What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 16 - Wen Dao is like a long night

“Heaven doesn’t give birth to me, Li Chungang, and writing is like a long night!” – chapter title

“It’s expensive to force people to come and not to be free, and the power of Longxiang and Fengzhu is hard to stop.

Three thousand guests were drunk in the hall, and the fourteen states were frozen with one sword.

Gujiao Jietianjia is cold, and the wind oscillates in the sea, mountains and autumn.

The southeast will always be the golden pillar, who would envy the Marquis of Ten Thousand Households at that time. “

This is what Li Chungang spent 100,000 Chinese coins to get from the literature system. When he saw the title, he only felt blood rushing against his body, and his whole body trembled slightly…

The next poem further sublimates the title’s contempt for the world!

All readers and fans of “Ghost Blowing the Lamp” think that this single chapter of Li Chungang may be a complaint, it may be a sell-off for support, or a new-born calf is not afraid of a tiger’s challenge…

Never guessed that the author used an original poem that they had never heard of to express his attitude. The simple 14 words of the title already made the blood boil.

“As expected of the author who can write “Ghost Blowing the Lamp”, this literary talent is really too fierce!”

The whole chapter did not ask for a subscription, nor did he ask for any support, but after reading it, Gu Bei felt an unprecedented urge, and this urge was intensifying.

At the same time, countless readers who saw this single chapter in front of their computers and mobile phones were no better than Gu Bei at this time, their blood rushed to their heads, and their voices roared!

“This poem is really too hot and bloody!”

“Heaven doesn’t give birth to me, Li Chungang, and writing is like a long night. Chungang is really domineering, but I like this kind of domineering!”

“Brothers, charge me tonight!”

“No more to say, after the subscription is finished tonight, all the book coins will be emptied!”

“Let’s have a good fight tonight!”

“I feel like I’m losing my share of fighting with “The Left Way”.”

“Chungang has become a god, who will give up on me!”

A total of 70 words is not a single chapter, which is better than a listing testimonial. It was immediately moved by readers word by word to the online forum, and it was immediately pinned by the administrator.




If you say that everyone is on a horizontal line, even if it is above or below the horizontal line, you may still be able to give birth to the mind of competition and challenge, but when the opponent is not on the same level as you.

When you are still on the first floor and the other party is already on the fifth floor, you will not even have that thought!

After reading this single chapter by Li Chungang, the author of the Net Wen Jianghu Forum found that the difference between him and others is not only the ability to create new themes, but also the literary quality of the abyss. gap.

In the eyes of laymen like them, even in ancient times, this poem was considered a good poem!

Not to mention, there are really members of the Huaguo Writers Association in the Netwen Jianghu Forum. When I saw this poem, I couldn’t help but be impulsive. I opened a group in the Kuku group list, and found the group owner in it and opened the private message. Chat paste copy past.

“Elder Feng, what do you think of this poem?”

This man known as Feng Lao is not only one of the vice presidents of the domestic Writers Association, but also one of the editors-in-chief of the largest traditional literature magazine “Wenfeng” in China.

If it was this hour in normal times, Feng Lao, who was in his sixtieth year, would have rested a long time ago. It just so happened that tonight he happened to be worrying about the works published in the next issue of “Wenfeng” and couldn’t sleep.

It is true that there is a sign of a lack of connection between traditional literature in China. There are very few works that can be featured in each issue of “Wenfeng”, but they are stubborn and unwilling to compromise.

Cultural works are good if they are good, and bad if they are poor. If they are good enough, they are all masterpieces. If they are not good, they are useless. This is also the main reason why Mr. Feng has not fallen asleep so late.

The day after tomorrow is the time for a new issue of “Wenfeng” to be published, but until tonight, there is still no work that can satisfy Mr. Feng, so he can only work overtime to review the manuscript and contact the old guys to see if there is any good. work……

“Old Li Tou, I stay at home every day as a tortoise with a shriveled head. I’ll help you see if I have researched and developed a good work.”

“Old Monster Xu, if you don’t move, your coffin will be nailed to death. It just so happens that our “Wenfeng” is still missing a cover work.”

“Xiao Hanhan, do you have any works recently?”

“Xiao Bei, there are still a few works left in the next issue of “Wen Feng”, are you interested?”


An old man in his sixtieth year can not only use the buttons proficiently, but he is also quite proficient in typing with one hand and one yang finger, and sends messages to the friends on the friend list one by one.

Regrettably, the results were minimal.

Drop drop-

After all, it was already the middle of the night, and Mr. Feng didn’t expect to get a reply at this time. He didn’t think that someone really replied to him, but after the dialog box popped up, he found that he was not a familiar person, and he was still a little lost. .

“Is it a sword that frosts the fourteen states… that’s great!”

When he saw the whole poem sent by the other party, he stood up from his seat in excitement, and recited the poem over and over again, and the next time was more profound and more meaningful than the previous one. smell.

Looking at the “Lu Yuanhua” who sent this poem, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com quickly searched for people he knew in the literary world, and then members of the Writers Association… Why didn’t he think of this human memory.

But that didn’t stop him from loving the poem.

“Hello Xiao Lu, did you write this poem? What is the title of this poem? The quality of this poem is very good. I think it can be published on the cover of the next issue of Wenfeng. What do you think?”

It’s really hard to be embarrassed for the elderly. One Yang finger has to type so much content at one time.

Lu Yuanhua, who was opposite the computer, was an unintentional act on a whim. He didn’t expect it to get a reply from Feng Lao, the vice president of the Writers Association. Moreover, the content of the poem had such a high evaluation. First, it was “Wenfeng”. ‘s cover artwork.

You must know that the cover work of “Wenfeng” means that this cultural work is the well-deserved best in the same period!

Although he was very shocked, he still did not forget to answer Feng Lao, and typed: “Feng Lao, this poem is actually just copied and reproduced by me. The author of the poem has not written it, and I do not know.”

“Then who is the author of this poem? Xiao Lu, can you contact the other party? Or if you have the contact information, I can also contact the other party.”

It can be seen that Mr. Feng’s love and eagerness for this poem.

Lu Yuanhua was a little hesitant, because he thought of the dislike between traditional literature and online literature. If Feng Lao knew that the author of this poem was an online writer, would he have other ideas.

At this moment, Lu Yuanhua realized that his behavior was too abrupt!

“What’s the matter? Xiao Lu, is there any inconvenience? Just say so, and I can find a solution for you.” Seeing that the other party hadn’t replied for a long time, Feng Lao continued typing and asked.

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