Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 1 – Chapter 14 – Plans for the future and A Magician’s resolve*

The lemon is quite early in the chapter just a heads-up. There's also a stats dump near the end.


Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household

Jin Skyward


10:38 p.m.

I summoned my phone from my Inventory and started to type something, the girls were asleep… I hope, so I dimmed the light from it.

|Hey there, you're Suzaku Himejima, right? Tobio told me to message you.|

|I am, nice to meet you Jin-san.|

|So, Tobio said you wanted to meet me or something?|

|Yes, I would like to meet you in person, if you don't mind. I want to personally thank you for what you did for my Aunt Shuri and little Akeno-chan.|

|It's no problem, really. If we're meeting, I'd like to bring Akeno's entire family… If you don't mind.|

It takes Suzaku a while to respond after I sent that one. Maybe it's still too early for that? If so, I need to help her convince the Himejima clan to acknowledge both Tobio and Shuri's relationship with Baraqiel, but how?

[Through reputation, Partner.]

Reputation? Like my middleman status?' I kinda get where Ddraig was coming from, but I don't think that's enough.

{Precisely, not just your middleman status, but your soon-to-be revealed, Red Dragon Emperor status, and your fake Human Dragon God identity.}

If only, I don't think those old dying corpses would be easily swayed by that. If I use force, I don't think Suzaku nor Shuri will like that too much. I don't want to be a tyrant.

[Hmm, we may need to go back to the drawing board, Albion.]

I hear a tapping noise.

{Hmm, I wish you would just sometimes go wild, Jin. Doing things by the book is exhausting, but I know that isn't your personality.}

Yeah, sorry about that. But maybe it might sway them if I meet up with Amaterasu since they revere her so much, get a good reputation with her, you know?

[And then get her to punish them! Perfect!]

{However, that will be quite a challenge, Odin was quite a simple God, he was a pervert and valued honesty. If you didn't answer him like that, who knows where you would be at right now.}

[Mmm, all gods are different after all. What do you think Zeus is like?]

Bang and impregnate anything that moves? I snicker at the thought.

[I mean, you're not wrong. But yes, he's quite full of himself last time I was awake.]

{Isn't that your goal as well, Jin?}

Alby, I love my harem, I doubt Zeus does the same.

{Fair point.}



I look back down and Suzaku finally replied.

|Yes, I wouldn't mind, but we'll need to meet up at a different place than where I had initially planned.|

|Sure thing, anywhere works for me. I just need to tell them then.|

|Of course, let's end this here, for now, Jin. We can message each other at a later time to set up specifics.|

|Sure, sure. Good night Suzaku-san.|

|Yes, good night, Jin-san.|

I threw my phone back into my [Inventory] and laid back down on my bed, the girls still fast asleep. Well, at least I hope so. Akeno and I had quite a night…

Unknown Location

Third Person Point of View

With Suzaku Himejima

Suzaku breathed a sigh of relief after texting with Jin, she was glad he was easy to talk— Text with and seemed easy-going.

"Ah… I forgot to tell him about Sae…"

Suzaku shakes her head disappointed at herself…

"I'll text him tomorrow about it instead."

Suzaku puts her phone on the nightstand beside her bed, turns off the lamp's light, and lay on her bed. But she didn't fall asleep, she stared up at the ceiling wondering what would happen in the future.

'Team Slash/Dog, Tobio, Aunt Shuri, Akeno-chan, and Uncle Baraqiel…'

So many things were whirring through her mind.

'Jin, harem, miracle worker…'

She wants to form some sort of friendship— Maybe an alliance with the young man. While the majority of the clan does not see his current achievement as noteworthy, Suzaku thought differently— Well they didn't know about him being able to bring back the dead…

"What else can you do? Jin…"

She closed her eyes and tried to sleep.

"Will you take on my requests even if I'm not part of the three factions…?"

She shook her head— Dismissing any negative thoughts.

"I hope so… I should text Tobio in the morning to put a good word in for me…"

She sighed and left her thoughts at that.

Jin Skyward

I sigh as I pour some water on myself.

"What a hectic day…"

I felt a bit restless so I decided to take a bath for the night.


Jin Skyward

I had gotten home and flash stepped up to Reni's room and set her down on her bed. I stroked her hair for a bit, looking at her peaceful face as she slept. I note her breathing was normal, and her body didn't have any kinds of problems, so she's okay.

Don't push yourself too much, Reni. I leaned down and kissed her on the forehead and left.

I make my way back downstairs and into the living room and see In was still there typing away on her laptop.

"Hey In, still busy with that song?"

I sat beside her and peered at the screen, only for her to turn it the other way.

"Yes, and you can't see it yet!"

I sigh and relented.

"What happened with Lavinia-san? She seemed tired."

"You saw us? Sorry for not greeting you when we got back, but yeah, she's exhausted."

I sighed again.

"She pushed herself a bit too much during her mission."

"She— Her team Slash/Dog went to France and fought something, I need to ask Azazel, Reni, or someone from Slash/Dog about it."

I wonder what kind of thing it is, maybe another cryptid? However, the one we fought before was weak.

"Lavinia-san is quite strong, so if she and her team were pushed that far, it must be something serious…"

"Yeah, I'm curious myself…"

What kind of thing can make them struggle like that? Tobio's pretty powerful considering what his Perfected Balance Breaker can do.

Just then the necklace around me glowed and Ophis came out.

"Oh, hey Ophis, is something wrong?"

The loli dragon says nothing and sits beside me, I feel her gaze and I summon a new bag of sweets and give it to her. She nods and starts eating it.

"I, have finished some books, I will take a break."

"I see… Oh, right. Ophis, I'll be visiting Irene in the future, wanna come with me?"

The Dragon God stares at me for a minute without saying anything, then nods her head.

"Yes. I, want to apologize to her."

I was stunned, apologies? Ophis?

"Apologize? And why do you want to do that?"

"I, have come to the conclusion after reading many books, regret may be the emotion I am feeling. I, reflected and thought about what I did, they were 'childish' actions so, I want to apologize to Bak— Great Red, but I don't think I will be forgiven easily."

I smile and start patting her head, I feel like a proud parent, even though I probably didn't do much.

"I'm proud of you Ophis, admitting to past mistakes is quite a difficult task, even for humans. Or beings that have access to their emotions. Also, don't worry, I'm sure that Irene will forgive you."

She nods and starts to mutter Great Red's name.

"Irene… Irene…"

Another small step for the Dragon God of Infinity. I look forward to seeing Irene's reaction.



I see a teleportation circle appear in the living room and Kuroka pops out of it.

"I'm back nya!"

She announces happily and looks around.

"Welcome back, Kuroka. How was your day?"

I ask her and she hops onto my lap.

"It was fine, Shirone and I had a great time after paying our respects at our mother's grave… We had to clean it a bit though since it's in a place where not many people know about it."

"We went around Lilith for a bit, ate food and I bought Shirone some clothes, just spending some quality time with my little sister…"

"I'm glad you enjoyed your time but looks like you want to ask me something, so, what's up?"

She chuckles nervously while smiling wryly.

"W-Well, so this is entirely my fault— So, Shirone wants to meet you— More specifically the person behind the mask that helped me. I-I may have been incessantly bragging about you to her… Nearly every chance I got."

I laughed at her explanation as she blushed.

"It's not funny nya!"

"It's your fault though, but yeah, sure, I don't mind. But please tell me in advance when you plan on bringing her here."

"Yes nya!"

She pumped her fist making Ingvild giggle beside me.

"Jin, are you sure about this? Revealing yourself to her?"

Ingvild stops giggling and asks me seriously.

"Yeah, I'm not some edge lord wannabe that wants to keep his identity a secret forever. I just did it so I could get used to the supernatural for a little bit beforehand."

I think back on the last month's event, it's been filled with a lot of things.

"I would rather not have constant eyes on me from the moment I went into it. It would have been more annoying than anything."

"The Middleman thing kept me in the three faction's eyes, and then it slowly began to spread, that was my goal, and recently Youkai and Asgard came into contact with me. I would say it's the right time now to slowly start revealing who I am."

"All they know is I am a human and a middleman; you can't exactly tell I'm a Human Dragon God hybrid at a glance."

I ain't telling them I'm an Outer God yet though.

"Soon, the title of Red Dragon Emperor will go along with it, and finally Jin."

"So, a gradual increase? I understand where you're coming from, but wouldn't it have been easier to reveal everything from the start?"

Ingvild made a valid point, but like I said that would be too exhausting.

"And start getting spies on me to ruin the peace I had? Please I would rather die than have that shoved in my face, heck Akeno kind of did start off as a spy, you know? The same with Grayfia, but that's changed now."

Ingvild thinks about it before nodding.

"I guess so… I mean we wouldn't be living a relatively peaceful life right now if you did just go around throwing your weight."

She snorts.

"But that's going to change soon…"

I feel Kuroka kiss me on the cheek.

"I'm going to get changed nya."

She got off my lap and went up to her room. I wave her off and turn back to In.

"Yeah, it's not in my personality. Living a peaceful life with my harem seems a lot better than constantly fighting."

"But, didn't you have a few fights already?"

"They requested it, Vali twice, Sairaorg once, Dulio once, and recently Thor. I never once approached them for this. I would have preferred to not have had a crowd to see those, but I couldn't be picky about these things."

"You got the whole of Asgard as fans now too, well it was unintentionally as you just responded to Thor's spirit, right?"

I'm a bit surprised that Ingvild figured that out, yes, I fought back a little hard with Thor since he's a God and I knew he could take it. He's also a warrior and he challenged me fair and square; it would have been an insult if I didn't do what I did.

"Yeah, the Asgardian people were cheering him on pretty hard, his fighting spirit and will was also commendable, so I responded in kind, with that attack I used."

Though I was still holding back— But that's beside the point. At least to him, it looked like I was trying my best too, that's what matters in the end… Probably. Ingvild nods and goes back to her laptop satisfied with my answers.

I had left the living room and was preparing dinner in the kitchen when I feel Grayfia teleporting in.

"Hey Fia, welcome back."

I greet her without turning around.

"How was supervising the recently hired recruits?"

"Yes, I'm back, Jin. It was simple, they were quick learners, so I left the rest to another veteran."

