What If… Harry Potter

33 What if Harry encountered the obligatory marriage contract?

Another longer one at about 11,830 words.

(Warnings: Possible pegging, some implied milfing, buggering, roleplaying, some shyness, and sex)

Harry Potter, the recent and controversial winner of the Triwizard Tournament, sat in stone silence in the train compartment with his friends. All two of them. One of them hadn't been much of a friend, either. In fact, Ron had been a right prat for a good portion of it, thanks to his jealousy and inability to want to do more than goof off and distract Harry with useless things like Quidditch and chess.

It was Hermione that had always been there for him, even as she tried to act like a peacekeeper between Harry and Ron when they fought. The funny thing about that was she had taken Harry's role between her and Ron, which meant their arguments had no arbitration and usually ended in a lot of hurt feelings on both sides.

Harry honestly couldn't care less with the way he was feeling after what happened at the end of the tournament. A student he didn't really know, and yet assumed was a good bloke, had died right in front of his eyes. He would never know that Cedric was a secret death eater and was hiding in plain sight.

The Hufflepuff's plans for dominating the Ministry of Magic under his father's tutelage, ended before they could begin, on orders from Voldemort. If the dark lord had only known he had ordered the death of one of the best future resources he would ever have, he might have kept the spare around instead of killing him.

Harry ignored the attempts by his friends to drag him into a conversation. He didn't want to talk about anything, especially about the tournament, and the train made its way to London as he stared out the window of the compartment. He wasn't paying any attention to what was going on around him and he honestly didn't care what happened anymore.

With Voldemort back, his life was pretty much over.

The train eventually pulled into King's Cross Station and Harry stood up and grabbed the handle of his trunk. He pulled it off the above rack and it dropped down to thunk loudly on the floor of the compartment.

“Oi! Watch it, Harry! You almost hit me!” Ron exclaimed.

Harry ignored him and dragged his trunk out of the compartment and down the train car. He ignored people talking about him and his trunk thumped down the steps as he walked off the train onto the platform. The crowd of people just made Harry more depressed than he usually was and he ducked his head and made his way across it to head for the muggle exit.

“There he is! I'd recognize that hair anywhere.” A woman's voice said.

Harry sighed and tried to walk faster, only for the trunk he held to stop moving and it yanked on his arm. He stumbled backwards and let go of it just in time to not break his wrist when he fell to the concrete on his elbow.

The hiss of pain he made was matched by the sound of a slap. Harry looked over to see an older and quite handsome woman wagging her finger under the nose of a pink-haired young woman.

“How many times have I told you not to immobilize people's things without warning them first?” The older woman asked and admonished her at the same time.

“It works all the time when I'm arresting criminals! Why would I warn them first?” The pink-haired woman responded and rubbed the cheek of her face.

“I can think of several reasons, one of which is he's not a criminal.” The older woman answered.

“At least someone thinks so.” Harry grumbled before he could stop himself.

Both women turned to stare at him, then both walked over to kneel beside him. The older woman quickly gave his elbow an examination and then she smiled at him as she gave him a quick hug. Harry stiffened at the contact and he wasn't sure what to do, because some random woman had just given him a hug. The woman easily noticed his reaction and moved back slightly.

“I haven't introduced myself yet and I'm sorry if that was a bit forward of me, Harry.” The woman said and gave him another smile. “I'm Andromeda Tonks and this is my daughter...”

“TONKS!” The pink-haired woman interrupted.

Andromeda sighed. “Why do you keep insisting that your last name is your only name?”

“Because my nutter of a mother saddled me with a horrible name that everyone makes fun of when they hear it, that's why.” Tonks responded.

Harry barely refrained from telling them that any name was better than boy or freak.

Andromeda sighed again and shook her head. “Now is not the time for that argument. Again.” She said and looked back at Harry as she stood up with her hand held out. “Come on, up you get.”

Harry looked at her extended hand for only a moment before he felt like it would be really insulting if he didn't accept it. He took it with his hand that wasn't connected to the hurt elbow and Andromeda smiled warmly as she held it and then easily pulled him to his feet, which shocked the both of them.

Andromeda looked down at Harry's thin frame and back to his face. “You are surprisingly light.”

Harry couldn't stop his face from going red with embarrassment.

“Don't worry about that, mum. We'll get him sorted out as soon as possible.” Tonks said and patted Harry's shoulder as she took out her wand. She made his trunk featherlight before making a strap and slung the trunk over her shoulder, as if it was a handbag. “We need to get going before someone we don't want to see shows up.”

“Right, right. Let's go.” Andromeda said and started walking. She hadn't let Harry's hand go and the embarrassed young man followed her as she walked through the crowds of people. Tonks followed right behind them.

It took Harry almost a full ten seconds before he wondered where they were going. He noticed it was still towards the muggle exit, so he didn't object to his unexpected escort. It also gave him a fairly decent chance to check out the woman in front of him, which was something he almost never did.

Harry's eyes dropped to the woman's firm arse that was tightly wrapped in dress pants as she walked and he really liked what he saw. It was a great distraction to how he was feeling about the past year and it was almost hypnotic as her ass swayed from side to side, each cheek poking out with each step, as if begging him for his attention and wanted him to stare at them intensely.

The soft giggle from behind him had Harry turn his head slightly and he saw a very amused Tonks. It made Harry embarrassed again at being caught looking at a woman's butt, only for Tonks to whisper that her arse was twice as nice as her mum's. That made Harry blush harder and Tonks softly laughed again.

They went through the barrier between platforms nine and ten and into the muggle side of the station. It was kind of odd for Harry to almost be surrounded and protected at the same time, especially from the crowd of people that was there. He barely saw his fat uncle and tall aunt waiting near the front entrance of the station before he was ushered out a side door and into a waiting taxi.

Harry didn't hear the house address and only the district, which he knew was somewhere in Southern England and nowhere near Surrey or any of the surrounding areas. It took him a good fifteen minutes before he realized he wasn't being taken back to the Dursley's and he turned his head to stare at a still amused Tonks to give her his best disbelieving look.

“No, you're not dreaming.” Tonks whispered in a slightly husky voice.

Harry almost shivered at the feelings her voice stirred in him. His eyes went to her slightly plump lips and then to her eyes. Her face changed from looking amused to looking thoughtful. All Harry could think about was that he wanted to keep hearing her talk and it didn't matter what she said.

“What are you thinking?” Tonks asked in that same husky whisper.

“I... I think... I could listen to your voice forever.” Harry admitted before he could stop himself. He blushed hard and turned away from Tonks to slink down into the seat.

Harry did his best to hide as much as he could from his embarrassment, because he had no idea why he said that. He had learned a long time ago to never reveal his opinion about anything he liked, because the Dursleys always took it away from him. Always. What he didn't see was the shocked look on Tonks' face and the happy look on Andromeda's.

