Why are you special?

044: Wanda Winchester Westwood

Back at the ruins, my ice sculpture is resting up. And still naked. Hmm…. I might be a narcissist.

"How many pages have you cleared?" I'm mildly curious, although it's just a matter of seconds saved….

Freda smiles, "I have destroyed sixty nine days of my original's memories forever."

Well, not forever… I made a backup. But that will save me a few rounds. But I can't leave a creature of hate running around, especially as I don't want her original to actually be killed, so… "Close your eyes, and don't move at all."

I shake my head as she obeys, and I systemically revoke all of her buffs.  Then, when she is perfectly still… helpless… I use Hold Person and Coup De Grace her with a Scorching Ray, watching as she melts into a puddle.

Evil, evil creatures, Ice Assassins. I do not want their secrets getting out. Useful, though.

Turning back to the book that is Fredrick Von Hildebrand, I systemically start Erasing every page of his life. And oh, this is boring.

After an hour, I summon a Time Clone of myself, and have her do it. A little later, I summon a second, and have them work together, taking turns turning pages and casting Erase…. by making use of the Reduce Person spell, I manage to get four of them on the project.

And it'll still be a good chunk of a day before it's done.

Now, normally, Time Clones are short lived and quite fragile; they vanish if they take any damage or fail a save vs. anything at all… but Technological Wonders makes them last forever, and they're copies of me, fully buffed up, with all my equipment save for disposable items: They're very, very hard to hurt. So they'll last until I get rid of them, pretty much.

But certain things I need to do myself, for security reasons. So I make materials via Fabricate, and start making a Paper Golem. It's a super weak golem from Dragon Magazine - it's only CR 1 - but it's also dirt cheap to make, and thus, extremely fast to make… but it's a golem,
 and I'll need that aspect so it's a valid target for the spell I want to cast, and it gets the golem control clauses which makes it utterly loyal to the creator: Me.

I work quickly, but it still takes four hours. When my origami art is finally done, I use Attuned Mysticism to drop some backup controls on it, as when I'm done, this thing will be strong. So while it is still weak, I bind it with Command Undead, Control Undead, Apparent Master, Charm Person, Dominate Person, Charm Animal, and Dominate Animal: Seven distinct spells thats give me a measure of control, just in case something usurps my normal mastery of the beast.

I then proceed to give it essentially my buff list, as I don't want it destroyed: It's going to be too useful. About the time I'm done with the buff routine (which takes a while), the Time Clones are done wiping Fred - which is good, as I have an epic to write.

I use Fabricate for Craft(Written Composition), to fill all of the pages of the book with a millenia's worth of memories… of a woman. Wanda Winchester Westwood by name, an exceptionally well endowed wench who enjoys all the attention she gets, and is quite liberal with her body (both letting others touch and use her, as well as showing it off). She enjoys taking it up any of her holes, will let essentially anyone do her, and has made it her life's goal to produce milk faster than a prize winning dairy cow. But whenever she sees pointless cruelty (and she has a hard time seeing any cruelty as having a point), she can't help but act to stop it. And she's an avid worshiper of The Comforter of Souls, cheerfully seeking to extol his virtues to anyone who will listen (and many who won't).

I of course mix in real information as well. All the places Fred has been, all the people he has met? They're added in too. I mean, I have the reference material, so why not? And mixing some truth with the lies will make them more believable. Also… she'll need to know how to use all of her skills and class features, retrieve her spellbook, and so on.

I also insert myself as a trusted friend and advisor. One whom she has found, time and again, to only have her best interests in mind, a steadfast companion with her through thick and through thin, a skilled lover, valiant rescuer, good encourager, and source of sage advice … and also that disaster always follows when she ignores my advice; a person to whom she owes… basically everything, and for whom she would do anything. Yes, I'm turning Fred into a mindslave, willing servant, and slut. Because Fred was a complete smeghead. I read his life's story. I know WHY he was that way, but explaining and excusing are two different things.

With that, of course, comes a yarn about why she's in a male form. She was captured (I make sure to write a fictitious opponent into her life's story), who performed various arcane experiments on her prior to killing her. The idea being that when I raise her, any deviations of the body from her memory can be easily explained as further experimentation post-mortem before I arrived for the rescue. And of course, I have that stash of Elixirs of Sex Shifting to let her "restore" herself to her wonderfully over endowed body.  And as much as I pushed her desire to be milked (and enjoyment thereof), she may very well push things beyond how I wrote her.  Won't that be fun?

Story written, I memorize the new memories the same way I did the original Fred's memories (so I can keep the story straight), and suffer through another headache as I use Programmed Amnesia (another spell that permits a complete rewrite of memories and personality) to put the exact same story in. I then dismiss my current Time Clones, and get a fresh set tasked with using Secret Page to replace every page of Wanda's memories with the exact same thing.

I use multiple effects to make it very, very hard for anyone (besides myself, as I have a backup copy) to restore Fred. The wipe and rewrite are Instant (and from different effects to boot), Programmed Amnesia and Secret Page are both Permanent (and, because it's me and my clones, not magical). Modify Memory could theoretically restore him… but would need to be cast once for every five minutes of memories to retrieve, and there’s nearly a thousand YEARS of them to restore. Otherwise, an attempt to restore Fred would require one Wish (for Remove Afflictions) per method… one each for Erase, Fabricate, Programmed Amnesia, and Secret Page. Doable, but expensive… and I took Fred's storehouse of Wishes. Mostly, I'm hoping I've made it expensive enough that nobody wants to go to the effort. Fred didn't exactly have many friends.

A few hours later when my Time Clones are done, I have the next step.  You see, I need to actually resurrect the new person I've created… which means killing Fred… Wanda now, I suppose… in her helpless state. Properly killing her, so that her Mythic won't revive her… which I can do, now. A coup de Grace is an automatic critical, and my claws are treated as Artifacts for getting past defenses. And she's just a harmless book.

Can I be that cold blooded? I stare at the book for a while… and put it off a bit: I still need to finish my construct, after all.

So I go to my heavily buffed Paper Golem, and cast Transmute Golem on it. It's a ninth level spell from Pathfinder, that Instantly converts one kind of golem into another. My target golem? The Dragonflesh golem, from the Monster Manual II.  I eventually settled on this one over the Adamantine golem for a couple of reasons - one, it has 3.0's version of Magic Immunity, which doesn't care about spell resistance. Two, it comes with an intelligence score of four, which means it has feats and skills, even if not many. Three, the advancement line goes up to ninety hit dice, which means it gets forty five feats when I maximally advance the beast as part of the Transmute Golem spell.  As I'm building the creature, I select its feats. My choices? Basic Magic Training, Advanced Magic Training, Circle Casting, and the rest go to Extra Magic Talent - because that gives my ninety hit die construct a magic sphere, forty two additional magic talents to go with it, and a caster level of forty five with them.  The sphere I give my creation? The Veilweaving Sphere. Why? Because Sphereshaper's Talent grants flexible, arbitrary talents known from a sphere provided by a shaped veil, Shift Veil lets my creation quickly change what veils it has shaped, and with it, functional powers known. And thanks to Circle Casting, it can share them with me for the benefits from my class features. It can't get all the spheres that way, but I can use Psychic Reformation to swap things out as needed… that just takes a while. I also attune it to my ring, in case it dies.

That done, I consider, then line up my shot, and wreck the book. It seems that yes, I can be that cold blooded.

And the world fades….

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