can't exactly advance my relationship with my girls or the women that I'm interested in or are interested in me.

[Fair enough.]

"My niece was quite interested in your reasoning for being a middleman, if you have your answer, please don't answer until we get to her."

I was brought out of my conversation as Ddraig had severed the link. Well, I wouldn't blame her.

"I see, by the way, how's Sairaorg and his mother been?"

"From what I've heard, they've been doing well, the young Bael has redoubled his efforts in training and getting stronger, which also has carried onto his peerage. I would say you had a positive effect on them."

"As for Misla Bael, she has been adjusting to devil society quite well, she has also been slowly regaining her strength back. All thanks to your miracle work."

"I see, I'm glad then, he'll definitely give his peers a run for their money because of my motivation, haha."

Ajuka shakes his head—

"You have also made the Gremory and Sitri peerage start training extensively too, Sirzechs and Serafall have been quite happy with it."

"I was aware of the Gremory peerage as I'm training them… But the Sitri too? As expected of So-tan, quite meticulous."

I chuckle as I start looking around us again.

"Man, what are these buildings for anyway?"

I knew, but wanted an explanation from Ajuka, for all I know these might be different from canon…

"Before I answer that… Would you mind explaining who your… Companion is?"

Ajuka glances at Reni as she also looks at him back.

"Ah… Yeah, she's Lavinia Reni… She's a field agent for Grigori and a lover of mine."

Didn't he meet her after the Cryptid incident?

{They were never formally introduced to each other. He may know of her appearance, but not of her name.}

Oh, right, noted.

"Hmmm, I am Ajuka Beelzebub, one of the Four Satans, we briefly met in Grigori after the cryptid incident, pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

"Mmm, nice to meet you, Ajuka-san. Like Jin said, I'm Lavinia Reni, a magician and field agent for Grigori. I wanted to accompany Jin as I was free for today."

She introduces herself and why she was there, Ajuka was satisfied with her answer.

"To answer your question from earlier, Jin."

He gestures to one of the buildings.

"These are schools made for the nobility, devils born into noble houses are allowed to attend these schools in order to learn the intricacies of devil society, learn of military tactics and strategy as well as a wide variety of subjects that will aid them in their long-life span."

"I see…"

I wonder why Sona didn't go to these? I can understand Rias as she wanted to live her own life and have independence. I can ask her at a later date.

"We also house the only building for High-class promotion tests for Low and Middle-class devils. This is the only building for such an occasion so far."

"The High-class promotion test is where the participants are required to know about strategies that are based on tactics. High-class devils won't need to take this as they're already considered High class, if they did… They would have an advantage as they most likely have studied in one of the schools I mentioned previously."

"I see, I guess Akeno and Koneko might need to take them in the future, as well as Kiba… Sounds like a hassle."

My comment makes Ajuka smirk.

"It may seem like it, however, it is essential to know which devil is ready and can handle the responsibility of being called High class while also being allowed to have their own peerage."

"I guess."

I look in front of us and see a mansion coming up.

"But man… I can't get used to the big ass houses you devils own."

"What do you mean by that, Jin?"

I sigh and I hear Reni giggle beside me.

"I've been to a few devil territories and all the houses are like giant mansions that belong to, I don't know, like the old years of humanity? All those nobles that had stick up their asses."

This makes Ajuka chuckle again.

"I admit that the current devil society mirrors human aristocracy by quite a large margin. That is why we have the ranking system and your status matters in devil society. Perhaps that's where our architecture also is influenced from."

"You also must prove yourself before you can be promoted, as I mentioned earlier."

"Sounds exhausting, no, thanks."

Just the thought of living in that society gives me a headache, gotta hand it to both girls for being able to last that long.

"I will agree with you, Jin. That's why the Four Satans right now are working towards changing it, however, the Old Satan Faction is heavily against it, as they look down on the evil piece system and towards reincarnated devils."

"It's always the damn boomers."

"The what?"

"Boomers, old folk that are always following the old rules, not wanting to change with the times, becoming bigoted or racist. It's a trendy new word for humans, it's like an insult, though."

"Boomer, huh?"

Ajuka chuckles at the word.

"That is true, many of them can be described as… Boomers."

"By the way, Jin, how goes the Gremory training?"

Ajuka moves the conversation along, he seemed curious about his best friend's sister's progress.

"They're doing fine, I manage to get her bishop out and about, I recently started to train him. I had Akeno give him a training regime today, hopefully, he follows it."

I look at him.

"And before you say it, I'm aware of his Sacred Gear and I can just cancel it."

Ajuka is a bit surprised but nods.

"More surprises from you as usual. How far are they in terms of power?"

"Since Kuroka is one of my lovers, I've trained her and in turn, she's training Koneko, so she's the one with the most improvement. She's reached Middle-class in terms of power. However, she isn't the strongest. Akeno at the moment is near the peak of High-class."

