Whistle To the Earth, You Guys Really Know How To Play

Chapter 23

Chapter 21: Fuck your mother!

Da da da

The sound of standard leather boots buckling the ground is getting closer and closer.

Both of them held their breath without making a sound. Mawson gave a look and pointed his head up, and Qiao Rui immediately understood.

Da da da

The voice is near.

A person walked in with a flashlight and took a picture of the shadow just now—no one was there.

He took another photo from side to side and cursed: “Fuck, where did he hide?”

Before he finished speaking, a shadow jumped from behind him.

There was a click.

As soon as the neck was twisted, the sound of the fracture of the cervical vertebrae sounded. Qiao Rui steadily caught the falling flashlight without making a sound. Mawson supported the man’s head and gently placed it on the ground.

“Go.” Mawson clasped Jory’s hand and walked outside against the wall.

After they left, a rush of footsteps sounded.

“Captain! There is a corpse here, like a big cow!”

“Fuck! He must be here just now! Old dog! Did your broken fly find anyone?”

“Wait a moment, let me see where Tiantian is now?”

Broken flies? Mawson and Qiao Rui frowned at the same time, looked up to the sky, and finally found the black little fly!

The two looked at each other, and read the word “cheating father” from each other’s eyes.

The old dog sensed the sweet position and shouted: “There! Captain, he is hiding behind that water tower!”

Jory looked at Mawson:

-what to do?

Mawson looked back:

-Fight and escape.

The footsteps of the law enforcement team are already close at hand, like a ghost in the middle of the night.

“Captain, he is behind that corner!”

“Well, you take three people to block the exit on the other end, and the others will come with me.”

The spilt moonlight was blocked by the wall, casting a shadow around the corner.

The law enforcement captain led people closer to the corner step by step, “Come out, you can’t escape.”

Just when he thought he had the chance to win.


A black shadow rushed out from the corner, and Qiao Rui kicked a person with a stride. With the force of his kick, he squeezed the neck of the other person, twisting the flexible muscles of his legs and staggering the neck.


The man fell softly.

Mawson blew a whistle in his heart. This guide was good at his skills, had a quick nervous response, and made his shots very neat. Unlike ordinary guides, he looked at Qiao Rui with a little appreciation.

Hmm… His guide seems to be pretty good.

It was less than 5 seconds from Qiao Rui’s appearance to before and after the shot, and the others had not yet reacted to the sudden accident.

The law enforcement captain shouted: “What are you still doing? Catch him!”

A group of people rushed towards Qiao Rui. Among them was a small jumping spider, whose mental body was not known, and spit out a net from his mouth to cover Qiao Rui!

Qiao Rui kicked the dead man in front of him onto the web.

The 18 spiritual tentacles are divided into 3 bundles and entangled together. The reduced version of the ‘spiritual thorn” breaks through the spiritual barrier of chasing soldiers and plunges into the sea of spiritual knowledge.

“Ah! Ah!”

The three of them knelt to the ground, clutching their temples, and they were groaning and groaning in pain. If they didn’t find a guide in time to sort out their thinking, they might become fools.

Someone rushed forward, Qiao Rui dodged from left to right, Yu Guang glanced at Mawson, who was still hiding behind the wall, and opened the spiritual connection to communicate directly with the spiritual wave:

-Watching a play?

Mawson raised one eyebrow and replied:

—Are you asking me for help?

Qiao Rui said angrily:

—Fuck your mother!


—It’s not good to say that your mother-in-law.

The law enforcement captain did not expect a guide to be able to achieve this level. Guides are usually weak in physical fitness, so the team members he brings are all Tier 5. I want to say that it is enough to win Qiao Rui, and the people above must give orders. Those who are caught alive can’t get the slightest injury, so they don’t dare to kill them.

If this is not going to work, you have to think of a way.

The law enforcement captain stared at Qiao Rui, quietly letting out his mental body poisonous scorpion and approaching Qiao Rui step by step. As long as he stung, he would be fine, and he would be taken away after being anesthetized.

When the poisonous scorpion walked halfway, a flying dart ejected and nailed its two big scorpions in place.

“Who is there?!”

The law enforcement captain turned his head and looked at the place where the darts were shot. Is there a rescuer?

Mawson came out from the shadows.

With a bang!

Kicked the person who wanted to sneak attack Qiao Rui from behind, and another round kick swept the person closest to him away. The person spit out a big mouthful of blood in the air, overwhelming the people behind.

“Come with me!”

Qiao Rui galloped behind Mawson, passing water towers and obstacles blocking the way.

Suddenly Mawson in front braked and stopped.

“What’s the matter?” Qiao Rui looked forward suspiciously.

It turned out that it had reached the end of the roof.

