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Chapter 42 ~ A Display of Greatness. In More Ways Than One…

Right after the meeting with Mayumi and the others, Yuuji returned to his room to retire for the night with Aika refusing to let his arm go from her embrace. 


The two showered and changed into their nightwear. And since Aika didn’t bring her own, she wore Yuuji’s t-shirt.


Although it was oversized, her breasts lifted the shirt up quite a bit, causing it to only reach down right below her crotch. So, she wore his boxers as well instead without her panties. 


Immediately, Aika pulled him into his bed and hugged him tightly, resting her head on his chest as Yuuji slowly stroked her hair. 


“How are you feeling? Are you excited?”


“Uuuuhh… More like, nervous. I seriously didn’t expect to be the one representing us in the official Mirage Bat…”


Yuuji smiled and kissed her head softly. It was rare, but whenever Aika would show some insecurities and nervousness, he would always hold her close just like now and rain her with loving kisses to calm her down. 


“I, for one, am excited for you, Aika. You’ll be able to perform on the main stage, you know? You can show everyone how amazing you are against the cream of the crop of these schools.”


“Geez… Are you sure it’s fine for people to see how amazing your girlfriend is?”


Aika looked up with a pout and glared at him. It was supposed to be a threatening expression, but it only served to make Yuuji’s smile grow even wider. 


“Many will fall in love with me, you know?! The Mirage Bat outfit might look cute on other girls, but it’s super sexy on me! That outfit alone is enough to make guys have a nosebleed! If I fly around in that outfit, they’ll see under my skirt and immediately worship my ass!!! I can very well create a cult after this!!!”

“Ahahaha, I’m sure they will. But…”


Yuuji pulled her up towards him with his left arm that was wrapped around her waist, and pressed his lips against hers. His other hand squeezing her breast strongly, just enough to bring out her masochistic side.


“That’s all they could do. They’ll only be able to watch you from a distance and fantasize. While I… can do this.”




Yuuji dove in once again and pried open her lips with his tongue, invaded her mouth, and began playing with her tongue while his hand continued to massage her breasts, squeezing it and rubbing her hard nipples through the thin t-shirt that belonged to him. 


All the strength left her body as the continuous barrage of electrifying sensation from her nipples and the warm, mind-numbing pleasure from his kiss and hand continued to numb her brain with pleasure. 


She was completely swept by him. Her soft, wet lips, submissive tongue, and sensitive breasts had become his plaything, and there was nothing she could do but to let her beloved boyfriend have his way with her body. 


She lost track of time. All she could feel was pleasure. She hadn’t even realized how much she had ruined her boyfriend’s boxers with her love juice. 


But finally, he separated himself from her, leaving her panting with her tongue lolling out of her lips. 


If she could see her own expression right now, she would see the expression of a debauched woman who had fallen far into depravity and lust. 


“See? Only I can make and see the Goddess’s slutty expressions and listen to her sexy moans all night.”



He let go of her breasts and cupped her cheek, wiping away her tears and drool, and looked at her with eyes filled with nothing but love and affection. 


“All I want is for you to have fun. Don’t stress about anything. Don’t feel guilty for “robbing” Miyuki’s place. That’s only in the anime. In this world, it’s your place, not her. You’re the one they choose. So pride yourself in that, okay?”


Perhaps it was guilt, but Aika truly felt bad for robbing Miyuki’s place. Even though it was only in the anime, that’s what should’ve happened if she wasn’t here. 


But Yuuji was right… It was only something that happened in the anime. This is reality, and in this world, she and Yuuji were there. She didn’t steal anything from anyone. She was the one chosen, so it was her place to be. 


“...You’re right. Thank you, Yuuji… I love you.”


“Mm. I love you too. If you need something for the competition, just tell me, okay? I’ll do anything for you.”




Aika fell silent right after Yuuji said that. And after a few moments, she looked up with a serious expression on her face. 


“...Then there’s one thing.”


“What is it?”