I could see him a little surprised, and I grin.

"At the moment, Akeno is the most powerful of the peerage. I plan on getting her to Ultimate-class soon."

"How… How can you make them grow so fast?"

He didn't seem to believe what he was hearing. I turn to Reni as she smiles at me, cluelessly.

"Reni here is at least Low God-class, if you try a bit you can tell."

Ajuka, again, is surprised, he takes my advice and his eyes slowly widen.

"Theoretically, I can make my lovers all reach the power of Dragon Gods in… A few months. I can always accelerate that, but this is a fine pace."

I turn to grin at him—

"I, unfortunately, won't be revealing how I do this."

He sighs dejectedly.

"I suspected as much, but it was worth a thought."

We walked in silence for a few minutes, apparently, nowhere near our destination. Big ass places, make this even slower…

"By the way, Jin. How has the first week of school treated you?"

Ajuka breaks the silence, surprisingly asking me about school, of all things.

"Hmm? Oh, it's fine, I garnered some attention but mostly keep to myself— Low profile, you know? Since Rias has no idea who I am, and Kiba has no idea who I am, I have to balance that out. But everyone else is aware of who I am."

He cocks a brow

"Is there a reason for that?"

"Truthfully? No, I kinda just went with it, as that's how represented myself to the Gremory peerage the first time I met them."

I snort.

"But it will be revealed to them sooner or later, I also feel Rias will 'reveal' the supernatural to me as I do plan on joining her club."

"She might make me form a contract with her, but she might not, I'll see by next week."

I could see a grin developing on his face.

"So, it's all for show and impact? While you can act mature, you still have your immature side…"

"Haha… I won't deny that, it's just a bit more amusing that way. I want to see her genuine reaction when the time comes."

"Why are you against garnering attention?"

I knew someone would ask me this eventually…

"Having attention, in more than one world, is enough. If I have that in the supernatural, then so be it. But in the human world too? That's just extra baggage for me to deal with. I don't have the patience like Rias or Sona for it."

"Hell, Sona can just scare them off since she and her peerage are all part of the Student Council. I'm also a nobody, and they're the Onee-samas of the school."

Ajuka nods at my reasoning and the conversation stops again. I turn to look at Reni as she was mesmerized by all the things she's seeing down here. She saw I was staring at her as she smiled and gave me a peck on the lips.

After walking for like ten more minutes, we finally arrive in front of a metal door. Ajuka pushes it open and we follow him in. To both our surprise, it's a lot more spacious on the inside… Like a giant gymnasium.


A young blonde-haired female with blue tips turns around towards us, a smile appears on her face as she approaches us.

"Welcome, Ajuka-sama."

She greets Ajuka, and turns her gaze at the two of us, and bows.

"How do you do, Red Dragon Emperor and… His companion? My name is Latia Astaroth, and I'm from a branch family of the Astaroth clan. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Latia, just call me uncle, and yes this is Jin, the middleman, and Red Dragon Emperor. He's brought along one of his lovers, Lavinia Reni a human magician."

Latia nods.

"Very well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Jin-san and Lavinia-san."

"Likewise, so what's the specifics of this request? Just me testing out random stuff for you guys?"

I could see the place was almost barren, just a wide-open metal field.

"Yes, I will have you test your limits with the gadgets, inventions, and fields we have prepared. Since that day, I have been quite curious."

She stares intently at me.

"Is that so? I'll get to it then."

"Will it hurt him?"

Reni asks, staring back at Latia, this makes the girl confused.

"No, I have gone through many calculations and simulations, there's a ninety percent chance of Jin not sustaining injuries. The ten percent are just random variables."

I chuckle and poke Reni on the forehead.

"I won't get hurt, that's next to impossible, silly."

This makes her slightly angry as she puffs her cheeks.

"It's only natural for me to worry!"

She crosses her arms and lightly glares at me.

"Sure, sure. I'm sorry."


Latia fake coughs to interrupt us.

"Then, Jin-san, please start."

"Sure thing."

I leave Reni's side and stand beside Latia

"So, where do I start?"

Latia claps her hands and the giant gymnasium starts to change, a few testing facilities and training segments start to appear.

"First that one."

She points towards… A spot with two lines.


I walk over, still confused.

"Side to side jumps for a full minute."

She explains as she summons a timer and whistle.

"When I blow the whistle you start, the next time I blow it you stop, understood?"

"Sure thing."

Is this the one punch man training facility…?

"Ready? Go!"

Third Person Point of View

"Ready? Go!"

Latia says and blows the whistle.