The cab arrived at a street that looked like all the others, pretty much the same as Privet Drive, and the three of them climbed out. Harry couldn't make himself meet either of the women's eyes and didn't resist when it was Tonks that took his hand this time. He followed her without question and he kept his gaze on the ground, which just so happened to allow him to stare right at the denim covered arse in front of him.

Wow, it really is twice as nice as her mum's. Harry thought as he fully admired her rear end.

To his surprise, the chance to stare at her backside went on for quite some time, which Harry didn't mind, since it was even more hypnotic than watching Andromeda's had been. If he had looked up at any time during the walk, he would have seen a very happy look on Tonks' face and Andromeda having a difficult time not laughing out loud.

“Here we are. Home sweet home.” Tonks said and broke Harry out of the trance he had been in.

Harry lifted his gaze from a wonderful ass to look at a modest house that was set back on a small lot. It was yellow with shutters on the windows, the door was white, and it looked welcoming and homey. He was almost as stunned by that as he was mesmerized while staring at a walking woman's behind. How did clothes show off so much and also hide it at the same time?

“I think you're going to like it here as much as we do.” Andromeda said and opened the small front gate and walked ahead of them to unlock the front door. “Welcome to the Tonks House, Harry. Please, make yourself at home.”

Harry barely stopped himself from choking up at the offer. No one... no one had ever offered him anything like that. He had always felt unwelcome, even at Hogwarts where he thought of the castle as his home away from home.

“Hey, it's okay. Go ahead and let it out.” Tonks whispered in her husky voice, as if she knew what he was thinking.

Harry shook his head as he felt tears building at the corner of his eyes. “I... I can't. If I... If I let myself think...”

“You're safe now, Harry. Safe from everything.” Tonks said, her voice stern.

Harry blinked his budding tears away and turned his head to look at her, only now realizing Tonks was only slightly taller than him. “I really wish that were true.”

Tonks stepped close as she let his hand go to put her hands on his shoulders. “Harry, that's why we ambushed you at the station. We had to get you away from there... away from everything... and we brought you here.”

“But...” Harry started to deny and stopped when he saw her eyes. For some reason, he couldn't argue as he stared into them. Time also seemed to slow down and he felt a little nervous and like he was supposed to do something with her so close. Should he hug her? Maybe... maybe even... kiss her?

“No one knows you're here, Harry.” Andromeda's voice cut into the moment.

Harry shook slightly and stepped back from Tonks, only to see slight disappointment on her face.

“We have a foolproof reason for it, too.” Andromeda said and waved them inside. “Come in, come in. We have much to talk about.”

Harry walked ahead and entered the house first. Tonks let out a soft sigh and entered behind him.

“I'll put the tea on.” Tonks said and dropped Harry's trunk at the bottom of the stairs and went into the kitchen.

“Thanks, dear.” Andromeda said and closed the front door. She put a hand behind Harry's back and led him into the living room and sat him on a very comfy couch.

Harry was a bit surprised he was allowed to and it must have shown on his face.

“Furniture is meant to be used.” Andromeda said with a mix of amusement and exasperation.

Harry fought against his upbringing and didn't spout out what his Aunt Petunia thought of such things. He somehow knew that her biased opinion wasn't going to be worth much in current company.

Tonks came back into the room with a tea service floating behind her, which made Harry stare at her. He had never seen anyone do casual magic like that, not even Molly Weasley, and they lived inside a house that was only held together by magic.

“We're registered.” Andromeda said and Harry gave her a confused look as Tonks set the tea service on the coffee table. “We live in a residence that has wizards and witches inside. If we don't register, the Aurors would be kicking our door down every time we swished our wands to do something as simple as cleaning up some dust.”

Harry stared at her. “You can use magic to clean?” He asked and then his eyes widened when he realized what she said. “Wait a second! You can register a house to use magic?!?”

Tonks sat beside him as Andromeda started to serve tea. “You have to register everything you intend to do with the Ministry. Protective wards, muggle repellent spells, even removing the address from their files officially needs to be registered.” The pink-haired young woman explained and accepted a tea cup. “Thanks, mum.”

Andromeda nodded and looked at Harry. “Which will you have, dear?”

Harry blinked his eyes at her and it took him a moment to figure out she was talking about the tea and not about her or her daughter. Where did that thought come from? He asked himself and pushed it aside to answer the older woman. “One and one, please.”

Andromeda smiled knowingly and gave his cup a single sugar cube and a dollop of cream. She gave it two stirs and passed it to him. Harry accepted the teacup and saucer and took a sip, let out a sigh at the taste of the great tea, and leaned back on the couch as he unconsciously relaxed.

The three of them sat there and enjoyed the tea, with a biscuit or two, and the quiet was welcome after everything that had happened. Harry couldn't help but be filled with relief and he thought that this was what it should have been like in a home. People happy to see you, sharing a nice cuppa, and no oppressive hate or loathing directed at him.

Andromeda finished her tea and set the cup and saucer down, then she intentionally took her time to obviously cross her legs and gained Harry's attention. She didn't feel guilty about doing that, either. It had been a long time since she had turned anyone's head so easily and she kind of revelled in the power she had pretty much given up when she was younger.

“We need to discuss why you're here, Harry.” Andromeda said when she was sure Harry was concentrating on her.

Harry shrugged slightly. “It doesn't really matter. I'm finally away from my abusive relatives and that's all I care about.”

Tonks and Andromeda exchanged worried looks for a moment, then both sighed.

“Harry, it's important.” Tonks said.

Harry put his cup and saucer down and turned to look at her. “Go ahead, then.”

Tonks blushed at the intensity of the look he gave her. “Mum can explain it better than me.”

Andromeda softly laughed. “If this is going to work at all, you can't pawn everything off onto me, Nymphadora.”

Tonks blushed hard at the use of her name. “Don't call me that, mum!”

Harry tilted his head slightly. “What's wrong with...” He paused as he thought about it. “Oh. I get it. I bet they teased you a lot about being a nymph at Hogwarts, huh?”

Tonks almost immediately lost the blush and gave him a quick hug. She ignored how he immediately stiffened and didn't hug her back. “Someone finally gets it! Thank you, Harry!”

“You're welcome.” Harry said, his face red, because he regretted his automatic reaction when he saw the subdued look on Tonks' face when she let him go.

“It's a perfectly good name.” Andromeda said in her defense.

Harry and Tonks exchanged knowing looks and then looked back at her with blank faces.

Andromeda sighed. “Fine. I'll try to not use your name when talking to you.”

“Thanks, mum!” Tonks said, happily.

Andromeda mentally shook her head at her daughter's antics. “As for the reason you're here, it's both simple and a little complicated. About fifty years ago, the Potter family and the Black family fought together in the first wizarding war against Grindelwald. At the time, they had mutually saved each other's lives multiple times and wanted to cement the mutual bonds that formed into a permanent joining of our families.”

