What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 64. True Excalibur

A/n: Yo guys now I will announce the winner of vote!!!

The Winner of Vote is... I am Spider so What?

Who you want me to enter from the chosen series? Give me your comment and reason why I should enter him or her.

For people who vote other series do not worry there is another vote again in future, You can choose your favourite series to be added in this story.


Kuoh Academy

Kuoh, Japan

'What the hell is that idiot doing?!!!' Valiana face turned very red because embarrassed when she saw her hubby's antic.

'I guessed right this guy certainly will doing stupid things hahaha.' Albion laughing.

"Wahahaha!!! That was very random this guy is rare among rare." Azazel holds his stomach and can't stop his laugh.

'It's not real! No way this dumbass is my boyfriend.' Kurumi banging her head on the wall not accepting reality.

'What a bad puppy Danna-sama is... I must discipline this boy later.' Kiyohime has a scary smile, even though she is not the one who does it but she feels extremely embarrassed because of his stupid act.

"Don't tell me that Shin-san sacred gear? What kind of sacred gear is that Ddraig?" Issei asks his partner.

Ddraig does not respond to him and holes up because embarrassed that what she thinks about Satria is not exactly as her expectations.

"Hero of Justice? Can you explain what went on in here?" Ravel looking into Koneko demands an explanation about the weird performance in front of her but is ignored.

'I don't know him... I don't know him... Please don't look at me like that, Stupid senpai.' Koneko face turned red and avoided Ravel's gaze who wanted to ask about what her boyfriend doing now.

"Can he bit more serious for once?! He always doing something stupid like this!" Rias is annoyed because she gets the same treatment as Kokabiel.

"Ara-Ara what an interesting person indeed," Akeno said.


Kazuma-sama: "Hahaha what kind of costume is that?"

Robin: "I feel bad for Kokabiel."

Cookies Maniac: "His pyjama is so cute, I want to have one like him too!"

Spider-man: "Brother Shin disrespects his enemy too far."

Pervert Sage: "Make no mistake this is his way to deceive his opponent, Shin is a genius after all."

Esdeath: "He is sure a weird guy."

Emilia: "As usual he is so childish."


Kokabiel dashed to Satria enraged by his insult to him, He will be damned if losing to this clown.

"Kyaaa!!! Help me Arthuria-chan!!!" Satria shook his head with his hand while crying out for help but she ignored him.

'Idiot.' Arthurian only stands without doing anything.

Kokabiel successfully slashed him with a light sword damaging his chest and throwing him back. Satria touched his wound and kneeled on the ground.

"Ugh!!! My wound is too deep. I give up Kokabiel please give me a chance to live and I promise to become your loyal subordinate if you spare me." Satria begs him.

"Haha... Hahaha!!! This is a consequence of mocking me there is no mercy boy and go speak your last word now before I send you to your God." Kokabiel is very elated his attack reached him.

"You're too strong, so... this is the power of the cadre of Fallen Angels, Why do you do this to an innocent guy like me? War is bad and only brings suffering to other Kokabiel." Satria acted pitiful and Naruto sad music suddenly played when he doing his speech.

Everyone wondered where this music coming from and for some reason, they could see swing when this music played.

"You know nothing and that was not your business puny human but... to appreciate your struggle against me let me..."

Real Satria stands behind him before Kokabiel finishes his word. He smiled widely and tightly clapped his hands together to perform the ultimate attack.

"One Thousand Years of Death!!!"

"Aghhhh!!!!" Kokabiel sent flying and shrieking because feeling excruciating pain in his ass.

Everyone is speechless once again because of Satria outstanding techniques, They making an effort to process what the fuck is going on here.

"How there are two Shin-san?!" Issei surprised.

"Oh~ Double the fun eh?" Akeno said with an erotic tone.

Koneko glared at her senpai for some reason.

"Ara~ Why do you look at me like that Koneko-chan?" Akeno asked her with curiousness.