Cúntóir: Answer: Covering Astaroth Territory with Aura sealing barrier

Jin wanting to take her test a little seriously puts a small bit of effort in. Much like Saitama, he starts to do the side-to-side jumps, but at a speed that even Ajuka couldn't follow. A strong breeze engulfs the room as Jin quickly starts jumping from side to side.


Latia was nearly blown back by the wind pressure, but she summoned a defensive circle in front of herself to lessen the impact, but even still, that wasn't enough.

'W-What in the world?'

She was shocked, the human still hadn't summoned his Sacred Gear— The Boosted Gear, and he's this strong already?

'How strong are you without it?'

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and stop!"

After the countdown, Jin stops his side-to-side jumps, the floor beneath him had— Well, been destroyed. He looked down and let out a nervous chuckle.

"I'll fix this."

He put out his hand and reverse time in that specific area, the area repaired itself back to its original state.

'It would be an insult to her if I didn't give some effort. Even if it's barely any…'

"How many was it, Latia?"

Jin asked the bewildered female devil, Ajuka had a strained smile on him, while Lavinia Reni was happily watching on, not affected by any of it.

To her, Jin can do anything if he puts his mind to it, so this was nothing surprising. Once you change your thinking to this, in reference to Jin— Then it becomes the norm.

"I-It was 67,549,882 side jumps in one full minute…"

As she said it, it hit her again on how absurd that number was. She could only see the male casually smiling at the number.

"Is that so? I see, then what's next?"

Latia points to the next course.

"1500-meter run. You will be timed again…"

'Assuming I can even keep up…'

"Actually, it will be automatically tracked this time."

She claps her hand and a machine comes down from the ceiling and has the entire track in its vision.

"I won't need to do it manually like this, so use your full speed if you must."

She informs Jin.

"Sure thing."

Jin walks over to the starting point and waits for Latia's signal.

"3, 2, 1, and go!"

Latia stared at Jin, confused

"Why didn't you run?"

She asked the man.

"Hmm? I did?"

Jin tilted his head, confused at Latia.


She looked up at the machine and saw the count stop at 1 second.


Jin just gave the young female devil a strained smile.

"Er— So next one?"

He asked at a stupefied Latia. She half-heartedly pointed to a single barbell at a different site. Jin walks over to it and looks at it curiously.

"What's the max weight can these things have?"

He could see that the thing was made out of magic, on one side was a counter and the weight of the barbell was on it.

"Um, I'm not quite sure… I have seen Sairaorg Bael use that type of barbell many times, and his max weight was 126,000 lbs."

"Hmm, these things are common in the underworld?"

Jin asks Latia and she nods in confirmation.

'Let's see…'

Jin plays with the barbell for a few seconds and increases its max weight to 999,999 lbs.

"Well, it goes this far."

He says to himself and shrugs. He proceeds to lift it up with one arm, making Latia just sigh in resignation.

'This will just repeat for the next few tests…'

Latia sees Jin waiting for her instructions, and she points to the next test.

"It's shot put…"

"Poor Latia-chan, maybe she's a bit discouraged?"

Lavinia asks no one in particular, making Ajuka laugh beside her.

"Indeed, Jin is 'An exception among exceptions' as Sirzechs said."

Ajuka turned his attention back to his niece and gave her a strained smile.

Jin made his way to the shot put, he picks it up and waits for Latia's countdown. When she shouted zero, Jin tossed the ball as it smashed against the gymnasium wall, destroying it while disappearing into the distance.


Latia's eye twitched at the huge hole that was made in the wall.

"Uh— I'll uh get that and fix this."

Jin disappears from his spot and then reappears the next second with the shot put. He also fixed the wall at that time.

'I can't… I can't even keep up with what's happening…'

It didn't make sense to her, nothing, of what Jin did, made any sense.

'If I have to compare him to something… He's like a game character in single-player games with cheats… Or a game developer giving themselves advantages with a development menu that can summon and do anything…'

Latia just points to the next one— A vertical jump. When Jin gets to it, she tells him directly.

"Fix the ceiling once you're done."

Jin was a bit surprised by her tone, but chuckled in the end.

"Roger that."

'Is she just expecting unreasonable outcomes now?'

Jin waited for Latia's signal and then jumped, of course, as she expected… He jumped so high that his head got stuck on the ceiling.

"That's almost comical."

Ajuka mused as he stared up at Jin, who was still stuck on the ceiling.

"Go Jin! ~"

Lavinia just cheered on her lover, having fun watching it all.

Jin had pushed himself out of the hole he made, repaired it, and landed back down on the ground. Latia was just holding her head with one hand, clearly agitated by the whole thing. She then points to the next one…


Jin joked about it earlier, but didn't think it was actually like the training facility from One Punch Man. Jin turns to Latia who was blushing slightly


He asked incredulously.

"Y-Yes, d-do you have a problem with that?"