“Despite what some of the younger members thought of that.” Tonks added.

Andromeda nodded. “Both families entered into a magically binding contract. At any time there was an of-age Potter and an of-age Black that were both single at the same time and of opposite sexes, they would be married.”

Harry was stunned. He had heard about arranged marriages before and he wasn't sure why anyone would want to give up their choices and be forced to marry someone.

“That was how your great grandmother and great grandfather were married. Charlus Potter and Dorea Black.” Andromeda told him. “After them, there has been quite a few Black children and only a single male Potter. Unfortunately, none of them were born anywhere near the others, so no other match-up could be formed and the two families slowly drifted apart.”

“But...” Harry started to interrupt and Tonks put a hand on his.

“Just listen.” Tonks whispered and laced their fingers together. “Please.”

Harry tried to not pull his hand away and hid his embarrassment at his arm moving slightly. He nodded and looked away from her sad smile.

“When Charlus and Dorea had a son, your grandfather Fleamont, no available females were unattached. It stalled for quite some time and after years and years of trying, he and his wife, Euphemia, finally had a boy, James. Your father.” Andromeda said.

“He was about five years behind mum and her sisters in school.” Tonks volunteered.

Harry blinked his eyes at that. “Wait, you're a Black?” He asked and looked at the older woman. “I thought you were a Tonks.”

Andromeda sighed. “I wasn't supposed to be. I was contracted to another. A compete asshole. I couldn't give up my life like that and be a trophy wife. I ran from my commitments and was disowned and banished from the family.”

Harry did not know something like that was possible. “What happened?”

“I met Ted and married him and my sister Bellatrix assumed my marriage contract. The Lestrange family didn't care which Black sister they were going to get, only that they received the huge dowry and heirs from the marriage.”

“That... that... why...” Harry stammered.

“That's how things are done in upper society.” Andromeda said. “My other sister Narcissa was contracted by the Malfoy family and that took care of the females available in the Black family at the time.”

“My grandfather hated the Potters and wanted none of my aunts available for the family pact.” Tonks said. “The stupid pureblood fell for You-Know-Who's speeches and went all in with the death eaters.”

Harry was shocked by that. “But... Sirius...”

“The black sheep of the Black family.” Andromeda said, fondly.

“He was supposed to be sorted into Slytherin, like all the Blacks before him, and he intentionally got himself sorted into the house of the brave and the stupid.” Tonks said with a laugh.

“Hey!” Harry objected and tried to let her hand go.

Tonks held on and lifted it to hold it against her chest. “Harry, you can't tell me that it's not true. I was a Hufflepuff for seven years and not once was there a day that went by when someone in Griffindor didn't do something stupid.”

Harry opened his mouth to refute that, then thought about the last four years. He closed his mouth with a sigh. It was then he realized he was just like Sirius. “Me... me, too. I was supposed to go into Slytherin and begged to go to anywhere but Slytherin.”

Tonks and Andromeda froze at that.

“Why?” Andromeda asked.

“I met Draco Malfoy in Madam Malkin's and on the train to Hogwarts.” Harry responded.

“That'd do it.” Tonks agreed.

Andromeda sighed. “I had hoped Cissy would have learned from Aunt Walburga's mistakes.”

Tonks snorted and laughed. “She's married to the top death eater. Little Draco is a miniature Lucius, only without the charisma or the brains.”

Harry couldn't stop himself from smiling and nodding.

“Anyway, the only female born of any of the Black family in this generation was my daughter, Nymp... Tonks.” Andromeda corrected just in time. “Since she's nearly seven years older than you and not a Black daughter, we all thought the pact between the Potter and Black families was rendered defunct.”

It took Harry a few seconds to cotton on to what she said. “It's not?”

“Sirius brought me back into the family recently, which put... Tonks... right back into the line of succession, right in front of Draco, because he's technically a Black though his mother.” Andromeda said and looked right into Harry's eyes. “That brings us to you.”

“How?” Harry asked. “I'm only fourteen and won't be fifteen until the end of July. I doubt Tonks is still going to be unmarried by the time I'm seventeen.”

Tonks blushed at the compliment. “Th-thanks, Harry.”

Andromeda smiled as well. “That's the thing, Harry. It's also a huge problem.”

“Why?” Harry asked.

“The triwizard tournament is only for of-age wizards. You didn't just compete in it, you won. That means you are an of-age wizard, despite your physical age.” Andromeda informed him. “Can you guess what activated the night the tournament ended?”

Harry stared at her and didn't know what to say.

“A Black family female and a Potter family male are both of-age at the same time in over four decades. The pact has come into effect and neither Tonks nor you have any other prospects. Yes, I've checked.” Andromeda said and Harry felt Tonks grip his hand tightly. It was still held to her chest and he could swear he could feel her heart beating as hard as his was.

Harry kept staring and hoped it was a joke. He wanted it to be a joke. He was too young to be married and... and have a wife... and then kids... and buy a home... and get a job and give up on school and have to give up everything to start a life he didn't want... and now he was panicking and he didn't know what to do about it.

He didn't feel the loss of warmth when Tonks let his hand go and then his head was suddenly engulfed in pillowy softness. Tonks had pulled him to her chest and cuddled his head as she started whispering sweet nothings to calm him down. She pet his hair and Harry put his arms around her and hugged her tightly, as if he would float away if he ever let her go.

“I know that neither of you wanted to hear about something like this and I'm sorry.” Andromeda said as she watched her daughter comfort the young man that was going to become her husband. “I'm also sorry that there's nothing that can be done about it.”

“Wh-why? Why?” Harry asked, his voice muffled slightly by the breasts he was snuggling. He was starting to like the feeling and wanted the thick cloth between his face and her chest to disappear. That was such an odd thought that he almost didn't hear Andromeda's answer.

“Because your magic will start to feel empty if you don't get together. It will wane and eventually will leave you, because you are denying the pact's purpose. To combine families.” Andromeda said.

“I don't want that to happen, Harry.” Tonks whispered and kept petting his hair. “I love my magic and I love my abilities. I don't want to give them up and I know you don't want to give up your magic, either.”

“How... how do you know that?” Harry asked and very reluctantly lifted his head from her chest to look into her eyes.

“Because you would have refused to compete in the tournament if you didn't care about it.” Tonks responded, her eyes full of understanding. “It's the first thing you'd lose if you had fought against the magical binding of the Goblet of Fire.”

Harry couldn't refute that. Magic had gotten him away from the Dursleys when he was eleven. He had competed in a deadly tournament, nearly died several times, and it was all because he didn't want to be sent back there permanently. Now he was here, in the arms of a pretty woman, and he wouldn't have to go back to the Dursleys ever again.

