Why are you special?

042: Tongue

David is quite aggressive with his tongue. And it feels so good to have something hot and wet inside me. I definitely feel empty elsewhere, and oh so hot.  I alternate between stripping off my clothes and grabbing David as he helps me remove things. We're both naked in very short order, and I dive in and start sucking sweetly on my twin's milk taps. He plays with my large upper orbs as I do, fondling me and pinching my taps, sending a shockingly warm sensation through me. The sensation builds and I soon shudder solely from that, screaming into my twin's chest pillows… which seems to set him off, too. I take a fraction of a moment to cast Create Demiplane again, switching out the existing structure for a new one, solely to give us a bed to lie down upon.

I drag him towards it as I create a harness via Major Creation, setting it up with a double-sided member mounted within (latex comes from a plant, so doable), so that the wearer will also feel the love. I grin at David as I hold it out, "Which of us do you want wearing it first?"

He gamely grabs it, examines it for a bit, and sliding it onto (and into) himself, he smiles at me.

I smile back and nod, laying down on the bed, hooking my legs back behind my ears. I have no actual ranks in Escape Artist, but with the various buffs I'm under, it doesn't matter: I can put professional contortionists to shame.

David climbs up on the bed, and slowly slides the rubber rod into my ready receiver: The sensation's sublime, although I do experience a brief moment of pain… ah, he's my first on this body, isn't he?

David draws out, then pushes his plastic piston back into my soaking snatch, slowly speeding up as he repeats, persistently pounding my meaty hot hole, while we moan in unison. He picks up the pace, and soon enough I'm seeing stars as a superb supernova of sensation shudders through me.

I kind of lose track of things for a while after that. I'm… pretty sure we took turns? I certainly have memories of being on both ends of the harness… regardless, after David is dead to the world from sheer exhaustion, I clean up.  After all, being completely tireless is a class feature for me.

And I still don't know what David wants… or who he is, really… stupid divine curse libido… but I do need to rest and prepare spells.

So I flag Wendy, 《I'm done with all but one of the rescuees, who needs special handling.  He's resting, and I plan to take several hours to re-prepare my more flexible spells. How are things going with Paula and Christine?》

I can feel Wendy's reservations, 《PAUL has managed to convince CARTER that you somehow cursed us all in a bid to seduce them away from 'The Blessed Mother' so we're reclaiming our old names. I'm playing along for now. They're easy to fool, I just need to agree with them. Which also means I'm calling you names… sorry.》

I chuckle, 《It's fine. I don't think any of you have seen my real face, and I'm Mind Blanked, so if I simply change my face and hair color, then go by a different name, I'm pretty much in the clear.》

Wally seems serious, 《Not your FACE, maybe, but the rest of you isn't exactly low profile, and you haven’t been shy.》

… 《Right. I can change my skin tone and apparent race, at least. Thank you for the reminder.》

I can hear the mental chuckle, 《No problem. It's probably best if we don't knowingly encounter each other, though. Which means you get to keep all the loot that I didn't grab. And… I'll… try to mitigate these two idiots.》

I smile, not that he can see, 《Thanks. Oh and…I'm not sure if I should mention this or not, but… I kind of tagged you for immortality. Old age can still get you, and trapping effects will still bind you, but in the case of simple death you'll wake up next to me a day later.》

I get a 'pft' over the link, 《After what you did with those buffs of yours, I'm not sure I can die anymore. But thank you all the same.》

Oh, also… I take a moment to expunge Paul and Carter. If they deliberately reveal what I can do, they'll die, and now they won't come back on their own.  《You’re welcome. I suppose I'll see you when next we cross paths… but if you ever need help, I'm leaving this link open.》

《As my master said to me once, 'Be seeing you.'》

And I need a new name.  Well…something to think about while I rest.  At least I have a really nice view, with my twin laying there, his chest rising and falling, rising and falling, his twin peaks slid into his armpits, jiggling a little with every breath… the eight hours pass surprisingly quickly.