She walks over and helps me.

"What are you making for dinner?"

She looked at the ingredients on the counter.

"I see, It's Shepard's Pie, boiled eggs, and roasted broccoli."

I create a hologram of the recipe for her and she nods.

"It seems simple enough."

We got to work and got dinner done in no time. All that was left was to wait for Akeno to get home. I walked back into the living room and Ophis was leaning on Ingvild asleep. She noticed me and gave me an awkward smile as she wasn't used to one of the strongest beings just leaning against her. I chuckle and pick Ophis up and teleport her back into the necklace.

An hour passed and Kuroka was getting impatient, just as she was about to break Akeno teleported in.

"Finally, nya! We can eat!"

She immediately started to devour everything on her plate. I chuckle at her as Grayfia tries to scold her.

"Welcome back, Akeno."

"I'm sorry I'm late, a client went a little bit overboard telling me their life story…"

She apologizes to me with a smile.

"Rias also asked for your number…"

"I expected as much, don't worry about it."

I wave her off, I didn't mind at all, as long as she didn't just spam text me like a certain Hybrid, then I'm fine with it.

Flashback end

After that we had a peaceful night, doing our usual routine. I was feeling restless earlier so I decided to take another bath like before. I had just finished when I feel someone's presence outside of the bathroom. Deja vu.


The door slides open and Akeno is the one to step through, towel wrapped around her body smiling at me.

"Hey there, Akeno, what brings you here?"

"I woke up and you weren't in bed…"

She grabs a stool and sits in front of me.

I would have guessed behind me… What's she up to?

"So, I went out and saw the bathroom light on, your clothes were outside so I decided to join you… Also, I won the bet earlier today…"

Akeno lets her towel drop from her body, letting me see her fully naked once more, she was blushing lightly.


She calls out to me as I was staring at her body.


I look back up at her face and she smiles.

"I've been thinking… I'm not a very good wife."

She states and starts to cover her entire body with water and then body soap. I was a bit stunned at what she said.

"W-Wife? Akeno… Isn't this a bit too early, you know, thinking about that kind of thing?"

"I'm not saying to get married right now, silly."

She looks down and smirks.

"I just mean that I wanted to get some training in for the future…"

I sigh knowing that when she puts her mind to something she won't be easily swayed.

"Do what you want…"

"Actually… Do you want it to be an official or unofficial marriage, Akeno?"

I've been thinking about this since well— Quite some time ago when I thought back when her parents gave me their blessings.

"What do you mean?"

She looked confused by what I said, so I elaborated.

"I mean, like, do you want it to be a legal marriage between us? Or just… You know between ourselves without officials."


Akeno falls silent, she looks like she's thinking about it seriously.


I interrupt her before she could continue.

"What about your parents? Knowing your history with your clan, I have no doubts it would have been frowned upon, right?"

She nods.

"So, I conclude that it was unofficial, to them, they were married. What mattered to them was their love for each other, not what was written on a piece of paper. To them, they were married and that resulted in you."

"I can only imagine when the rest of the clan found out and when Shuri mentioned any plans of marriage there were a lot of them who disagreed with it, maybe going as far as trying to break them up. I can see them fighting tooth and nail for it not to happen."

Akeno nods sadly as she can see that happening, she may have heard or maybe seen some things in the past, probably just repressed those memories.

"I'll think about it then…"

Her eyes glaze over as she goes into thinking.

"Well, I can always just do this and get it over with."

I summon a ring and start waving it around and she pouts.

"I would like it to be a lot more romantic, mister!"

She crosses her arms and I chuckle at her.

"My bad, yeah I'll try to find an opportunity in the future."

I dismiss the ring. We fall into another comfortable silence until Akeno starts to crawl towards me and then props her body on my lower half.

"I still want to get some training in. Also, you haven't asked me to do anything lewd since that day. Are you perhaps disgusted by my body?"

She looked a bit hurt while saying that.

"Huh? What? No, no, no… I've just been busy, Akeno, you know that…"

"I'm just pulling your leg, Jin."

She giggles. She says that while reapplying more body soap, she covered her entire body with soaps and suds. Akeno starts rubbing her body - or more precisely her chest - all around my body, starting between my legs and slowly moving upwards to my chest. She then went around behind me.

This is quite erotic…

She eventually goes back to in-between my legs and rubs her chest there as she stuck her tongue out teasingly. I was a little surprised by her aggressiveness….. Is she frustrated? Maybe she's been wanting to do that, I mean she is a teenager… Well we both are…

Akeno clearly felt embarrassed by the whole thing as she was blushing furiously while doing this.

"Ufufufu, if I can't properly wash my future husband's body, what kind of wife would I be?"

She says seductively. This was a battle I was losing, so I decided to accept it early. I could feel my member start to rise and poke Akeno's chest. She clearly looks happy because of my lower half's reaction.

Lemon Start

Third Person Point of View

Akeno shifted her breasts around so that Jin's member would be snugly squished in between her breasts, the girl sporting a blush as she stared at the tip of his member poking out.

"Ufufufu, ara ara, little Jin here is quite hard, isn't he? ~"

Jin was looking down at the scene below him slightly embarrassed.


He whispered and the girl smiled.


Akeno let out a small moan as she started to squeeze and move her chest up and down on Jin's member.

'It's soft… And slimy… The soap is doing one hell of a job…'

Jin thought as he watched his girlfriend diligently massage his hard member with her tits.

"Rub… Rub…"

Akeno whispered to herself as she kept moving her tits at a steady rhythm. She would also occasionally jerk them from side to side, mixing it up. This earned a groan from Jin.


Jin let out a groan as he felt Akeno's tongue lick his tip as she stopped her movements briefly.

Akeno looked up at Jin's ecstasy-riddled face and smiled, she started to move her breasts again, while squeezing his member a little bit tighter. She also started to suck and lick his tip while doing her previous movements.

"Shit… Akeno…that feels good."

Jin comments and puts his right hand on her head.

"Nmh… Haah… Is… That… So…?"

Akeno said in between sucks, she swirled her tongue around the head of his member, and increasing her chest's speed.

"Ah… Too intense… Akeno…"

Jin couldn't hold it anymore and let his cum erupt into Akeno's mouth.


Splurt ~ Splurt ~

"Mmmhm?! Urk!?!"

Akeno's eyes widen at the sudden intrusion of Jin's seed in her mouth. The girl desperately tried to swallow it all, but it was a bit too much, and pulled away.


The rest of his seed splattered and covered Akeno's face, chest, and hair.

"Haah… Haah…"

It was Akeno's first time doing such an act and she was surprised at how tired it made her feel. Perhaps it was due to the adrenaline slowly fading? She wasn't too sure. Akeno scooped up a bit of his seed on her fingers and brought some into her mouth, she looked at Jin seductively


…And licked the rest of her fingers.

"…Don't tempt me, young lady."

There was a hint of lust in Jin's tone since what Akeno did had turned him even more on.

"Ufufufu… You were quite pent up, huh?"

Akeno could only conclude so, Jin does a lot of things throughout his time, and she hasn't exactly seen him pleasure himself.

"Yeah… I guess so. You were pretty good at it, Akeno, thank you."

Jin got up; erection still visible. He grabbed the shower head and rinsed his cum covered member as well as Akeno.

"Let's go take a bath…"


Akeno stretched her arms out, wanting to be picked up by Jin. Jin chuckled and obliged, and picked her up. He then went into the warm bath and laid her in front of him, his member resting against her back. Akeno turned back to Jin; lust still present on her face.


She whispered and started to rub his member against her back, making it even harder.

"I was planning on letting it be done after that, but…"

Jin lifted Akeno up slightly and aimed his member on her womanhood.

"You really just had to tempt me…"

…And brought her down on his erection hard.


When Jin slammed Akeno down onto him, he felt her warm inner walls immediately tighten as he had slammed directly into the entrance of her womb.


Akeno violently shook and held onto Jin's arms as he had placed them around her waist. Once she was done, Jin brought her head close to his and whispered…

"You came, didn't you?"

He didn't let Akeno answer though as he shoved two of his fingers into her mouth

"Suck it…"

Akeno was on cloud nine already and started to suck his fingers off per his request. When she did Jin immediately began to thrust into her at a slow and steady rhythm. He gradually began to increase his pace as he became accustomed to the position they were in. Jin felt Akeno's tongue swirling all around his fingers and then felt her start to bob her head back and forth.

Seeing as how Akeno had no problems staying where she was, Jin removed his left hand from her waist and made his way to her clit, and pinched it.


Akeno tried to scream but she was stopped because of Jin's fingers.

Jin marveled at her reaction, but didn't stop for too long and began to thrust again, he also started to rub, scratch, and lightly pinch her clit. This drove Akeno crazy.

"Mmmm!! Mmmm!!! Mmmm!!!"

The girl didn't know what to do or what was happening anymore. When she seduced Jin earlier, she was only thinking about pleasure; she wasn't prepared for Jin's reaction. She didn't hate it but was a little worried about his aggressiveness.

Suddenly she was pushed forward and against the wall, she had reacted instinctively and stopped herself from crashing into it with her arms. She looked back in a dazed and noticed they were in a position called 'Doggy style' the thought made Akeno blush even harder.

After Jin got up, he saw Akeno wiggle her butt embarrassingly towards him.


She begged.

Jin smiled and shoved his member back in full force.


Akeno screamed, not even worried anymore about waking her friends and fellow harem members. The pleasure was the only thing in her mind, her own pleasure and Jin's. She squeezed her walls on command since she wanted Jin to feel as much pleasure as he could.

"Khh! Tightening up, aren't we?"

Jin asked and leaned forward and kissed Akeno.

"Mllhhh… Haaah… Nhmmm"

Sloppy wet tongue kisses and sucking noises started as they ignored everything around them. He broke the kiss much to Akeno's displeasure.

Thrust ~ Thrust~

"Ahh! Ahh! Jin! Jin!"

Akeno was just a broken record player as she repeated his name, feeling his entire length within her. This was the second time in her life that she felt full and she loved it.



Akeno yelped as she felt the all too familiar slap on her butt.

Smack! Smack!


She felt each slap connect, her masochist side enjoying it all too much. But suddenly she felt the same prodding she had back during her first time.

