White Flower, Black Feather

Chapter 48: Chastising


Brenna got everything she wanted from the store before evolving, waking up ravenously hungry nearing night and then, gorging on the food that she had left before falling unconscious, so, when she opened her eyes right before sunrise…

Ugh…’ she was feeling bloated from her food binge. Also, collapsing on the ground to sleep, even if the small wall helped to keep her dry, wasn't good for her posture…

-Good morning!-

‘Ugh… morning…’ leaving her body completely stiff… ‘Never again…’ and her without idea of where all that meat went…

-No, I don’t think you are going to find many of those… a shame…-

‘It was… really tasty…’

But the only thing she seemed to regret, was not having more…

After a few minutes of waiting, as the sky started to light up, she stretched her body and looked over the dirt wall near her, noticing something white on her beak. The problem resided in that it wasn't a new thing, the problem resided in that the thing was suddenly visible to her eyes…

‘What’s this…?’

-The white dot on your beak, that I mentioned once you got the Magic Beak, grew into band while you evolved, it’s only on the upper side of it, but I have no idea why it grew-

‘Oh… hmm…’ she looked at her talons, the few blue feathers on her wings, and… ‘Why are the colors…?’

-No idea. I never understood why the colors of the magic parts, don’t stay the same all over the body-

‘Weird…’ Brenna could only said that, and with another look at her body, not seeing anything else, she did the only thing she could think before preparing for the rest of her day… ‘Status… eh?’

‘W-what…? Why…?’ Brenna’s feathers got ruffled with embarrassment…

-Hmm… you could have earned a different reward for completing that Deed. Instead of being a Body Upgrade the other thing is a +2 on three different Traits of your choice… I’m not sure of which one would have been better… I’m guessing that this one? With it you are saving the EP of turning your torso into a Focus, and getting two level 10 Traits…-

That information didn’t meant much to Brenna, who looked at herself again, paying more attention to the shine of her feathers and looking for imperfections on them…

‘S-so… I’m p-pretty…?’ but she found nothing that she could call a flaw on her body…

-All girls are pretty!-

‘Wah!’ that sudden message made her feel even more embarrassment, so, she covered her head with a wing… needing a while before she managed to look at the last screen


-You got that because your whole body is a Magic Focus now. Again, that’s what the Body Upgrade did for you, but don’t worry about it, for now, some details: to evolve a Trait, go to that screen and choose to evolve them, the first time one of them evolves, it cost 50 EP, evolving a Trait a second time it’s 100. This means that the next time you evolve your singing, it will cost 100 even if the first time it was free-

She didn’t knew if she could find a way to get it to evolve for free again… the idea was tempting, but held it back and left that topic for later…

‘But… there is no need for me to evolve those two…’ after all, she had other questions like: why would she do…? ‘Ah…’ but as she was thinking in that topic… ‘I’m a… well, now I’m stuck like a gi… like a female bird… so… it’s… it’s really fine…? Can I be pretty…?’

-You are already very pretty!-

Brenna got flustered and covered her head again…


But before she could recover from that, a white bunny with a golden horn appeared from the north, getting close to the Line at great speed before stopping suddenly and skidding on the mud. Most of her body was covered in said mud with her breathing out of control as she was making panicked sounds and turned to look back to the direction she had came from

‘Cute!’ Brenna didn’t noticed the feelings behind the sounds ‘Grimoire!’ she was instantly searching for “Her” Familiar Bonding Spell ‘Become my Familiar!’

There were many things she didn’t fully understood about that spell, but she couldn't stop herself from using it at that moment

Causing a glowing tether to extend from her chest, swimming through the air before touching the bunny on the back-

‘ ‘Ah?!’ ’ and making both of their bodies glow for a second, before the glow and tether vanished and the bunny turned to look at her in confusion ‘ ‘What was that?!’ ’ Brenna was feeling her brain buzz with activity as if she was starting to get a fever


But she had no time to think about it, before a two tailed fox appeared from the same direction than the bunny had

‘Get over here!’ and she had to make her Familiar jump towards her to avoid the chasing fox


That skid on the mud to avoid the Line once she saw the bunny crossing it… but she was unable to do the same…

‘Where did that wall go?!’ the bunny was shivering and hopping in place while Brenna’s brain slowly stopped feeling like it was going to overheat ‘Fox! We need to flee!’

