What's wrong with me promoting my girlfriend as a diva?

Chapter 288

The new song of Nine-Zone topped the charts, and under Liu Geng's instruction, a new round of publicity was launched.

This time, it was not just about the new song data, such as how many downloads it had within an hour of release.

Chengtian Entertainment also released the practice room version of the song "Honest". Fans were excited about the video of the brothers dancing in vests in the dance room.

In addition, the music critics who were paid by Chengtian Entertainment also started to write music reviews.

Because Lin Tongyu himself was quite prestigious among music critics, those music critics praised the nine members of Nine-Zone and also brought Lin Tongyu along.

Phrases like "the sword is still sharp" and "the old horse is still in the stable" can be seen everywhere.

Praising and criticizing has always been a common tactic used by marketing accounts. As one of the parties involved, Zhou Cong naturally did not escape the heated discussion.

Having already praised "Honest", the music critics naturally have to bring out "Lie" for a walk.

Of course, not all music critics received money from Chengtian Entertainment, and they were very objective when evaluating the two songs.

The group of people who received money praised "Honest" while criticizing "Lie".

The group of people who did not receive money, while affirming the high-level production of "Honest", also gave a high evaluation to "Lie".

The result is that in the face of the marketing accounts and music critics' pulling and criticizing, Xueqiu Entertainment, the real owner, did not speak, but some music critics with conscience began to speak for it.

That is, when neither side could argue with the other, the well-known music critic "Erdong" appeared in the whirlpool of public opinion again.

"Erdong" is an old music critic who has been active on Weibo for nearly ten years. So far, no one knows his gender.

The music reviews he publishes are always from the most objective perspective.

This leads to his review style, which is often sharp, criticizing bad songs, and praising high-quality songs.

It is precisely because of his high level of music appreciation and his opinions that can touch the hearts of netizens that he can gain so many fans.

When some songs are controversial, the comments are mixed, and even quarrels arise, netizens will look through the music reviews of "Erdong".

If not, they will also send him a private message to ask him to comment on a certain song.

And he never disappoints netizens. When he criticizes, he doesn't give them face at all, and when he praises, he also praises them.

After reading his comments, many netizens often feel like they have found a soulmate: "Yes, that's how I felt when I listened to it, but I can't find the words to describe it."

Since Lao Qiao appeared, "Erdong" has always been praising his songs. In the eyes of many people, he is just a "Qiao fan".

This time, Chengtian Entertainment and Xueqiu Entertainment made such a fuss that many people went to his Weibo long before the songs were released, asking him to comment on the two songs as soon as they were released.

Now, the comments are here.

He didn't say much about the song "Honest". Lin Tongyu's strength is there, and he is impeccable and gave a high evaluation.

However, "Erdong" seems to be dissatisfied with his cooperation with the boy band.

In summary, it can be summarized in one sentence, that is, "children wearing adult clothes".

Lin Tongyu's songs are impeccable, and his lyrics and music are of a high standard, but he is working with a boy band.

This is like a child who insists on pretending to be an adult, wearing a suit and tie, and putting on leather shoes that don't fit.


"If it weren't for the choreography and the MV, which made the whole song look lively, I would have wanted to give a bad review."

This is what "Ear Hole" said.

And he used the word "look", which is also indirectly saying that the nine-member boy band did not sing the charm of this song.

"If it can't give people enjoyment in hearing, it can only be compensated visually."

As for the song "Lie", "Ear Hole" praised it and said that he found that the song was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Because he was urged to post a music review, he can only say so much for now, and he will use another article to explain it in detail.

Once the music review of "Ear Hole" was released, it attracted countless fans to attack.

"I hate people who speak halfway the most, bad review!"

"Is it meaningful? Why don't you say it first?


"I took off my pants, and you said hello to me, sir, welcome next time?"

"I didn't expect you to be such a hole!"

"Erdong" was not the kind of person who liked to keep people in suspense. A few hours later, he published another music review to explain his behavior in the morning.

"I have reorganized the song "Lie". I would like to explain in advance that if you want to read this music review more immersively, please open the music player and listen while reading."

"Let's not waste any more time, and get to the point."

"First of all, please remember the title of "Lie", because the whole song has a total of 42 lyrics. In my opinion, the theme has been mentioned since the first sentence - lying."

"After I read the lyrics several times again, I estimate that there are only 4 sentences in the whole song that are not lies."

"Let's start from the first paragraph and walk into the inner world of this liar. PS: I will add annotations after each lyric. ”

“I did have a few good girlfriends (I didn’t have any girlfriends after breaking up with you)

I’m not lonely (I’m not lonely at all after breaking up with you)

Maybe I’m a playboy and make people feel uneasy (Maybe I’m too playboy and every girlfriend feels uneasy)

That’s why we all died (so in the end, we all broke up)”

“From the first paragraph, it can be seen that this is a conversation between a man and his ex-girlfriend, and this man lies right from the start to protect his self-esteem. He doesn’t want his ex-girlfriend to feel that he is lonely and desolate after the breakup. The ex-girlfriend may ask in return, how can you still be single with so many girlfriends?”

“One lie requires many lies to cover it up. Since it has been said, the man can only continue to make up lies - because I am too playboy, every girlfriend feels insecure.”

“This is just like many couples who say goodbye after breaking up. Even if they lie, they can’t let the other party feel that they are not doing well. In fact, they have to lie to prove that they are doing well. ”

“Reading this lyric, I felt like I was looking in a mirror. Qiao Sheng’s writing is so damn heartbreaking.”

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