"J-Jin! Wait! That's my!— Ooohhh?!"

Akeno felt a finger enter her ass, and she made a very strange sound. Jin had successfully put a finger in there, causing his girlfriend to make a weird noise. He started to thrust his finger in sync with his own thrust.

"Ahhk?! Haah?! My…?! Butt?!"

Akeno gasped out, it felt strange to her.

'Does Jin want to put it in there? I don't mind… But… I'm not really mentally or emotionally prepared yet…'



Akeno felt both Jin's member and finger thrust deeply into her, giving her a light orgasm.


Her eyes crossed, and her tongue fell out.

Thrust thrust thrust~

"Akeno! I'm cumming!"

Jin announced.

"In me! Don't you dare pull out!"

She screamed; she had no doubt that everyone heard her but she didn't care anymore.

"Fuck! Cumming!"

Jin thrust one last time and smacked her womb's entrance and released everything he had.

Splurt ~ Splurt ~

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! I'm cumming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Akeno roared as she felt Jin's white seed invade her fleshy walls and womb, as well as feeling his finger push down, doubling her own pleasure. Jin pulled out and came a little on her ass and back, Akeno slumped back down onto the bath, exhausted, her tongue sticking out with a glazed-over look plastered on her face.

Lemon End

Jin Skyward

"You were too rough…"

Akeno cutely pouted.

We had gone back to our previous position, Akeno clearly exhausted.

"Haha… Sorry, I went a bit overboard there."

She turned around and gave me a cute glare

"You also put a finger in my butt without warning, I'm not mentally prepared for anal yet…"

She blushed after saying something lewd.


She looks towards the door.

"Everyone definitely heard me…"

She covered her face clearly embarrassed and was way too into it. She did scream pretty loudly.

"Ahhh kill me…"

"You'll be fine… Probably."

She just gave me a light pinch, clearly still embarrassed by the whole thing. I mean, she'll be in the same room with other girls at some point doing that…

"Well, you got some training done…"

"Was that really training? I only intended to try a boobjob plus blowjob… But it escalated way too quickly."

"And whose fault is that?"

I fire back, only to be met with a light elbow to the gut.

"Point taken, it's both our faults… My bad."

Japan, Kuoh

Next morning

As I made my way downstairs, I saw Grayfia making breakfast, so I went to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. When I put my chin on her shoulder, I could see she was blushing.

"Alright, I'll say it now. You heard us, didn't you?"

Which only made her blush harder.

"…I know devils have a hard time conceiving, Jin… But did you use protection?"

"Hmm? No, I can control my semen to make it fertile or not. So, protection isn't needed."

Grayfia turned to me a little surprised

"Does that mean…?"

"That I can make it a 100% conception? Yeah, I alone can help the devil population!"

I chuckled, earning a pinch from the maid.


She glared at me, not sounding like she liked what I said about impregnating random devil women.

"I'm joking Fia, geez."

Everyone had sat down and slowly started to eat their breakfast, but when everyone started to filter into the room, they were clearly avoiding eye contact with Akeno and I. Especially Ingvild, when greeted her earlier she just answered quickly and quietly.

The only noise present was chewing and utensils hitting our plates, a slightly tense atmosphere present in the room. I decided to break this silence.

"I'll be taking everyone to that place in the afternoon, so get everything you want done before then."

Everyone looked up at me, Ingvild and Grayfia still confused to where I was taking them.

"I, will be in the necklace."

Ophis didn't want to go, I was fine with that, for now. In the future I want her to get a little bit stronger since there are other threats that are coming, including ExE.

"Where is this place, Jin?"

Ingvild nodded along, I haven't elaborated to the two of them, but I still won't. I'll do it when we're there.

"Don't be too hasty now, you'll find out in the afternoon. But you will grow stronger very quickly in it. I can promise you that."

Both of them nodded, though I can still see that wanted to ask more questions.


Kuroka starts, she then turns to Akeno, her face slowly turning into a look of horror as the cat girl grinned at her. Kuroka inhaled and exhaled.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! I'm cumming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Kuroka bellowed out mockingly, Akeno covered her face out of embarrassment as Kuroka started laughing maniacally.

Ingvild had spat out some of her food out of shock and Grayfia had snapped the fork she was holding. The room fell into silence, with the exception of Kuroka's laughter. Lavinia just awkwardly smiled at the scene while taking glances at me.

"Ahahahah! Oh, Akeno, dear. I never thought I would hear your voice when you reach an orgasm."

She stopped laughing and snickered at the girl.

"Also, inside, huh?"

"Kuroka… Please stop… This is so… Ugh…"

Akeno didn't remove her hands from her face.

"Now, now, Kuroka don't be too mean…"

Lavinia tried to reprimand her friend but was ignored as Kuroka started fake moaning making the rest of them blush. Kuroka wiped a tear from her eye.

"Are you still leaking from down there?"


Akeno now looked mortified as she embarrassingly glared at her.

"Kuroka…that's enough now, that kind of talk isn't appropriate while we eat…"

Grayfia also joined in trying to reprimand her.

"Fine, fine…"

She reluctantly stopped but still kept snickering through the rest of breakfast.

Everyone had left to do their own thing, Ingvild was still embarrassed by the whole thing from breakfast and had retreated to her room. Only Lavinia and I were left in the living room.

"So, Reni, mind telling me what happened on that mission of yours? Maybe when you reported to Ash Crow too?"

I turn to the girl who was happily burying her head into my shoulder.

"Hmmm? Sure ~"

"We went back to France to find any clues about the rogue fallen or missing Excalibur's, but we came across more Cryptids."

"More Cryptids? Was it as powerful from that time?"

She both shakes and nods her head, confusing me.

"Both, there were many that were easy to kill, some rogue fall and stray devils were stationed there. But the place we came across was one of the research facilities from the documents we managed to obtain."

"The one who was running the place was called Avezza a former scientist of Grigori and a 10-winged female Fallen Angel."

Avezza? More characters I don't know about… First that Acacius guy now her? She's also 10 winged… The beings popping up are getting more and more powerful.

"She's the one responsible for making the Cryptids, however, she's made a new type of cryptid and she called them Divine Beasts. They apparently range from True Satan-class to God-class beings in power… The one we fought was Low God-class, that's why I had to use up most of my mana to kill it."

"Even Tobi's Perfected Balance Breaker couldn't do much damage to it. It could use wind and light magic. Its skin was nearly impenetrable."

This was quite alarming… How did they even manage to create something like that? Kokabiel was certainly not that powerful… Only one answer, Alternate Universe bullshitery. I sigh loudly after her explanation.

"So, did Ash Crow say who might be responsible for this?"


Third Person Point of View


The Slash/Dog team had just come back from their mission. They had a pile of papers with them since they decided to take all of the documents that were there, as well as take some pictures. They had immediately gone to Azazel's office, including the still floating Lavinia.

They were given a few weird stares and glances, especially Lavinia.

"Hey how did— What in the world happened to all of you?"

Azazel looks at the Slash/Dog team and then at Lavinia.

"Lavinia, what the hell is that behind you?"

Tobio stepped forward.

"We came across a very strong enemy, even my Perfected Balance Breaker was next to useless against it."

Azazel's eyes widen from shock, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

'Tobio's balance breaker couldn't hurt whatever thing they fought?'

He was intrigued at what kind of thing they came across.


"We investigated the same area that Lavinia and Kouki explored in France. We didn't come up with anything for a while until we came across a hidden entrance that was being hidden by illusionary magic."

"Lavinia had a hard time dispelling it so we had to tread carefully with her warning. However, the vast majority of hostile enemies we came across were Low to Middle Class in power and were mostly made up of Stray Devils, Rogue Fallen, and a few weak cryptids."

"We eventually came across a large area with it filled to the brim with test tubes, with all kinds of supernatural beings within them, and another room where we met our strongest enemy so far."

"We also met the one responsible for creating them, Avezza-san. She was apparently a former scientist from here?" Tobio looked at Azazel as he asked him the question.

"Vezza-Chan? Well shit, if it's her… And what she was doing before she left…! How the fuck did I not connect the dots?! What else?!"

Azazel felt stupid for not somehow connecting it…it made sense, Kokabiel, Acacius, and now Avezza. But… Kokabiel was never that powerful, it didn't add up.

"Right, so she was the one responsible for creating the same Cryptid that terrorized Spain, she said she had a very powerful sponsor for her creations. She also grew in power as she had 5 pairs of wings, so she was a 10-winged fallen now."

"The Cryptid we fought was of a new kind she has been making; however, it was only a prototype, she calls the 'Divine Beasts' she also boasted they were going to be True Satan-class to God-class beings."

Tobio's expression turns grim.

"She wasn't bluffing, that thing could take on all our attacks… My Perfected Balance Breaker was next to useless. Maybe it was immune or was simply above my own strength, I do not know."

"Divine Beasts, huh?"

Azazel didn't like the sound of that, Tobio perfected that state and could kill True Satan Class beings up to God Class beings, depending on their power. If he was useless against that thing… if Kokabiel was responsible…

"Shit… That is turning out to be a lot more serious than I initially had thought."

"If I may."

Azazel gave him the okay and looked back at them.

"Lavinia was the one who finished it off, she, however, had to use up all her mana pool, as u can see she's currently not in a state to fight or move."

He gestures behind him to a Lavinia who weakly waved at the Governor.

"Before you ask, it was Jin who was responsible for her increase in power. She won't divulge how since Jin asked her to keep it a secret."

Azazel nodded; he knows Jin won't just give out information willy-nilly.

"Wait a damn minute…"

Azazel summoned a circle and showed a short video of a giant pillar of ice appearing and disappearing near France.


Lavinia sheepishly nodded; the rest of the group chuckled.

"Dear God, no wonder the humans were freaking out, hopefully, they'll just chalk it up to a freak phenomenon."

Azazel shook his head and dismissed the image.

"Haah… I'm getting too old for this shit; you guys are dismissed… I need to talk to some other people."

The team nodded and left.

Flashback end

Jin Skyward

"Hmmm, so Divine Beasts, Kokabiel, and Avezza… A lot of unknown factors… I'm glad I'm taking you all to that place again. I need all of you to get stronger."

