Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 68

Chapter 67: “Also.”

Since Jiang Yunshu took the initiative to hold Baitang’s hand when he was sleeping that night, Baitang has truly interpreted the four words “taking an inch to make progress” to the extreme.

Today’s Jiang Yunshu completed the task of the day early, after ticking the last line in the notebook, he went to bed lightly. As a result, not long after lying down, a rustling sound suddenly came from beside him. At first, Baitang, who he thought was quiet and fast asleep, started to move, and his hand sneaked and openly broke through the two layers of the quilt, and then he held it. own hands.

Jiang Yunshu still closed his eyes, didn’t shake it back, didn’t throw it away, as if he was asleep.

The sugar didn’t stop right away.

They have been holding hands and slept for more than a week, now is the time to break!

Omega hummed and moved his body towards the alpha until there was only a small gap between the two.

Afterwards, Jiang Yunshu felt omega’s warm forehead touch his arm, and his calf touched the side of his thigh.

The temperature of the other person is continuously transmitted to himself.

Jiang Yunshu waited for a while, opened his eyes in the dark, turned his head and looked down, only to see the top of his furry head sleeping obediently against him.

Have been sleeping together in the same bed for several months, with the unremitting efforts of Baitang, I finally have a taste of sleeping together.

Before going to bed the next day, the sugar was not satisfied, he held back his shame and asked in a low voice, “Doctor Jiang, can you turn around?”

Jiang Yunshu didn’t know why, but he turned around, “What’s wrong?”

His heart hit his chest forcefully, and he was very nervous. He was afraid that Jiang Yunshu would show any trace of disgust and resistance.

“Bang, bang, bang—” beats rhythmically.

Jiang Yunshu was no longer silent this time, but asked, “What are you doing?”

Especially, the omega is still arching around, acting like a spoiled child.


Jiang Yunshu closed his eyes again and pressed the back of Bai Tang’s head, “Don’t move, go to sleep.”

One month later, the “Second Star Omega Rescue Foundation” was established, and it was announced that any omega in trouble could contact them, causing a great uproar in the society.

In the same month, there was a lot of fuss between alpha and beta. A huge parade took place in the bustling central area. 98 of the participants were betas. They shouted slogans, held banners and waved flags that read “beta stand up!” “Weakening alpha rights!” Also beta a fair and equitable environment!” etc.

A full street was filled with people, and finally was forcibly suppressed and evacuated by the police.

As a result, the betas gathered again the next day, and the number even increased. More and more betas spontaneously joined this demonstration and protest.

Some excited betas also besieged the alpha police, some of the beta police were bloodied, shouted and took off their uniforms and joined the parade.

On the 5th day of the parade, the central government had to use force to suppress it, shooting two male betas and imprisoning nearly 50 demonstrators. The anger in the betas was at its peak.

On the 3rd day after the parade completely ended, the alphas went out one after another.

Jiang Yun, who was affected and did not want to be an alpha, had a self-defense tool in his schoolbag, went to Huachuan University to report, and was assigned to the imperial capital as a matter of course.

The two also moved into an apartment that Jiang Yunshu had long been looking for.

It was impossible to move the hollowed-out shelf full of photos. Baitang had to buy a few thin woolen ropes to hang on the wall of the living room. I saw a lot of alpha figures, almost all of which were candid shots of white sugar, most of which were the perspective of omega lying on the bed under the warm yellow light.

It took Bai Tang an hour to clip all the photos, and the center is still the account book that turned to the page of the photo.

Accompanied by the sizzling sound of electric current.

White Sugar stood up slightly and asked, “What’s wrong? Is it broken?”

Suddenly, the screen distorts.

“Good evening everyone,” a thin and frail man with glasses appeared on the screen, looking like a press conference scene, “I’m Li Tangqi, a beta, sorry for taking up everyone’s time , but I hope you will be patient and listen to what I have to say next.”

Jiang Yunshu changed several channels and found that they were all broadcasted into this picture.