On the 38-story roof, looking from the edge of the towering roof, in the distance are the bustling and bright downtown area and the same towering residential houses. Downstairs are thousands of lights and cars passing by.

The two panted hurriedly, watching the maglev car as small as an ant drag its light across the road, and the chaser behind them has arrived!

The law enforcement captain yelled: “Run! Run again!”

Mawson turned his head, his deep black eyes stared at Qiao Rui, a little soothing and a little bit of inadequacy.

He reached out to Jory with his palm facing up:

-Trust me.

Familiar spiritual waves sounded in his mind, and Qiao Rui looked back at him in a dazed manner. In the past few years, when he had a family and was hiding in Tibet, no one had ever made him feel like this—this…you can rely on it. , Feeling trustworthy.

He looked at Mawson’s firm eyes, and slowly held back the big palm.

Mawson’s palms were broad and hot, and there were some thick calluses on the edges. At first glance, he knew that he had used weapons for many years.

The law enforcement captain was still screaming: “Keep down and put your hands on top of your head!”

However, he hasn’t finished it yet.

I saw the two people in front of them clenched their hands tightly, lightly touched their feet, and jumped out!

In the air above 100 meters, the cold wind hissed, and two small black dots fell crazily under the action of gravitational acceleration.

The law enforcement captain was standing on the edge of the roof with a face full of disbelief. Even if the physical fitness of modern people is much better than in ancient times, it does not mean that you will not die if you fall from a high altitude!

The feeling of falling at a high speed was very exciting, the black robe was smashed by the wind, and the two looked at each other in the air, and both saw a delight in the eyes of the other person!

“Hold me.” Mawson’s voice changed a bit during the rapid fall, Qiao Rui did not hear clearly.

Seeing that he was about to reach the ground, Mawson clasped his waist and pulled into his arms. He took out three flying spell cards with his right hand. Each time he used one, his speed was reduced by a few points. When the third one was used, his speed had already been reduced. Unloaded 80%.

The flying spellcard is still in the research stage, and it can’t make people really fly. It can only be suspended in the air for a few seconds. These few seconds are enough to remove most of the speed.

When he descended to the ground, Mawson bent his knees slightly and steadily touched his feet on the ground. The concrete floor was sunken a bit and cracked a few gaps. This impact was not worth mentioning to the physical fitness of the chief sentry.

Just when they thought it was safe, three men in black on the corner searched the neighborhood for a long time, chased them, and surrounded them.

“Found it, the tall man with the golden mask and black hair is there!”

The vigorous middle-aged voice said: “Boy! Hand over Xuanfeng Lingyu to spare you not to die!”

Qiao Rui looked at the three men in black around him, glanced at Mawson, and asked, “Did you bring it?”

Mawson only looked back at him and blinked innocently.

A man in black has already fought over. The strength of these three people is not like those Tier 5 three-legged cats before, and every move is fierce killing intent.

Just for the treasure, not to catch it alive!

Just as a few people were fighting, the law enforcement team also arrived, seeing that the target mission was about to be intercepted! The law enforcement captain hurriedly yelled: “We are the Federal Law Enforcement Office! The one with the golden mask is our important suspect. If you don’t stop it, let’s kill it!”

The three masters in black looked at each other, the Federal Law Enforcement Office? I have never heard of it before, and what office is in charge of you on this land of Connor!

One man in black was left to deal with Mawson and Qiao Rui, and the other two fought with people from the Law Enforcement Department.

It’s much easier to do it with just one person. Qiao Rui used Mawson’s thigh to kick again, but he didn’t succeed this time. The opponent’s defense was much thicker, and his spiritual barrier was strong. He blocked his leg firmly.

“Hey, boy, the leg strength is good, but I am not a weak one!” After that, the man in black stretched out his hand to catch Qiao Rui’s feet.

Mo Sen looked at the timing and kicked his knee fiercely. The man in black immediately lost his weight and fell forward to his knees.


Mawson picked up Jory and sprinted away.

Two groups of people fought and found that something was wrong. The man in black asked, “Who are you chasing after?”

The law enforcement captain replied: “That short one! How about you?”

Man in black: “…tall!”

The entrance to the city was still guarded by officers from the Law Enforcement Department. The two came to a remote, tall city wall. Qiao Rui stepped on Mawson’s arm to send it up and climbed up with strength.

Mawson waited below for a long time and didn’t see any movement from above. Qiao Rui didn’t disconnect his mental connection. He could sense that Qiao Rui was still on the wall.

Mawson: -Hey, you don’t want to leave me here alone, do you?

Qiao Rui:-That’s what I mean.

Although Hui responded like this, he still clung to the stone bricks of the city wall with both hands, and stretched out his left leg. With a help, Mawson grabbed his foot and the two of them climbed up the city wall together.