She stuttered out, not looking at him at all.

'Is it perhaps her favorite game from arcades? Does the underworld even have that? Maybe she went to the human world and found them fun?'

Jin grinned and picked up the mallet and readied himself.

Latia blew the whistle and Jin started the game.

Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!

Bonk! Smack! Bonk!


Jin accidentally smacked the space in between and denting it. But he kept going, he'll just have to fix it afterwards so as to not upset the female devil.

Latia watched in amazement; this was the first time she saw someone do it so efficiently, even the humans that had high scores in the first place she saw it wasn't near the one Jin had.

Latia blew the whistle again, ending the game for Jin. Normally, the max score for this game is 150, however, Latia wanted to push herself and others, so she modified the one she got. She turned the max score to 9,999,999.

To her, that was near impossible to reach, but today, of all days, she watched the Red Dragon Emperor reach that score with ease, though she was briefly annoyed that he damaged her game, but he quickly fixed it.

"For the final test… It's this."

She gestures with her hand as a crystal similar to the one Jin saw in Asgard popped up. However, the color was different, it was green, and the one in Asgard was Blue with red dots.

"Oh, like the one from Asgard, yeah, I know how this works. I just punch it, right?"

Jin asks Latia, she was a bit surprised but nodded.

"Yes, just hit it as hard as you can… You have used one from Asgard before?"

She was curious as to why he was forced to use one.

"Mmm, one of the Valkyries, well— The strongest one called Brynhildr tested my magic and physical strength, safe to say I broke them both…"

Jin turns back to a wide-eyed Latia.

"I won't need to pay for it, right? I can just fix it…"

"Rest assured, even if you destroyed it, we have many spares. Though, I will appreciate it if you fixed it."

"Cool, aight, hit me with that countdown Latty!"

Jin shouts, making Latia's mouth twitch at the strange nickname the middleman gave her.


Ajuka laughs.

"That's the first time someone gave her a nickname, and she's already quite annoyed with it."

"Jin has never been one for clever nicknames or titles… Hehe."

Reni chuckled to herself, 'Reni' was a nickname she got from Jin after all, and she'll treasure it, even though it was already part of her full name. But she didn't care, all that mattered to her was the love they shared.

She also knew in the future, it will change.

"Alright, you can go."

Latia gives the okay to Jin. The boy nods, cocks his arm back and threw the punch.

Boom! Crash!

An enormous pressure of wind is produced once Jin threw his punch, destroying the crystal and the gymnasium in front of him. He held back, so it didn't destroy anything beyond this place.


Latia sighed and rubbed her temples

"With that… The physical segment ended…"

She clapped her hands and all the equipment and sets slowly started to disappear.

She glanced at the destroyed crystal and it showed:

Power Level: 9,999,999,999 (MAX)

Latia sighed again for who knows how many times today since the Red D— Jin came to her family's territory for her request.

"I've never seen scores like yours before... Even the few devils who came here before for my tests did not get that. Only a few had flawless scores on some of them, but not all of them."

"For a human to be able to do this…"

she looked up from her notes and squints her eyes at Jin.

"Are you truly human?"

"Maybe? Maybe not? Who knows, time will only tell, Latty."

Latia rolls her eyes at the nickname and the dismissal of her question, Ajuka and Lavinia had joined them

Latia sighs and continues on.

"Very well, please show us your mastery over magic."

"Magic? What's after that? My Sacred Gear?"

"Yes, show me your mastery in your magic, then after the mastery of your Sacred Gear. Although I expected you to use the [Boosted Gear] during the physical assessment."

"Alright, I'll get started."

Fwhhhh!! Craccckllleee!

Jin surrounded himself with fire and lightning.

'Mode: Lightning Flame Dragon'

"W-What is that? Did you envelop your own body in lightning and fire?"

"It's Dragon slayer magic, I mixed two elements, I call it Lightning Flame Dragon mode."

Jin dismisses the magic

"I can mix other elements too."

'Mode: Dark Lightning Dragon'

Jin mixed both darkness and lightning, 'I didn't think that would work…'


Jin this time was surrounded by black lightning that crackled all around his body, Jin grinned and shaped the dark lightning into a giant scythe and swung it around with next to no force or power, he didn't want to accidentally destroy the surrounding area.

He then shapes the dark lightning around him into wings behind his back and flew up.

"I can do something like this too."

He landed back down and shaped the dark lightning into a snake that wrapped around his neck and hisses towards Latia, surprising the girl.

"Dragon slayer magic is quite rare to use and master, who taught you it, Jin?"

Ajuka looks on in fascination and wonders who taught the young man.

"Ddraig did."

He lied.

"The Red Dragon willingly taught you magic that could be potentially lethal to the both of you?"

Ajuka raised a brow, suspicious at the answer.

