What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 26. The Hunt Begins


Now showing Esdeath and her army meeting them.

"Who are they, General Esdeath?" The random soldier asks her.

"They are my friends and have come to help us fight the Great Beast." She answered her minion.

They are surprised to hear what their general says.

"Then welcome to my world, Shin and Peter Parker." She greets them.

Unknown Forest

Austrasia Empire

On a random night up in the Esdeath world, the group chat decides to rest first in the camp while waiting for the scouting team to come back with a report about this unknown beast.

The three heroes, Shin, Esdeath, and Peter Parker, sit around a bonfire.

'Brother, I don't feel good in here. Those guys are a bunch of degenerates.' Fatalis says These people remind her of some foolish human in her world.

'Then it's lucky Parker's the one coming here?" He says, looking at Peter, who looks nervous, Poor boy.

"Brother, what with that silly costume? You circus member or something?" The soldier teases Parker.

"Wahahaha, why don't you come back to your mama? This is not a playground for brats like you."

"Uhm." Peter was nervous when surrounded and teased by the Esdeath army.

Esdeath makes glare at them.

"Stop, you bunch of imbeciles!" She says it with a high tone.

"Yes! We're sorry, Esdeath-Sama." The soldier was scared and left them alone.

"Thank you, sis Esdeath," Peter says thanks to her.

She nodded.


Satria lit his cigarette.

"Haa, if you do not stop them, I will be the one who gives imbeciles lessons." He says he already wants to give them some beatings because they tried bullying his friends.

"I will discipline them later." She said it with a scary expression, making the soldier who bullied Peter terrified.

Then he looked at her. "So how's the situation? Do you have some information about this great beast?" Satria doesn't want to attack without a plan. He is not an idiot for going blindly without information.

"The witness says the beast can breathe something from his mouth, can fly, and the skin is so strong," Esdeath informs him of the information she has.

"Only that?." Esdeath nodded. That's not reliable information. "Okay, now let's rest for tomorrow, Spidey. Now that you're here, try to learn something. Go wake up in the morning. We're going training together." Satria wants to teach this guy some of his moves.

"Tr-Training?." He says he's surprised. It's time someone trained him.

Satria nodded. "You have good strength; it's a waste if you don't know how to use it properly, and maybe it can help you in the future, Spidey." Satria doesn't want this good boy to die because of the villain he faces in the future.

"Okay, you look so young, bBrotherShin, but you feel more mature than me." For him, Shin is like a big brother. His mindset is different from that of a typical teenager like him.

"I don't look young, but I'm young. I'm still 16 years old, you know." Satria chuckled, After all, he is just an ordinary high school student.

"No way, you are younger than me?" Peter was surprised. His words, attitude, and wisdom are different from when he was younger than him except for his face.

"What an interesting young man you are, Shin. If you are not taken, maybe I will make my move now." Esdeath says to tease him.


'Nice brother, another one?" Fatalis say.

'...No.' Satria doesn't want a maniac as his life companion.

"Let's go back to our tent, Spidey. Good night, Esdeath." He said that and went to his tent.

"Yes, Coming." Peter follows him.

"Good night, Shin," Esdeath said.


Unknown Forest, Austrasia Empire

The morning has already come and is showing in forest two-figure training.

(Play OST)

"Your stance is sucky. You depend too much on your strength and have no idea what you're doing, boy." Satria says, He lands a left hook punch to Peter's stomach.

"Ohok!!!." Peter knocked out and vomited something from his mouth. Impact and pain assailed him. His instinct told him the man in front of him was dangerous.

The sparring is only in hand-to-hand combat; there is no superpower or anything else.

"Haa... Haa. You are so strong in hand-to-hand combat, brothers in." Peter not expecting Satria's martial arts is crazy good. Peter tried his best to hit him, but somehow Satria always predicted his next move and counterattacked him immediately.

"What can you do with your power right? now?" Satria asked him.

"I can climb the wall with super strength and spray web from my hand?" Peter answered him.

"That's useful, but did you know the full potential of your power?" Satria wants to know: Did Peter know the full potential of his power?

"No?." Peter is clueless about it.