‘Calm down! You are making my head hurt!’ the bunny’s… voice… was very high pitched and feminine… ‘How are you talking…?’

‘How are you talking?!’ the bunny stopped and stared at Brenna for a moment ‘How am I talking?! Ah! Fox!’ before noticing the prowling creature and starting to hop in place again

Situation that frustrated Brenna, before she floated her Familiar

‘Hyaaa?!!!’ taking flight after her while moving the two of them to a tree on the southern side of the Line, ignoring the charcoal-like remains that remained near the river and hearing many frustrated sounds coming from the fox just before landing on a branch ‘How did I do that?!!!’

‘I was the one that did it…’

‘Oh… ah! Too High!!! I’m going to fall!!!’

‘You aren't! And even if you did then I’ll save you!’


The bunny was really cute, but seeing her react like she was doing… those actions were stressing Brenna somewhat…

‘You’ll catch me…?’ but she gave Brenna a stare with her big teary eyes framed by her big floppy ears

‘Yes…’ which didn’t let her stay mad at her cute Familiar…

‘Yay!’ especially when she moved closer and nuzzled against her, while being careful to not touch Brenna with her horn ‘Thanks you pretty bird!’

Brenna nearly cawed at hearing that… but-

-Wow… the spell gave her a copy of some small parts of your mind… now she counts as a humanoid for the purpose of getting Levels, like Miriam and you…-

‘What is that?!!!’ the appearing message made the bunny jump away, making Brenna hold her in the air, while making scared sounds… ‘I’m gonna fall?!!!’

‘You aren't!!!’

-I’m Brenna’s System Helper-

‘Hi Brenna’s System Helper! I’m gonna fall?!!!’

With a groan she pulled the terrified bunny back on the branch and held her with her wings while reading the previous message, which made the bunny nuzzle her again in gratitude…

‘Ugh…’ it was a good thing to know, but she started to feel really tired… ‘Where did nearly half of my magic go…?’

-The spell. During the few seconds the tether was visible while connecting the two of you, it used a lot of magic into doing what I mentioned before… eh… she needs a name…-

‘Ah…! Right…’ she wasn't entirely sure if keeping the bunny as a Familiar was a good idea…

‘Name…? It’s that a tasty plant…?’ but… considering that Brenna gave her a mind… and she had no idea of what could happen to her if she undid the Bonding spell… or if she was able to do that in the first place…

‘No, eh…’ she sighed ‘You are my responsibility now. Your name is Roxanne-’ just as she was going to give her an explanation about what a name meant…


‘Ah?!!!’ it was cut short as Roxanne froze at that shared sound, with at least twenty screens appearing around the Familiar

‘Eh…?’ while Brenna just saw one, aimed at her, above Roxanne… ‘Why hers is different…?’

-She doesn’t needs the reassurance from seeing those two as different concepts. Can you see her Titles? I’m curious about those-


Brenna could do it easily, and what she saw made her forget about asking what her Helper meant by “Reassurance”

‘Oh…’ Tragic Mother made her feel mournful for Roxanne… ‘Wait…’ but the first title of the list pulled her attention ‘The Fourth…? As in the Ruler…?’

‘Yes! She was scary!!!’ Roxanne looked around for a few seconds while shivering ‘I got that Title the moment She became a Ruler, but I knew instantly who it was talking about, because only once I did something that involved fighting in a group, and She was involved, so it made perfect sense. I got some strength, speed and intimidation from that Title, which would have been useful to have before I got Tragic Mother… but now that I think about it, if I had that Title before, then I might have go and get killed instantly by charging at those bastards… and I didn’t learned Light Magic until the white stuff covered the ground, and that was the only way I had to kill them in the first place, so… ah…’ she shook her head ‘I hope I don’t meet her again…’

The pure fear on her voice once she stopped talking, was enough to get Brenna to try and make her talk about something else, hopefully not making her get too distracted

‘Eh… w-what did you two fought against…?’ but that topic was the only thing she could think of…

‘A monster!’ but the answer… ‘Bigger than the trees! With many legs! With many, many, many teeth! With many, many, many, many eyes! With many, many, many, many, many tongues…! Oh! And before that one we fought a big group of not as big monsters! Mostly because She screamed at us to fight with her, at the same time the trees started to whisper to us about both, evolving, and fighting monsters instead of just running away. Anyway, that fight had a lot of wide mouths, ugly rats, weird bugs, a thing with long arms…’ didn’t sounded reliable… ‘I think I saw that same fox there too…? Not many of those have multiple tails, or that weird fire…’

Roxanne stopped shivering and hummed for a few seconds…

‘Honestly? I don’t remember that day too well… but She was scarier than any monster!’ she finished her description by eagerly nodding her head and making her ears flop cutely ‘Wait… did the trees stopped whispering…?’