"Yeah, our rival is the White Dragon Emperor…so we gotta prepare, right? Also, there are a lot of powerful dragons out there too, it'll make it easier to fight them if they turned evil."


Ajuka nods, accepting my reasoning.

"While I see your reasoning, it's still quite dangerous, be careful, Jin."

"I will."

Jin nodded and turns to Latia.

"Anything else you want me to do with my magic? Or do you want to move on to the [Boosted Gear]?"

She shakes her head.

"I've seen enough, I can also assume the same thing will happen if we test the power output."

She sighs, even thinking about it gave her a slight headache.

"Please bring your Sacred Gear."

Jin Skyward

"Sure, your time to shine, Ddraig. Boosted Gear!"

I shout and the Boosted Gear appeared on my right arm.

When I upgraded the Boosted Gear last month, it also upgraded to its 'final' form: Boosted Gear Gift.

[Hell yeah! My time to shine! Let's do that, Partner!]

I nod.

"Balance Break!"

[Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker!]

I was covered in red armor after Ddraig's announcement. I dismiss the helmet and stare at the three in front of me.

"As you can see, I can achieve my balance breaker pretty easily."

"I see, how many boosts can you do?" Latia nods as she scribbles something on her notepad, and looks back up at me.

"I don't know, I would assume a lot. Last time I checked, I boosted around one hundred times and I still felt fine."

That happened during the first week I was in this world, the two heavenly dragons were curious, as was I about how many boosts I could take.

But that was back when I was still a Human Dragon Hybrid, I would assume that I don't have a limit anymore, or at the very least it's absurdly high since I'm an Outer God.

"Hmm, is there anything else you can do?"

She scribbled some more.

"I guess transferring the boosts to someone else?"

I nod to myself.

"Ddraig give me 5."

[Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost!]

I walk over to Reni and touch her shoulder.



Reni's eyes widen a bit as she got a huge boost in power suddenly, she then pouts and lightly starts smacking me.

"Geez, warn me beforehand!"

"Haha, sorry."

I wanted to pat her on the head, but I had chunky armor on me, so that was impossible.

"To be able to transfer the boosts you have into another… Quite peculiar."

Latia murmurs to herself.

"This next one should be last then."

I jump backwards a good distance away.

"Alright, Ddraig, let's try that."

[Hell yeah!]

"Let's go, Boosted Gear!!"

I shout! Let's go Ddraig, let's show them a different way to use this power! A new path for the Red Dragon Emperor!

[Right, let's show them this power of mine which hasn't been used for so long!]








Ddraig started to say a bunch of words— I don't know why, though!

Boom!!!! Shiiiingg!!!!!!!!!!



Jin Skyward

Eh? Where the hell am I?

[Hmm? Partner, what the hell are you doing in here?]

I hear Ddraig's familiar voice and I turn to face it.

"Woah! You're one thicc dragon!"

[W-What the hell? Don't call me that!]

Ddraig swipes his tail at me and I dodge.

[Don't dodge it!]

He sighs and looks at me strangely.

[But seriously, why are you inside the Boosted Gear? Weren't you just about to use that?]

"Hey man, I'm as clueless as you, maybe I was dragged in here by your previous wielders?"

[…I wouldn't know, many of them only used me as a means to an end. You and, as well as two other previous wielders were the ones, I took an interest in.]

The Welsh Dragon sat down and crossed his arms.

[Are you curious? Of their names… Wait, never mind, you already know.]

Ddraig tried to act wisely but backpedaled as he knew that I already knew.

"Pfft— Well, go ahead and tell me, wise [Welsh Dragon]. Hearing it from you would be a lot cooler."

I laughed as Ddraig's eye twitched in annoyance.

[Very well, one of the previous strongest male Red Dragon Emperor, who killed two White Dragon Emperors, was called Belzard.]

Ddraig smiled as he remembered one of his previous partners.

[He was certainly an interesting individual. Mostly Stoic and gruff, but would occasionally crack as he would show a playful and mischievous side to himself. He stayed true to himself in the end.]

[The other was called Elsha, she's also considered the strongest female Red Dragon Emperor, but falls behind Belzard. She was a kind and pleasant woman. These two were the closest to me, you are now included in that.]

[I have not spoken to them in a long time. Partner, you're an Outer God, would you consider the thought of resurrecting them? Or at the least let me meet them again?]

"You know my rules, Ddraig, but if they do say yes, then I'll be more than happy to do that."

Ddraig nods in understanding while also being satisfied with my answer.

[I know, Partner. Thank you. I have a feeling we'll meet them soon, just before they finally disappear.]

"Yeah, I look forward to it."



Astaroth Territory

Jin Skyward

[Partner! Don't you dare try to add Elsha to your harem!]


"What the hell?!"