On the city wall, Mawson’s first sentence was to ask: “You really wanted to leave me just now, right?”

Qiao Ruimu said with a face without hesitation, “No.”

Mawson looked at the duplicity guide in front of him, and suddenly laughed. This awkward little appearance was so energetic, he liked the way you couldn’t understand me, couldn’t kill me, and had to bond with me.

Qiao Rui didn’t know what he was laughing at, frowning and looking at the two clenched hands, “Let go.”

Mawson smirked: “Don’t let it go.”

Qiao Rui can understand the evil taste of this sentry. The more awkward you face him, the happier he will be, and he will simply let him hold it.

“Here you are.” Mo Sen wrapped the two Profound Wind Lingyu with mental strength and handed it to Qiao Rui.

Qiao Rui glanced at it and replied indifferently: “No need.”

Mawson: “Don’t you want it?”

The eyes I just saw are very eager!

Qiao Rui said dubiously: “…I don’t want it anymore.”

Mawson simply took his hand and squeezed it into his hand domineeringly: “If I give it to you, you can hold it.”

Qiao Rui’s amber eyes looked at the two beautiful feathers in his hand unblinkingly. He really wanted it, but… after all, with short hands, he didn’t want to owe this sentry anymore. There were two black and white in his heart. The villains are pinching each other:

The white villain said: Abandoning others and taking other people’s things is not good, right?

The little black man said: Take it, take it! Don’t you really want it? What he gave to you was not what you asked him for!

Just when he hesitated, the chase had arrived, and the black villain instantly beaten the white villain.

Qiao Rui put Lingyu into the space ring, thinking in his heart: next time, if there is a chance to meet next time, he must give him an equivalent treasure.

Qiao Rui said: “Run separately.”

Mawson replied: “Yeah.”

Qiao Rui: “…”

Then let go of your hand!

Mawson gave him a deep look: “Don’t block me anymore.”

After speaking, the two ran farther to the south and the other to the north.

After a while.

The annoying fly in the dark night followed its footsteps again, and the law enforcement captain led people to chase after it.

The fly stayed in place for a while, and flew to the left for a short period of time. No, it turned back and flew to the right for a short period of time, which seemed to be wrong.

Old dog: “Tiantian, which direction is it?”

Captain of Law Enforcement: “Hey! Your flies are really amazing!”

The old dog said complacently: “That must be! The mental frequency match between the adult and the guide is still measured by Tiantian! Not only that, Tiantian can remember the mental frequencies of thousands of different people!”

The black fly wielded its wings and hovered for a while. It can only sense the spiritual frequency of creatures within 100 meters. The spiritual frequency of each creature is different between different individuals. Originally, it had been tracking Qiao Rui’s spiritual frequency, but Later, after Qiao Rui and Mawson resonated, the frequencies merged, and Tian Tian didn’t know which one was the human being originally tracked.

“Tiantian?” The old dog asked Tiantian incomprehensibly when she saw Tiantian circle around.

Tiantian finally decided, and it flew to the left with a group of tails.

After chasing for a long time, Tiantian lost the trace of the human being. It flew back to the old dog’s shoulder and closed its wings.

Old dog: “I can’t catch it.”

The law enforcement captain recognized it and said, “This is near the Sentinel Academy!”

Old dog: “Well, I guess it’s in the Sentinel Academy. Let’s go back for business. If you don’t have an ID, you can’t enter the Sentinel Academy.”

Somewhere in the federal capital.

A man in a white federal uniform knelt on one knee:

“My lord, the law enforcement office reported that no one was caught, but the spot where the tracked target disappeared was near the Sentinel Academy!”

The short fat man closed his eyes and leaned on the huge leather chair, sneered and said:

“Sentinel Academy? Oh, no wonder I almost searched through the entire Federation and couldn’t find him. It turned out to be in the Sentinel Academy. It’s really…very surprising.”

The author has something to say: Thank you “Shortbread” for a landmine! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

Puff, this nickname looks so delicious, it’s crunchy.

small theater:

Tiantian is a fly in Chongqing, and later went to Guangdong to live with the old dog for a period of time.

Ayu: Tiantian, you chased the wrong person!

Tian Tian: Tian Tian Mei has chased the wrong silver! This is the Yinnai!

Ayu: Sweet, there are comments that you are an annoying fly!

Tiantian: What Sei said? Wait for Tiantian to go to Maokeng to fill up her stomach and give her 100 kisses!

The stupid author thought about the attributes of the attack for a long time, and suddenly had an idea last night:

Evil taste, ruffian, domineering, side leak x mouth, body, integrity, heart, love, spit, and suffer

What do you guys think? Well said, let Tiantian kiss her a hundred times.

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