‘I see…’ she had no idea of what she meant by that last thing ‘What happened to your EP and the Shop?’ but she choose to try another topic, hoping that it wasn't going to make her tremble

‘Oh! Listen! Now the shop buys things without me needing to think about them!’ her Familiar’s voice was very happy about that ‘It mentions something called “Balanced” but I don’t know what creature is that… then again, I don’t really care? It was too annoying and too expensive and I never saw the point so I had a ton of saved points, which made me hesitate more because, what if I made a wrong choice? Which choices are the best? Then, I got Tragic Mother and I forgot about it until that fox started chasing me, so I started to look for things that could help with… oh, now I have a screen that says that I’m going to fall unconscious to buy all the things. See ya pretty bird!’

Brenna sighed as Roxanne slumped on the branch and against her

After floating the bunny back to the ground, she started to wonder how… many… things she was going to need to teach her…

‘Wait! Seventy?!’ before noticing her Familiar’s maximum level

-That is why I wanted to see her Titles. I was wondering if she had one that explained the amount, or, if it was because she broke her Level Cap before-

‘Which one is it?’ now Brenna was curious if any of her own Titles affected hers…

-Not sure! You might be connected with her, but I can’t interact with her like I can interact with you. I do know that Avenger raises the Level Cap to let one get more power in order to take revenge, but since I can’t know for sure how many times Roxanne evolved so far, then…-

Brenna just nodded and started to look around the place, still ignoring the charcoal shaped like a horned head…

‘Did I…’ but she wasn't fully focusing on the more dangerous surroundings either… ‘Was this the right thing to do…? Did I just destroyed her life…?’

-Hmm… you mean about her dealing with the fact that she violently lost a whole litter? And now she has to deal with that at a level of emotions that she couldn't before? Time will tell. Or rather: Roxanne will tell you if what you did was a mistake, or not… for now I suggest that you teach her magic, since she said that she had Light Magic, then that will help both of you to become humanoids-

‘Wait, what happens after she becomes one? Can she become one? My spell helps with evolution, but if I read it correctly, then it’s more of a… getting them ready for war…’

Seeing that message was a bit of a relief, so, Brenna went back to focus on her surroundings

Waiting for the moment Roxanne would wake up to start thinking about what the two of them could do…

‘Eh…?’ getting that message around midday, not long after her bunny woke up ‘Oh, no…’


“If either of you had fired a single arrow! We would have leveled up!” once he was able to walk on his own again, he had started to complain “To either the snake or the lizard!”

Pointing at every single mistake the other three had made…

‘The last thing you deserve, it’s to level up…’ but none of them had said anything to him, they just moved for hours without stopping to eat

They had gotten somewhat distracted due to the forest hiding the sounds of battle behind them, but after the trees started to rustle and move again, they resumed their march out…

Barely reaching the point where they started to hear the river near the Line-

“That’s it…! The gods don’t want me to level up and advance! They must be scared of what I’ll be able to do!”

When she heard something that made her stop praying completely, and fix the grip on her staff to start beating him…


A white bunny with a golden horn jumped over a bush in front of them-

“Kill it-! AAAHHH?!!!”


And all of them sunk to the neck into the ground, with the dirt gripping their bodies almost painfully…

“HELP ME!!!” immobilizing every limb in a form fitting prison

Stopping them from doing anything as the ground next to the bunny shifted and took the shape of a hook


Where a black bird landed, its whole body glowing with magic and glaring at the four of them…

The bird remained there hearing the screams coming from one of the boys until a bubble appeared on its beak

“My~” and the voice of a crone started to sound once the bird broke that bubble “Fresh prey~”

Those words made all of them scream and struggle to free themselves, as the horn of the bunny started to emit a golden radiance


‘No! No! No!’ but the bird flapped a wing towards the bunny and the glow receded, and after a few seconds another bubble was popped

“Now, now, dear… you can’t just kill them the moment you catch them…” the old voice cackled with mirth and… slowly turned into a younger voice… “You need to scare them for a bit~ and take a few bites of their livers~ that’s what makes that curse, a fun~ one…”

‘Crap!’ her voice wasn't supposed to slip like that… ‘I messed up!’