I didn't expect him to tell me that as soon as I come back out here!

"Mode change! Welsh Blaster Bishop!!!!"

I shouted as an aura forms a backpack and two cannons behind me.

Boom!!! Klsshhhh! Kaaaah!!

[Change Fang Blast!]

Third Person Point of View

With Latia, Ajuka and Lavinia

"What is that?!"

Latia shouts, shocked at the sudden transformation Jin made.

"Did he evolve the Sacred Gear…?!"

Ajuka was also quite shocked by the development. He hasn't seen anything like it before.

'Also… Did he say Welsh Blaster Bishop? Bishop, as in the one from chess? Could he have….'

"Oh! Ddraig-chan and Jin used it, hehe."

Reni comments as she saw it for the first time.

The two turn to the woman, surprised she knew.

"Y-You knew about this, Lavinia-san?"

Latia asks as Ajuka waited for her answer, also curious.

"Mmm, Jin mentioned it in passing to all of us last month, near the end, though. He didn't tell us what he called it, though. He did say that it's based on the evil piece system's promotion."

"That form is currently the bishop's promotion."

Lavinia smiled after her brief explanation.

'So, he did base it off our system! Did Akeno Himejima influence him? Or Kuroka?'

Ajuka looked in fascination at Jin, as well as his niece, Latia.

Jin Skyward


Latia shouted

"Will you fire those?!"

She pointed at the two canons behind me.

"If I do, the Astaroth territory might be wiped out, are you fine with that?!"

I shouted back at her.


She was mortified at what I said!

"Alright!! Next up! Mode change! Welsh Sonic Boost Knight!"

[Change Star Sonic!]

The armor around me changes once again

"Armor release!"

When I yelled that, more of the excess armor from the Scale mail to drop and fly to be shed from me.

Minimum defense, while taking on more attack power and speed, but not on par with Rook's yet.

Shhhhhhiinnnnngggggg!!!!! Woooosshhhh!!!!!

After removing much of the armor, I started zooming around the gymnasium - my natural speed plus the Knight's speed made me even faster than before. I was confident that they could barely see a blur… Though that's obvious when I look over at Ajuka who had a hard time following me.

[Woooaaahh!! Partner, I love it!!!]

Ddraig was clearly happy when I let him out to have a bit of fun.

"Yeah, I haven't had this much fun in a while!"

I was usually just casually slapping things out of existence, the few times I could let loose like this, without needing to hurt anyone but just experience it was pretty relaxing in a way. I finally stopped.

"Alright, final one! Mode change! Welsh Draconic Rook!"

[Change Solid Impact!]

The previously shed armor pieces come flying back at me, even more just appear out of nowhere, as it slowly built my scale mail into a giant hunk of metal.

High Attack and Defense, but slow as hell!' I move around the Rook form, feeling a bit awkward as it was quite slow. If I, do it casually, then I can feel the weight of it. Yo Cúntóir, thoughts?

Cúntóir: Answer: It is merely in your mind. All those forms are already equal to a Dragon God's power output, as that's what you're using at the moment.

…Huh, when I think about it…


"Yeah, I did that to myself."

I had moved at the same pace as usual while in the rook form. I don't know why I did that. The one that had a clear change was the Knight form since it had natural speed plus the boosters behind its back increasing it even more.

[Partner, it's all just the queen at this point!]

"Well, we're just showing them these forms after all."

I walk over to them after both Ddraig and I have our fun.

"Hey, so what do you think? I guess that's fine, right?"

Latia simply nodded, and I dismissed my Scale mail.

[Hell yeah! We need to do that again, Jin.]

Ddraig cheered.

"I know I know; I won't neglect you that much, sheesh."

I smiled at the thought of my friend and partner having fun. While we do have fun just talking and bantering, this was just… Another way of it.

"I did not expect that, Jin. Lavinia here told us that you based it on the evil piece system, well more so on chess, yes?"

Ajuka looked at me like I was some kind of otherworldly animal, he's not that far off…

"Yeah, I did, I just showcased the [Knight], [Rook], and [Bishop] forms."

"Jin! That was amazing!"

Reni jumped towards me and hugged me.

"…Haha, thanks, Reni."

I could see the two smiling at us, feeling a bit awkward.


Latia starts as she stared at me with even more interest than before.

"You have a [Queen] form?"

"I am also quite curious about it."

Ajuka adds while nodding sagely.

"Yeah… Yeah, I do, but I won't show that for today…"

I don't need to chant, but… I think it would be cool to do so during the first time I use it.

{Haha, still quite childish aren't we, Jin?}

[Hey! It's cool, just wait your turn!]

Ddraig tried to defend me, making Albion laugh at the both of us.

"Why is that?"

Latia was confused as to why I didn't want to show it.