"Nothing." Koneko averted her gaze and continued watching Satria.

"Do you forget we have a Real Fight here? There is no room for enjoyment and the slightest ounce of negligence can cost your life, I thought every veteran of war knew about that seems like I was wrong." Satria looked down at Kokabiel.

Kokabiel sees Satria with eyes full of hate and anger. "You... Azazel... And him, I never forgive you three for eternity!!!" Kokabiel stood up while rubbing his ass, the pain still lingering. "Fight me seriously Shin!!! Don't you dare to look down on me!!!" He roared at him.


Pervert Sage: "I never imagined he would use that to him."

Spider-man: "That must be hurt."

Esdeath: "Answer him @Shin!!! Give him honourable death!!!"

Robin: "No!!! Kill is not allowed."

Cookies Maniac: "Killing is bad."

Emilia: "I agree."

Esdeath: "Boring."


"I promise myself to never use this weapon and seal it inside me but I don't have a choice right now." Satria put his hand on his eyes and did a strange pose. "Behold Peasant! My legendary weapon who can rival the Excalibur!!!" He proclaims with a deep voice.

(Play OST)

"Sec-Sec-Secret weapon who can rival Excalibur you said?!" Kokabiel was alarmed by his claims.

'Rival my Excalibur?' Arthuria was taken aback but remembered who is the man in front of her. 'I better not put too much expectancy on this brat.'

"Weapon equal with Excalibur? No way." Kiba never knew something like that existed.

"Is there such a weapon?" Xenovia shocked.

"I hope this is a holy weapon." Irina eyes sparkle and can't wait for Satria to use his sealed weapon.

'No... Not another one!' Valiana stared sharply at her hubby.

"What do you think this weapon is Valiana? Are you not interested?" Azazel asks her.

"I... I don't have any idea." Valiana replied to him. 'No!!! Because this must be one of his stupid jokes, please don't embarrass me more than this Hubby!!!'

'That's the pose when he fools around, I never imagined would say this but someone please stop him!!!" Kurumi prayed this is not one of his silly pranks.

"Danna-sama is so immature." Kiyohime doing a facepalm.

Satria takes something from his storage skill, it's his sacred garment.

He folds the sarong a little from both sides until finished, tying one end of the sarong and making it like a whip, Last don't forget to infuse it with armament haki and the secret weapon is created.

(Choose Your Weapon)

"Tremble in Fear crow!!! My Wadimor is ready to slap ur ass!!!" Satria shouted to him and took one more weapon from his storage skill. "I almost forgot to take my other weapon, This is my sacred ball cracker that can shake the heaven. I called this technique Nitoryu: Heaven Smash what do you think guys?" He asks their opinion on his naming skills and playing his ball cracker.

*Caw... Caw... Caw...

"You're an idiot beyond comprehension, I am done with you." Fatalis gave up on fixing him.

'How did this guy defeat Naruto? This World is messed up.' Arthuria does not believe her spouse was defeated by someone like him.

"There... There is a limit to disrespecting someone you damned brat!!!" Kokabiel is super angry with him.

Valiana coughed blood and fell to the floor.

"Hoi... You okay Valiana?" Azazel asks his adoptive daughter.

"I am... Fine. I was just startled by this guy's weirdness." Valiana answered him.

"Hahaha! Don't tell me you are interested in him, My daughter is already grown up and this guy is funny. I don't mind having him as a son-in-law." Azazel teased her.

Valiana tried to punch him but Azazel caught her fist. "I am not your daughter and no way I have a comedian as a mate."

"Ouch! Your beloved hubby will cry if he hears this Valiana-chan." Albion teasing her too.

"I am just joking hahaha but there is nothing wrong with knowing him. He is strong and fun it suits stern women like you dear." Azazel grinned.

"I want to retain my sanity first, Goodbye Kiyohime-san." Kurumi back to her world because never gone through this kind of embarrassment.