I frowned who else could be responsible for this? Unless this world decided to make Kokabiel as strong as a Dragon God… Which isn't impossible since anything goes…

"Yeah… Hey Jin?"

I turn to the girl.

"Hmm? What's up?"

"Can… Can we go on a small date today? Before everyone else comes back home I mean…"

"Oh, sure. Wanna go now?"

She smiled and nodded.

"I'll go get changed then!"

She got off the couch and hurriedly ran upstairs making me chuckle at her enthusiasm.


Third Person Point of View


With Azazel

"Fuck everything."

Azazel rubbed his forehead; he felt a giant headache coming. He summoned two communication circles


Two voices came out from the two circles, the two are surprised to see each other.

"Hello, Sirzechs Lucifer."

Michael greeted the devil.

"Yes, hello Michael."

He, too, greeted him.

"Yeah, yeah, pleasantries and all that crap. I have something serious to discuss."

Azazel's usual laid-back and carefree tone was gone and he sounded serious and a bit worried.

"Something serious? That's quite rare of you, Azazel."

Sirzechs smiled making Azazel roll his eyes.


Michael agreed.

"Yeah well, whatever. Anyway, so a team that works for Grigori recently found new traces of the previous cryptid incident."

"Hmm, Ajuka told me about it."

"Right, anyway, they found some clues in France a few days ago and then went out there again and found more clues."

Azazel explained everything he was told by Tobio and the two individuals in the circle had a look of grim concern.

"Divine Beasts? That range from Satan Class to God Class in power?"

Michael was in utter disbelief; he didn't think something could be possible.

"So, you're saying you think Kokabiel is responsible for all of this?"

Sirzechs asks, and the Governor shook his head.

"I had initially thought of him starting this whole mess, but he wasn't this powerful last time I saw him, I seriously doubt he would have found a way to gain that much power in such a short time. I think… I think someone else is involved."

Azazel turns to the Seraph.

"Michael, who else— Who had some sort of reputation before and during the Great War?"


The angel ponders for a moment.

"The ones that come to mind are Jibrail, Mikha'il, Israfil, and finally Azrael. However, they're all presumed dead… Azazel… Don't tell me you think one of them— Or even all of them are responsible…?"

Azazel silently nodded to his brother's question.

"It could be one, it could be all… We don't know as of this time. They were powerhouses during that time, especially Azrael as he…"

He looked back at the two and they nod.

"…Was the one who dealt the finishing blow to God after all."


Michael fell silent remembering the scene, he couldn't and still wouldn't believe it, Azrael was one of the most loyal to their creator and father. Why would he suddenly do the unthinkable back then? He still couldn't understand to this day.

"If what you say is true, should we inform our factions? Be on high alert?"

"I would suggest so, Sirzechs. We don't know where or when they'll strike, hell, we don't know where their base of operations is at all."

Azazel planned to alert Grigori of this.

"But keep it vague, just say a third party— Maybe label them another terrorist group is on the hunt for the supernatural."

"Very well, we don't want a mass panic after all."

Sirzechs agreed and left.

"I will inform the Church, be safe brother."

Michael also left.

"Haah… What the fuck…"

Azazel slumped down on his chair and looked at the pile of new documents he had to sort through.

"I still need to help heal Sae… Maybe I should just get Jin to do it."

He cracked his knuckles

"Let's get to sorting then…"

Flashback end


Jin Skyward

Cúntóir, what other hidden fallen angels of significant are in this world?

Cúntóir: Answer: Scanning… Found four possible candidates…

Cúntóir: Answer:

Jibrail, whereabouts unknown. Current Rank: Satan Class – Ex++

Mikha'il, whereabouts unknown. Current Rank: Satan Class – Ex++

Israfil, whereabouts unknown. Current Rank: Satan Class – Ex++

Azrael, whereabouts unknown. Current Rank: High-Tier God Class – Ex+++

…What the fuck? Azrael… if anyone is responsible for turning ordinary beings to True Satan Class or higher it has to be him…

Seeing that the guy was Peak of God Class… He's not far from breaking through, how did he even achieve that? Do you know how Azrael manage to reach that?

Cúntóir: Answer: Help of a third party.


Cúntóir: Answer: I do not know.

Okay, you won't tell me, fine. I sigh, I had initially planned on keeping them there to a 1:1 ratio but I have to change that now… 12:6 should be a fine start… Lavinia is only human…

12 hours in there, 6 hours out here. I need to ask her about changing her life span… I need to talk about that to all of them eventually. I'm immortal, I'll live forever, everyone else varies from 10,000 for devils and whatever else for the rest… The only one who can probably stay with me is Ophis and Irene…


I feel a tap on my shoulder and someone latches onto my right arm. I look beside me and Lavinia was dressed in a white dress with her chest slightly exposed.

"How do I look?"

She lets go and twirls around.


The one-word answer makes her blush and latch back onto me.

"Flattery will get you nowhere, mister!"

She jokingly scolds me.

"Shall we?"


I gesture to the door.

Lavinia and I slowly walk towards the center of the town, I had asked Cúntóir earlier to keep an eye out for me if any of Sona's or Rias's peerage members come near us. I just didn't want to encounter them, no other reason.

We reach the town center and all eyes were on the woman latched onto me. She is a beauty, after all, we make our way into a store and she drags me towards the women's sections to try out clothes.

She picks a few pieces and makes me stand in front of the changing room; an employee had followed us to keep an eye on us.

Lavinia came out wearing a French maid outfit, nearly identical to the one Grayfia was wearing. She was clearly embarrassed wearing it, but still did a twirl for me.

"How is it?"

She asked shyly. I give her a thumbs up.

"Marvelous, can't wait to see it more at home."

I grin at her; she shyly nods and goes back into the changing room. The store employee, who was a woman, was now staring at us with cold dead eyes. I could practically read what she was saying without using mind reading.

'Die already.'

'Get married.'

'Fuck couples.'

Were the few I can guess. I just ignored her death glare at me. Lavinia came back out again, wearing… Well, some kind of BSDM outfit, making me do a double-take.

"Wha— Huh?! Reni?!"

She was completely red in the face as she stood there, her curves, hips, thighs, chest— Everything was visible. I hurriedly pushed her back and closed the curtains.


She was a bit shocked at my sudden actions.

"I don't want anyone else to see you— Like this."

Her eyes widen—

"Only I can."

I didn't think I would feel hard about something so trivial… But I did, I felt like no one else should be able to see this side of Lavinia…

"O… Okay…"

She squeaked out, clearly embarrassed. I left the changing room and let her get dressed. I could see the employee with a grin and snicker at me.

Can I kill her?

[An overreaction there, Partner. Calm down.]

{Such a weird thing to react to.}

How would you two feel if your lifelong mate just showed her body off to another random dragon?! I snapped back at them.

{[Point taken.]}

I shook my head and sighed, the curtains shuffled again and Lavinia came out, with a slightly revealing Santa outfit, I gave a nod of approval and she went back in one last time, this time she came out in a blue and white stripe bikini.

"Wonderful." She smiled and finally went back in to get changed. She came out not too long after and we went to pay for her items.

When he was about to pay, I pulled out my card and paid for it, she was a bit shocked, by the action and the color of my card— The same with the cashier. His eyes nearly fell out of their sockets on how big they got.

We leave the story as I carried the bag for Lavinia who had attached herself to my arm again.

"Thank you for paying… I wasn't expecting you to have that kind of card."

"I can potentially ruin the human economy, I can just create money, after all."

She stared up at me in shock.

"Bad Jin! Don't do that!"

"Ahahaha… I'll try not to abuse it too much…"

Satisfied with my answer we go to a little restaurant and have lunch.

We had sat down at our table after getting our orders, Reni decided to sit next to me, I had put her things into my Inventory when I went into the bathroom. What I did was for convenience's sake, nothing more or less.

"Hmm ~ hmm ~"

Reni was in a cheerful mood as she hummed to herself as she ate, even while we ate, we received glances from random people, captivated by her beauty. I also got a few glares of jealousy.

Fuck 'em. Like I care what they think.

"Is something wrong, Jin?"

The blonde beauty had stopped eating as she was confused as to why I wasn't eating. I shake my head

"It's nothing Reni, I'm fine."

I kissed her cheek and started to eat. The jealous stares turned into death glares and I smirked.

After lunch, we decided to go to a movie, the order's been a bit weird but hey— Who said there was an order to these things? I didn't mind what we watched as I wanted Reni to enjoy this time to the fullest.

She picked a romantic film, she looked excited so I just gave her a strained smile. Please don't be too cringy… She happily took the tickets and I made eye contact with the guy who gave her the tickets. He gave me a sympathetic smile and wordlessly mouthed 'I'm sorry' as I was dragged away.


We were reaching the climax of the film and it hit every cliché a romance film has; however, Reni was invested in it all the way through and was currently softly crying.

The woman was dying of some sort of unknown disease and the guy was doing everything and anything he could for her before she inevitably passes. From proposing to her, taking her out on trips— Dates, and just showering her in all kinds of love.

[You do this shit.]

I don't go over the top, I just tell them how I feel about stuff.

{Ignore the red idiot. He doesn't know tact.}

[The hell did you say?!]

{You heard me!}

The two of them proceeded to fight and I cut the link since it was more annoying than the film. It eventually ends with the man slowly moving on with his life, but he still fondly remembered his first love of his life, naming their daughter a different version of her name.

"That… Was wonderful!"

Reni exclaimed.

"I guess… I mean a little messed up since he named his daughter her name, even if it's a different abbreviation."

"I would agree, but his second wife was fine with it."

Lavinia huffed a bit, looks like she was a sucker for cliché romantic films.

"Yeah, I guess so."

I look around us and spot a Ferris wheel. When did Kuoh get an amusement park? The hell? I intertwine our fingers and point towards the thing.

"Wanna go there?"

Lavinia follows my gaze and nods.

We went around the park, seeing other couples there too, both young and old. We also bought some cotton candy. Even while in the park Lavinia was still the center of attention, Jesus Christ.

Reni went into one of the bathrooms since she needed to use it and I waited outside. When she came out, a group of guys immediately swarmed her.

"Hey, hey lady! How about you come and hang out with us?"