If his choice was between his relatives and marrying a stranger, he knew what he would chose.

“Okay.” Harry said and decided he might as well start right now. He leaned in and kissed her, his first kiss, and a thrill went through him.

Tonks was a little shocked at first from the bold move, then she let out a little moan and kissed him back. She ran her fingers through his hair as she made out with the cute boy... young man... her future husband. Oh! He agreed! He was gonna marry her! She let out another moan, louder this time, and laid down as she pulled Harry on top of her.

Neither Tonks nor Harry heard Andromeda leave the room.


“I now pronounce you emancipated teenager and cradle robber.” The very old man conducting the bonding ceremony said with a chuckle. “You may kiss without feeling guilty now.”

Tonks growled at the man and then turned to Harry, gave him a very warm smile, and kissed him deeply. She didn't do it for long, mostly because she knew public displays of affection made Harry uncomfortable. She would have to work on that and a few other things with him.

It had only been two days since Harry agreed and the whole courting thing had been rushed. It had to be, because Albus Dumbledore had tried to stop it. He had spent quite a bit of time and effort the last two days at the Ministry and trying to pass a law to stop it, only to be stonewalled by the purebloods.

They would not interfere with a traditional Ancient and Noble family pact because it would open the door for the Chief Warlock to poke his crooked nose into their family business as well. None of them wanted that and stopped him from getting his way. That it irked and annoyed the old man was just a bonus.

It was a small ceremony with only friends and family invited, which ended up being almost no one, because the Weasleys refused to attend on the advice of Dumbledore and Hermione was already out of the country on vacation. The only one left on the Black side of the family was Sirius, and he was a fugitive.

The only guests present were Ted Tonks, whom was Nymphadora's father, her mother Andromeda, a big black shaggy dog that Harry knew was really Sirius, and the officiator's wife. That was it.

There was a loud bang and a thump from the large double doors of the small chapel, then a muffled curse. The officiator and his wife let out chuckles.

“What was that?” Tonks asked and drew her wand.

“Someone that came too late.” The officiator said with a smug smile. “It's why I used the quick ceremony and not the normally lengthy one.”

Tonks gave him a pointed look and then let out a laugh. “You played the headmaster! Ha ha!”

“He always was a dramatic sort, so I had to ruin his timing.” The old man said and flicked his wand at the doors. They glowed for a moment and then opened up to reveal Albus Dumbledore standing there holding his crooked nose.

“I object to this wedding!” Albus said, surprisingly coherently with his nose clutched closed to stop the bleeding.

“I'm sorry, Mr. Dumbledore. You're too late for that option. They're already married.” The officiator said and motioned to Tonks and Harry. “They kissed and everything.”

“No!” Albus gasped.

“Whatever you had planned, you're too late to do it. Like always.” Andromeda said and stood. “We need to get you two back to the house for the reception and then you're off for your honeymoon.”

“No! I refuse to allow...” Albus started to say as he drew his wand.

“WOOF!” The big black dog said and lunged for the man's hand and snatched the Elder Wand out of the headmaster's grip.

Everyone stared at the dog and it wasn't because of what he did. It was because he literally said 'woof' and hadn't barked like he was supposed to. The dog wagged its tail and went over to Harry, happy to have protected his godson.

Harry chuckled and snatched the wand out of the dog's mouth. “Snuffles, you don't know where that's been!”

Everyone laughed as the dog whined and Harry put the wand in his pocket with his own.

“Harry, you need to give me back my wand.” Albus said, his voice stern.

Tonks stepped in front of Harry with her wand raised. “No, he doesn't. He's going to keep it for a while, just in case.”

“In case of what?” Ted Tonks asked.

“In case the headmaster tries to do anything more to interfere in family business like he's been trying to do for the last two days.” Andromeda said and stepped up to stand beside her daughter with her own wand raised to protect Harry. “You're not taking custody of him from us and you're never sending him back to his abusive relatives ever again.”

“Harry must be protected...” Albus started to defend his actions.

“...from everyone, especially from you.” Andromeda interrupted him. “Everything that's happened to him is your fault. You've let him face things that no one should ever face.”

“He saved the world already and he doesn't need to do it again for people that vilify him and think he's a glory hound and a cheat.” Tonks said and Andromeda, Ted, and the dog nodded. “If it wasn't for you, You-Know-Who wouldn't have had the chance to come back. You set Harry up and made sure he was used as bait. You let things play out and it's all your fault. All of it.”

Albus looked at the accusing faces and held in his sigh. He knew Andromeda wasn't a fan of his and he had thought he had convinced Nymphadora that his way was the right way. With the look on Harry's face, he knew he had trusted these people with everything that happened at Hogwarts.

That decision has cost Albus a very valuable asset in the upcoming war against evil, a metamorphmagus. It was unfortunate that asset had also convinced his future martyr to turn against him. It was going to take some convincing and a few compulsion spells to make Harry see the truth of the matter. He needed to stay on the side of the Light and die for everyone's sins, so the death eaters could be forgiven. It was all for the Greater Good.

“You can leave now.” Andromeda said and motioned to the open doors.

“I need my wand to...”

“There's a public floo in the lobby.” The officiator said. “The cost of the floo powder can be placed in the tip jar on the mantle.”

Albus thought about arguing and more wands came out to point at him. He let out the sigh he was holding and walked away. He would need to get back to Hogwarts to retrieve his old wand and then he would ensure Harry saw things his way. The right way.

“Thank you.” Harry said when the whoosh of fire sounded and Albus was gone.

“You're family, Harry. We'll protect you like we weren't allowed to do for the last fifteen years.” Andromeda said and turned to smile at him. “That was also Bumbledumb's fault. He kept you away from your godfather and us, the only family he should have left you with.”

Harry wanted to laugh at her nickname for the headmaster and also wanted to shout at the headmaster for keeping him away from these people for so long. These people. His family. His only family. He stepped forward and put his arms around Andromeda's waist and hugged her as he put his head on her shoulder.

“Thank you.” Harry said, barely above a whisper. “Thank you very much... mum.”

Andromeda caught her breath at what he said, then she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek, then his forehead, then his other cheek. “You're welcome, son. You're very welcome.”

“AWWW!!” Tonks yelled and pulled her dad into the hug and hugged Harry, her mother, and her dad.

“Woof.” The dog said and slid his head in between Tonks and Harry to get in on the hug, too.

That made everyone laugh and Harry dropped a hand to pet Snuffles. The hug broke up and they thanked the officiator and his wife, paid them a generous tip, and went home for the small reception. Ted handed an international portkey to Harry when the food was gone and he told his new son that if he wasn't a grandfather by next summer, he only had until Christmas to rectify it.