"Because it's my answer to a different power that's equal to or stronger than my [Juggernaut drive]."

I answered firmly and stared into her eyes.

"I consider it my X Side Balance Breaker to my normal scale mail. Perhaps I'll use it as my normal scale mail in the future, who knows?"

Likewise, I am not sure how it would look... Rias isn't one of my lovers yet, so she hasn't influenced anything. I glance at Reni, who is still clinging to me. Perhaps it will have been influenced by Akeno, Kuroka, and Reni? Maybe more… Ingvild, Grayfia, Ophis, and Gabriel come to mind…

[Who knows, partner, for the time being, Cúntóir dubbed it as Cardinal Crimson Promotion, but that may easily change. Sacred Gears derived their powers from their host's wills and desires, after all.]

"I see… Another power that's on par with [Juggernaut drive], huh? What do you call these forms, then?"

Ajuka nods, intrigued by all of what he saw.

"Illegal Move Triaina or you can also call it the Red Dragon Emperor's Three-Pronged Promotion, but the first one rolls off the tongue a lot easier."

"Illegal Move Triaina, I see, quite innovative of you, Jin."

"Yeah, it's just glorified cosplay at this point."

When I said that, the mark on Ddraig appears on my right hand.



I screamed at my right hand as Ddraig starts to scream and curse at me… But we both eventually burst out laughing. We both calm down as he disappears and cuts the link.

"You two certainly get along, it's quite close, almost like you're long-lost brothers. Very peculiar."

"You have no idea how chaotic it can get in here."

I tap my head and Ajuka chuckles.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

When we all heard someone clapping, we turned to see who it was. I was quite shocked to see who it was.

Roygun Belphegor, current head of the Belphegor clan, the current second-ranking devil of the rating games, and an Ultimate Class Devil, thanks to the King piece she has.

Roygun Belphegor, she has long, wavy, cherry blossom hair and two horns protruding from her head. She wears a high-cut formal dress with high slits and has a well-endowed bust and slim waist.

But why would she be here? I look at Ajuka, and he gives me a strained smile as he turns to the female devil.

"Ah, Roygun, you made it."

Ajuka greets the head of the clan, she walks over to him, and they shake hands. Ajuka turns back to me.

"You're confused, I can see that clearly."

"Uh, yeah."

I was probably a bit too hyped up to notice her presence. Cúntóir also probably didn't warn me, as she's not perceived as a threat…who even is at this point? I inwardly chuckle.

"Allow me to introduce you to Roygun Belphegor, an Ultimate Class devil, head of the Belphegor Clan, and second in the rating games ranking. She wanted to meet you, so she asked me to join in our little request."

Ajuka turns back to her.

"As you already know, this is Jin, the middleman, and Red Dragon Emperor."

"Mmm, it is a pleasure to finally meet the famous Red Dragon Emperor and middleman. Good day to you."

She starts to walk over to me, when she gets in front of me, she scans my entire body, I could feel Reni tense up beside me.


She suddenly wrapped her arms around my neck, surprising Reni and I.


"You're quite cute, I like you, I heard you were gathering a harem… Why don't you add me?"

She seductively smiled at me. Another Yasaka situation?! I put a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh my!"

She lets out a surprised yelp. And I teleported her away back beside Ajuka, surprising her a little, the same with the other two devils.

"Pfft— Excuse me…"

Ajuka started to silently laugh to himself, but quickly composes himself as he faces me again.

"Roygun… Is known to like younger men, and if she finds you 'cute' she'll openly flirt with you… As you have just experienced."


I didn't expect that. Well, she's a lot less explicit than Yasaka… Well so far.

"Dear me, I've been rejected."

Roygun looks beside me at Reni, who was seriously glaring at the female devil. I start to pet her to calm her down, but it doesn't work… If only that petting was a real skill, I had… Wait a minute… I start petting her again but apply a calming aura effect, and she visibly relaxes; she looks at me accusatorily.

"I just used a calming spell on you, no need to start a war here, Reni."

I whispered to her; she became a bit huffy, but didn't push it. I could see Roygun smiling at us.

"It seems your women do really love you, quite impressive, I can assume they're not just concubines then."

"I'm going to become a broken record at this point, so I'll summarize it. I love them, equally, I won't just accept anyone who throws their body at me."


Reni made sounds of approval and hugged my arm tighter. I could also see Latia and Ajuka nodding approvingly at me… For some reason. Did they think differently of me before I said that?!

[A harem-seeking bastard would be most folks' impression of you, apart from your middleman status.]

Ugh… So I really have to repeat this over and over again? Why don't I just record it on my phone and play it to anyone who asks…

{It would be quite amusing, so why not?}

"I must apologize, Jin, I originally thought of you as a hormonal teenager who was a bit more mature, what you said changed my opinion."