"First is your spider sense; it makes you respond very fast to every attack and instantly focus on your next attack. Second is your super strength; your power is almost comparable to the Hulk; it's wasteful if you don't learn how to use it properly, and with your webbing skill, you're going to be unstoppable in New York. Third is your intelligence: You are a fucking genius, Parker. You can create technology to help your performance in your hero activity. If you need money, just ask the billionaire playboy to fund you. And last is your sting; what's dangerous about the spider is its venom. You need to discover how to use it, spidey." Satria said.

He wanted Peter to use his fucking genius brain to resolve his problem. It's very simple to defeat his opponent, but he always held back like an idiot and ended up with his enemy, making him or his family suffer because of stupid reasons.

I mean, imagine Spider-Man with martial arts and technology like Superior Spider-Man to support him.

Spider-Man with Iron Fist power is possible too, or learn martial arts from someone called Daredevil.

It's not impossible. He is Peter Parker, the boy with a 250 IQ and someone who has a sense of justice.

I'm sure many people want to help him become stronger.

Not only that, he is stated to be worthy to lift Mjölnir too if he forsakes his stupid ideal.

"Wait, it's too much information, brother Satria." Peter was surprised: How did Satria know much about his power? His words make sense, truthfully, but his heart is not ready to accept all of them. Is there no other way other than this? He doesn't want to hurt people, even if they are bad guys.

"Listen spidey, You need to polish your abilities and stop holding back, okay? I said this because I don't want any innocent people or you to get harmed. Do you want to become stronger or not? If you're not going to change your ways, I recommend you stop this heroic activity and become normal citizens." Satria asks for his decision. He doesn't want Peter to have a bad life.

Fun fact: Peter's life will be peaceful if he stops his hero activity. It's the only way his life is not going to end up miserable.

"I'll think about it, and I want to become stronger," Peter replied to him, He begins to have conflict in his heart.

"Good. What is your purpose if you become stronger than you are right now in the future?" Satria wants to know his life goals.

"I'll protect people important to me. My uncle always tells me, 'With great power comes great responsibility." I'm not going to fail him." Peter said it without hesitation.

Satria smiled. "That's a nice answer you have. Now let's go eat breakfast." He lent a hand to Peter and helped him get up. "Let's go back to camp, boy."

They walk to the camp together and have breakfast.

After they sit, Esdeath comes to them.

"How little Parker training?" She asked Satria.

"He has great power but is still not using it to its full potential." He was eating his soup. The taste is fucking bland.

"That so."

After a while, the soldier, with some injuries to his body, walked to the camp.

Esdeath raised an eyebrow at that: how could the 36 soldiers she had sent only have two people returned?

"Report!" Esdeath says.

"The beast is so strong, our weapon can't penetrate its gold skin, and somehow it can breathe dark energy from its mouth; when it hits us, it's poisoned or instantly kills our soldier." The soldier explained it.

'Finally, useful information.'

'What? Show that monster who will get annihilated, partner. That's supposed to be my talent.' Fatalis say.

"Where did you last meet that beast?" Esdeath asked her minion.

"That creature is located in a nearby mountain, 2 hours walk from here straight. Maybe he now rests in its cave. Be careful." He said this before fainting.

"Take those two back to the tent for resting and take care of him." She ordered her minion.

"Yes, Mam!!!" They brought soldiers who were injured to the tent.

"The beast sounds so dangerous and scary," Peter says.

"Are you going to fight or stay, little spider?" Esdeath asks him, She doesn't want to force this kid to participate in this dangerous mission.

"I'll help you guys with my, best," Peter replied,soldierssn't want to be useless here.

"Nice answer." She said, Esdeath, walk to the middle camp. "Attention all soldiers!!!" She was shouting in a high tone.

All soldiers gather and listen to her speech.

"Now is our time to conquer whatever this creature is, warrior. Whoever is scared to bet their life for glory, say it right now."  She spoke in a high tone to her army.

None of her soldiers said anything.

"Then prepare! We will get ready to hunt this great beast. It's become our greatest battle and my greatest honour to fight side by side with you guys. Whoever kills or defeats this beast will get recognition from the Emperor." She shouted to her army and promised them a reward.

"For the Empire, long live General Esdeath!" All soldiers make a war cry.

"She's a great leader." Satria looks at how she motivated her army.

"That's kind of cool," Spider-Man says when he listens to Esdeath's speech:

Now the army is ready for their confrontation with the Great Beast and is waiting for Esdeath's order.

She smirked. "Now the hunt begins!"

To be continued.

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