Kiyohime nodded and Kurumi vanished from the DxD world.

"I am not disrespecting you instead I'm super serious now, I show you how menacing I am Kukangbiel." Satria created five clones and two of his clones vanished but not long they came back with musical instruments like keyboard and flute.

"What is that for Shin?! My name is Kokabiel the Angel of Stars and no one ever does this to me. Only you... I cannot lose to someone like you!!!" Kokabiel created two light swords and charged at him.

"Let's do this guys!!!" Satria and his clone start their musical performance.

(The Music)

"Let's go!!!" All his clones said together and two of his clones played the musical instrument.

Satria blocks Kokabiel sword with his sarong.

"How are you doing?"

Satria kicked him and threw him back.

"Meepo! Do you wanna see my magic stick?"

Satria put his sarong on his crotch to imitate something.

"Meepo! I have a big dick!"

Satria moves with ridiculous speed and appears from every side of Kokabiel.

"Poof! Poof every bitch get them money and be rich."

Satria whacked Kokabiel with his sarong and ball cracker from every side making Kokabiel overwhelmed by him.

"Guess what I did to your mom? Ez game Ez life."

Kokabiel was knocked out because of Satria multiple attacks and he tried his best to endure the pain.

"I... I... I never forgive you and what you did to my mother, Shin?!" Kokabiel asks him with a furious tone, does he have a connection with my mother... I mean father.

"Yep... Yep... We're looking good and you don't need to know." Satria kept singing not answering him.

"Graaaaaaa!!! Go DIE!!!"

Kokabiel once again rushed to him complete in anger.

"You mad? Come here and get a lick."

Satria punched him directly in the face with his time-skip.

"One vs One against me tough guy? Yeah, I am gonna kick your ass."

Kokabiel stands up and tries to run but Satria and his clone do not let him escape, once again they encircle Kokabiel and take him down to the ground.

"Aghhh!!!" Kokabiel groaned in pain.

"Aww, You gonna run? Hahaha"

Satria and his clone rain him with a kick while singing and Kokabiel can't do anything to defend his attack.

"Kokabiel... Kokabiellllll... Loser!"


Spider-man: "Who is the villain in this case?"

Robin: "I don't want him present in my world, I already can imagine Batman will have a headache with his existence.

Kazuma-sama: "Hahaha he slay his enemy with silly song and dance. You have an Amazing Boyfriend @Evil Spirit 🤣."

Evil Spirit: "Shut up or I kill you trash."

Kazuma-sama: "..."

Pervert Sage: "I sympathise with this Kokabiel."

Esdeath: "What a weakling this Kokabiel, Just end him already."

Emilia: "😑"


"This is enough, Valiana capture Kokabiel now," Azazel ordered her to rescue him.

Valiana nodded and transformed into her balance breaker. "Don't forget to pay me for this job."

"Yes... Yes... I will give your payment later." Azazel sees Valiana leaving him alone. 'Why does this girl suddenly ask me to pay her for every mission I gave to her? She only wanted a good fight before but now she changed to be a materialistic woman.'

"What a vulgar song and to compare Excalibur with that stupid toy!!!" Xenovia was irritated at him.

"But... For he can block Kokabiel's attack with his toys which means the Garment he has maybe created with rare and secret material Xenovia." Irina believes it.

"What kind of material can block the attack from Kokabiel? It's the first time I've seen this type of fighting." Kiba had never seen someone fight following the rhyme like him.

"Don't listen to it Asia-chan." Issei closed both her ears with his hand.

"Ara-Ara. Big dick, a sadist, and can clone himself. He a man of many talent fufu." Satria piqued her interest.

'Someone like him does not deserve this power!!! Why must him instead of others?' Rias is envious of him, from what she studies on his family lineage he is just a normal human with a rich parent, How can he be more powerful than her or others?

