When an Alpha is Marked by One of His Own Kind

Chapter 101

Chapter 100 (1)

During the intermission.

The pressure of Shen Qiao’s body was a little low. In the one hand, he got his best crocodile, but he failed to extend the advantage on the road to the entire team. He felt that he was responsible for the hand just now.

In other words, in Shen Qiao’s opinion, he was the one who carried the most pots just now.

If he had a stronger anti-gank awareness in the early stage and was less caught by WTG, he might not be able to let WTG snowball so much later. Now it is DG who gets the match point, and the pressure is not even greater. It will be them.

But he did not play well.

The crocodile did not grow up at this point.

He sat silently in the corner of the lounge. Lu Zhe glanced at him, then at the old snail who was only looking down at drinking water, and at Erhua, who was looking down at his mobile phone and didn’t know what to pay attention to. Qian Bao was able to adjust himself. , Is discussing the czar with coach Fang just now.

She felt that her czar was not playing well enough.

However, Qian Bao has practiced two systems in the mid lane this year. One is the type with high explosive and high output like Demon Girl of Trick, which can be determined by manipulating the opponent’s fill knife or single kill when laning. Advantage, so as to squeeze time to the remaining two support.

The other is similar to heroes like Titans and Galio. They do not pursue extreme single kills in the middle, as long as they can resist the AP singles damage in the opposite middle, always pay attention to the dynamics of the other two lanes and the jungle, and be the first. Time to support the side lanes, by supporting the side lanes faster than the opponents, determine the advantages of the DG up and down the two lanes, and then let the jungler control as many resources as possible in the jungle area, take the next tower, and liberate the players on one of the lanes. In turn, it helped her to take advantage of the mid lane.

The hero of the Tsar is very strong in the middle and has a wide range of skill types. The Sand Pawn is equivalent to extending the length of the hero’s hand. It can attack, retreat and defend. The big move is also equivalent to a first-hand skill to open a group. It can play the role of persuading the enemy to retreat, passively can also automatically generate one’s own defensive tower, almost an all-around hero.

But Qian Bao consciously didn’t play it out of its supposed momentum.

In the previous first game, Qian Bao took the output-type hero Syndra. Now the opponent wants to suppress her advantage and will put her good hero on the ban position. Now it comes down for three consecutive times. Qian Bao is bold. I thought, since I’m already sinking into the water, the fourth one, or just use this mid-way pressure-resistant system.

Anyway, I have practiced this year. Although it is rarely used in the competition, now WTG wants to catch DG’s top road, it is better to compare with them who is supporting faster.

Qian Bao vaguely remembered that in a practice match, DG used this system to press WTG.

WTG only lost that time.

Will they practice this style of play desperately this year for that time?

Qian Bao doesn’t think so.


Even if they had adjusted several times when they lost before, now, would WTG dare to change the style of winning two consecutive games in such a big game, and change it to the type of play for their lineup?

Qian Bao thinks they still won’t.

Anyway, there are two mid-range play styles for DG, PlanA and PlanB, but Qian Bao personally adjusts his rhythm a bit more, and for others, the overall tactics have not changed much.

Coach Fang heard what she said, and was about to call Lu Zhe and others over to discuss——

Lu Zhe had already spoken in the lounge first.

“The three matches just now are over. Forget them all now. Don’t replay them in your head… If you don’t get the results you want today, in the next year, fans will broadcast every time you live. The screen will help you review it eight hundred times-don’t worry about missing this opportunity.”

Hearing Lu Zhe’s words, Lao Wo almost spit out.

Immediately, he had to admit that Lu Zhe was right.

E-sports only recognizes champions.

Whether it is the second place, third place, third place, the quarterfinals, in the eyes of their own fans, it is a shame and is worthy of criticism. The side that loses in the final will be magnified and challenged from the bp. Every player is in it. Little mistakes will be repeatedly emphasized. Fans want to engrave them on the pillar of shame in your life for you to remember.

They don’t have to worry about the performance of today’s game too early.

