Why must I be a woman? (WMW)

Chapter 37 – Foot Massage

In the end, it took less than half a day to uncover the people involved and luckily it was just an internal dispute. This meant no foreign powers tried to interfere with the church and my authority was enough to dominate everyone involved.

The celestial church was in the west, the opposite direction to the city square, so we needed to go in another direction this time around. I was hoping to meet Joan first and go together but not only were we in a rush to catch them unprepared but also, Joan was actually at the church this whole time so I can go see her while I'm at it.

Feeling oddly excited, I left the prison under the venomous gaze of the prisoners. I turned to the mage Haley and told her, "Prepare the guards and carriage! I'm going to go and wreck a church!"

She grinned in turn as she bowed, "Yes Milady!"

But before she could leave I turned back to her and added, "Oh... and don't forget to let the child be cleaned and sent to play with the other children. Even if we can't remove her memories we can let her play with them and not dwell on the experience... can we blur the memory of the other kids at least?"

Aaaand the wind was out my sails, being so excited about causing trouble in church made me feel a little embarrassed after I calmed down.

She crossed her arms to think, her mage uniform almost exploded as her chest spilled over her arms and I nearly missed what she said, "Yes... it's doable with a little spiritual magic and hypnotic magic together. They won't remember the details and simply know that, 'a bad guy killed one of the nuns and hurt the little girl, but those bad guys were captured.' If we do that then it should be much easier for her to blend in."

I left it at that and walked back to where we were first dropped off while the kids played around. Since this trip was nowhere near as dangerous, only 3 knights and the mage came along. While we are not going to be doing something all that dangerous, we still intended to arrest people of the church so the knights included the captain and the two vice-captains.

The captain swept his blonde hair aside and tied it up in preparation and said, "Since it's Lady Cassandra's church, there's little chance of anyone of that level being able to harm you in her presence. We alongside your servants will be enough to ensure your safety and we can move much faster."

My maids all appeared as he was speaking, with Gwendolyn as the driver, they opened the carriage door for me. I nodded at the knight captain's words of assurance as I stepped in, "That's good, let's get this mess cleaned up quickly. I can take this chance to go and see Joan too so it's two- three birds with one stone." After all, this was a chance to consolidate my authority in the church and gain more backing. The more people who protect me, the more time, space and resources I have to grow.

The unexpected addition to the entourage was the head maid, she climbed into the carriage saying that she needed to be there to attend to Joan. She went to the church in hopes of inspecting the Taint so it was best to avoid having maids with her, I'm not sure why. It had been long enough that 'there was no need for discretion, so it would be best if I went to tend to the young lady's needs' was the head maid's reply to my question as to why she was going now.

It would take three-quarters of an hour to arrive at the Celestial church so, in the meantime, I removed my shoes with a sigh of relief. They were made from high-quality beasts leather but I always feel uncomfortable with shoes for some reason, maybe my race prefers to be barefoot?

"I have noticed Milady prefers to walk barefooted around the mansion, are the shoes not good enough or does footwear in general cause you discomfort?" The head maid stood up and knelt down, the view of her kneeling at my feet was quite stimulating. She then took my feet and placed them on her thighs, "I think I just feel confined when wearing footwear in general."

"Understood, there are some races that are similar to Milady; the weremoles are an example since they have bad eyesight and rely on ground vibrations in their earlier levels. I will have the shoemaker prepare something for Milady in the near future." I was going to express my thanks when a strange jolt travelled up my legs that made me grunt involuntarily.

The head maid smiled with my feet in her hands and pressed again, "O-o-oo-o-oooh, wow. What's that?" It was so good I melted into the seat as my voice was out of my control, the way she gave a foot massage made my balls throb, and I became painfully aware of how full they are.

"A simple massage skill Milady, when raise to a certain level, can help in the use of magic for even greater effects. I have heard of Milady's... incredible endowment, allow me to help relieve your needs. Sophia, Milady's dress seems to be rather confining, help Milady free her cock." I was more than happy to enjoy a foot massage good enough to make me cum. I was even more aroused by when the prim and proper head maid asked for my cock, a vulgar word like that from a woman like her is really just too dirty, I loved it.

"May I, Milady?" Sophia stood beside me, her eyes fixated on the bulge in my dress that was becoming more prominent with every passing second. I was too immersed in the jolt of pleasure coming from my toes to notice, but her question stunned the head maid, Clarise and Haley, I just responded with my head thrown back and eyes on the roof of the carriage.

"Yes and make it quick, I think my panties will rip at this rate. Ugh, put your lips on the head and get ready because I re-ee-e-eally think I'm going to let out a load just from the massage! Oh yes, that spot, just th-eeere~, the toes and the joints are the best!"

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