One of the guys says.

"Yeah, ditch that plain-looking chump."

The other smirked. Do I really look that plain? I know I wasn't a looker, but I think I'm slightly above average in looks…

Cúntóir: Answer: You are average, nothing special.

Ouch. I look back over to Lavinia and she was giving them her usual smile, but the more they kept insulting me the less and less 'kind' it looked.

You would start to understand the kinds of smiles she would give if you were around her a lot. Her face stays the same but her whole vibe changes. The one she was currently giving, looked like she was going to kill them.

I should step in… I start to walk over; Lavinia's words make the entire area freeze.

"C'mon lady! We'll die if you don't go with us."

"Then drop-dead right now."


Everyone froze, even the park attendants. Everyone was staring at the girl who kept the same smile on her face after saying those words.  She spots me then happily runs up to me and hugs me.

"Sorry for the wait, Jin."

She was back to acting normally.

"Y-Yeah… Let's go…"

I snort at the people still frozen, once we were a good distance away, I heard one of them break.


We had gotten on the Ferris wheel and were being slowly brought up. While it was nearing the middle of the day, the view was still quite spectacular, even for the little town of Kuoh.

"The view's quite breathtaking…"

Reni had sat beside me and was staring out the window, the windows were cracked open and a little bit of wind was getting through.

"Yeah, it's really something…"

I feel Reni lean her head and body on me.

"I really should have planned this out a bit more, sorry about that, Reni."

"No…this is fine, I just wanted to spend some quality time with you, even if it wasn't the whole day…"


I wonder why she fell for me so quickly? I know that love, at first sight, is a thing that books and the media like to romanticize, but… I look at the girl happily leaning on my shoulder, a content smile stretched across her face.

Cúntóir: Answer: Love is blind after all, Jin.



[Why did you fall in love with me?]


[I just did! Love is blind after all! And you're my hero!]

…Eh? W-What? I… I just— A full memory of the voices?! I—I still don't know— I don't recognize those voices… What…? Oi, Cúntóir!! But she didn't answer me.


I feel a tug on my arm and see Lavinia looking at me worriedly.

"H-Huh? W-What? I'm fine… I'm good."

She clearly didn't believe me, she grabbed my head and brought it towards her chest

"You always space out like that… It's becoming more frequent… Was it the voices?"

I did tell them about that… I inwardly sigh.

"Yeah… I just heard a full dialogue between two people."

I tell her what they said and she looked confused.

"Were you talking to the Ddraig-chan about love?"

[D-Ddraig… Chan?]


"Yeah… Something like that, I was just wondering how you fell for me so fast… He said something about love at first sight… I was thinking along the lines of the red string of fate…"

I lied about who I spoke to… But I did have those thoughts.

It was the only thing that made sense, I can't think of anything else and I doubt Reni is using me… Just thinking about that makes me feel uneasy. I finally lift myself off her and she's just smiling there with a blush

"I'm not too sure myself, but like I said before… It just feels right being with you. Like— You're just the right one."

Cúntóir: Answer: Fated One.


Cúntóir: Answer: …

Cúntóir: Answer: Fated One – 1/4

…What? This little… Is giving me more questions than damn answers! I look at Lavinia Reni does Cúntóir mean her? She cutely tilts her head confused as to why I was just silently staring at her. I shake my head and bring her into a hug.

"Sorry about that Reni. How about we end it here? It's getting closer to the time after all…"

"Mmm, I really enjoyed our short date…"

Fated one… Fated one… There's three more of them… What the hell does that mean?... Cúntóir look up the definition of Fated One.

Cúntóir: Answer: If you say that a person is fated to do something, or that something is fated, you mean that it seems to have been decided by fate before it happens, and nothing can be done to avoid or change it.

Cúntóir, can you tell me who the rest of the three are?

Cúntóir: Answer: Unable to.


Unknown Location

Third Person Point of View

Avezza had teleported back near to where their base of operations was and had walked the rest of the way back. She was in a good mood, while her prototype was destroyed and quite unexpectedly by the female magician, she was happy with the results.

She goes through hallway after hallway, corridors, and rooms until she reaches a familiar door and pushes it open. To her pleasure, everyone was present— Well not including their two leaders, but this was good enough.

"Oh? You're back, bitch."

Darcel turns to see Avezza walking in and she glares at him.

"Yes, I am, monkey."

She took a seat and sat on it. Darcel, Raynare's group, and other no-names were present.

'Too bad Acacius kicked the bucket, I was quite fond of him after all.'

Two circles appear and two individuals teleport in. One of them was Kokabiel and the other, was the one who was running the whole operation Azrael, the Angel of Death, and the one who killed God.

"Looks like everyone is here, while it was unfortunate for Acacius to die, we must move on."

Kokabiel looks around him and then to Avezza. She nods and stands up.

"My prototype for the Divine Beasts was a success, however, Azazel's Sacred Gear team disposed of it, but they struggled quite a bit against it. It was only Low God–class in power, I can only imagine the perfected version being stronger."

Avezza grinned after reporting her results.

"Hmm, good, how long will it take to create the perfect batches?"

"A few weeks at most, two or three?"

Kokabiel nods and turns to Darcel and Raynare's group.

"Take some of the weaker prototypes, Darcel you're in charge of this mission. Wipe out the town if you must. Get it done."

"Roger that, boss."

Just then Azrael threw something to Darcel and he catches it.

"This is?"

"My blood. Consume it, if and only IF you're losing to the Red Dragon Emperor. It will boost your strength to the peak of True Satan Class in power."

Azrael stated in an authoritative tone, this makes Darcel grin.

"I appreciate it, Azrael."

Azrael turns to Raynare and she tenses up.

"Your own personal mission is of low priority, focus on supporting Darcel if you fail and come back with nothing. You and your group's life ends."

Raynare and her group nodded furiously they did not want to die, no way in hell would that happen. They'll go along with whatever this psycho does.

"Good, go."

Darcel and his now subordinates leave as soon as Azrael commanded it.

"I'm going ahead, do whatever the fuck you need to do, just don't get in my way."

Darcel disappeared from his spot in a burst of wind.

"Yes… Sir…"

Raynare was furious, if she had the power to, she'd kill all of them.

"This is becoming a bigger of a deal than we imagined…"

Kalawarna was a little worried because of the stakes.

If they're successful, they may become stronger, if they fail… Well, death only awaits. Whether that's in the hands of the devils and Red Dragon Emperor or Azrael himself. Kalawarna shuddered at the thought.

"We're fucked, beyond fucked. Whatever happens, we're fucked on all accounts of fucked."

Mittelt kept repeating the word fuck as she was a nervous wreck.

"You need to broaden your vocabulary."

Dohnaseek was disappointed at the midget of the group.

"Fuck you!"

The little blonde fallen fired a light spear at him and it missed.

"C'mon, we need to get to Kuoh as well…"

Unknown Location

With Griselda's group

"I see… Okay… Thank you."

Griselda sighed as she turned back to see both Irina and Xenovia sparring. She whistled to them as they stop and ran back to her.

"What's up boss?"

Irina asked, earning her a chop on the head.

"Is something the matter, Sister Griselda?"

Xenovia shook her head at her friend.

"Call me Sister Griselda, anyway, that's not important right now."

She sighs and looks at them seriously.

"The Church has received a warning from the Seraph Michael-sama, he has stated that some new terrorist group has sprouted and are targeting all factions and pantheons with their attacks."

The two girls are shocked.

"A terrorist group? What? Why?"

"We do not know their reasons; however, they seem to be keen on causing destruction. Stay in groups and do not go out alone. Be wary of anyone suspicious approaching you, are we clear?"

"Yes, Sister Griselda."

She smiled and nodded.

"Oh yes, and if you come across them, flee immediately, their power class is that of Gods."

'I need to get in touch with Dulio… Where did that idiot go off to?'

With Gremory and Sitri peerage

The two peerages had come together in the Occult Research Club as they were informed by Grayfia to be there at a specific time.

"Rias, do you know anything about this?"

Sona asked her childhood friend. Rias shook her head.

"No, I haven't heard anything about it. Onii-sama usually informs me of things in advance…"


Akeno stayed quiet; she'll ask Jin about it when she got home, maybe he knew more about it?"


A magic circle appeared and Sirzechs Lucifer himself stepped through it, along with Asteri Gremory and Grayfia Lucifuge.

"Onii-sama, what's going on?"

Sirzechs smiled at his sister.

"Rias, Sona, and your peerage need to be aware of a new problem that concerns the entire Supernatural world. A brand-new terrorist group has popped up, we don't know what their intentions are, however, they already caused some trouble around the world as of late."

"We need you all to be on the lookout, if you see anything or anyone that looks suspicious, flee and contact us immediately, understood?"

The two peerages were stunned, there was a new terrorist group? Does that mean there was another one out there?

"Forgive me for asking, Lucifer-sama but aren't you being too vague with your explanation?"

Sirzechs smiled at Sona.

"Yes, I am. As of now, we do not know their goals or aims, that's why I am keeping it as vague as possible. Once we find out what they're truly after then we will release more information about them."

Sona nodded, satisfied with that answer.

"Rias I'll—"

"No need, Onii-sama. I'll get in contact with you if I or my peerage see anything suspicious."

Sirzechs was stunned, along with everyone else, excluding her own peerage members. He did not expect that answer.

'Jin… You…'

He felt a grin appear on his mouth.

"I see, that makes me happy, Rias. Well, I shall be going. Remember, report back to us."

Sirzechs groups nod towards them and teleport away.

"Rias, what in the world happened to you?"

Sona turned to her friend, confused by her sudden maturity.

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

Rias played dumb and it irritated Sona.

"Haah… Never mind, we shall be going then, have a nice day, Rias, Gremory peerage."

Sona and her peerage walked out of the clubroom. Rias claps her hands and turn back to them

"Alright, let's keep going, we're nearly done."

"Yes, President!"

Japan, Kuoh

1:45 p.m.

Jin Skyward

"The only one left now is Akeno…"

Everyone else was present and we were just waiting for her to arrive.


"I'm sorry!"

Akeno teleported into the living room looking disheveled.

"It's fine, we weren't waiting long."

I look around at everyone.