Ravel never saw an absurdity like what this guy wearing a strange costume doing now. Even though he is weird his power is undeniable and someone who can strengthen her household and faction.

'Who Should I pursue? Issei or this strange man? Why do things become complicated like this?' Ravel is confused to make a decision.

'Why this fried chicken see my boyfriend like that? Even if he is weird don't think I will give you a chance to get close to him.' Koneko said.

Kokabiel body is full of wounds and bruises after Satria and his clone pummel him.

"Stop resisting and accept your death Kokabiel, I don't have a grudge or something like that to you but your actions will disturb my relaxing time." Satria stepped on him not letting him escape.


"Don't kill our leader!!!"

"You damned Evil Human!!!"

"Hahaha don't worry, I'm gonna send you all to meet your maker together with your boss so he not gonna be lonely in the afterlife." Satria grinned at them and was ready to end his life with his string.

'Today is my end huh? I will be home soon you both.'


A man with black armour walking in the forest full of wounds and bruises.

'Ha... Ha... I lost too much blood.'

The man falls and waits for his death to come.

'Today is my end huh? I...'

A woman with blonde hair approached him and brought him somewhere.

"Where... I am?" Kokabiel sees an unidentified ceiling and this is not his base.

"You finally wake up Mr. Crow." The girl entered his room and smiled at him.

"Who are you, girl? I am not a crow but a fallen angel. Remember it."

"My name is Sophia the doctor of this village! Now please tell me why you have all this wound, Mr. Crow?" The girl asks curiously.

"The story is long and you don't need to know about it, little human," Kokabiel didn't want to tell his story to her.

"Hmph! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" The girl nagged at him.

"First shut up! You made my injury become hurt again and sat like a good girl if you wished to hear my story." Kokabiel said.

"Hehe sorry~ I already be good girl, Mr. Crow, Now tell me your story."

Kokabiel sighed. "Where I should begin?"

This is the beginning of his happiest moment in life with her, ten years of happiness until someone destroyed his life.

The Village where Kokabiel lives is raided by a group of the Devil who hunt him and Kokabiel with haste goes to his house worried about his family's safety.

"Sophia!!! Sariel!!!"

Kokabiel entered his house forcefully and saw his wife and daughter murdered by the devil.

"Finally you came but it's too late." The devil army smiled evilly at him.

"How dare you?! Who ordered you to do this? Answer!!!"

"It's your fault for defying Lord Zekram Fallen Angel, Imagine if you surrender to him all of this not gonna happen to your family and to think you are consorting with weak humans, what a joke." The Devil threw the head of his wife and children to him on the floor. "Now let's finish him so he can join his family."

"I... never forgive you, Devil!!!"

Kokabiel slaughtered all the devils in the village and swore to hunt Zekram Bael even to end the world.

"We gonna destroy the devil Kokabiel trust me and your family will be avenged. I promise you, my friend." Azazel said to him.

"Thank you, Azazel." Kokabiel was relieved to have a great leader and friend like him.

"We should strike them down now Azazel!!! The devil race is vulnerable now after the civil war and it's time we let humans free from supernatural influence." Kokabiel insisted his leader continue the war.

"No... War is ended. No more bloodshed and we must focus on a new era. I want peace between biblical faction Kokabiel." Azazel refused to continue the war.

"Peace?! You COWARD!!! Have you forgotten your promise to me? How about the feeling of our fallen comrade when they heard this?" Kokabiel holds his leader's collar tightly and gets attacked by Azazel.

"Know your place Kokabiel. Just forget about your past family and begin a new one. Learn to move on." Azazel said with a cold tone.

Kokabiel gritted his teeth. "You never lost Family!!! You don't understand my pain, how dare you tell me to forget my family and I will kill Zekram no matter the cost even without your help."

"You dare to disobey me? I can kill you right now Kokabiel if you continue this madness and you can't defeat Zekram alone. There is a reason why he is the True Ruler of Underworld." Azazel strangled his neck and threw him to the wall.