If they lose, there will be countless voices that will remember for them those mistakes in today’s game, those poor operation and rhythm.

Coach Fang clapped his hands twice and agreed with Lu Zhe’s words:

“That’s it-now let me talk about the idea of ​​the fourth game.”

The fourth game bp started.

The fans on both sides raised their hearts. Kassadin was given the ban position by DG. Secondly, there was the plane that performed well just now, which obviously limits the development of WTG in the middle.

Not to be outdone there, Qian Bao’s demon of trickery was still pressed down, and an additional Thresh and Lu Zhe spiders were banned.

The crocodile was released again.

Obviously, WTG has anticipated the non-ban must-have feature for DG on the crocodile, but the first hero locked on the DG side is a male gun.

When this hero came out, the scene was a bit surprised.

This hero looks like an AD hero, but compared to some hand-held heroes, it is a bit horrible, but after all, people were born for AD, and it is not easy to rule out this option. In addition, this hero can also be released. In the jungle, top laner and mid laner, after all, DG players are all heroes.

As soon as the male gun was released, these four-way swings almost looked silly.

In the domestic live broadcast room, the anchors are trying to analyze the most suitable way for the male gun according to the skills and talents of the male gun this season, and by the way combine the hobbies of the players to distinguish:

“This…everyone knows that men’s guns are not very strong on the singles, but recently we saw DG players in Hanbok’s Rank, we can find that Wolfy’s rank style is really very special, I remember one day he played a day of skating The top laner on the board shoes, although the record was a bit horrible, and was basically negative, but the next day he changed the top laner hero to the nurse Soraka.”

“Yes, according to our incomplete statistics, Shen Qiao recently likes to use all the heroes that can’t be played on the road in Hanbok’s rank, such as the archer Wayne, Kaisha, and even Hanbing. Think about it. , Maybe he will practice a male pistol and give us a surprise?”

“No, this is WTG match point game. Has this hero really cooperated with his teammates? The heroes on the road in this version are flesh and assassins. You said that the assassin and the mid lane swayed a bit. I can fully understand it, but what is a male gun? Is the wolf pup going the evil way of single AD?”

“No, the wolf pups are very stable in the game, and the coach Fang generally does not agree with such a lineup. If you look closely at DG’s lineup this year, you will find that DG is still very close to the version. Fa is generally rare-hey, they locked up Galio and Japanese girl again?”

“I guess Galio Middle Road, Japanese female assistant… Hey, I suddenly remembered, Lu Zhe used a male gun to shoot wild? This wave should be male gun wild, Galio Zhong, Japanese female assistant.”

“It makes sense. WTG’s lineup hasn’t changed much. Wow, they took the ball girl in the middle. It seems that they want to fight with the DG lineup, as well as Kai’Sa in the bottom lane and Jess in the top lane.”

“They haven’t changed the lineup much.”

The lineups on both sides slowly came out-

DG is Aoun on the road, male guns in the jungle, Galio in the middle, and female guns in the road and Japanese women.

The starting point is on Aoun’s body.

Because Aoun was the first player and WTG has a counter position, so they once again won the point of Bron to block the big move of Orne’s summons. In the end, WTG’s lineup is Jess, Blind Monk, Ball Girl, Kasaga Bloom.

Qian Bao changed from an output hero to an anti-stress hero. DG’s style has changed quite thoroughly.

When the final lineup of DG was formed, the team channel on the WTG side was full of discussions:

“Wow, their lineup is so familiar.”

“There was a practice match after the spring split. That’s how they played, right? But then they went to find other teams to play practice matches. I don’t know how long they practiced with this lineup.”

“Follow him, it’s all over, brothers.”

WTG thinks so.

DG thinks so too.

Both sides played very steadily and did not engage in first-level invasion. DG did not want to invade because they did not want to give the opposite rhythm in the early stage. WTG did not dare to underestimate Lu Zhe’s jungle point, and wanted to win the game steadily.

