What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 324: Enjoyable Life

“Is the future me playing riddles with you?” Qiu Wuji giggled. “I knew it… You see, when you peered into the future this time, I was right by your side. I am now aware of this event and know that you would be looking at me at the moment I ascend.”

Chu Ge rubbed his head. “This is ridiculous. Peering into the future is giving me such a headache. I can look into the past for a long time before feeling tired, but peering into the future, just listening to a couple of sentences from you, gives me a splitting headache. It’s all content that I’ve written; what’s the difference?”

“This is called peering into the secrets of the heavens, right? If I could tell you everything, it might be too overpowered,” Qiu Wuji guessed as she touched her chin. “The reason I play the Riddler with you is for your own good, to prevent you from shortening your life.”

“Fine,” Chu Ge didn’t have the energy to think further. His head was still aching.

Seeing his condition, Qiu Wuji didn’t tease him any longer. She went behind him and gently massaged his temples. Her tone became more serious, “Whether you’re peering into the past or the future, based on my understanding, looking at the events that you’ve written shouldn’t take much effort. However, viewing extra events goes beyond your capabilities, and it’s particularly draining on your spiritual power. Your cultivation isn’t sufficient.”

“Ugh…” Chu Ge leaned back comfortably, no longer speaking. Regardless of how tiring it was, it was quite comfortable to rest his head on a soft cloud-like pillow.

Qiu Wuji’s explanation made sense. Much of what had happened was becoming clearer now.

It seemed that his control over the world was mostly unrelated to his cultivation. After all, Chu Ge’s cultivation was quite limited, yet he could control a group of Crossing Tribulation cultivators. This aspect was related to his special ability, which depended on the general populace’s recognition of the world. The more real the world felt, the more powerful he became as a “Creator.”

But this ability to backtrack to the past and peer into the future couldn’t be achieved solely based on his special ability. His ability wasn’t fundamentally related to time; it had more to do with spatial manipulation, likely inherited from his mother. This allowed him to learn a few spatial applications, but it wasn’t a deep understanding.

Nonetheless, the existence of a world itself couldn’t escape the dimension of time, so he could access the mysteries of time on the edge through this ability. However, this would undoubtedly require cultivation. Seeing the content he had written could be considered an effect of his ability, but seeing things beyond the storyline would absolutely require true strength.

In a sense, this was like using his ability to open a back door, allowing a practitioner who was far from reaching that stage to encounter and comprehend the mysteries of time and space earlier. This couldn’t last forever, and he could only hope to see some important turning points.

Furthermore, the recent glimpse into the future wasn’t entirely meaningless.

He heard references to the “Heavenly Emperor” and the “Supreme Daoist” involved in some sort of… abduction? That seemed to be the case.

This wasn’t something he had written. The content he had previously written had been clear, without a Heavenly Emperor, and the related content was nonexistent.

So where had these people come from?

Outside the storyline? Chu Ge was deeply puzzled.

Damn, it seemed that not only was Qiu Wuji the Riddler, even the scenes themselves were a riddle. Peering into the future was turning out to be more exasperating than he had anticipated.

No wonder many protagonists in stories avoid divination and prophecy. Unless they can predict everything, it seems to bring more frustration than actual benefits.



“In the future, when you ascend, if you ever see someone asking you to meet the Heavenly Emperor or the Supreme Daoist, be cautious. That won’t be my arrangement. Roughly estimating, it’s possible that the Heavenly Emperor and the Supreme Daoist have developed their own thoughts and plans for the Heavenly Realm. I don’t know how this might distort my storyline, but as of now, it hasn’t happened. Hmm, this is a bit mind-boggling, and I’m not sure how to judge it.”

Qiu Wuji blinked and smiled, “Alright, I’ll help you figure it out.”

“It’s not just about helping me figure it out, it’s about being careful for yourself.”

“I’m not afraid of them. Who are the Heavenly Emperor and the Supreme Daoist? Whoever is capable, they will have their place. If they can do it, so can I.”

“Ha…” Chu Ge chuckled. “You’re truly my Qiu Wuji.”

Qiu Wuji clenched her fists. “Come on, future me!”

Chu Ge was charmed by her adorable expression and hugged her, burying his face in the snow. “In order to become the Heavenly Emperor and the Supreme Daoist in the future, do you want to cultivate harder, like, dual cultivation?”