‘I can’t eat meat…’ Roxanne complained and whined, due to the screams annoying her ears

‘We are not here to kill them! We are here to scare them…! Ah…’

The noises that her Familiar made and the way she turned to look at her, to make sure she remembered to not attack the children, made the four trapped humans look at them with worry…

“Sorry dear, I forgot you can’t eat meat in that body…” but trying to speed up her spell made Brenna repeat her mistake and speak with her singing voice… “More for me then~!”

“What’s wrong with your voice?!” the rude boy at the back screamed while tears flowed from his eyes

‘Crap! Not again…!’ her acting skill was… ‘Being able to sing, doesn’t meant that I can act!!!’ Brenna fixed some of her feathers in annoyance ‘Ah!’ before she made another bubble

“Hehehe~ if my voice is returning to normal already, that means that the woman I ate had good essence~”

She had just said the first thing that came to mind, but…

After a moment of absolute silence, the screaming started…

The sheer horror and panic on the screams coming out of the three boys were… making her feel awful…

‘What woman…?! Stop making them scream so much…!’ and hurting her Familiar’s ears… for a few seconds ‘Oh! The shop got me sound protection~ you can continue!’

‘Ugh… I haven't killed any woman, I’m just trying to scare them…’ Brenna noticed the tears falling from the closed eyes of the girl… ‘How can I get that for myself?’

-By improving… eh? Oh! Your Body Upgrade also gave you that!-

She barely noticed the answer of her question, she was looking the moving lips of the girl… praying…?

“The gods aren't helping you in this place, child~”

‘Ugh… is this enough yet…?!’

Roxanne couldn't see the messages from Aufiea, so she had been getting stares coming from the bunny that… made her want to scream that she wasn't crazy, every time she felt one of those coming at her…

But before she got an answer, the girl opened her eyes and glared at Brenna

“There is a priestess in this forest capable of destroying you!” she sounded surprisingly resolute… with her courage increasing with every word “She already saved us once! She’ll do it again!” Brenna wanted to retort…

“Are you trying to get that snake here?!” but the rude boy “That thing will just make us run again!” gave her an idea…

“My~ calling a priestess, a snake…? That, makes your religion sound awful, you know…?” even if she didn’t really focused on the later part of his statement…

Meaning that there was an awkward pause…

“She is a snake… literally…” in which one of the archers spoke cautiously…

‘EEEHHH?!!!’ making her Familiar freeze while making panicky sounds, her fear was obvious to everyone

‘Wha…? Wait…!’ but a realization made her look at the boy

“Miriam? Are you talking about Miriam?” there was a lot of disbelief on her voice ‘When did she became a priestess?!’

Her answer went unanswered, and the girl in the ground looked smug

“I can see you are scared. If you run now… eh, fly…? You two might escape, for now…” and tried to threaten back, she didn’t quite managed it, but she succeeded in making the boys look calmer as she spoke

Caw~ Caw~ Caw~

And while she got annoyed by her tone, she did her best to put a show of laughing at her words, while covering her beak with a wing

“And what makes you think~ that I can’t seduce her into my side~?” she tried one of the, half-remembered, lines coming from the villain on a game she started, but never finished…

‘W-what’s that supposed to mean…?’ but the answer she got…

‘The Fourth! The Fourth! The Fourth! The Fourth! The Fourth! The Fourth is here?!!! No!!!’ and Roxanne’s shivers… ‘We need to flee! We need to flee! We need to flee!’

‘Miriam is not the Fourth!’ made her worry, and ignore the kids while she comforted her Familiar ‘Yes, she is a white snake, but-’

Brenna found herself getting squeaked at by Roxanne, meeting a glare as she…

‘The Fourth is a horrifying white snake! Enormous in size! Using both, human weapons! And magic capable of breaking the ground! Creating huge, sharp, shapes!’ got a description that matched what she knew of Miriam… ‘Even when the giant monster fell on top of her! She just healed and got ready eat me!’