They all nod. I snap my fingers and we were transported into the [Pocket Dimension].

"Alright, a bit of explanation is needed since Ingvild and Grayfia haven't been here before."

They nod.

"Alright, so, I can make pocket dimensions and stuff, you know that due to this."

I point at my necklace.

"You can treat this place like a video game. If you kill the monsters and creatures that appear here, you will absorb some of their power and energy making you grow stronger."

Both Ingvild and Grayfia's eyes widen.

"I-Is this how Akeno grew to Middle-class so quickly?"

The Maid asked.

"Yes, however, it won't help with increasing your mastery of your techniques, you will need to do that yourself. This time around I changed the time dilation, we're going to spend 12 hours in here and only 6 hours will pass back out there."

I see Ingvild raise her hand

"What's the max dilation you can do?"

"Any.  I can theoretically spend the next one million years in here and ten minutes will only pass out there."

Again, they're shocked, including the one who's been here before.

"But since… Not everyone has a life span of more than 100 years old… I can't do that."

I sigh.

"I'll probably outlive all of you since I'm practically immortal."

"Immortal? Jin, can you change anyone's life span nya?"

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, even make them immortal.

"Yeah, I can, I can even make you immortal…"

I trail off and look at the distance

"…Anyway, let's get started, alright?"

I know everyone else's stats…let's check Grayfia's.

Name: Grayfia Lucifuge

Age: 500+

Potential: Super Devil – Ex+++

Rank: Ultimate Class - SS

Gender: Female

Race: Pure Devil

Titles: The Strongest Queen/Silver-Haired Queen of Annihilation

Sacred Gear: None

Level: 74 (96%)

Hp:68,900 (Hp Regen:  5,199 per minute)

Mp: 72,722 (Mp Regen: 8,255 per second)

Str: 220

Vit: 190

Dex: 200

Int: 402

Wis: 333

Char: 400

Luk: 320

Not bad. I snap my fingers and the monsters start appearing.

"These things range from Middle-class all the way up to Low God-class, So from Akeno's power all the way up to Lavinia's. Don't let your guard down. I'll step in if I deem it necessary, any questions?"

They shake their heads.

"Good. Go!"

Everyone flew off except for Ingvild and Lavinia. I went over to Lavinia.

"Hey, sit down and meditate for a bit and control your mana flow, I'll join you in a minute. Ingvild probably feels a bit lost right now."

She smiles and nods, she sits down cross-legged and started to cover her body with mana, controlling the amount that's being used, not too much and not too little. She's not a genius for nothing…

"Hey In, got some problems?"

I made my way towards her and pat her shoulder.

"A little bit… I… I have no idea on how to use my clan's trait…"

I facepalm.

Shit! I forgot about that! Uhhhh…

"L-Let's focus on your demonic powers instead for now, alright? Get a hang of your normal demonic powers for now and we can deal with that later…"

She nods and encases her hands in water, she holds her palm in front of her and fires. A small dragon flying in the distance is hit and it falls to the ground— Dead.

"Looks like you're a natural, come back to me if you have any questions or trouble about something."

She happily nods and flies away. I make my way back to Lavinia; I summon a blue pill and tap her on the shoulder.

"Jin… Can you help me increase my mana pool?"

I nod and look at her current pool.

Mp: 240,109 (Mp Regen: 21,559 per second)

'That's already quite a lot, did she manage to use it all up yesterday? Sheesh.

"You can either kill more of those monsters and increase your own power along with your mana, or u can take this while also fighting them."

I show her the blue pill in my hand.

"What does it do?"

"It will triple your current mana pool permanently, if you also start killing the monsters here you will also increase it further…"

I explained, and her eyes had a look of excitement. I hand the blue pill over to her and she immediately swallows it, surprising me. I would have thought that she would think about her decision first… I guess she was that desperate for it.

Mp: 240,109 (Mp Regen: 21,559 per second) > Mp: 720,327 (Mp Regen: 43,118 per second)

"Alright, Ice Princess, go get 'em."

I give her a light push and she takes off as she summons her staff.

Third Person Point of View

With Akeno

Akeno flew into the sky to confront the small dragons that were currently gathered there, she had seen Ingvild easily defeat one with ease with one attack. She was a bit jealous; she could feel these things were at the very least High-class.

Akeno wanted to be with Jin for as long as she could, so becoming stronger was a priority for her.


Akeno summoned Holy Lightning from the sky and struck the group, two of them fell instantly while the others looked at the girl, pissed off beyond belief.

They charged her while attacking her with breath attacks, one dragon launched a fire out of its mouth, while the other sent out water. Akeno swiftly dodges the attacks and summons two circles beside the dragons and hits them again with Holy Lightning.

One dragon was hit, while the other tried to dodge.

"Ufufufu, you won't get away Dragon-san ~"

Akeno flicked her finger to where the dragon dodged to and her Holy Lightning changed directions, surprising the dragon. Her attack hit the dragon and it let out a pained shriek.

Akeno followed her attacks up with a Demonic Flame that was shaped like a Dragon. She licked her fingers.

"Hmm, it's still quite weak… But I'll dub this my Demonic Flame Dragon ~"

While its size was still relatively small, the power was at the peak of her own power, the peak of Middle Class. It was nothing to scoff at.

Add to the fact that Akeno has…taken some of Jin's 'essence' it only strengthened her power of using draconic like attacks. The attack hit the dragon to the left— The one hit with the initial Holy Lightning attack when hit again by the Demonic Flame Dragon. It fell— Defeated.

Akeno turned her attention towards the other dragon—fear present in its eyes, Akeno had a sadistic grin on her face.

"Ufufufu ~"

She summoned another batch of clouds in the sky and hit the dragon with Demonic Lightning instead, and underneath it, Holy Lightning.

Akeno kept up her assault even after the thing had died. She eventually came out of her sadistic daze.

"Ara ara, I went a bit overboard ~"

Jin had watched the display and shook his head.

'What in the world? Did… Did she become even more sadistic?'

Jin smiled wryly at Akeno, not fully sure on how to feel.

With Kuroka


The cat girl had encountered a tall building with legs and arms, very weird cartoony-shaped mouths with sharp teeth. They were able to shoot lasers out of their eyes and were very flexible, which surprised her.


Kuroka dodges another laser attack that was aimed at her.

'Jin what the hell are these things?!'

"Ahhh!! No more nya!"

Kuroka quickly spun around and ran towards the walking building she sent out some poison mist towards the thing, hoping it would work.

'It's alive… Right? So, it should work!'

That was the Nekoshou's reasoning and went with it. But it didn't work, another laser was fired at her and she dodges it.

"How about this instead then?!"

She created mirage copies of herself using Illusion from Youjutsu as they ran around the thing, it became confused and tried to step on them, but it went through the copies.

Kuroka covered herself in touki and fired some Senjutsu aura bullets at the walking building. But with its flexibility, it easily dodged them.


Suddenly the thing's legs were encased in ice.

"Kuroka, please keep your composure."

Grayfia had seen her struggling so she decided to help the girl. Kuroka nodded and flew back up to the thing as it's been frozen solid on the spot. Kuroka covered her fist in concentrated touki and sent a punch towards it. The thing dodged but she smirked.

"Gotcha ~"

A giant fireball came down on the walking building, along with Grayfia's giant ice spear that pierced its side.

The explosion caused by the combined attack sends Kuroka flying to the ground.


Grayfia went over to her and helped her up

"Thank you Grayfia nya."

"It was no trouble."

Boom! Rumble! Rumble!

The two of them snapped their attention towards the source of the noise. A large dark purple dragon with tentacles wiggled around its back landed.


"It's at least Satan-class, be careful."

Grayfia readied her magic.

"Ugh, why do we have to fight the strong and weird stuff?"

Kuroka complained as a tentacle shot towards, her, only for Grayfia to freeze it in place, kicking it as it shatters.


Upon seeing its tentacle be destroyed it roared.

"You pissed it off."

Both ladies dodged a breath attack made out of toxic venom.

"That will also kill us."

"Kuroka… Focus on the battle."

Grayfia reprimanded the talkative girl.

"Right… My bad."

Grayfia felt a bit of her overall power increase after she and Kuroka defeated the strange building monster. So, she felt confident in taking this dragon on. It sent out more toxic breath attacks towards them, they dodged them, sometimes using a defensive barrier if they couldn't do it in time.

Grayfia summoned ice underneath the thing as it pierced its underside, making the thing shriek in pain again.

'It has power… But that's all, once its single tentacle was destroyed it lost its composure…'

Kuroka flew around the dragon firing aura bullets and also adding some elemental magic in between. The dragon was slowly being beaten down, its movements slowed and attacks became less frequent.

Kuroka again gathered condensed touki around her fist and punched the dragon's head— Making it explode.


The blood and guts covered Kuroka much to her dismay. She looked towards the maid but Grayfia had already stepped further back.

"You may want to consult Jin about… Your problem."

She tells the girl and flew away.


With Jin


A wail of a cat girl's annoyance resounded through the pocket dimension.

"What the…"

Jin flashed stepped towards the sound and found Kuroka covered in blood and guts

"Er— Do I even want to ask?"

When Kuroka saw Jin broke out in a wail.

"Jin!!! Help me!!! Ahhhhh!!!"

Jin put his hand out and used cleaning magic on Kuroka— Removing all the blood and guts from the girl.

"Thank you…"

She fake sniffed making Jin shake his head.

"Just… I guess 'nya' again if you need me to do that again…"

Jin disappeared from her sight.

With Ingvild


Ingvild stood on top of a recently defeated dire wolf, she had flown in a random direction and found a pack of them. When she landed, they started attacking her, so she defended herself by using demonic elemental magic.

She initially used some water magic, cutting the wolves apart, but it was too easy for her, so she started to use the other elements.

"I need to be stronger…"

Jin always said that he wanted his harem and friends to be strong, so they didn't need to constantly rely on him.

Ingvild remembered the overwhelming power she felt that day in Kyoto… She shivered at the thought.

'I won't be able to reach that… Probably, so I'll focus on what I can do for now…'


A large dire wolf appeared out of nowhere. Ingvild glared at the beast.