"You..." Kokabiel feels it's useless to talk to him. "I am disappointed in you Azazel." He stands up and leaves his leader's office.

"How could you assist the devil in creating Evil Pieces and enslave the human? What are you thinking Azazel? Father with get up from his grave if he knows this!!!" Kokabiel is angry and becomes more disappointed in him.

"Shut up!!! It's for the sake of our race too and to build a non-aggression treaty with the Devil Race." Azazel uttered his reason.

"Alliance?! You want me to be an ally of someone who killed my wife and daughter? You are insane Azazel."

"You the one who is insane!!! Do you want to disturb the peace I've built for our race's sake not saying we must control the humans under our watch so they do not out of control."

"You mean make them as slaves? I already have enough!!! If you must die so be it." Kokabiel prepared to fight his leader.

"You will regret this Kokabiel!"

(Flashback End)

Satria memory connected to him and caught a glimpse of Kokabiel memory. Finally, he found the reason behind his madness.

When someone is on the verge of death he will remember the most important moment for him.

Rather than kill him Satria touched his forehead and entered his mindscape.


"What are you doing in my mind human? Is it not enough you want to humiliate me in my mind too?" Kokabiel asks him.

"No... I want to apologize Mr. Kokabiel, Do you remember me?" Satria uses his hoodie to make him remember.

"You are... the one who sells Excalibur fragments to me."

"Bingo! I never thought you were a man with a tragic past." Satria applauded him. "I want to know why you do this suicide war?"

"I have nothing to lose and my goal is to destroy the biblical faction by making them fight each other, Killing the heiress is the best way to do it."

"Is that so? Are you aware your plan will bring into the world many casualties? Not only supernatural but the humans will get the effect of this war you create now and it's not guaranteed biblical faction will be destroyed after your death. I don't judge you but think about it."

"I understand but I don't have any choice boy, Not many want to follow me in this desperate quest. Either this or nothing at all."

"If this plan fails, what you will do next Kokabiel?" Satria asks about his next plan.

"Just... kill me, I'm already done with this cruel world and Azazel surely plans to lock me in prison. Now my turn to ask, Who are you?"

Satria summoned his Cosmo plug and transformed it into his ultra form.

Kokabiel was astonished by his power and tears burst out from his eyes, the light and warmth reminded him of his father even surpassing him.

"Are you perhaps Father reincarnation?" Kokabiel asks him.

Satria shakes his head. "No... It's my way of respecting you and tell me what you want Kokabiel. I am Satria will grant you one wish as my apologies."

"My wish is..."

Someone destroying the barrier Sona and her Peerage created, It's Valiana the strongest white dragon empress.

She ran to Kokabiel and tried to steal him from Satria's clutch.

Satria changed his attention to Valiana and their fist clashed creating a massive shockwave.

"Who?" Rias see a new figure who destroyed the barrier.

"She's my Future Rival the White Dragon Empress," Issei said, surprising everyone except Koneko.

'Hey, beautiful. Do you enjoy the show?' Satria asked his princess's opinion, He was very sure the girl would praise him because of his awesomeness.

'You're incredible hubby, to the point I want to peg you tonight.' Valiana said with a serious tone.

'Peg? What do you mean?' Satria is clueless about what she is saying now.

'Hmm~ Just wait at home and let me show you the new world.' Valiana licked her lips.

'Somehow this does not convince me at all.' Satria has a bad feeling about this.

Satria and Valiana keep trading blows until Kokabiel flies into the sky then creates a very huge spear of light.

"Rejoice!!! You all will be erased from history when my attack unleashes and destroys this city into ruins!!!" Kokabiel announced.

"You must be kidding me." Rias feel tremendous light energy from Kokabiel attack.

"We finished when his attack dropped to us," Xenovia said.

Some people looking at Satria hoping he can do something to him.