Until the jungler on the WTG side eats the wild economy, and after level four, he moves on to the road——

Because Lao Wo and Erhua slightly overwhelmed WTG in the bottom lane, Lu Zhe also leaned on the top lane. Obviously, he wanted to compare WTG’s two-on-two with WTG.

Aoun is not a good point to catch, even if Jace’s damage this season is not low, Aoun’s own physical attributes confirm that he is not a hero that can kill for a while.

At the same time as the male gun arrived, Aoun was forced under the tower by the blind monk and Jess, Lu Zhe directly released a Q, a burning line stretched all the way from the ground, just hitting the blind monk.

Aoun used its awkward figure to start King Qin walking around the column as much as possible under the tower, relying on anticipation to avoid the blind monk and Jace’s damage. Jace’s previous shot had already failed, and now he could only come close to attack him.

Aoun expelled fire at Jace. When Jace came to him, he was attacked by the defensive tower and had to retreat. Lu Zhe’s attack followed, but the blind monk was trying to kill Ao. Well, after all, Aoun only has two or three squares of blood left, which is really tempting.

At this moment, a transmission line appeared in the center of the tower——

It’s Qian Bao.

The fifth-level Qian Bao cooperated with Aoun to directly kill the blind monk. Lu Zhe took Jace with a shot. The blood volume was a bit dangerous. He flashed under the tower and retreated. Jace saw that the blind monk was dead, so he refused to retreat. After changing his head, Qian Bao killed the blind monk exactly to six. Galio sat down and Jace was directly charged.

The attacks of Lu Zhe, Shen Qiao, and Qian Bao focused on him alone.

DG’s mid-way teleportation arrived. When the ball girl landed, Jess was gone. Lu Zhe retreated to a position behind a tower. Shen Qiao took a few pawns. When the ball girl rushed over, rely on With the heads of the two assists and the current small soldiers, it happened to rise to six, one move the sheep, and the blood-filled ball girl was pushed into the air.

The ball girl happened to be within the range of the defensive tower and was hit by two towers.

Qian Bao’s blood volume was quite healthy. Galio fanned his wings and pressed the ball girl’s blood volume down and down again. Shen Qiao also took advantage of the situation and took a few hits, his hand speed was faster than his brain’s reaction speed.

At this time, the top **** line on the WTG side has not arrived yet.

The ball girl’s damage did not go out, and she ate the damage from the defensive tower crazily. No matter how thick the hero was, she couldn’t handle it. Moreover, it was a small crispy skin. She was tragically stupefied by the fact that her skills were not pressed and she was attacked by the tower, Qian Bao and Shen Qiao Killed.

A wave of zero for three.

WTG had a slight break in the start.

No one thought that after DG adjusted its tactics, the state would be so good. WTG seemed to be stupefied by the three heads of the calabash baby saving grandfather, and a closer look showed that the heads were all concentrated in the C position of DG, and both Shen Qiao and Qian Baodu Developed.

Lu Zhe also got assists, and when the top and middle lanes were excellent, taking the Canyon Pioneers seemed a matter of course.

WTG’s jungler was not discouraged. After the resurrection, he rushed down the road to get Xiaolong. He wanted to trade with DG. When Lu Zhe finished taking the dragon back to the city, Qian Baoren had already gone down the road. He suffocated, forced Jace’s line, handed in the teleportation, and TP went down to help in the fight.

The WTG side seemed to have never expected that they would fight if they lost a dragon. As soon as the blind monk went down the road, the four people on the DG side were all assembled. The second flower Japanese girl jumped into the crowd to open up, and forcefully controlled the two of them. , Aoun’s big just got better, the sheep came out, Bron was charged, and the skill was not released, the man was pushed up—

The female gun’s gun swept them at them.

As soon as WTG released the control, Galio sat down in front of them!

The WTG was caught off guard by this series of controls. The blind man quickly found a soldier to get out of the crowd. Bron’s shield was open enough, and Galio sat down to death, leaving Kai’sha to be beaten.