'I can't use my clan's trait yet, but water manipulation is easy enough… I can just try mimicking it…'

Ingvild thought of an image of a dragon… No, a serpent.


The demonic water around her started to take a serpent-type shape, slowly coiling around her and growing in size…


She fed more of her demonic energy into it, and it grew in size again.


She wasn't satisfied with it and poured in more 'More!' it grew even larger! This— This was Ingvild Leviathan's current demonic output for normal water manipulation, a 20-meter-tall water serpent, it wasn't her clan's trait but it was good enough for now.

The large dire wolf and the smaller one looked at the sight in front of them in respect and fear, the one thing in their mind was to flee or die, but they didn't get to make that decision.


Ingvild unleashed the giant water serpent, as it consumed the area around her, to her surprise the wolves that were swept away were also being cut up inside it.

'Did I unintentionally add wind magic?'

"Very nice."

Ingvild was a little started that Jin just suddenly appeared beside her, she felt him start petting her.

"You're a natural at this In."

"I didn't mean to add the wind though…"

She still lacked control, but training and being inside this place can compensate for that.

"You live and learn, just learn from this and improve, it'll take time but it isn't impossible."

Jin hadn't stopped petting her

"You need help?"

"No… I should be fine, thank you though."

Ingvild flew off leaving Jin there with a grin.

"I wonder what got her all pumped up?"

Jin shook his head and disappeared again.

With Lavinia

The area around the Ice Princess was covered in Ice, the enemies encased in it, nothing could move without her permission. She noticed her mana pool was quite larger than when she had taken the pill from earlier.

She fired the same shot from her ice gun from yesterday and she felt fine, it took away a good chunk of her mana, but it was quickly recovering.

'Can Jin make items that can increase my mana pools regeneration…?'

Lavinia wanted to ask Jin about that, but luckily for her, the man himself appeared beside her.


He tapped her shoulder and smiled at her.

"Jin! I was actually going to try to find you to ask about something…"

"Hmm? About what?"

Jin looked around the area Reni was at and whistled.

"Seems like the extra mana helped you."

"Mmm… So I was wondering if you could make an item that could help with regenerating mana…"

"Yeah, I can, it's pretty easy… But I won't give it to you right now."

Reni was shocked by Jin's answer.

"Think of it as a present for later, Reni."

She brightened up once hearing the second part of his sentence.


Lavinia hopped on her broom and flew off.

'Ice…that's what I mainly use because of my Sacred Gear, but I'm proficient in other elements…'

Lavinia saw a tall creature in the distance

'What is that?'

She went closer and was shocked

'A titan?'

She flew around the thing and took note of it.

'It's made out of stone… It's not like the one we encounter from before… Is it part of the Greek mythology?'

The titan's eyes snapped to Lavinia and it threw something at her, alerted she quickly dodged the object. She looked back and it was a giant boulder. She landed on the ground and summoned two Ice dolls,

"Keep attacking that thing, I want to try a few things…"

Once the dolls got their commands, they immediately acted upon it. One started to freeze its feet, while the other threw a barrage of large chunks of ice towards its eyes, the titan was annoyed by this, but to its surprise, it struggled to break the ice.


"Just freeze it again!"

She commanded the ice doll and it did so.

'Let's try that…'

Lavinia concentrated on creating a new gun… One that had both Ice and Lightning properties combined, she saw Jin do something like that on their last visit… Akeno also started doing the same thing with her demonic energy.

So, why couldn't she? The gun slowly manifested in front of Lavinia and she grabbed it, she felt a large chunk of her mana go missing.

'Did it really take me that much…?'

She sighed.

'Sounds like using demonic energy is easier than normal magic…'

Her new gun was mostly light blue ice with yellow and black lightning streaks around it. While she reveled at her new creation, her dolls were continuing their onslaught, annoying the titan even more.

It finally stomped its foot, shaking the entire area, this brought Lavinia out of her fascination and turned her attention back on the thing.

She hopped back on her staff and flew back into the air, her ice dolls continue their attack as Lavinia poured a bit of mana into the gun, aimed, and fired.

Shhhhiiinnnngggg!! Booooom!!!!

A crackle of black and blue freezing lightning shot from the gun and hit the titan in the eye, completely removing the right side of its face.


It screamed as it had just lost a part of its face. The titan suddenly summoned multiple rocks out of nowhere and sent them hurtling towards Lavinia. She couldn't dodge in time so decided to create a defensive barrier in front of her instead.

It bore the force of the attack, and slowly cracks started to appear, Lavinia ordered the Ice dolls to freeze its left arm, they did so and the arm was quickly encased in ice, slowly weighing the thing down and making it go in an unnatural angle.

'Please be enough…'

Lavinia poured the same amount of mana she had done so as yesterday. She teleported behind the titan, surprising it.

And she pulled the trigger.

Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crackle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With Kuroka

"What the hell nya?!?!"

A large boom and shockwave just erupted from behind her startling the cat girl. She turned her attention over there and saw ice and black lightning.

'Grayfia? No… She hasn't used lightning at all yet… Akeno? Her lightning isn't even that color…'


With Jin, Grayfia and Ingvild


Jin turns his attention to where Reni's battle was, the other two were shocked by the power that emitted from there.

"W-What is happening?!"

Ingvild flew behind Jin to cover herself, making the man chuckle.

Grayfia didn't say anything as she just stared in the direction

'Such powerful ice magic…'

"It's just Reni, probably tried to copy what I did last time. Mixing two elements created a new gun and that's the result. I didn't think she'd choose Ice and lightning though."

The other two nodded at his explanation.

"She's truly a natural genius."

"It can be hard work too. If you combine both, you'll be a force to be reckoned with."

Jin looked over at Ingvild, she had the same potential too. Ingvild nodded seemingly understanding what Jin meant.

With Lavinia

"Haah… Haah… I…"

Lavinia was exhausted, but she could move… She still had mana left…

"I can still move…"

But it didn't matter, the titan and the environment in front of her were simply erased from existence. But the environment started to repair itself.

"I need… Some rest though…"

More creatures started to spawn and Lavinia left them for her Ice dolls to deal with. She got on her broom again and flew towards Jin.

With Akeno

Akeno was in awe at the lightning attack she saw. She wanted to replicate it, but she wasn't powerful enough to do the same output.


She hit another humanoid frog monster with demonic lightning and it died. She had faced another batch of Wyverns earlier, sheep people, devils much to her surprise, and now humanoid frogs.

Akeno slowly felt her power increase during the short time they were here, if she had to guess an hour or two had passed. They were going to be here for 12, but luckily only 6 would pass in the real world.

"I still have another ten hours to get stronger…"

She pumped herself up and flew away to find stronger opponents.

6 hours later

Jin Skyward

The girls have been fighting nonstop for 8 hours, we only have 4 more hours left in here, they went up a lot in power, especially Grayfia, once she found out how fast she could grow she was ecstatic.

She had been stuck in Ultimate Class for almost around five hundred plus years, this was a rare chance for her to get stronger and she would take advantage of it. While she hadn't learned anything new per se, she did pick up a few new ways of attacking after seeing Lavinia do her magic.

Jin also showed her other ways of things… Living and none living attacks… It was strange, but she tried the living and didn't work out, she decided to do it another time.

Ingvild like I said was a natural genius and a hard worker, she quickly gained a lot of control of her demonic energy and was easily defeating Satan Class monsters. Once she gets the hang of her Sacred Gear and Clan's trait… It's over, she'll skyrocket up in power.

Akeno was slowly mastering her Holy Lightning above all else, as she sees it as a trump card against her fellow devils. If she had to fight— Let's say Riser it will be valuable during that match… She also added some close-quarters combat in there as well, while she wasn't near being a master— She became quite proficient with it since Kuroka also helped her during that.

Apart from killing the monsters, the girls would take breaks by sparring with each other. That's how Akeno's close-quarters combat improved drastically as Kuroka was an expert at it.

I would help them out whenever and wherever I could. A bit of advice here, a little demonstration here… They were all eager in getting more and more powerful, which I was happy with.

Two more hours and I'll see the fruits of these last two hours… I was excited to see it, before the start of canon… How far will they go?

2 hours later

"I want to take a bath…"

Kuroka let herself fall down onto the ground. Akeno was also panting heavily, but they all shared one thing— They were smiling, they got to new heights in power and it clearly made them happy.

Let's check them all out then.

Name: Akeno Himejima

Age: 17

Potential: Satan Class – SSS

Rank: High Class – S

Gender: Female

Race: Half Fallen Angel/ Half Reincarnated Devil

Titles: Priestess of Thunder, S&M Queen, Queen of Gremory Group

Sacred Gear: None

Level: 59 (27%)

Hp: 49,001(Hp Regen: 9,999 per minute)

Mp: 88,999 (Mp Regen: 14,000 per second)

Str: 132

Vit: 120

Dex: 122

Int: 240

Wis: 191

Char: 120

Luk: 19

Name: Kuroka

Age: 24

Potential: Mid-Tier God Class - SS

Rank: Satan Class - AAA

Gender: Female

Race: Reincarnated Devil (Nekoshou)

Titles: The Black Cat

Sacred Gear: None

Level: 76 (69%)

Hp: 71,921(Hp Regen: 10,291 per minute)

Mp: 109,927 (Mp Regen: 19,821 per second)

Str: 204

Vit: 250

Dex: 669

Int: 489

Wis: 341

Char: 576

Luk: 12

Name: Ingvild Leviathan

Age: 117

Potential: Super Devil – Ex+++

Rank: Satan Class - S

Gender: Female

Race: Half Human/ Half Devil

Titles: Descendant of the True Leviathan

Sacred Gear: Nereid Kyrie

Level: 81 (36%)

Hp: 68,444 (Hp Regen:  6,821 per minute)

Mp: 112,899 (Mp Regen: 12,891 per second)

Str: 192

Vit: 240

Dex: 289

Int: 512

Wis: 498

Char: 376

Luk: 101

Name: Grayfia Lucifuge

Age: 500+

Potential: Super Devil – Ex+++

Rank: Satan Class - S

Gender: Female

Race: Pure Devil

Titles: The Strongest Queen/Silver-Haired Queen of Annihilation

Sacred Gear: None

Level: 83 (96%)

Hp:128,100 (Hp Regen:  18,102 per minute)

Mp: 182,421 (Mp Regen: 21,983 per second)

Str: 281

Vit: 225

Dex: 271

Int: 582

Wis: 420

Char: 499

Luk: 320

And finally

Name: Lavinia Reni

Age: 27

Potential: High-Tier God Class - SSS

Rank: Low-Tier God Class - SSS

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Titles: Demise Girl/Ice Princess

Sacred Gear: Absolute Demise

Level: 93 (29%)

Hp: 135,815(Hp Regen: 19,972 per minute)

Mp: 1,666,444 (Mp Regen: 93,983 per second)

Str: 291

Vit: 299

Dex: 278

Int: 2510

Wis: 2201

Char: 2100

Luk: 21

I smiled; they grew a lot in a short amount of time… Akeno should reach Ultimate-class if I bring her here during the training camp before Riser's match… She can just solo them at that point, unless the Riser of this world is stronger…

All of them sat or stood there exhausted.