“Come on, don’t be silly,” Qiu Wuji protested. “You haven’t finished writing tomorrow morning’s chapter yet…”

“Then I’ll just update it a bit later, and the readers will forgive me…”

“Your Lazy Highness!”

“Who told you to sell your cuteness maliciously, evil concubine…”

And with that, they rolled into each other’s arms.

The result of indulging in amorous activities was that Chu Ge had to wake up early to rush on his manuscript, while Qiu Wuji woke up looking radiant and humming songs as she prepared breakfast.

In fact, Chu Ge has been doing quite well now. The act of reporting back after encountering Gu Ruoyan pleased Qiu Wuji directly, and as a reward, she explored two additional positions with him.

But this also led to Chu Ge being lost in pleasure all night, only to realize that it was already morning.

The only problem was that, while things were pleasurable on one side, the real body of Qiu Wuji in the book had a tough night, crossing her left leg over the right, and the right leg over the left, and none of it felt good.

“Master…” Xuan Ji was standing in front of her, asking, “Elder Zhou and the others have come for a meeting. When would you like to see them?”

“No… no need for the meeting. I have a few things to take care of. You can relay the message for me.”

Xuan Ji looked at her master’s blushing face in bewilderment, scratching her head in confusion.

You’re the one who asked them to come for the meeting, aren’t you setting the stage for a power struggle?

Previously, the elders had already criticized you for not attending the morning court after you took on a disciple. Now, when your disciple is not around, you’re still doing this. And there’s an important matter happening outside, yet you’re acting like this. How are people not going to gossip…

Qiu Wuji ground her teeth.

Of course, they couldn’t have the meeting. Even if no one knew why, she felt embarrassed about it.

But there was no other option; this time, she was the one who had seduced him, and she had to enjoy it to the fullest…

While Qiu Wuji was preparing breakfast, she listened to the sound of typing and writing from the next room. She couldn’t help but think that the Elders felt like she wasn’t holding court early in the morning, and soon, the readers might feel like Emperor Chu wasn’t holding court either. Instead of mutually supporting each other’s careers like Mengmeng had said, it felt more like they were both causing trouble for each other as the evil concubine disturbed the emperor…

Qiu Wuji thought about it, and her face turned red. But she was still happy. For breakfast, she even added an extra egg for Chu Ge to replenish…

Uh… does someone at the Golden Core stage still need this kind of nutrition? Well, whatever, he likes it.

Over on Chu Ge’s side, he was copying the content comfortably. Chu Tiange, Qiu Wuji, Xie Jiuxiao, and Yan Qianli each had their own set of activities, and there was also Abbot Great Compassion who was infiltrating overseas. To recount all the actions these people were simultaneously involved in would take at least a chapter or two to write.

There’s no need for any plot brainstorming; you just need to select important content to recount, pay attention to text rendering and atmosphere setting, and it’s easy to write. Qiu Wuji had just finished making breakfast, and Chu Ge had already completed a chapter, sending it out promptly, not even later than usual.

After sending out the chapters, he found that breakfast was already waiting, and his girlfriend was smiling sweetly with affectionate eyes.

Chu Ge had felt a bit uneasy recently, but in this moment, he realized that there was nothing more enjoyable in life than this, except for what they had done last night.

Sure enough, as long as Qiuqiu was by his side, life was good, no matter what challenges they faced.

All the talk about the Heavenly Emperor, Supreme Daoist, or any other foreigner? Chu Ge thought that even if aliens arrived at this moment, he could dismantle their spacecraft with a single punch.

“Oh no, no, no!” Qiu Wuji was looking at her phone, almost going mad.

“What’s wrong, what’s wrong?”

“Double 12 has passed. I added a bunch of items to the shopping cart earlier and forgot, wuwuwu… I’m really not a modern person. I can’t believe I didn’t think of this at the first opportunity…”

Seeing Qiu Wuji’s regretful expression, Chu Ge couldn’t relate at all. He just wanted to laugh.

You’re modern enough. At the very least, I never thought about Double 12. You even knew how to add items to your shopping cart.

“Qiuqiu…” he suddenly called out.

“Huh?” Qiu Wuji, who was in the midst of regret, looked up in surprise.

“It’s so nice to have you.”

“You’re crazy. Finish your meal, then write a few more chapters and save them. We’re going to the music park to have some fun!”

(TL: “Double 12” refers to the date December 12th, which is often associated with online shopping festivals and promotions in China, similar to how Black Friday is observed in the United States.)

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