Andromeda and Tonks smacked Ted good for that, making them all laugh, and Harry hugged Sirius before he and Tonks were swirled away on the portkey to a tropical island. They had two full weeks to enjoy themselves before they had to get back to their lives.


Harry stared up at the ceiling of the honeymoon suite and he couldn't believe what was happening to him. It wasn't like he didn't know what having sex entailed, since he had lived in a dorm with four other boys for four years. Seamus Finnegan was a shameless flirt and had been into girls for a few years, so he had a few things that the more conservative boys didn't. Porn magazines.

So, Harry had some idea what to do. It hadn't prepared him at all for what it felt like to have a beautiful woman sucking him off like she was a vacuum and his penis was a particularly resistant bit of dirt that she absolutely had to suck up as hard and as messily as possible.

It was glorious!

Harry couldn't stop his moans, or his writhing, or thrusting up when Tonks gave him a particularly sexy look that begged for him to do it. He was holding onto her pigtails as she worked him over and he didn't question how she had made her hair into pigtails when her hair was supposed to be a short cut that barely touched her shoulders.

Tonks was having a wonderful time getting Harry to react like he was. The sounds he made really turned her on and she wanted to hear what he would do when he finally blew a load down her throat. She just had to decide if she would go all out and swallow it all or if she should pull him out and see exactly how much he was going to give her.

A show is better, I think. Tonks thought as she felt Harry throb threateningly in her mouth. She pulled her mouth off of him with a loud pop and jerked her hand up and down on his rock hard shaft. “That's it, Harry! Show your wife how much you like what she's doing to you!”

“Oh... ohhh... OHHHH!” Harry moaned and his back arched as his first shot flew up almost a foot into the air.

Tonks stared at the explosive reaction before the second shot flew and her eyes widened as a third came out, then a little spurt followed and it drizzled down over her hand. She kept staring at it and slowed her hand down and stopped.

Bloody hell! There's no way I could have swallowed all of that. Tonks thought and looked at the huge mess that Harry had made on her hand, her arm, his belly, and his thighs. It was still dribbling out of the tip, too.

She was unable to resist what she did next and leaned in to give his tip a light lick. It didn't taste half bad, which meant he ate mostly healthy foods and didn't eat many sweets. Not that it mattered much, since she usually didn't do stuff like swallowing or rubbing it over her face or her chest.

Tonks might like having sex; but, she wasn't into that kind of degrading treatment. She was respectable and expected her partner to treat her appropriately and not like a common whore... unless they were roleplaying or something. Then she might do a bit more than straight sex acts, because a little spice wouldn't hurt a healthy and active sex life.

“I think somebody liked that.” Tonks said with satisfaction and lightly pet Harry's softening member.

Harry could do nothing but nod and lay there. It took him several minutes to recover from such a mind blowing... and other part blowing... orgasm. It had been his first and Tonks had shown him that she was willing to do something he never thought a girl would ever do to him, married or not.

“Do you think you're up to keep going?” Tonks asked, a little unsure.

Harry nodded and moved down to kiss her perky breasts. Tonks hadn't meant that, wanting to get to the main event, and decided to see how far Harry was willing to go without prompting. Apparently, it was pretty far, because he stopped playing with her breasts and moved down to lay between her legs. His eyes almost bore through her as he stared at her dripping opening.

Tonks was about to ask him what he thought he was going to do, then he moved in and licked her. She had to clamp her mouth shut at the moan she wanted to let out at his playful lick, then he dove in and kissed her like he had kissed her mouth earlier. It was okay; but, not what she wanted. She reached down and held the top of his head by the hair and then used her other hand to point at things, wiggled her finger in the right motions, then let his hair go.

Harry understood and did as she instructed, much to her pleasure, then he discovered her nub and how sensitive it was. When Tonks let out a short scream and came from a particular swirl of his tongue around the skin that covered it, Harry paused and lifted his face to look at her.

“Um... I know you're a... metamorph thing...” Harry started to say.

“Meta... morph... magus.” Tonks said between panting breaths.

“Yeah, that.” Harry said and used his fingertip to very lightly probe the tip of her clitoris. “Can you... um... make that a little bigger? Maybe stick it out a bit more?”

Tonks blinked her eyes at him for several seconds. “Wh-wh-what... what... why?”

“It felt wonderful when you did it to me, so... I thought... if you can do that... then I can do it back to you.” Harry said, his face red.

Tonks had never considered doing that. Her sexual organs were just that, used for sex. She never once thought about changing them. With Harry's honestly embarrassing request, she couldn't stop her curiosity about it. Could she? Should she? Would it feel as good as what she did to Harry? It was supremely sensitive as small as it was. What would it feel like when it was bigger?

Harry watched as Tonks seemed to concentrate and then her little nub seemed to double in size and then stuck out about an inch. He knew better than to try anything right away, because she was concentrating so hard, and he waited until she let out a sigh of exertion and saw it was two and a half inches long and half an inch around.

“That... that's about all... I can force myself to do.” Tonks said and laid back. “Maybe with some practice, I can change it more. It took me weeks to get my duck bill the right shape and color.”

Harry reached out and lightly touched the side with a fingertip and caressed it. Tonks gasped and moaned at the touch, which made Harry smile. His guess had been right. He leaned in and gave it a lick, which made Tonks cry out with pleasure and she came. It wasn't a penis, so her cum came from the place it always did in her vagina.

He licked that up, making her moan more and wetting his lips and tongue, then he did what she did to him and swirled his tongue around her enlarged nub's top and then slipped it into his mouth.

“OHHHHH, FUUUUCCCCKKKKK!” Tonks screamed at the top of her lungs and came hard. The squirt splashed on Harry's chin and neck and he didn't stop. He started sucking and using the same tongue swirls Tonks had used on him and Tonks came, and screamed, and came some more.

Tonks was little more than a quivering puddle of flesh when Harry finally stopped giving her oral sex and moved up to look into her eyes. She mumbled something about really loving him for what he did, which he repeated, then he kissed her. She barely responded for several minutes and then seemed to gain a second wind and became enthusiastic and reached down to get him hard again.

It was time for the main event and they were both ready for it. Well, Tonks was ready a long time ago and only just now realized they hadn't had intercourse yet and wanted to rectify that as soon as possible. She needed to feel him inside of her after what he did for her. Harry wanted that, too.

Tonks took the top position and she gave him her best sexy look as she lined him up at her entrance. To his surprise, she hadn't reduced her clit back to its normal size. Harry looked at it and then up at her with his eyebrows raised.

“I wanna feel it bouncing around as I bounce on you.” Tonks said in a husky whisper.

Harry nodded and Tonks sat down with both a grunt and a moan, because her protrusion had lightly slapped the skin and small bush of hair above his manhood.

“We... have to... shave you clean... like mine.” Tonks said and started to move up and down.

“Shave with a razor... or magic?” Harry asked.