“In this world, the number of betas is as high as 85, omegas account for 5, and alphas account for 10, but because alphas are generally strong and capable, they naturally become the rulers of this world. ”

White sugar was a little stunned. The man was thin, but he was very imposing, and his voice had the power to hit people’s hearts. Bai Tang Nan: “Why do I think this person is familiar?”

Li Tangqi continued: “I have been fighting for beta rights, and because of this, I was blocked, intimidated and even threatened by some alphas. Just a month ago, I Was beaten and seriously injured and went into the ICU, but the perpetrator came out after only 15 days of detention—”

Li Tangqi was excited and angry, with a sadness: “Just because he is an alpha!”

“I stand here at this moment, not only calling on betas to unite, but also for all people who have suffered injustice to stand up! Whether you are beta or omega, or a small group Alpha, join us! Unite with us! Humans are created equal, the world should not be divided by gender, let alone bully the weak. Finally, I appeal again: rights should be equal to obligations! Power is to protect the weak! Not to oppress the weak!”

The voice ended, and the TV screen flickered for a second, then jumped back to the variety show, and the host’s voice sounded, but Li Tangqi’s voice seemed to have an echo, resounding in the living room over and over again.

Baitang was sluggish for a while, then grabbed Jiang Yunshu’s arm and said excitedly: “Doctor Jiang! This person is the one who was beaten by three people opposite Fengqi that day!”

Jiang Yunshu also remembered: “Well.”

“It’s amazing” Bai Tang’s eyes brightened, “I used to think that the world would never get better, but now, I feel that although it is very slow, although little by little, , but it seems to be really changing.”

Jiang Yunshu looked at Bai Tang silently.

White sugar bent her eyes: “I have to work harder to become better!”

In September, Baitang entered school, and Jiang Yunshu accompanied him all the way. There are only 11 omegas in the freshmen, 7 male ogas and 4 female ogas, and they are assigned to the top floor of the beta dormitory building.

Although Baitang does not live in the dormitory, Jiang Yunshu still paid the accommodation fee, thinking that Baitang is sometimes tired and sleepy, at least there is a place to rest and sleep in the school.

The dormitory is a 4-person room. Jiang Yunshu moved some basic luggage to the door of the dormitory, but did not go in, but stood outside the door. All the rest was done by Baitang alone.

But with such a tall man standing at the door, it was hard for the roommates not to notice, they asked: “Who is that?”

Baitang glanced at Jiang Yunshu and said, “It’s my brother.”

Yesterday, Baitang consulted alpha: “Dr. Jiang, if someone asks me at that time, can I say that you are my brother?” I am afraid that the impact of the incident in high school will repeat the same mistakes. At that time, the anger and panic caused by Jiang Yunsu’s appearance in Fengqi made Bai Tang subconsciously want to avoid this problem.

Jiang Yunshu doesn’t matter, he also thinks this is better for white sugar: “Okay.”

The roommates nodded and said nothing.

After Jiang Yunshu left, one of the roommates asked, “Baitang, is that actually your boyfriend?”

“Huh?” Bai Tang’s eyes widened, a little flustered.

“It’s okay,” they said, “we don’t hate normal alpha.”

The sugar was relieved, and she admitted in a low voice: “Forget it, let it be”

He asked curiously, “How did you know?”

One of the roommates was very disgusted: “Obviously, when you two look at each other, you can’t pretend that you mean it, especially you, the corners of your mouth are grinning to your temples. , and there is the kind of enchanting atmosphere between lovers”

Another roommate said: “It’s the kind of atmosphere that others can’t get in.”

The last roommate nodded in agreement.

“No…you guys are too exaggerated.” Bai Tang was a little embarrassed, but he still didn’t believe it. Even if he was very obvious when he saw Dr. Jiang, Dr. Jiang saw how he could…

The sugar continued to wipe the bed board. After a while, he threw the rag in his hand and asked, “What does he think of me…? Is that the same?”

The roommate thought back and said, “Well, although it’s not as obvious as you, but I can see that I like you.”

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