After I rest up, set my new Spheres talents known, prepare my Psionic "spells," buff up using them - there's a number of powers that augment to a much better result than a lot of equivalent spells, so my numbers go up a reasonable amount - redo my normal buff list with my new caster level and some help from time clones, use Psychic Reformation to replace a few feats, and then dismiss the clones - I consider what I'm going to do with David. He looks almost exactly like me, and that's liable to get him killed, at least until I can convince Life to rescind the hunt. I suppose the ideal thing to do would be to fully explain the situation, and ask him.

… but first I'll need to wake him up. And his body is as sensitive as mine is…

Careful not to wake him, yet, I sneak up between his legs, and look at his perfectly smooth folds. Seems even when sleeping, he has that same  'always ready' state I do… and tease out his nub with my upper lips on his lower ones, darting my tongue up and down his folds, and sucking on his little nub when it comes out to play from under his hood. He moans in response, and soon enough I'm tasting his inner, salty nectar with my tongue, tirelessly pistoning in and out of his port as he clamps his cushioned thighs around my head and shudders from the carpet service… not that either of us have a carpet.

"Good morning," I smile up at him, "I thought I might wake you up. Care for some breakfast?"

David gives me a goofy grin as he sits up on the bed, his big bazookas bobbing a bit, his twin tips at attention, and his face flushed, "Hmm… are you sure this isn't heaven?"

I chuckle, "This is just a reprieve from real life, which we'll need to get back to eventually. Again, though: Breakfast?"

He nods, and I cast Heroes' Feast, bringing forth a great feast, including a magnificent table, chairs, service, food and drink. The smell is heavenly, and we both enjoy a "breakfast" of filet mignon, fully loaded baked potatoes, chicken salad, some kind of sweet beverage that I can't place, and a strawberry pie for dessert; it's quite energizing, and takes an hour to eat. The food is good, the view of my dining partner is heavenly. I should probably give him some clothes at some point, maybe put mine back on….

As the more beneficial effects of the spell set in, I get serious, "You look just like me. And 'The Blessed Mother' has called for my death."

I take a breath, and David responds, "So… about half the humanoid population wants my head on a platter. I've had worse."

That gives me pause, "Do I want to know?"

David laughs, "I used to be a Brine Dragon. Died at the tender age of two thousand, killed in my sleep, I presume by one of the many assassins regularly hired to take me out by my 'vassals', the kings of the humanoid lands."

So a Great Wyrm, then, as that hits at age 1201. 9th level spells, all good save, full base attack bonus, six base skill points per hit die, and a Brine gets Sorcerer casting, including 9th level spells… dragons are serious switch hitters, and I can work with that, "Unfortunately, you're not a dragon anymore. How much of it do you still have?"

He considers, "I've rested, let me see…" I wait patiently while he closes his eyes and concentrates for fifteen minutes to gather power. A moment later, a shimmering sphere of multicolored light surrounds him, twenty feet in diameter. I instantly recognize it: Prismatic Sphere. I walk calmly through it (the Golem Immunity spell is fun; without it I'd need to make several saves, some of which are for simple damage, some of which are the 'or lose' variety, some of which are the 'or die' variety… but I'd be immune to everything except the violet layer anyway, and that would just send me elsewhere even if I failed the save, which I can auto-pass).

I greet David, "So you still have your spells; nice."

He stares at me blankly, "You just idly walked through a Prismatic Sphere."

I smile, "I have no shortage of warding spells up. This can't hurt me for multiple reasons. And if you're OK with playing decoy for me, I can share." I mean, now that I can make Time Clones, decoys are actually pretty easy, but still… it is good to have someone to confide in. I'd probably go mad if I only spoke with myself all the time.

David pauses, "Does that also mean we'd get to 'play' regularly?"

I smile, "Definitely."

David grins back, "Then I'm in. Hook me up…."

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