“Mix of both... a razor for accuracy... and magic for cleaning.” Tonks panted as she rode him.

She was slow at first as she got used to both having him inside of her and how her modification moved and reacted to her riding him. It was both a novel feeling and felt wonderful... and then Harry reached to put a hand on her breast and his other hand on her extension.

“OHHHH!” Tonks moaned and came hard again. She stopped moving and her whole body shook as she tried to recover. “H-Harry... Harry, you...” She stopped and gave him a look so full of love that Harry blushed. “I thought I would hate this whole forced marriage thing, that it was a farce, that I could ignore it. Then I met you and realized you needed me.”


“Not like this... at that time, anyway. You needed someone to help you. You needed someone to be there for you. Someone to listen. Someone to care.” Tonks said and Harry nodded after each sentence. “We're just getting to know each other and you've already given me more care and consideration than anyone else ever has.”


“I didn't realize I needed someone, too.” Tonks said and leaned down, moaned slightly at pressing her engorged clit between them, and kissed him. “I don't regret that we had to get married first. Not anymore. You're exactly what I didn't know I needed and I'm very happy that I found you.”

“Me, too.” Harry said, his face red.

“I'm glad you feel that way.” Tonks said and her warm smile changed to a wicked one. “Because I just had an idea to thank you.”

Harry's blush faded. “What is it?”

“Well, where you're inside isn't the only place you can shove it.” Tonks said with a grin.

Harry's eyes went wide. “You can't be serious. You want me to...”

“Want you to? No. Love for you to? Yes. It feels both different and amazing, because it hits the other side of here.” Tonks said and lightly tapped her belly where she could feel the end of Harry's member. “We also don't have to work up to it, since I can adjust myself to fit it.”

Harry's wide eyes stayed that way. “You... wait, why would you...”

“Trust me. You're going to love it, too.” Tonks said and slid up and off of him, grabbed him with her hand, and moved forward just enough to rest his tip against her puckered hole.

“We only just started. I don't think I'm ready for... ohhhh, Merlin! You're even tighter there!” Harry moaned.

Tonks moaned as well, because at this angle, he fit her insides perfectly and she barely had to shift things to not cause any damage. She didn't say anything and started to move up and down. Harry started moaning as she gripped him hard and she sped up, only to moan herself as Harry resumed caressing her breasts and her clitoris.

He's doing so much better than anyone I've ever been in bed with. Tonks thought, happily.

The pair continued to make each other moan. They came a lot, had a great time, and fell asleep with Harry buried deep inside of her proper hole in the front. Tonks wasn't worried about getting pregnant, since she was on the potion; but, she would have to talk to Harry soon about it. Like all contracts in the Black family, a child was to be produced to continue the family within two years.

They could worry about that later, though. For now, they basked in each other's warmth and felt happy for the first time in their lives.


Harry was pretty embarrassed with the position he was currently in, despite having a shower and feeling fully clean. He was on the bed on his back, completely naked, with his legs spread and bent to keep them out of the way. Tonks was knelt beside the bed with shaving cream and a disposable razor and she had already trimmed a lot of the hair using her wand.

“The shaving cream is a bit cold, which is what the basin of warm water is for.” Tonks said and dipped her hand in it and rubbed her hands as if cleaning them, then she proceeded to lightly caress his softness, his balls, the spot above that and the spot below it. She even did around his butthole and that made him blush. He was supremely glad that he had scrubbed there already!

Harry couldn't stop getting hard as Tonks lovingly took care of him and he saw the amused look on her face. He didn't say anything, because she started to apply the shaving cream and then used the razor. It was surprising how thoroughly she did everything.

Tonks made sure to remove all the hair from everywhere. Harry hadn't realized there was hair around his butthole until she told him using the bathroom was going to be so much easier for him to clean up afterwards with the hair gone. It wouldn't interfere with him wiping anymore and Harry was more thankful about that than he could express.

A bit more warm water was applied with her hands and then a damp cloth, then he was wiped off and Tonks used her wand to cast several more spells to clean everything up and sanitize it.

“There you go, Harry. You're all cleaned up.” Tonks said and looked over at Harry's blushing face. She looked at the compromising position he was still in and his quite prominent erection. Her smile went wicked again. “I think there is one or two things that can still be done, if you're okay with it.”

Harry was too embarrassed to speak, so he nodded.

Tonks leaned in and carefully kissed his ball sack. It contracted under her lips and his erection twitched, which encouraged her, so she started to lick and suck on each of his balls. Harry moaned as she played with him and Tonks explored more and more. Her hand started to slowly jerk him off and she moved her mouth down to his very tightly puckered hole.

Harry was about to ask her what she was doing, then she licked him right where no one had ever licked him before. He stiffened up at the touch of her tongue in a very forbidden place and moaned indecently at the same time. He didn't know why it made him feel like that, then her finger poked him and his muscles locked up.

“Geez, Harry. You're even tighter down here than I am and I do exercises to make sure I stay in shape.” Tonks said and gently probed him. She was kind of getting into it as she licked around the rim and used her saliva to lube up her finger.

“T-Tonks... I don't... why... why are you... that feels weird.” Harry finally said.

“Good weird or bad weird?” Tonks asked and wiggled her finger inside and felt around.

“I don't know.” Harry admitted.

Tonks couldn't help but softly laugh at that. “I felt like that my first time, too.”

“First... first time? What do you mean?” Harry asked.

Tonks didn't say anything as she moved up and started sucking on his raging erection that almost hurt.

Why did her playing down there make me so hard? Harry asked himself.

Tonks got a good rhythm going and Harry lost any reason to ask questions. She worked him up pretty good and then she stood up. Harry's eyes widened when he saw her enlarging and extending her clitoris again. Before he could ask her what she was going to do with it, she moved forward and he felt something larger than her finger poke him and then it pushed inside.

“Ohhhh, fuuuck.” Tonks moaned and started to pump her hips. “I always wondered... why guys wanted... to do me up the arse. Now I know. It feels fucking fantastic!”

Harry wasn't sure what was going on. His body was giving him so many conflicting feelings and his emotions were all over the place. He was enjoying it, he was hating the intrusion where there should never be one, and Tonks was still jerking him off and fondling his balls. It was all so confusing and mixed up until he was suddenly hit in a certain spot inside and he had an almost instant orgasm.

“OHHHHH!” Harry almost screamed as he shot, and shot, and shot again. It was almost like a fountain with how much was exploding out of him.

Each time Tonks hit him from the inside with her clit extension, another little spurt came out and Harry didn't know what to think anymore. Was it supposed to feel like that? Shouldn't he be fighting the feeling? Wasn't it too much? What was he going to do about it?

