What Do You Mean I'm The Captain Of A Yandere Mercenary Company?

Harems Are Normal Here, Duh

Amber was acting a little weirdly while we were travelling back to the station.

What I meant by that was that she was especially touchy during our entire trip, like she would hold my arm, hug me from behind or even grope my boobs.

Well, I’m not stupid, especially when I already know that she apparently doesn’t mind sleeping with me so I knew exactly what she was trying to do.

But you know… I don’t really want my first time in this universe to just be a one night stand since I’d think--

“Hey Tera?”

I paused my action of tasting my cooking and turned to look at the blonde haired Merc, “What is it?”

“I love you.”

I almost dropped the saucer I was using to taste the food and Amber giggled after seeing my reaction.

I scowled at her, “Don’t even joke about that.”

“Oh, but I wasn’t joking though?”

“You’ve only known me for a few days, are you actually telling me that you fell in love with me in just that short amount of time?”

“Yes,” She answered without a hint of hesitation.

“Then I think you’re being too easy.”

“Come on, Tera. I’ve seen the way you look at me, I know you’re interested too. Besides, I’ll just say that you’re really, really charming and I’ve been completely charmed.”

“Maybe… But love is too strong a word for me to use for my own feelings right now.”

Amber hummed, “But not for me though~ I know we haven’t been together long… Hell, neither of us even know much about each other at this point. But I’ve done some thinking and I realised that if I were to imagine the both of us going our separate ways after this… I would be quite sad.”

“Are you sure it’s not just the suspension bridge effect that’s making you feel that way?”

She rolled her eyes, “Please, it’s not my first time receiving help from someone and I’m not that easy.”

I gave her a pointed look.

She pouted, “You’re different, ok? And I really did think about it seriously!”

“Mmhmm… I suppose you did,” I sighed before turning back to my cooking. “I suppose you do want an answer to your confession?”

“No pressure though. I just thought that I would definitely regret it if I did not at least express my feelings before we reached the station.”

I took a sip of the stew that I was making.

Hmm… Too sweet…

I added some other things to it while I responded to Amber’s confession, “I would be lying if I said I was not attracted to you… But you know that my memories are kind of fucked at the moment right? What are you going to do if it turns out I’m actually married to someone else?”

“Huh? Why would that be a problem? I’ll just join your harem then?”

I turned back to her, “What?”

She blinked at me, “What? I’m the one who wants you more than you want me right? I have no problems being part of your harem if it comes to it. If I wasn’t serious about this, I would not have confessed.”

“No, no, no… Wait… Err… Harem?”

“Yes? Why?”

“Is it normal to have harems?”

She narrowed her eyes at me, “What time period are your memories from? Ever since humanity and the Inucanians got together, harems have been a thing. They fought pretty hard for it too, you know?”

“Do… Do you not mind that I have someone else? Wait… Does that mean that you would have someone else aside from me?”

“No, silly. I said I’ll join your harem didn’t I? Not that I would be in an open relationship with you.”

I pointed at her, “And you’re completely ok with being in a relationship of unequal standing like that?”

“Unequal? What are you… Tera. Do I need to say it again? I love you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life and no one else. Didn’t you say that you won’t abandon me? So even if your harem expands, I would still be with you right?”

“I won’t but… I seriously don’t know how this works… According to my own memories, monogamy was the norm…”

“Oh gods, I’ll just let you know that a war almost broke out to make harems the norm. I’m not even kidding… Those Maochattians were very serious about it, more than the Innucanians some would say.”

“But what if… I had like nine other partners? Won’t you feel jealous?”

She shrugged, “Why would I be? More people, more fun. And it’s just a testament to the fact that you are extremely desirable and I’m one of the fortunate ones to be able to be part of your harem.”

“And you’re fine with me taking more partners?”

She raised a finger, “Oh I’ll be clear, I definitely wouldn’t want you to just start fucking anyone and everyone, only people who I think deserve your attention. Alright?”

Ah, so there’s the limit.

I guess having multiple lovers is ok as long as the lovers are fine with each other or something?

Whatever, I’m not going to question how a relationship like that works but now I know one of the norms of this universe that was different from my original universe at least.

Sounds like this might be something that I would want to search up the history of how it came to be, especially the part where she said that a war almost broke out for this.

Like really? People actually threatened war to normalise harems? Just what happened to lead to that?

I shrugged, “I am ok with that. I’m not someone who just sleeps around, as you might have surmised.”

She grinned, “You have no idea how much I wish that you were the opposite right now. And yes, I would want to sleep with you right now if you are up for it.”

“Ok… I just want to check if most people are also as forward as you are or that is just you?”

Amber crossed her leg, “I would like to say that it’s just me, but that wouldn’t be true~ I’m of course not counting the people who would just try and rape you, because that’s still a thing and it could happen.”

“Good to know… So er… I’m not against starting a relationship with you and--”

“Alright! Then you wouldn’t mind me doing this then!” She interrupted me before I could finish my words.

I turned to see just what she had in mind and almost choked on my spit when she stripped off her top and tossed it aside, giving me a full view of her tits.

“What the hell?”

“What?! I have to do something to seduce you, don't I? So is it working?”

I’ll admit that it was… Just a little bit… But I won’t say that out loud of course.

I ignored her and turned back to my stew, concentrating on my cooking instead.

Amber giggled behind me, obviously knowing that her little stunt there had an effect on me but she at least wasn’t pushing it.

“Hehe~ So I guess that’s official now. Please take care of me, Tera~”

“Ahem… Likewise.”

That kind of felt a little weird, but well… I didn’t think I would end up being in a relationship just like that.

“It might be a bit too late to ask this, but I suppose it’s better now than later,” Amber continued, her voice suddenly turning serious.

I thought that she was going to talk to me about the job we just did or something serious until the next words came out of her mouth.

“Are you a top or a bottom?”


“Hehehe~ I thought you might be~ Well then, push me down whenever you like in that case~ I’ll welcome your advances.”

“Well… I err… Think I’ll hold off on that until I get myself a dick…”

“Oh~ You want me to be the first one you use that on, don’t you? Kinky. I like it~”

I’m just stalling for time to be honest… But whatever, sure.

“Do you have a family then?” I asked, changing the topic.

I was worried that I might need to deal with family drama or something later on so I thought I’d ask to be sure.

There was a moment of silence and I thought she did not hear me. I was going to ask the question again but then she answered with a rather low voice.

“Not anymore…”

Ah shit… Did I step on a landmine?

As though she realised what I was thinking, she quickly added, “Ah! You don’t need to worry about it! It’s nothing serious! Really! I’m not that hung up about it so err… I’m more concerned about whether you have a family, Tera!”

I shrugged, “From what I can recall, I don’t think I have any immediate ones at least. And I don’t think I actually have another partner either so you’re actually my first.”

“Ehehehe~ Her first~”

“Did you say something?”

“Huh? Oh! Nothing! Is the food done yet? I’m starving!”

I tasted the stew again and found it to be perfect this time so I scooped some out into two bowls and both Amber and I shared another meal together.

I guess this is going to be the norm for us from now on?

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