Now Kai’Sa’s equipment has not come out, and it is completely in a weak period, and there is almost no force to fight back.

Another wave of zero for three.

Lu Zhe went straight out of the city to help Lao Wo and Erhua hit the first tower of WTG.

The previous illusion of safety has been torn apart, and DG’s fierce attacking rhythm is progressively stepping forward——

“Do I rely on them as a steel heart? Do you dare to believe that this one is our match point? DG demons! How did they achieve this inferior momentum! I am not convinced!”

“Sheep, sheep, Bloom, open a big block to block the sheep, this wolf pup’s sheep is **** outrageous!”

“What’s the matter with this female gun? Do you let it go when it’s big? I have a headache when I hear this ‘ahhahaha’.”

“The big dragon is about to leave, they are going to do the upper half of the field vision, lean over there, people like DG like the big dragon to force the group and steal the dragon, so pay attention.”

It’s a pity that it seems useless to pay attention.

The C position on the WTG side has not grown up, and can’t stand the endless control on the DG side. Just as Bron blocked the sheep, the Japanese girl rushed in, and the meat is now in the head. Galio who can play so much–

A wave of dragons, WTG pulled cautiously, but still let the blind monk disappear.

Without the jungler, they didn’t dare to grab the dragon at all.

DG’s blood volume was unhealthy and spread out. WTG thought they had returned to the city and spread their vision back. As a result, DG secretly turned around and kept an eye out of line, but that eye position was relatively remote, it was a photo. The players also deliberately avoided the position if the dragon is not there. Judging from the WTG map, the dragon does not seem to be passive.


“The dragon has seven thousand blood left! Haven’t it been discovered by the WTG?! They went in the direction of the dragon, and they didn’t find that the people on the map were wrong? Oh, the wolf cubs are in their eyes in the wild. Circling around is misleading them.”

“But the wolf cub is very close to the Great Dragon Pit! WTG! Ah they saw that they finally saw it, but now the dragon’s health is only four thousand! Three thousand! Two thousand!”

“WTG’s midway is transmitted, but it seems it’s too late–”

“Congratulations to DG for stealing the dragon! WTG is so hurtful! Are they going to team up? Not anymore, right? Okay, then DG will take down the dragon and divide it into two or three pushes, starting from the middle and down. The road continues to advance, can WTG defend this wave?”

Of course, WTG is guarded.

But this time, DG’s economy still opened up to a gap of seven thousand and five thousand with them.

As long as DG doesn’t make big mistakes and gives the opportunity to WTG, they can safely win this round.

Of course, Lu Zhe is not the kind of person who has never seen a big storm. His command has been very stable. With the help of Xiaolong’s buff and the economic gap that has been opened, all the staff have changed the economy to the equipment output very well. In the next big dragon group, there was a wave of four for the opponent.

After pushing up the high ground this time-

WTG has no resistance.

The score was pulled to 2:2.

Enter the tiebreaker.

“It’s exciting! Is this the World Tournament? I thought that DG was over. After watching this game, I was suddenly not sure? How dare they do this wave of bp, absolutely!”

“My goose bumps have risen! Is this the strength of the first division?”

“Ahhhhh, I don’t allow WTG to lose the championship!”

“DG rush for me! Second consecutive championship! Build your dynasty!”

“Crack? Any one of you can make me the champion skin I want. I’ll support whoever! It’s so unprincipled! Humph!”

“The last one!”

The domestic audience watching simultaneously is as excited as the scene. Everyone is full of expectations for this full bo5. Whether DG wins or WTG wins, it will be the last game. Just look at who is doing the best. .

In the last game, everyone didn’t think too much, just wanted to finish it as best as possible.

The WTG side also has no reservations in this deciding game. Perhaps it feels that it was not because of the bad lineup just now, so I did not change the tactics very ironically, but only added Galio on the ban position.

In contrast, the spider was released.

DG immediately locked the crocodile and spider, apparently relying on Ueno’s strength.