Tonks moaned as she came. She stood over her husband, the young man she had just buggered, and she didn't regret any of it as she saw the mess Harry had made because of her. He looked both happy and upset, which meant he was just as conflicted as she had been after her first time having anal sex. She laid down beside him and pulled him into a hug.

“I felt the same way, Harry. It's okay. Yes, it does feel that way. No, it's not wrong to do things like this with someone you care about.” Tonks whispered and then kissed him. “I might have gone a bit too quickly for you, though. This time, anyway. Believe me, it's going to feel a whole lot better the second time.”

Harry opened his mouth for a moment and then closed it.

Tonks smiled and kissed him again. “Yes, I still felt the same way when I was told that.”

“But... I mean... I like girls and...” Harry tried to explain.

“It doesn't mean you're gay if you like having sex like that, Harry.” Tonks chuckled. “Do you suddenly want to have a big hairy man kiss you and then roughly shove his half-erect dick in your mouth?”

“Fuck no!” Harry exclaimed, quite vehemently.

“Then you have nothing to worry about.” Tonks said and pet his messy hair. “Plus, we're married. We're kind of expected to experiment and find out what we like, even in the bedroom.”

Harry laid there and thought about it, then his hand slid down to her still extended clit. “You seem to really like having this.” He whispered and fondled her.

“That's... your fault.” Tonks said and moaned as she bucked her hips to let him touch her more.

Harry nodded and moved down to lick and suck on it as he used his hands to finger her at the same time. It wasn't a penis, so he knew Tonks was right. He wasn't suddenly gay and wanted to have sex with men. He was falling for the metamorphmagus and this protrusion was just another part of her. A part his idea had her make for him.

“OHHH!” Tonks moaned and came.

That gave Harry the excuse to move down and he licked and sucked on the rest of her, too. When he moved back up, he was hard again and Tonks kissed him passionately and he shoved himself into her soaked and prepared opening. Her extended clit had a bit of a workout as well, pressed between them, and it drove the both of them to do a lot more than what a new couple would ever think to do.

At one point, Tonks had morphed into her mother Andromeda, shocked the hell out of Harry when she asked him to bugger her perfect milf ass, and she bent herself in half to watch his reaction. Harry almost died when he choked on his own spit. He spit and sputtered as he recovered and told her that she was bloody crazy.

Tonks laughed at him until he accepted her offer and Harry made her scream his name as he did every hole she had and not just 'dat ass' like she wanted. She fell in love with him even faster than she thought she would because he always went along with her hilariously funny and outrageously sexy ideas.


“We're leaving Great Britain.” Andromeda told her daughter and her husband as soon as they returned from their honeymoon. She hadn't even said hello.

“I don't need to ask why, do I?” Tonks asked.

Andromeda showed her the newspapers that had been delivered while the new couple had been on their honeymoon. “The Ministry is dragging both Dumbledore's and Harry's names through the mud. It's a blatant smear campaign to discredit them and to turn the public against them.”

“They won't admit that Voldemort is back.” Harry said when he skimmed over the papers. “There's no mention of him, the death eaters, or anything close to a crime anywhere.”

“That's because they are portraying our society as the perfect place to live while ignoring everything that's wrong with the place.” Andromeda said and motioned to her husband. “Ted can't get work in the Ministry and he has a law degree from Oxford.”

Tonks scoffed and tossed the papers aside. “It's a muggle degree, so it doesn't count for the purebloods. I doubt they will change their attitude with You-Know-Who back.”

“No, it plays right into his hands. Divide and conquer.” Andromeda said with a sigh. “He did it before and he's going to do it again.”

“Which is why we're leaving.” Ted said. “Pack up the rest of your things and let's go. The plane leaves in three hours.”

“That's not a lot of time.” Tonks responded.

“It was the earliest flight we could get. There won't be another flight out until tomorrow morning.” Ted told her.

“Why is that important?” Harry asked.

Andromeda took out a piece of parchment and handed it to him. Harry took it and read it, only for the color to drain from his face. Tonks took it from him and she also lost color in her face. Literally. She was now white as a bleached bedsheet.

It was a 'suspend and detain immediately' notice for the national asset named Harry Potter. It had both muggle and magical writing on it, so two different things were shown. The muggle text said he was a 'person of interest' and was wanted by certain elements of the government.

“We're buggered.” Tonks said and dropped it to the floor.

“We're not giving up and we can't stay here. Someone in the Ministry's records department released the details of the marriage registration. It was printed in the newspaper and that came out three days later. We've had almost a dozen people sniffing around here looking for you and asking questions.”

“Do they have our portkey details?” Harry asked.

“They shouldn't. That's under DMLE and Transportation oversight.” Tonks answered.

“You do realize the floo network is in Transportation, right?” Andromeda asked.

Tonks cursed under her breath. “They're going to know we're back.”

“Which is why we've already packed up almost everything. All that's left is some things in your room and Harry's trunk of school things.” Ted said and ushered them up the stairs. “Grab everything you can and shrink it to fit in your pockets. We have an unregistered portkey ready to take us near Hampshire and our flight is out of Farnborough Airport.”

Harry had no clue about either thing, so he did the only thing he could. He followed his pretty wife's arse up the stairs and helped her pack. They were back downstairs in only five minutes and Harry thought about commenting on the odd smell as he and Tonks grabbed the plate portkey. They were just in time because the sounds of several apparitions came from outside the house.

Ted gave Harry a reassuring smile as he tapped the portkey with his wand and Andromeda pointed her wand at the fireplace with a propane tank inside. “Freedom.” “Reducto.” They said at the same time.

The front door of the house burst in, the portkey whisked Harry and the Tonks family away, and the propane tank exploded. If anyone had been outside the place and still lived, they would have seen the entire house go up in a huge fireball and the explosion shattered all the windows in the neighborhood.

The group of four landed in a field in a heap and Ted quickly pulled the portkey from their hands and set it down, tapped it again and said the same codephrase, and the plate disappeared.

“Where did you sent it?” Tonks asked as she stood up and helped Harry up.

“Bristol.” Ted said and helped Andromeda to her feet. “There's a rental car parked half a mile that way.”

“How did you set all this up without getting caught?” Harry asked.

“I'm a muggleborn. No one really pays me any attention when I'm anywhere that purebloods go.” Ted said as the four of them walked across the field to the road. “It's a blessing when you want to do stuff right under their noses and maddening when you want them to get off their duffs and do their jobs.”

“That sounds just like Ron in school.” Harry commented before he could stop himself. He realized what he said and turned his head away from their sad looks.

“It's okay, Harry. You're out of there now. You never have to go back to Hogwarts.” Tonks said and put an arm around his shoulders to comfort him.

Harry wasn't sure what to feel about it. On one hand, he had to leave his friends behind. On the other hand, he would be leaving behind all the animosity, the bullying, the spells to his back, spending all that time in the hospital wing, being berated by Snape, the hateful looks, the spiteful comments, and the bad subjects. When he was done thinking about it, he felt happy about it.

