While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 594: Godly Guilotine

"Seeing what you are trying to produce, I don't think you will be able to reclaim what you want if you use it."

Suddenly stepping forward, Gerwazy crossed his arms at his chest, sending a piercing look directly into my eyes. If not for the slight vibration of his eyebrows, his slightly smug smile would have a chance to convince me that he was actually as calm and composed as he wanted to appear to.

"To be frank, I don't really care about that blood. Those who are using it, are doomed to be bound by the restraints that this world applies to them. It's far easier to grow stronger if you do not relly on it in the long term. That's why I don't really care about that blood itself. But how it was stolen? From who it was stolen? The answer to those two questions is what makes me act."

With how this enemy of mine was clearly worried about my ability to potentially kill him, I decided to use this chance. The times where I would indiscriminately kill others just because they offended me, were now gone. With Eve on my side, kept safe by the protection of Bonger, I preferred to not sully my hands with even more blood. Especially, if I didn't really care about the person at fault.

That's why, rather than forcing him to make the hard decision of giving up on something that was most likely the most sought for the element in the entire world of immortal's, I had to offer him a chance. A chance to see that there is another way besides what his system was most likely pushing that man to do!

"You all sound smart and mighty, yet I have yet to see a single proof that your words are anything but bullshit. So, how about you fire that thing that you are openly preparing so that we can see whether your words do hold any weight behind them?"

Most likely unwilling to just give up on something that he believed in for as long as he had the system, the man came up with a proposition. It was a pity that this offer of his had an insanely important flaw.

"So you want me to fire a spell capable of splitting the land from here, all the way to the sea and then some, just because you do not believe I'm capable of doing so? Do you really thinking that I'm stupid?"

With the rune above my head only growing in size and with its colour turning even more intense, I made sure that Gerwazy did realise that my patience was quickly running out.

"Stupid? What do you mean by that? I didn't mean that…"

"Do you really think that I'm stupid enough to fire my spell without hitting you and your lackey with it while hoping that you wouldn't use this window of opportunity to attack me? As brief as it is, just like you don't know the full extent of my capabilities, I do not know what you can do. Whether you can facilitate that short opening or not, is something that I cannot prove now, meaning, I can't take any risks."

Not even letting Gerwazy to finish his sentence, I explained what the situation was. In fact, I could feel that with the amount of energy that my sunflare already consumed, given how condensed it was thanks to Bonger's improvement to statistics of me, its host, it was slowly slipping away from my grasp. The moment I would reach the absolute edge of losing control over it, I wouldn't be able to decompose it back into the clean energy. Unless the situation would be resolved soon, my hand would be forced to act!

"So that's the case… But still, I'm sorry, but I cannot believe you. The importance of this blood is too much to give it up just because of some random threat. If I were to believe in the words of anyone who claims to be stronger than me, I would never reach the point that I'm in right now!"

Shaking his head, Gerwazy clearly gathered all of his willpower to appear strong and confident. Yet, I could see how his composure was already decomposing, giving him only a moment before he would literally start shitting his own pants.

Sadly, this moment would last for a little longer than I could hold my spell. Taking the last look a the droplet of the whitish liquid, I blinked. Not because my eyes were sore, but because I could feel the water gathering at the bottom of my eye-sockets.

"Then it's a pity, but you leave me with no choice."

I did my absolute best. I didn't want to kill this man. Maybe because he was from the earth, maybe because he punched this whore that dared to trick Celleria into thinking she was a man in the stomach, maybe because I didn't want to shed the blood in the first place, or maybe because I just took pity fo someone who was born in this world like nothing else but a slave to his own power and system. 

But my emotions didn't matter all that much now. I was already at the point where I had no choice but to decide the course of my next actions.

"You know, after all…"

It was too late.

By the time Gerwazy suddenly pushed his hands forward, sending the droplet of the whitish liquid to my direction, I was already unable to stop the spell from forming. 

At first, nothing much happened. In the first second, exactly when the man in front of me started speaking, the huge rune that vibrated above my head, suddenly melted down and merged into a single, extremely condensed point of fire. 

Then, it simply expanded indefinitely far in the distance, as if some kind of program hacked the basic laws and structure of the world, instantly creating a fiery line. Stretching from my hands, all the way to the outer space, with the middle point of Gerwazy's head right below this line.

And then it simply split the entire world in half, expanding both up and down, as if a fire guillotine sent by the gods suddenly attempted to split the east from the west.

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