The two sides are constantly gambling——

The final WTG lineup is Sword Demon, Blind Monk, Enchantress, Kai’Sa and Thresh.

DG is here with crocodile, spider, Titan, female gun and Japanese girl.

In fact, DG is best at using heroes with hooks like Titans, Erhua, and Qian Bao didn’t expect that he would use anti-stress meat in the finals of the World Championships with his midlaners who use a wave of midlaners every day.

But then I think about it. I don’t know how many times I have pressed the top laner, and I often use Tam to resist the pressure on the bottom lane. It is normal to change her mid lane occasionally.

There is no big problem with DG’s tactical start-

However, after the fourth level of the blind monk on the WTG side, he began to squat on the road with the sorcerer demon.

Both sides still have the idea of ​​3v3 on the road this time.

But this time is different from the previous one. WTG’s support is in place very quickly. The blind monk and Le Bran are both particular about a set of output. The sword demon is meaty, and directly rushes towards the little crocodile on the opposite side that has not yet grown up. Shen This time, Joe took more eyes, knowing that they were coming, and stepped back under the tower first. The position was pressed backwards. He didn’t give them a chance to rush to himself, and he deliberately controlled the line.

Lu Zhe came from behind the sword demon.

Qian Bao hurriedly collected a wave of soldiers in the middle, taking a look at the road from time to time so that he could tp at any time.

The blind monk did not hesitate, a Q rushed directly to the bottom of the tower to glue the crocodile, LeBlanc stepped in and started a set. Shen Qiao saw that they would kill them like this. There was nothing to do, but he insisted on not intersecting before he died. All of the skills are also used to clear troops.

LeBlanc went out, but the spider was already sticking up. At this time, Qian Bao’s position slowly approached the upper road, looking for a place where the blind monk would pass by to squat.

But in the end, because the Titan was harmless, the blind monk ran fast and fled directly.

And Shen Qiao died once here. Although the head was taken by Demon Ji, but because Demon Ji was stuck by a spider, the little pig that had been raised for a short period of time was fattened by his own jungler.

One for one.

DG didn’t suffer much.

Although Lu Zhe’s flash was replaced by Lu Zhe’s flash, fortunately, the head didn’t run away.

It’s just that this wave of DG seems to have been beaten up…


Lao Snail and Erhua pressed the WTG’s bot lane, the female gun went to point the tower, and before the blind monk ran towards the bot lane, the Titan made a teleportation and directly helped his teammates resist the tower while letting the female gun slay Thresh. Up.

Kai’Sa wanted to run, the Titan hooked over, predicted the opponent’s flash position, and grabbed Kai’Sa after the flash. Then, the Titan slowly moved out. After three times down the tower, the Japanese women came to fight the tower in turn, and the female guns shot Kai’Sa died.

Sword Demon wanted to TP on the road, but was interrupted by Shen Qiao walking over.

Qian Bao’s assists in the bottom lane are very beautiful, but Lao Wo has grown up. Lu Zhe took advantage of the situation and took the Xiaolong, and approached the Pioneer Pit where he assisted Erhua and Qian Bao on the road.

Shen Qiao heard the instructions, and the crocodile also started to circle the river, and caught a refreshing canyon crab by the way.

The first wave of large-scale battles between the two sides took place at the canyon vanguard-

The crocodile rushed into the back of WTG and picked Kai’Sa. Thresh’s lantern rescued Kai’Sa in time, but Lu Zhe disappeared and reappeared. He harvested Kai’Sa directly from the back row, and the sword demon turned back and cut at WTG. When he and Demon Ji came to kill him, Lu Zhe handed in a small stopwatch!

The stopwatch absorbed the damage. At the same time, Titan walked into the WTG crowd and flew them up. Lao Wo once again swept over with a female gun in a perfect position. The WTG crowd was stuck between two rocks near the middle road, and the road was narrow. , The female gun is equivalent to standing on the opposite side of the bottle mouth, and they can only exchange if they are close.

