Why are you special?

054: Taking Time

I don't need to cast a spell to spy on this. As part of being Life now, I'm there for it all. Wanda is pregnant, so I'm constantly giving her my full, undivided attention, as her baby is one of my charges. And of course, what she's about to do falls in my domain as well… oh, and the old Life is earning her keep right now… nursing that newborn of the couple who can't make their own milk. Such a tender moment… I think she's falling for the little baby. Good. She also gets my full, undivided attention. Being a deity is weird.

I order some tea (from a different waitress), and cast Enhance Water on it after a brief taste. It's bad tea, and turning it into wine makes it taste better. It's still not great wine, but it works.

I sip slowly as I watch Wanda sit back on the bed in the room… doesn't look very comfortable… but Wanda won't worry as she shucks her shirt and removes her wraps, letting her wonders wiggle in the wind, her tasty taps topping themselves with beads of milk. The waitress halts, hypnotized as she realizes that when sitting like that, Wanda's wonders don't hang - they rest comfortably on her lap, and overflow to either side of her on the bed besides.

David chuckles, "They are a sight to behold, aren't they? But come, let's relieve the poor woman of her burdens…."

David gets straight to 'work' lifting, rubbing, and caressing Wanda's wonderful orbs to get them to let down, then starts sucking, motioning to the waitress to join in… and she does, eventually, picking the other tap and starting sucking… tentatively at first, then she goes with gusto, seemingly stunned by the sweet flavor. Soon enough Wanda's writhing, wetting the bed beneath her with her juices, and smiles as she shudders in extreme ecstasy.

"My turn…" David declares as he stands back, and pulls down his trousers, his dragon daunting the waitress when she sees it.

Wanda smiles, grabs it, and starts sucking, savoring the salty snack David provides, with the waitress blushing the whole time. It doesn't take long for Wanda to get him off - she "practices" a few times a day with him - and when he's done, Wanda swallows, licking her lips as she too shudders in delight, then looks at the waitress: "Are you ready to feel good too?"

Blushing, the woman nods, and Wanda stands up, reaches over, and picks the waitress up as though she's light as a feather… because with all the boosting spells I laid on Wanda, the waitress pretty much is. Wanda lays down on the bed this time, setting the waitress down on her face, and starts liking the woman's womanhood. While the waitress moans, Wanda uses a free hand to flip up her skirt, revealing her own dripping den.

David takes the hint, and slides inside, slowly at first, then faster and faster, making good use of the inhuman stamina that comes from him being a Dragon under the Shapechange spell making him look human. Soon enough the waitress, Wanda, and David all do their screaming and shuddering.

As the waitress breathes hard, Wanda sets her down on the bed and smiles, "You taste delicious… thank you. Mind fetching folks? I have a lot more milk than that…."

The waitress idly dresses and heads downstairs as Wanda cleans herself up with Prestidigitation.  David smiles, and kisses Wanda on the forehead, "She has work to do… I'll go let folks know."

Wanda smiles as David departs… and soon enough, Wanda has a constant stream of men, and spends the night sucking and swallowing salty snacks, getting her massive mammaries milked and licked. Many men munch her mound, too.  And she magically cleans herself out after each - nobody ends up feeling like sloppy seconds.  And here, folks are apparently hungry enough that I'm not called in to finish.

It's a nice change of pace.

I mean, I still need to milk her in the morning… folks are too tired to help her out. We leave the buckets of milk with the innkeeper. I figure he'll sell them, or make cheese, or whatever. It really doesn't matter much.

Of course, Wanda pays me back, like always. She's really good with her tongue.

Then, of course, we head to the guildhall. It's another stone building, made via Wall of Stone spells. As we walk in, this one has a blond woman starting to go gray at the desk, rubbing her slightly wrinkled temples. She's reading a book while wearing her glasses. Greater Arcane Sight tells me she is capable of casting eighth level arcane spells, and Divine sight tells me she's an Arcanist at sixteenth level. I wonder what a high level caster is doing behind the desk? It's normally a retirement package for melee and skilfull types.

I let her know we're there by dropping our group plate on her desk, "You look like you have a problem; how can we help?"

She sighs, "I have a dungeon too overdrawn to let live, but killing it means letting a couple hundred thousand people will starve to death. And my usual go to for cleaning it out, the very annoying Fredrick Von Hildebrand, is apparently dead."

Actually, SHE is right behind me. But yes, he is dead as it gets; Resurrection won't help, and it's going to take a lot of work to get him back… and he didn't have friends.

I pretend I don't know that, though, "'Apparently' dead?"

She sighs, "Divinations into the matter seem blocked, which only works if he's warded up, but all attempts to contact him just don't work. Even his home plane is gone. Regardless, I have an S-class dungeon that I can't have killed, but needs to be cleaned out about every week. The guard is currently dealing with spills by way of massed ballistae fire buffed up with my magic at the entrance, but that’s of limited use as the dungeon keeps growing, and sooner or later something will come out where that just won't work."

Great… more fallout… "Well, good news, we're rated for S-class dungeons. What's the pay?"

We negotiate… we don't need money, I can just make however much is needed, and get next day delivery of whatever magical doodads I want from my crafting plane, but she's expecting it… and we settle on a king's ransom. From a small kingdom, but still: Enough to kit out a decently high level adventurer… all in guild store credit, though. She doesn't have the cash. Which is fine, as I've no intention of actually collecting. Although we will grab loot along the way, and sell that to a broker. May as well contribute to the local economy… cash dumps just cause rampant inflation, but goods… those work, because they do stuff. Instead of reducing the value of money, it reduces the value of whatever goods you sell… which is a lot less of a big deal when few actually make them, nobody makes them quickly, AND they're randomly distributed.

After we "reluctantly" agree to take the job today, she gives us directions, and we head out.  The dungeon is only a little ways outside of town… a twenty foot diameter hole in the rocky ground a bowshot outside the town wall, surrounded by an extension of the same, very heavily manned, and on a war footing.

And when we get there, the reason for the fortifications around the town become obvious: The dungeon is actively "spilling" - at the moment, four wooden wagons come zooming out and lashing out with the wooden "tongues," smashing at everything in site: Animated objects, Mindless constructs. The ballista take them down… a hundred crossbow bolts the size of spears turn the constructs onto splinters reasonably quickly… but they are going to have a limit to their ammunition. A dungeon that's spilling out like this really does need to be terminated and replaced… but that means the city would be without magic for a month or so.

I mean, I have a ritual for it "on file" - Fred knew it, so I can look it up, as I copied off his memories prior to erasing them - but it still takes a while for a new dungeon to grow into a useful state… and everyone here is dependent on magic for food. Destroy the dungeon, and everyone who stays, starves… and the next town is a good week's walk away for most people, with no good water supply along the way thanks to the runoff from the mining and smelting. Hmm… how are they getting water now? Decaturs of Endless Water, maybe?

Regardless, we have a job to do.

Wanda speaks up as we approach, "Why did they let the dungeon get this bad?"

Oscar shrugs, and answers simply, "They're all eating magic food. Magic stops, they die." He's not very bright, but he does see the situation well enough.

David nods sagely, "Indeed. 'Why did they let themselves become so dependent?' though… that's the real question."

I shake my head, "We weren't there. We don't know what happened. It may have been a different form of 'do or die' that got them hooked. Regardless… until we have a better solution, we have a job to do."

The We send the two Adamantine golems in first, after I dismiss the Reduce Person keeping them down to a sane height….

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