“Plus, you're considered an adult now. They can't make you go to school when you're of-age. You lose the trace on your wand and you can perform magic. As long as you don't do it in front of muggles or where there are monitoring charms, you're in the clear.” Tonks said.

Since she was an Auror, Harry knew she was right. “Where are we going, anyway?”

“The one place that they'll never expect.” Ted said with an amused smile.

“Where's that?” Harry asked.

“The Middle of Nowhere, Nebraska.” Ted said and laughed at Harry's stunned expression. “Yes, it's a real place. It has a big welcome sign and everything.”

“I want to say you're kidding; but, Tonks isn't laughing.” Harry commented.

“He's right, Harry. No one will ever look for you in the middle of nowhere.” Tonks said and she had to smile at the literal joke. “That reminds me. I need to send in my resignation.”

“I already took care of it, dear.” Andromeda said.

“How did you do that?” Tonks asked.

Andromeda smiled evilly. “I never sent in your request for time off for the honeymoon. Amelia was such a dear to visit personally to hand me your severance letter and your last pay.”

Tonks stared at her mother and knew she had taken a lot of pleasure out of ruining the only career she objected to. “I can't even be mad about it now.”

“No, you can't.” Andromeda said, her voice smug.

Tonks saw Harry's confusion. “Mum never wanted me to become an Auror. She knew how they would treat me and didn't want me subjected to it.”

Harry didn't have to ask what she meant, since he had four years at school suffering through the exact same thing. Everyone's ridiculous expectations of you and always failing to meet them. He put his arm around her waist and Tonks gave the side of his face a kiss for the silent support.

The four of them reached the car that was under a tarp that had a disillusionment charm on it. Ted took it off and put it into the trunk, then drove his family to the smaller airport that only had light traffic. It was perfect, because no one looked at them twice, thanks to Tonks changing her own appearance to be normal and casting concealment charms on Harry for his hair color and covering his forehead.

The fleeing family calmly turned in their tickets and checked their fake luggage before they boarded the plane. It taxied out fifteen minutes later with a half-filled passenger cabin and took off. The stopover at Heathrow didn't last long as the plane fuelled up for the cross-continental flight.

The passengers didn't have to disembark during the procedure, since no one was getting on or off, and the plane took off without anyone knowing there was a concealed fugitive onboard.


“This place is the emptiest and most boring place on the planet.” Ted said as the bus dropped them off in the middle of nowhere. The bus stop was right beside the huge sign and Harry snorted as he read the thing.

“You thought he was exaggerating?” Andromeda asked and Harry nodded. “I thought so too when he said he would show me a life that a pureblood would never imagine. When he did so, I married him and never looked back.”

They walked two miles to the 'center' of town, which consisted of three structures that could loosely be called buildings. One was the meeting hall and inside was a desk for county business. Ted gave the old woman his information and she checked her files, pulled out a folder and a set of mostly rusted keys, and handed both to him.

“Welcome to Nowhere. The monthly meetings of farmers is in three weeks right here. Tractors have to be parked out back. If you need a lift, Jim at the Halback farm has a trailer and he makes the rounds an hour beforehand.” The old lady said. “If you have any questions, I'm here from 2 to 4 every day. If you need books or tools, there's a weekly order sent around by the Crabtree Family that makes runs to the closest stores for a share of the gas cost and shipping.”

“That sounds reasonable. Thank you.” Ted said and stepped away from the desk.

“If you need a ride out to your place, I can call Jim.” The old lady offered.

Ted looked at his family. They had already walked pretty far after their long flight and then bus ride. “Please and thank you. We'll pay for his dinner as well, assuming there's anywhere nearby for us to do that.”

“That's mighty nice of you.” The old lady said with a smile. “I'll give Margaret a call and see if she's up for having visitors.”

“Thank you.” Ted said and walked over to his family. “I guess you heard all that?”

The three of them nodded.

“This place is going to be perfect or it's going to drive us nuts within a month.” Tonks whispered.

Harry took her hand. “What about using magic?”

“I looked into it and there are no restrictions besides not doing it in front of people not in the know.” Ted said. “Other than that, we're free to do whatever we want.”

Harry couldn't help smiling at that. “I want to do everything I can to help. With magic.”

Tonks softly laughed and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “It's a good thing we took mum's and dad's library. You're going to need it.”

Harry nodded just as the old lady spoke up to tell them Jim was coming by in ten minutes with the wife and they'd pick them up to go to Margaret's. Ted thanked her again and asked if she wanted to come along. Surprisingly, she agreed and closed up the place just in time for Jim and his wife to show up with the tractor and the trailer.

The ride was both comfortable and nostalgic for Ted, a whole new experience for Harry, Tonks, and Andromeda, and a normal thing for Jim, his wife, and the old lady named Fanny. Yes, really. She said it was her actual name and not a nickname, despite her having a cracking ass when she was younger. The women laughed as the men made uncomfortable sounds, which made the women laugh more.

Supper was a delightful affair that everyone enjoyed, especially Margaret, because she always loved having a full house of people to feed. It was why she usually had her grown kids pop by at least once a month for a family gathering, because they had their own big families for her to spoil.

Andromeda agreed to make their own visits a regular thing, as long as she was allowed to help cook. Margaret was delighted by the offer and accepted with a hug and a proclamation of becoming an adopted mother of the young woman. Andromeda blushed, Ted laughed, Tonks looked thoughtful, and Harry was happy. He had no idea that people across the pond were so nice and he would soon grow to love living there.


The newly christened Jones Family had a 'spread' of four hundred acres of farmland with a mix of animal grazing and crops. The four of them had no idea what the hell they were going to do with it all, so they spent almost six months in private lessons with Fanny, whom they secretly slipped several potions to help with her rheumatism and hot flashes.

Andromeda passed it off as doses of holistic medicine and Fanny adored them for the relief she felt for the first time in over a decade. It didn't take long for the whole community to come to them for the cure-alls they had access to.

The Jones Farm also seemed to produce bumper crops all the time and their animals had the heartiest and tastiest meats and milk products. None of the people in the community in the Middle of Nowhere suspected that magic was being used liberally, because it was always well hidden and never used when witnesses were around.

Everyone prospered, because as far apart as the people were spread, the Jones Family wasn't greedy or socially unapproachable. They helped plow other people's fields, helped them seed, shared breeding animals, and exchanged foodstuffs and recipes. They soon became an essential part of the community and everyone got along with the older couple and the younger couple.

Within the first year, it was almost like the Jones Family had always been there and everyone loved them. Anytime anyone strange came around and asked about any 'new strange people' that might have shown up, not one single person ever said anything. The Jones Family was one of them and they protected their own.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.