Lu Zhe’s hand in the stopwatch was just right. The female gun swept a lot of people, and the blood was rushed up by Erhua to control it. WTG’s position was not very good, and DG was beaten to zero for three. .

During the period, the Demon Fairy of Trickster’s temper came and wanted to kill Lu Zhe hard. Shen Qiao drove up and walked to Lu Zhe, changing skills with Demon Fairy, and finally beheaded the Demon Fairy who had a slightly lower HP.

Pioneer was taken by DG.

One tower on the middle road was pushed.

But then…

WTG was not discouraged. It seized the opportunity to catch and kill the female gun who was on the tower alone, and killed Qian Bao’s Titan once again. It recovered the head points a bit, and it also started to seize every opportunity to follow. DG changed resources, and the two sides had exchanges, which just made WTG drag on for another wave of development.

The economic gap between the two sides is always within two thousand, which is not large.

Just watch the big dragon group decide the outcome.

At this point the game has been in for twenty-three minutes.

The advantage and snowball on DG’s side didn’t seem to be rolled up.

Both sides are racing against time for the vision of the big dragon position, excluding the other’s eyes, and both sides are coming and going, both are fighting against each other, and Shen Qiao walks to the WTG side of the second tower at this time to lead the troops. However, they are communicating with Lu Zhe in the channel:

“You go to fight, let me see how many of them come.”

After all, the crocodile is also an output point. Of course, WTG will not tolerate him being so rampant. The enchantress, the sword demon, and Kai’Sa have all passed. It is estimated that only Thresh is wandering, and the blind monk went home and changed his equipment.

After hearing that Shen Qiao reported the number of people who had arrested him, Lu Zhe said, “Hold it.”

Then they started fighting dragons!

Shen Qiao dodges the Q of the Sword Demon, but he just carried it and didn’t intermittently. The next second he was entangled in the chains of the Demon Fairy. He had no choice but to step back and widen the distance. When the Demon Fairy was about to explode damage, he could reach the limit. He also accidentally avoided a mark of Kai’Sa. At the same time, Shen Qiao used the crocodile’s skills to control Demon Ji with his backhand, and then handed it over to Demon Ji——

The Sword Demon had also been handed over and beat him with Demon Ji, and Kai’Sa had also been handed over to him, and a series of injuries were on him.

Shen Qiao relied on his position to escape the sword demon’s two slashing attacks, and killed Demon Ji into residual blood. Demon Ji surrendered the clone. Shen Qiao’s operation had reached the limit, and his brain could only pick one to hit. The result was just right. Let him catch it!

Before he died, he killed a demon girl in a stupefied manner.

In this wave, Shen Qiao’s skills were all handed in, including the equipment he gave out. Even Ping A was extremely damaged. The WTG Thresh found that Lu Zhe and the others were fighting a dragon. They came up to stop, but were rushed by the Japanese woman. Controlled, the old snail called Q to take away.

Qian Bao circled in the grass, looking for the blind monk who was waiting to come up and steal the dragon.

as predicted–

She went directly out of the hook and tricked the flash of a blind monk.

When the dragon hit the key, Lao Wo suddenly pulled the distance creatively. Before Lu Zhe gave punishment, he swept the dragon pit. Er Hua calmly walked around, seeing the blind who was about to approach in the grass. Monk, he first flashed in front of the blind monk and directly controlled the blind monk.

WTG watched them **** the dragon.

But soon, DG grabbed the dragon and wanted to push up the ground, breaking the crystals and dismantling the front teeth. Of course, WTG did not do it. All the staff gathered and came to fight against them. With the advantage of the defensive tower, the dragon would be buffed forcibly. WTG played a one-for-three miracle group.

Then WTG went to get a dragon.

Then began to push the tower one or four times.

The situation suddenly turned upside down like a dream.

Even if the WTG Highland Middle Road Tower is gone, the crystal is gone, and one of the front teeth has been demolished, but it seems that the inferior is DG, because they may make mistakes in the next big dragon group. , Then WTG is the one who gets the big dragon buff and pushes home.