"Don't look at me, I am busy here kiddo." Satria still fighting with Valiana. "Saber! It's your turn, show them the might of Excalibur."

(Play OST)

Arthuria nodded and revealed her sword's true form. The Devil shivered when they caught sight of her weapon.

"It can't be..." Xenovia was shocked when she saw the sword this blonde woman held in her hand.

"Is this Excalibur? I was supposed to hate it but now I can't bring myself to hate it it's too beautiful and radiance." Kiba let out tears and still couldn't believe what he saw right now, He saw the spirit of his past friends soothe him and tell him to not walk in the path of revenge for them.

From Arthuria comes out a golden particle, The light is different from everything they ever saw in their life.

It was so Beautiful, Bright, Regal And Warm. When they see Arthuria hold her weapon it's like victory already grabbed in their hand.

"Very Beautiful." Irina charmed the Arthuria majestic figure.

"Rias!!! Who are they? What kind of power is this?" Sona never saw or felt this kind of power, For Devil like her Arthuria sword is very dangerous for her kind.

"I don't know... Too much for me to comprehend what happened now." Rias focus on them to learn their ability.

'Unimaginable! This is the power of True Excalibur huh? A fitting end for me.' Kokabiel smiled merrily.

Arthuria sword is basked in golden light, Now the Undefeated King is ready to unleash the Miracle she holds in her hand.

"Now I understand your anger Saber! Let's see who is stronger! My light or Your light." Kokabiel throws the huge spear of light at her.

"Excalibur!!!" Arthuria released a destructive wave of energy on the level of Divine Thaumaturgy, the energy wave destroyed everything in its path including Kokabiel attacked and went through to him.

"This light, Is that you Sophie? Sariel? My beautiful Wife and Daughter." Kokabiel remembered his past in his last moment, His human wife and daughter who were killed because his enemy targeted him. His reason is to start a war and destroy three factions because taking his family. "I am... sorry and thank you Satria, Now I can die in peace."


[Mission Complete]

[15.000© will be shared]

[7500© + 1 surprise box for King of Knight]

[7500© For Shin + 1 surprise for Shin]

[Participant will be returned to their world in 5 minutes]

Cookies Maniac: "Sister @King Amazing, Can you teach me to be strong woman like you?"

God of Hope: "What happens when I'm absent?"

Pervert Sage: "Your girl successfully defeated Kokabiel."

God of Hope: "That so, As expected from @King."

Kazuma-Sama: "Arthuria-san is amazing."

Robin: "I agree with you."


'So that is the might of True Excalibur, Her power is really on a different level, I want to fight her.' Valiana was pumped up to find another strong person to test her might. "Let's continue later, Now I'm gonna take down all traitors and Freed." Valiana said to Satria and changed her target to certain priest.

"Shit!!!" Freed get knocked out and lost consciousness.

'Ignoring me are you White?'

'Yo Ddraig, we meet again.'

'We finally meet again after all this time, Don't worry we are fated to battle eventually.'

'But I don't feel usual hostility from you..?.'

'Likewise, your animosity is at a surprising ebb.'

'We may yet have use for each other beyond fighting.'

'Indeed just let me enjoy myself for a while longer, It's not bad to take a break now and then.'

"Enough chit-chat. You all traitor follow me if you don't want meet your end today!!!" Valiana said to Kokabiel minion.

'You should take my hand and become my Nakama fool but this one can't force your decision, don't worry I will deliver your wrath to that old relic when the time is comes.' Satria mourning Kokabiel death while drinking ice tea.

"You can't blame him a puppy, the man already suffered so long and it's purely bad luck we don't meet him sooner. That's why this world needs someone to pave the way for a new age and become this world new light to inspire them." Fatalis said.

'I feel bad for whoever bear that kind of responsibility, Now let's leave before other coming here.'

Satria and Arthuria fleeing the scene and the mission to stop Kokabiel is completed.

To be continued. 

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