Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 27

Chapter 26: “He Was Really Afraid Of Pain.”

Sugar stirs the egg liquid happily, because today he can eat a cake after a long time.

Yesterday, after Jiang Yunshu met Lin Baijiu, he went to the supermarket to go shopping. He bought almost everything that was lacking at home. When he passed by the cooked food area, he vaguely remembered that there seemed to be a In the oven, thinking that I might be able to make some desserts when I have time for white sugar, I searched the Internet for the ingredients needed to make cake and bread mousse, and threw them all into the shopping cart.

At 8:49 p.m., Bai Tang was taking things out one by one, and when he saw a stack of cupcake papers, he was stunned and asked, “Sir, do you want to eat cake? ”

Jiang Yunsu has a strong taste, likes to eat very salty meals, and likes to eat sweet snacks. He once kicked the white sugar sleeping on the ground at 2 am, just because he suddenly woke up and wanted to eat sweet of.

So white sugar was ordered to make sweets, and then she was allowed to eat a little.

“Huh?” Jiang Yunshu also stood aside and put the seasonings into the cupboard by category, “Alright.”

After more than a week of snot, the nose wing is broken and red.

Brown sugar ran wild at home, flying from one end to the other, and the other end flew back to this end, occasionally biting the owner’s ankle mischievously when passing by.

White sugar smiled and pinched brown sugar’s soft ears, took several photos of brown sugar and sent them to Zhou Chaoyu, then rolled up his sleeves and began to prepare the ingredients for the cake with great interest , he put on a sky blue apron, followed the steps in the cooking book, first separated the egg white and yolk, stirred the milk, corn oil and egg yolk evenly, sieved low-gluten flour, poured it into a fine state, and added sugar to the egg white. Whip until creamy, add a small portion of the meringue to the egg yolk batter at a time and mix well, until completely combined, finally pour the liquid into a paper cup, put it in the oven, and adjust it to 175 degrees for 20 minutes.

Done! Bai Tang slid away a dog hair on the cooking table, squatted down and rubbed Brown Sugar’s head happily.

Nash, put on gloves on your right hand, pull open the oven, and a burst of hot air blows.

Sudden “click”.

The white sugar who was concentrating on turning the small cake was taken aback, the right hand holding the baking pan shook violently, the wrist was crooked, and the whole baking pan tilted—

“Bang dang!” Twelve small cakes fell to the ground one after another, the sugar could not dodge, and the bare left fingertip directly touched the 175-degree high temperature baking pan.

“Hmm!” Baitang retracted his fingers reflexively and groaned, turning his head to look, only to find that it was not the sound of Jiang Yunsu opening the door at all, but Brown Sugar biting the zipper of his coat, he held The cooking table stabilized his somewhat weak body, and a cold sweat broke out behind him. He turned on the faucet, pursed his lips, and rinsed his fingertips with cold water.

Brown sugar made a mistake without realizing it. She used a dog’s nose to smack the fragrant cake, and bit it down, and was burned to the point of sticking out her tongue.

White Sugar quietly looked at the scattered, unfinished cupcakes on the ground, and even one rolled into the corner of the kitchen. He grabbed the half-eaten cake and said, “You can’t eat it any more, it’s not cooked yet, you’ll have diarrhea.”

He bent down, picked up the dusty cakes one by one from the ground, and threw them into the trash can. The room was very quiet. He looked at the trash can full of small cakes, and immediately Squat down weakly, hugging his knees.

There were several “ding dong” sounds from the mobile phone, it should be Zhou Chaoyu returning to him, but now he is not in the mood to watch.

The two are a tried-and-true love, a natural pair.

He turned out to be terribly wrong.

It has been two weeks since I lived in my new home, but I still have nightmares every night, from fragmented pieces of torture in my old home to pieces of abuse in the background of my new home.

Baitang’s hand holding his knee became tighter and tighter. He originally thought that after Jiang Yunsu lost his memory, he might live a little easier, but he didn’t. Day by day, he felt a little more psychologically uneasy. Accumulating little by little, he became more anxious and more frightened, and any sudden small sound would make him tremble.

He has formed the habit of asking himself every morning, lunch and dinner, and the content is these three questions.

Sometimes, he still thinks, instead of waiting anxiously for the alpha to change back to its original shape, it is better to live the life before, at least the feet can touch the ground, at least Peace of mind.

He will hang himself at the door. I heard that the people who hanged to death are not very good-looking, just to scare Jiang Yunsu who has just entered the door, come face to face; or lie in the living room and cut his wrists, bleeding There were many, many, soaking the carpet and extending to the crack of the door, making Jiang Yunsu’s leather shoes stained with sticky blood.

He should not close his eyes yet, but stare straight at the direction of the door, because doing so may not leave a shadow on Jiang Yunsu.

He has also searched, whether it is a knife to cut the neck to bleed more, or to stab a blood vessel where it bleeds more.

And, and… he was actually very afraid of pain.

Squatted until her legs were numb, and Brown Sugar ran over to arch in worry, Bai Tang took a few deep breaths and raised her red eyes, he scratched Brown Sugar’s chin, revealing A slight smile: “I’m sorry brown sugar, I made you worry, isn’t the little cake delicious? Let’s start over.”

As soon as Jiang Yunshu entered the iron gate of the garden, he smelled a strong fragrance. He felt that the smell was drifting to the neighbor next door. It is estimated that a lot of people were crying.

Opening the door, Baitang stood in the doorway, only staring down at his feet, “Sir…you’re back.”

“Well,” Jiang Yunshu changed his shoes and praised, “It smells good.”

“Sir,” White Sugar curled her toes and whispered, “The little cake is ready, it’s just out of the oven, and it’s still hot…”

“It’s hard work,” Jiang Yunshu said, “I’ll eat it after I wash my hands.”

“What do you think, sir?” Bai Tang asked nervously, he was afraid that it would not suit alpha’s taste, but this was obviously a worry for nothing.

After all, it is clear that all the data, how many grams of sugar, how many boxes of milk, and how many eggs, are completely in accordance with Jiang Yunsu’s requirements.

It is indeed very unsuitable to Jiang Yunshu’s taste, madam madam—it’s too sweet, it feels like eating sugar directly.

Unhealthy, very unhealthy.

Jiang Yunshu swallowed it with difficulty. He actually likes to eat these desserts, but the premise is that it is not too sweet. He honestly said: “It’s too sweet, I used to like to eat so sweet?”

White sugar heard him say that it was too sweet, and his heart suddenly went up and down, he nodded nervously, “Well, sir, tell me, how many grams of sugar do you want to put in? I will change it. .”

“You eat first.” Jiang Yunshu suddenly thought of something and said, “You can’t even eat cake, right?”

White Sugar quickly shook his head, took a small bite with both hands, “You can eat a little…”

Jiang Yunshu leaned on the cooking table relaxedly, observing Bai Tang’s expression, “Do you think it’s too sweet? Tell the truth, or I’ll be angry.”

Baitang looked a little hesitant and uneasy, hesitated for a moment, then tentatively said: “…A little sweeter?”

“How many grams of sugar did you put in these?”

“150 grams.”

Jiang Yunshu’s teeth hurt a little, do these 12 small cakes put 150 grams of sugar? It is almost enough to put about 70 grams.

Jiang Yunshu: “Let’s put 30 grams less.”

“Good, good!” Bai Tang said, quickly copied the cooking book aside, crossed out 150 grams, and wrote 120 grams.

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