This time, WTG is the first to move the dragon.

Shen Qiao and Lao Wo squatted beside them, and rushed in when the dragon had five thousand blood left. The crocodile opened up, the female gun opened up, and the people of WTG kept pulling, and didn’t want to give up the dragon. The blind monk was still fighting. Long, the others came back to fight them, Lu Zhe’s spider cut Kasha again, the Japanese girl went up to control the enchantress, the crocodile and the female gun began to harvest the head!

The Sword Demon opened wide, flew over and slashed at the female spear, and the Titan returned with a hook to pull the Sword Demon away, protecting his own output position!

Thresh placed a lantern on Kai’Sa and pulled her away before she was cut to death.

The blind monk who beat the dragon was directly killed by the female spear.

The crocodile cooperated with the spider to kill Kai’Sa, and then went to chase Demon Ji. The female gun here was also replaced by the opposite sword demon, Qian Bao pulled Thresh back…

It’s hard to separate the two sides!

In the end, Kai’Sa, Enchantress, and Blind Monk died on the WTG side, leaving the Remnant Blood Sword Demon and Thresh, while the female gun on the DG side was killed, leaving the Japanese Girl, Titan, Spider, and Crocodile.

DG smoothly took over the dragon, but the sword demon killed a carbine, and it was still Shen Qiao who went up and exchanged blood with the other side, and fought with the sword demon for one exchange, and died together, making it difficult for his side to take the dragon!

When I went to the WTG highland again, the Japanese girl was at the forefront, and when I saw people coming, I rushed to stick and kill again. Qian Bao followed closely. Lu Zhe’s equipment was also very good. The spider’s set of damage broke out extremely high. ——

The game lasted thirty-nine minutes.

WTG’s second front teeth were pushed.

The sorcerer demon rushed out of the spring, cooperated with the blind monk to kill the female spear, and then turned to fight the spider. The spider surrendered the golden body, the Titan dragged the person away, the Japanese girl went to stick the sword demon, and the resurrected crocodile teleported here, constantly Click the crystal, the blood volume of the crystal keeps dropping…

“Fifty percent!”

“Thirty percent!”

“Will WTG still have the power to fight back?”


“Congratulations to DG! Winning this year’s S Championship again! Become the only S game overlord in our LPL Division to win two consecutive championships!”

When Shen Qiao’s headphones were pulled apart, he was still sitting on the chair.

The live music was particularly exciting. He looked at Lu Zhe next to him. The moment he was immersed in the crystal explosion did not slow down. Two seconds later, he faced Lu Zhe who stretched out his hand to himself and was about to pull him up. —

Shen Qiao suddenly got up and hugged Lu Zhe!

Lu Zhe could feel that his hands around his waist were still shaking.

He raised his right hand and pressed Shen Qiao’s back on the neck. Amidst the cheers and screams, he smiled and said to Shen Qiao:

“Look, I said that I will give you a trophy when you come. Am I going to count it?”

Hearing his voice flowing into his ears at close range, Shen Qiao nodded slowly, and responded: “En.”

But he did not let go.

The two of them hugged for too long. The audience in the audience noticed this scene. Old Snail coughed and reminded them, but Qian Bao just laughed. Erhua showed some hesitation, as if he didn’t know he should watch. Still reminded.

Hearing the movement, Lu Zhe patted Shen Qiao on the shoulder: “Don’t take the trophy?”

Shen Qiao let go of him, his eyes were a little red because of the sudden vent of emotions, he stood still, looked at the side with his head tilted, and replied, “Take it, why not take it?”

Lu Zhe’s eyes were full of light, staring at him, and then—

He took Shen Qiao’s hand and went to the vicinity of the trophy with other teammates.

The golden rain fell from the top, and the shining ribbons were floating everywhere. At this moment, this stage belongs to all DG members. When Shen Qiao and Lu Zhe lifted the trophy together, the two tailed The gold and silver tail rings are shining.