‘Ah… but…’ there was a deep sense of… dread… growing inside her ‘Miriam has wings…’ but she tried to not get too distracted by it…

‘Eh…?’ and her words managed to calm her Familiar a bit

‘Also! Have you seen the big tree? The really huge one?’ her Familiar nodded with another confused sound ‘Her name is Sunny, and her mom is the Fourth Ruler… wait… how does a snake gives birth to a tree…?’

‘The same way she survived a fight with the Third Ruler…?’ Roxanne’s voice sounded less panicky, and more curious, but Brenna could still feel that she didn’t wanted to stay there ‘She did that twice, you know…? I saw how bloodied she looked after the first time it happened! And she still managed to enrage and kill something that was chasing me!’

There was a moment of silence which made Brenna think…

‘“Nothing she hasn't survived before…” huh… ah…’ she opened her beak and closed it…

Turning to look back at the hopeful girl…

“Perhaps you are right…” but her smug expression annoyed her a bit… “But I have means to make the Fourth Ruler of Death submit… and she doesn’t wants to kill me anyway… I highly doubt, she’ll save you… if I ask her to kill you~” so she doubled down on her villainous acting, with the hopes that her Familiar would calm down…

But while she ignored the message with “Kinky” written on it…

“Ah…?” the fear spreading on the girl’s face was actually worrying her, the boys less so, but they also went pale

“Enough! It’s time to harvest your livers!” her body glowed brighter as she used a spell, that she didn’t had time to test before the kids arrived “Go my Boar of Annihilation!”

A boar made of fire appeared from behind a tree-

DIE!!!’ but Roxanne squeaked and with her horn glowing brightly she rushed at it

‘Roxanne! It’s an illusion!!!’ and forcing Brenna to make the boar dodge her and kept her from dispelling it while trying to explain what was happening…


DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!DIE!!!’ but…

She sighed and made a bubble on her beak, annoyed by how much magic she had used that day…

“Good thing I have more than one…” she got a message, and even if she was annoyed by the ones sending those…

Brenna followed the instructions in it, and made the illusion run around a tree as she conjured another one, this one to the side of the kids

“AH?!!!” aiming it’s flaming tusks to the rude boy at the back “NOOO!!!” and making it charge “DON'T KILL ME!!!”


“AAAHHH!!!” a while twisting her neck, the girl looked at the approaching illusion with horror

Making the ground around her glow as she screamed, barely managing to make a flimsy looking barrier of light, appear to protect the boy

And even with how weak it looked, Brenna’s illusion vanished once it touched it, she also let Roxanne reach the other one, making it vanish too as she speared through it…

‘Eh…?! Where…?! What…?! How…?!’ making her run in circles as Brenna explained what happened

‘I told you it was an illusion. That means it wasn't real… it was just air in the shape of a boar’ but once she finished her explanation, she flew to the dazed girl, ignoring the curses and screams coming from the boys and made another bubble for her

“Good job!” she patted the head of the girl with a wing “You passed the test, but! You still need to complete the same training as the others. Also, this little excursion, wasn't painful enough, so, expect punishment once you are back home…”

The girl’s eyes widened by a lot…

“Y-you aren't a priestess!” her complain made the boys stare at her


“And I don’t plan on becoming one… seriously, hiding from me that Miriam is the Ruler…?” Brenna glared up, but shook her head while thinking another bubble for the girl and another message appeared, and she added it to what she was going to say “Anyway, I did what I was asked to do. I’m leaving, but don’t worry: ‘Another child is coming to drag all of you home’ whatever that means…”

‘So, no killing?’ her Familiar asked as she moved closer, still looking for the flaming boar…

‘No! We already scared them, now we can improve your-’

“No! I need to level up!” the rude boy screamed, once he finally understood what was happening

He flinched once Brenna glared at him, but his stubbornness was palpable…

“You are weak” so, she didn’t minced words “The only reason you are alive, it’s because these three have been keeping your ass alive… and honestly? I don’t see the reason”

“I can’t let-”

“I will become strong!” the girl tried to say something, but he interrupted her again “If I hadn't lost my sword I could kill you!”