"Now then, how about we go home?"

They were all too happy to do so, making me chuckle.

I wasn't slacking either when they went off to train, I also practiced some moves I remembered from other anime, honestly, I had a very unorthodox style of fighting, I just change it on the fly. Saitama on crack? I did get Cúntóir to help me learn some stuff.

Though with the learning speed I have I mastered them during those twelve hours so I just sat around waiting for the girls, while also helping them as previously mentioned.

Skyward Household

7:21 p.m.

"Bath! Bath! Bath!"

Kuroka marched up while chanting bath. She was followed by Lavinia, Kuroka and Ingvild.

"You're not going, Fia?"

The Maid shakes her head.

"I shall take a shower downstairs."

I nod and cleaned myself with magic instead. Grayfia disappears into the bathroom. Haah… Peace and quiet. I closed my eyes and waited for everyone to be finished. 'Cúntóir wake me up when it's time to make food.'

Cúntóir: Answer: Affirmative.

I open my eyes. What time is it? I was still on the couch; I could hear everyone in the dining room though.


I hear a voice beneath me and look at it, to my surprise it was Ophis.

When did she join me?

Cúntóir: Answer: 8:13 p.m.

Cúntóir: Answer: Ophis joined you as soon as you fell asleep. Grayfia has just finished making dinner.

Damn, you should have woken me up when she started. Cúntóir didn't answer me though and went silent. I start to shake Ophis awake, she looks up at me with a slight glare.

"Time for dinner, Ophy."

She tilted her head confused by the new nickname I gave her but quickly got up and went into the dining room. I also make my way there and immediately apologized to Grayfia

"Sorry Fia, I fell asleep. I should have just stayed awake."

"It's fine, Jin. It didn't take too long to make dinner."

I still feel bad, she did all the training and I just mostly watched. We enjoyed our dinner while the girls spoke about what they had done or learned during the twelve hours.

Two hours passed and I think everyone was already passed out, what surprised me was they all went into their rooms since they probably just went there while their brains were fried. I didn't mind, it was good for them to sleep there once in a while.

Cúntóir what time is it now?

Cúntóir: Answer: 10:47 p.m.

I should hit the hay too…


Never mind then… I summoned my phone and took a look at who was texting me. Oh, it's Suzaku…

|Hello, Jin, how are you? I hope I'm not interrupting you…|

|No, no, it's fine I was just relaxing in my living room.|

|Jin…this might sound strange but, do you take requests from anyone that's not part of the three factions or other pantheons?|

Does she want to request something?

|Usually, no, but since you're friends with Slash/Dog and are related to Shuri and Akeno, I'm fine with helping you out.|

|I see, thank you very much!|

|I… I would like you to take a look at Sae Toujou… She's Tobio's childhood friend and a lot of things happened to her. I'm sorry I can't tell her secrets or past, since… I hope you understand.|

|Yeah, I don't mind helping her. I feel like Tobi was going to ask me eventually, or even someone from Slash/Dog. I also understand, that we all have secrets and things we don't want anyone finding out about.|

|Thank you, Jin!|

|I… How does meeting up around next month sound like? We can talk more details before making an official date… So you can inform Aunt Shuri…|

|Sure, sure, I don't mind. Let's talk details over the next few weeks then.|

|Thank you again, Jin… And good night.|

|Yeah, good night Suzaku.|

I throw my phone back into my [Inventory], Sae, huh? I wonder what's wrong with her… Did something else happen to her in the Universe? Whatever, I'll deal with that when the time comes.

I make my way upstairs and go into my room. When I entered, I look at my bed, looking forward to sleeping, I turn my gaze to the balcony as cold air was coming into the room, but I notice Reni there. Did she come into my room? How long has she been waiting? Ah, crap…


I call out to her; she turns around and smiles at me. She beckons for me to join her there, I do so. This is déjà vu again…

We both stare out into the night sky, another cloudless evening as we could see the stars shining in the sky.

"Jin… I was thinking about what you said earlier… Well, two things, actually."

I glance at Reni as she kept staring at the moon.

"The love at first sight and the red string of fate… I never really believed in them, but you got me thinking about it… What does it actually mean?"

"Well, I can give you a definition for it."

That made her giggle, not what I was going for but oh well.

"Sure… I don't mind hearing a logical answer for it…"

I didn't expect her to agree, but alright…

"The Red Thread of Fate, also referred to as the Red Thread of Marriage, and other variants, is an East Asian belief originating from Chinese mythology. It is commonly thought of as an invisible red cord around the finger of those that are destined to meet one another in a certain situation as they are 'their true love.'"

"The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break. This myth is similar to the Western concept of soulmate or a destined partner."

I explained and could see Reni smiling beside me.

"It sounds wonderful, doesn't it?"

"I guess so, from earlier it seems you like this sort of thing…"

"Mmm… A string that ties two people from the moment they were born… Destined to find each other, their other half that completes them."

Reni turns to me; she ties something to my finger and then herself.


I was a bit surprised by this


"The Red String of Fate ~"

She giggled as she had tied a red string between us.

"Reni… I…"

"It's fine. I know you have a lot of things you keep to yourself; you'll tell us the truth eventually, right? I trust you, so I'll wait like everyone else."

God, I feel like shit, she's being so damn earnest and I can't do it myself. She pinches my cheeks, stunning me a bit.

"You don't need to feel bad… All of us are fine with it."

She lets go and looks back at the moon and leans on my shoulder.

"I never believed in fate… But I guess today changed that."

She played around with the string between us while humming a soft tune.

"Jin… I don't know when we'll reach the same physical intimacy as you're with Akeno… But… I want to take our time getting there."

"Sure thing…"

I didn't mind, I haven't exactly gone to that level with Kuroka either, I feel she's deliberately avoiding it.

"About that other thing… Immortality and longer life spans…"


"I want to stay with you for as long as I can… Thinking about leaving you first saddens me."

She looks down at the ground

"C-Can you… Increase mine to at least the same span as devils?"

"So, 10,000 years? Sure, I don't mind."

I touch Reni's head.

Cúntóir: Answer: Changing Lavinia Reni's life span…

Cúntóir: Answer: Lavinia Reni's life span has been increased by 10,000 years.

"It's done."

"Thank you, Jin. It will feel strange at first, but I won't regret this decision, I get to be with friends I have right now… What do you plan on doing to the ones who say they want to stay the same?"

Thinking about that makes me feel uneasy, I can't and won't force them, their death will be inevitable.

"I already gave the same answer before, much like resurrection, I won't force them. If they want to stay with their natural life spans then I'll respect their wishes."

I look into the distance, the night sky… Never changing.

"But, it's going to suck when they do pass on."

Death, it's not an easy topic to breach with people, most don't even want to talk about it, and even talking about it with someone can ruin the mood. This is Draconic Deus— High school DxD a world unlike my previous one, we can literally control our own destinies if we get powerful enough. But I don't want to force my own opinions on others, I don't want to make them live a life they don't want to.

I'll need to prepare myself when someone says no to increasing their life span.

"Also, please don't be too tough on Vaa-kun… I know you're both fated to fight as you're both the Dragon Emperors."

I snicker as she frowns at me.

"Don't worry I plan on ending this old rivalry, I've already beaten Vali easily. I really don't want to fight him to death. He's more like a little brother to me, just needs a bit of roughing up everything now and again."

We both laugh at that; it really did seem like it.

"Thank you."

She buries her head into my shoulder.

"Jin, you won't forget about me, right?"

An unexpected curveball was thrown my way.

"What do you mean?"

"Your harem will keep growing, I'm sure the girls share the same worries."

"…I can only give you my word, but I promise you I won't."

I can understand her worries but… How can I…?

"Then… Give me something… Something that will show you won't."

Something? I see, that can also work. She did ask for an item to increase her mana's regeneration. I create a silver ring with a Swiss blue topaz gemstone, I also add extra mana regeneration on it for Reni, an increase of +50%.

I turn back to her and she's wide-eyed. Oh shit, wait this looks like…

"J-Jin… Is that…?"

She sounds like she is about to cry.

"Sure, why not? It's a promise ring. It's the something you want me to give you, so I won't forget. This is also the item you were asking for earlier in the pocket dimension."

I put the promise ring on her left ring finger.

"Is this alright?"

Lavinia looks at me teary-eyed.

"I'll love all of you equally, I won't forget any of you. That's all I can promise."

It's cheesy, but… I mean every bit of it.

"Mmm…thank you… I love you, Jin."

"Yeah, I love you too, Reni."

2 weeks later

And so, two weeks pass in a blink of an eye. Summer holidays ended and the school year for Kuoh Academy students starts today…

I had changed into my new uniform and stared at myself in the mirror… Yeah, that'll do… I went downstairs and everyone was ready. Akeno, Ingvild, and I.

"You guys stay safe now, alright?"

I turn back to face Grayfia and Kuroka.

"Yeah, yeah… I'm too old to go to school, ugh. I'll go kill time with Le Fay then."

Kuroka waved me off slightly upset with herself for not being younger.

"Yes, good luck with your studies."

Grayfia waves us off and Akeno pulled me through the door.

"Akeno… You should probably not go with me on the way there."

"I don't care."

She huffed, as she stared at her own ring.

Let's start canon then, show me what you got, DxD!

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