When I Start Changing My Character’s Scumbag Status, Strange Things Started Happening To Me

Weekend With the Heroine (Part 2)

"Hey, Ryosuke-kun, does this outfit look good on me?"

After our lunch in the fancy restaurant, Emiko then takes us to the clothing store, which is located at the 3rd floor of the mall. I rarely go to these kinds of place unless I need a new pair of pants back in my old world.

Right now, she's just choosing any kinds of dress and outfits that suits to her tastes. And every time she chose something, she then goes to the changing room and shows it off in front of me. If you ask me, I don't have the slightest idea on why is she doing this. A girl trait, perhaps?


In front of me shows Emiko picking two outfits. Her top? A crisp white-collared long sleeve, decked out with frills like it's straight out of a fashion magazine but with a twist – a sleek dark ribbon neatly tied at the center. It was the kind of detail that added a touch of sophistication without trying too hard.

Below, she sported a dark suspender skirt, the kind that's effortlessly cool with its frills on the sides. It gave off those vintage vibes, but Emily made it her own with a hint of modern flair. Her outfit struck the perfect balance between timeless charm and contemporary style, setting her up for whatever the day had in store.

"A classy and aesthetic clothes that also screams modernization. It's really cool."

"Fufu, I know this one looks good on me too!"

For some reason, Emiko shows surge of confidence as I gave her my normie opinion. 

"Wait there, Ryosuke-kun. I'll be changing another one. I'm sure you'll like this."

"Sure, sure, take your time."

She then goes back to the women clothing store, looking for something to wear. 

"I wonder what outfit she'll wear next?"



"Ta-da! So? What do you think?"

After a few minutes has passed, she went back in front of me with her latest attire. Starting from the bottom up, her feet were tight in a pair of refined brown shoes that brought a touch of rustic appeal to her image. Moving up, she wore a beautiful brown skirt that hugged her curves just right, emitting a comfortable vibe that screamed comfort and style.

Her shirt featured a cropped torso with puffy long sleeves, a design statement that wonderfully balanced trendiness and refinement. The long sleeves enhanced elegance while being casual and relaxed.

She chose a checkered miniskirt for the bottom half, with the playful design adding a fun element to her overall outfit. It was the ideal balance of comfort and fashion-forward flair, especially when paired with pantyhose for added warmth and elegance.

"You look beautiful in that outfit. It's really casual."

"I-Is that so?" she then makes a cute embarrassing face as I give her my compliment.

"But which do you think looks good on me? This or this?" she shows the frilly outfit that she wears a while ago.

"If I have to be honest, these frilly attire looks pretty cute when you wear, but I honestly think these two would look really good on you." I gave her my opinion on which these clothes would look good on her.

"Is that so? Then, I'll be taking these two."

Aren't those really expensive? I thought, but then again, she's from a well financed family so money is not really the problem here.

We then went to the nearest counter to pay for the clothes Emiko bought. Of course, I'm just following her at her side. I was just going to wait for her just behind the line but she insists that I should be on her side.

"Here, let me hold that for you." 

"It's okay. I can carry these just fine." 

"Please, I insist. It's the least I could for this sudden invitation."

"Okay, then. Please hold these for me." seemingly give in at my request, she hand over the bag that she holds to me. I then grab the bags she holds  by my left hand. As a guy, it's one of the important job, and that job is to help a woman in need.

"So, what should we do next? Since we still got a bit of a time before sunset come." I asked Emiko if there's anything left to do. I then check my phone and it shows '3:02 PM.' so we still have some time to do something.

"Hmmmm... We've already finished what I want to do today, but I don't know, maybe you have something in your mind, Ryosuke-kun."


I then take a look around as wander off inside the mall. Then, I remember one place that every romcom mangas have in common.

"I have one place in mind."



"Wow! It's so bright and lively here!"

I take Emiko to an arcade game. At first, I have no idea where it is located in the mall, but thankfully, there's a security guard nearby so I tried to ask him the direction that leads to the arcade, and here we are.

"Is this your first time here?" I asked.

"I've always come across at this place whenever I come here in this mall, but this is the first time that I've been here inside." she replied at my question. 

"Ah! Ryosuke-kun, let's play this! This looks fun!" she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with excitement as she gestured towards the nearby air hockey table. Without waiting for my response, she darted off to find an empty spot. I then followed to where she went off to.

"Air hockey, huh? I've never played this before." 

As I approached the table, she handed me a paddle and grinned mischievously. Emiko was already bouncing on her feet, a competitive glint in her eyes that caught me off guard. 

"Fufu. Ready to lose, Ryosuke-kun?" she teased, her voice filled with playful confidence, seemingly wanting me to lose. This is the first time I've seen this expression of hers, and for some reason, it excites me.

 "We'll see about that," I chuckled, feeling a surge of determination wash over me, matching her competitive spirit.

The game began, the puck gliding across the smooth surface with surprising speed. Emiko moved with surprising agility, her reflexes sharp as she sent the puck flying towards my goal with precision. Each time it ricocheted off the walls, she let out a triumphant laugh, her competitive spirit fueling her every move.

I focused intently, my eyes tracking the puck as it danced back and forth between us. With each swipe of my paddle, I aimed to outmaneuver her, but Emiko was relentless, her determination matching mine stride for stride.

The air crackled with energy as we battled it out, the sound of the puck clattering against the sides filling the room. Time seemed to stand still as we exchanged shots, each one more intense than the last.

As the match reached its climax, I could feel the tension mounting between us. Emiko's eyes sparkled with excitement, her competitive streak shining through as she refused to back down.


Few minutes later


That's so much fun! Emiko exclaimed my pulse still rushing from the thrilling match we had just finished.

I know. It was a very intense game." Her eyes lit up as I replied.

The game had been unexpectedly good, attracting the interest of a small crowd who had assembled to watch. Despite my best efforts, Emiko narrowly overcame me, with the final score of 10-9 in her favor.

As we walked side by side to the train station under the cover of night, a peaceful stillness engulfed us. The bustling mall was now behind us, replaced by the peaceful stillness of the evening.

"Thank you for coming with me today, Ryosuke-kun," Emiko murmured, her voice warm and genuine, shattering the quiet between us.

"I should be thanking you, Emiko. I had a great time today, thanks to you." Every weekend, I typically just lay around and do nothing at home, but thanks to Emiko's unexpected invitation, it was an amazing time.

"Is that so?" Then I'm glad you're having fun today," she says, satisfied.

We finally arrived at the station. Unfortunately, every good thing must eventually come to an end.

"So, I guess this is where we go our separate ways?"

"Yes, unfortunately. But worry not, we will be seeing each other next week." That's what she informs me. As we were chatting, the train arrived and stopped to pick up few passengers. I then returned the bag that I carried with, to her as she is about to go in.

"Then, I'll be going first, Ryosuke-kun. I'll see you on Monday."

"Yeah, I'll see you on Monday." I said, my voice tinged with regret as we prepared to part ways. Even as we said our goodbyes, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the fantastic day we'd had together.

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