Brenna almost laughed, but had to gesture to her Familiar to calm down, and to stop aiming her horn to the boy

‘Don't attack, let me teach him a lesson’

She made Roxanne wait at some distance away from the kids and she flew to the dirt hook. Using her magic, she made it take the shape of a sword before gliding to the ground and hopping away from it

“All right. Fight to the death” saying that while glaring at the boy “You must have seen her weapons, so, you should understand that we’ll try to kill each other once you grab that one, right?”

With a wave of her wing he got spit from the ground and onto his back, he winced, but glared at her and while ignoring the screams of the others, he dashed to the sword, grabbing it-

“AAAHHH?!!!” and getting his arms and legs pulled back into the ground, leaving him into all fours while the ground took the shape of a bed of sharp nails…

He started to hurl all kinds of profanities at her, together with screams of help to the trees, panic clear on his words. So, she flew and landed on his back, with some of the talons gripping the back of his neck

Instantly silencing him…

“You are weak” she repeated at him “And you are an asshole too. I said ‘Once you grab it…’ you should have tried to save your friends… nah, you probably don’t see them as friends, do you…? Still, you should have helped them first…”

Brenna stopped herself from saying everything she wanted to say in that bubble, the struggles of the other three against her magic were worrying her, so, she rushed it

Thankfully, once they heard what she was saying they stopped before getting hurt

“Instead…” she interrupted whatever he was going to say “You choose to be selfish… you are nothing more than a child, that doesn’t knows that power alone, it’s worthless, nor what to do with that power. I need Levels to become humanoid and recover the life that was stolen from me…” hearing the emotional tone her voice took while making the bubble, surprised her a little “You need to grow up…”



She didn’t let him say anything else, just in time for the trees at the north to rustle…

-The one that will take them out, is getting close-

‘All right…’ she looked to the south, where another tree rustled ‘Come Roxanne, this way’ and she flew, glad to see that her Familiar could follow her while hopping without trouble…

‘What do you mean by stolen life…? You look alive to me…’

Adjusting her mental list of the things she was going to teach Roxanne, with a sigh…


It only took a few minutes for them to hear the sound of metal coming from the north, and just as all of them were gathering air to scream for help


She landed on the ground

Making all of them exhale the air in their lungs, with muted surprise, at the smiling woman that stretched in front of them…

“Well…!” her short red hair was vibrant even under the wide blue hat, her also blue sleeveless shirt and the knee-length skirt she was wearing, looked pristine just like the gauntlets and metal boots she had. Those metal objects shone with raw magic, almost making the blue and gold color they had, get lost in the glow “Either the one that did this has weird tastes…” her smile vanished as she crossed her arms “Or all of you deserve this…”

The three buried to their necks got green with worry… desperately praying that the idiot wasn't suicidal and kept his mouth shut…

The youngest daughter of Diamond Volcano, was very sensitive about her height…

But he looked crestfallen, even if none of them had an idea of why

“Now” she punched her gauntlets against each other, releasing all of them from their prisons with a clanging sound “My sister asked me to take all of you out and back to the shields…” she smiled sweetly “How fast can all of you run~?”

All of them whimpered… knowing what her words truly meant while their stomachs groaned with hunger, and one of the boys got glared by the others with such intensity, that he almost started crying…


It took her hours to finish talking about who she was to Roxanne… but after she found some fruits for the two of them, talking about that didn’t bothered her too much…

Her Familiar kept asking difficult questions for her to answer, like: what is a school? What is a concert? What is a god? And many others… but once she was done answering what she could

‘It makes no sense…’ that was the answer she got ‘Why did you reincarnated?’

‘That… I don’t know…’ and she had no way of knowing…

Brenna froze while seeing the screen that appeared in front of her, with Roxanne getting nervous as the trees started to shake loudly-

That screen appeared in front of them at the same time the ground shook, with a loud roar coming from far to the south…

It was brief, but she had to hug the trembling Roxanne, and took some time calming her down, before reading Aufiea’s message once more…

‘Miriam… what did you do…?’ not needing a confirmation to know who that announcement was talking about…


Well, this is the last chapter before disastember struck...

I can’t remember if I planned for those children to appear again in my notes… I think not. I didn’t even gave them names, but I really can’t remember

Be safe! And I hope things go well for you!

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