He really did?! Well, thank you! I guess?

"I concur, you have changed my opinion too, Jin."

Latia adds and smiles at me. Wait a minute, what did she mean by cute? I thought I was average? What the hell is wrong with this world's beauty standards?!

{[No comment.]}

Cúntóir: Answer: In your old world, you would be considered handsome, while here, you're above average at best.

Is this why Rossweisse has been single? I inwardly sigh again; this world is quite unreasonable at times…

"This has been quite an experience, Jin. I shall be keeping a close eye on your future achievements… Till we meet again."

She starts to walk away but turns around.

"I may send a request your way in the future, do you mind?"

"I don't mind, as long as they're reasonable."

Which earned a chuckle from the woman. She nods and winks.

"I'll also keep everything I saw a secret, just for you."

She blew a kiss at me and teleported away.

Latia coughs after Roygun left. She came here and left in a heartbeat, while also making a pretty big impression.


She calls my name; I turn to her, waiting for her to continue.

"I-I heard from my uncle that you created… Android fairies? M-May I see them?"

"Hmm? Oh, sure, let me—"


Reni had interrupted me and summoned her Android fairy, I had modified it last month, so it can mostly do anything. The Android fairy she had was blonde, white, and light blue in color.

The android fairy was a bit confused as to why it was summoned, but flew onto Reni's shoulder. Reni whispers something to it. It nods and flies towards Latia, she holds her hands out, and it lands on them.


There was a lot of excitement in her eyes as she stared at the thing.

"It can do a lot of things… For example…"

She gestures for it to come back, much to Latia's disappointment. The android flies onto Reni's back, as it quickly glows and transforms into wings.


Latia was fascinated by it; Reni starts to fly around the room and then land back down.

"I haven't done much with it, yet, but Jin told me it's all-purpose so… I'll assume it can do most things."

The two nod at her explanation.

"All-purpose? So, are the ones for Sirzechs and Serafall just for paperwork?"

Ajuka looks at me as he asks the question.

"Yeah, they requested one for that purpose, so I created them for only that purpose."

Ajuka nods as he turns to his niece.

"Latia, do you want one?"


When he asked her, she blushed. I just smirk at her and wait for her to admit it, that didn't take long…

"Okay… Maybe I do… But! I don't want to request one right now."

She looks at me with weird determination.

"I want to be friends with you first! I don't want to take advantage of your status."

"So, perhaps, we can start as friends…"

She holds her hand out, and I happily shake it.

"Sure, friends. Though, I'm quite surprised, since you're the first to say that to me."

"Haaaah… And her fate is sealed…"

Ajuka whispers to himself, but was still loud enough for us to hear. Latia looked back at her uncle confused, I just chuckled at his implication but didn't say anything else.

"Latia, please keep what you saw a secret, even from your peerage… Well for now at least."

"That was my intention from the start, uncle."

"Cool, anyway, here."

Latia nods and I summon two pieces of paper and hand them over to both of them.

"My number, just contact me this way or a magic circle."

"Thank you, Jin."

Latia thanks me as she puts the piece of paper into… Well someplace on her dress.

Women's clothing are weird. It's like they have hidden pockets or something…

"Is there anymore to this request?"

I ask them, but they both shake their heads.

"I see, well we better get home then. See you both soon!"

"Yes, until next time, Jin, and thank you."

The two of them wave to us as we teleport away.

Third Person Point of View

With Ajuka and Latia

"That boy will gain more attention on himself in the coming months, weeks, or even days."

Ajuka shoves the piece of paper he got from Jin into his pocket as he looked at the spot where the human once stood.

"What do you mean, uncle?"

Latia was confused to her by uncle's comment. Ajuka had a wry smile on him.

"Recently someone— Presumably from Asgard— Someone has leaked his fight with the God of Thunder, Jin being Jin won the sparring match with relative ease, that has spread like wildfire in the supernatural world…. Well, only certain factions and pantheons know of it."

"A human beating a God?"

Latia was shocked. Yes, Jin had a Sacred Gear that would allow him to do that… But what she witnessed today made her believe what her uncle said.

"Yes, and he will soon attract more factions and pantheons' attention. I— We can only hope that it doesn't affect him too much, as he's quite… Laid back."

"Perhaps from the Greek mythology? Or even the Irish mythology, as he apparently hails from Ireland."

"Do you have any idea who leaked it? Maybe even just an appearance?"

Latia wondered who had the guts to do such a thing. Ajuka shook his head.

"There have been rumors… That the being had... Kangaroo features? But, like I said, it hasn't been confirmed, just rumors."

"Huh? Why would someone like that leak the fight?"

She was confused, but she sees her uncle shrug.

"I wouldn't know, each individual's minds work in mysterious ways…"

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