And the same blue and black watch.

The screams from the audience almost broke through the venue.

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!”

“DG! DG! DG! DG!”

“I love you all!!!!”

“Double crown king! Double crown king! Double crown king!”

In that noisy atmosphere, the Lao Snails who had won the championship were quite calm, only Shen Qiao’s mood was very ups and downs, because this championship is really meaningful to him.

As soon as their trophy was put down, the FMVP of the last game was already given on the screen——

Shen Qiao didn’t even look there.

In today’s game, his crocodile is good, Lu Zhe’s early spider jungler rhythm is not bad, Laoshou’s female gun output is also high, Erhua’s Japanese female control is also beautiful, and Qian Bao is even more dazzling.

As a result, Lu Zhe next to him suddenly touched him with his arm.

Shen Qiao turned his head to look at him blankly.

The scene of the scene clearly captured the interaction between the two of them, and a scream that was higher than before sounded.

The domestic broadcast room barrage also exploded.

“I just wanted to say that the two of them are hugging and holding hands. I alone think it’s not right? Does anyone remember that these two are Alpha?”

“On the scene of winning the championship just now, who took a screenshot of the two rings and handed it over!”

“The wolf pup is an FMVP. He doesn’t seem to realize it at all. He just looks at Lu Zhe… Damn, it’s okay for you to get the trophy. What kind of dog food is disgusting!”

“From the end of the game, the wolf pups have been wandering beyond the sky, as if they have not yet realized that they are champions.

“I don’t care, I am a wolf cub’s fan anyway! The little wolf comes to mother’s arms!”

on site.

At Lu Zhe’s reminder, Shen Qiao finally saw the big screen of the game and saw the crocodile who had been selected as the FMVP. He opened his eyes wide, and the host and translator had come to them with microphones.

After congratulating everyone, the host first asked Lu Zhe:

“How does it feel to lead the team to the championship for the second time?”

Lu Zhe smiled: “One rebirth, second rebirth, I feel pretty good, but I can’t say that it is my lead. Everyone is very good. It is not my credit to win the championship. Qiaoqiao, Erhua, Lao Shou, Qian Bao is also doing very well. We are worthy of this championship, but my top order seems to be the first time I won the championship. I guess he hasn’t reacted yet.”

The host raised his eyebrows, not sure whether he said “our order” or “my order”.

But they still gave the microphone to Shen Qiao:

“How does it feel to get the FMVP in today’s game?”

Although Shen Qiao was a little distracted, the official answer was still very regular: “I think the teammates of today’s game also played very well, because their state drives my state. In the third round, my crocodile actually It’s not very good, but it’s okay… the fifth game shows all the points that this hero should have.”

The host asked again. Just now the Marines said that you didn’t react to the first time you won the championship. Is it true?

Shen Qiao looked at the microphone in his hand and reacted for a while, as if thinking about something. Then, he glanced at Lu Zhe next to him, and saw that the other party was always smiling and looking at himself.

He also laughed somehow:

“Yes it is.”

Shen Qiao: “It really didn’t react, it was like… an event, a person who had been waiting for a long time, already felt very far away, but I didn’t expect to go forward step by step and work hard. Reached his original goal.”

The host caught the point this time: “A person? Do you have someone to thank? Now you can talk about it.”

The arc of Shen Qiao’s lips expanded a bit: “I still have to thank my teammates in advance. Each of them is very strong. Lao Wo and Erhua are on the bottom road, and the line is basically not windy. The output of Lao Wo has been very stable. The hooks never disappoint; and Qian Bao’s style in the mid lane has changed a lot. He can C and resist. No matter what type he has played well, the support is also very good. I admire them very much…”

He carefully listed the advantages of his teammates who won the championship.

Then he let out a deep breath.

It’s like a pause.

Everyone found out that there was no Lu Zhe among the teammates just now.

They also know that this last part is the focus of Shen Qiao’s speech.

Fans in the audience

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