“Fill me up before the Mirage Bat match. I want to feel you in me while I fly.”




Yuuji blinked a few times and looked at her girlfriend in pure shock. 


What…? Wait… Fill her up… Is she joking? No… She’s serious… 


Perhaps he should’ve expected it since it was a request from his super perverted girlfriend. But it still took him a while to actually process her request and understand what she meant.






“But what if-”


“You can use your magic to plug it so it won’t leak.”




Did she think this far ahead when she made me come up with that magic while we were in the toilet that time? Is my girlfriend secretly a genius on par with Lelouch?!


Faced with her adamant gaze and the promise he just made to her, Yuuji let out a helpless sigh and smiled.


“Alright… I’ll fill you up before the match.”


“Yaaaaaay~!!! I’ll be having double helpings of your milk too for my mouth~! So be prepared~!!”


Aika rubbed her cheeks on his chest and wrapped her arms around his chest, pressing her chest onto his and embracing him tightly.


“Hah… What a perverted girlfriend I have.”


Fourth day of the Competition.


It was the start of the rookie events of the Nine Schools Competition where the top first-year students would compete against each other. 


Scores from the rookie events were only half as much as their official counterparts, but they could still sway the overall results greatly. 


The first rookie event would be the Women’s Rookie Event Speed Shooting that would be held in the Speed Shooting venue of the competition. Shizuku will be going against the representative from the Second High School. 


Watching from the spectators’ seat, Yuuji and Aika waited for the start of the event in anticipation. 


“Mmm~ I’m looking forward to this~ It’s Shizuku and Tatsuya’s first match~”


“Ah, and if Tatsuya did what he did in the anime for Shizuku’s match, then it’ll be a spectacle to see.”


The start of the match was announced. The players prepared themselves as the countdown began, raising their rifle-shaped CAD. 


And the moment it began, a number of clay targets were shot into the air. 


“Wow~! She’s doing it~! She’s destroying all of it!!!”


One by one, all of Shizuku’s targets burst into pieces with every press of her trigger while her opponent struggled to hit hers. 


“As expected of Tatsuya… He’s a monster alright.”


Although he had seen it from the anime, seeing that spell in action in flesh was even more amazing. 


Active Air Mine. The activation sequence sets a cube measuring 10 meters on each side within the target area with the vertices and the center, totaling 9 points, designated as epicenters. 


It allows the user to tag all solids that enter the Magic Activation Zone with magic vibration waves, destroying the target. More specifically, it generates compression waves within the target, causing it to undergo rapid and repeated partial expansion and contraction, which in turn, causes it to undergo rapid heating and cooling repeatedly, weakening and collapsing the solid. 


While not practical in combat use, the spell was extremely powerful, efficient, and perfect for this Speed Shooting event due to the nature of the event itself. Since it is a static environment, there was no need to enter variable coordinates separately each time. The user can simply input the number corresponding to the nine epicenters into the Activation Sequence and invoke the magic directly. 


“Yes, but shizuku’s also amazing~!!! It’s because her processing power is so impressive that she could use it to that degree!”


“Mm. She is. Are you getting nervous now? You’re going to go against her later on in Pillars Break, you know?”


Yuuji smiled teasingly, but Aika smirked back at him instead. 


“Fufu~ She might be amazing, but your girlfriend is even more amazing, you know! Just leave it to me~”



“How about you~? Are you nervous~? You’ll be having your first competition later~ And it’s… Battle board~!”


Yuuji physically flinched the moment Aika said the cursed word… It was as if he was stabbed right in the chest. 


“......Do you even need to ask?”


He let out a deep, tired sigh. His battle board event… it’s the one event he had been dreading this whole time.


In fact, he’s looking forward more to the Monolith Code where he’d need to work together with Shun and his friend and have an entire building fall on him. At least, he could protect himself then.


But this… There’s nothing he could do about this. 


The event itself was fine. Although he had just learned surfing when he was assigned to the battle board event, he was able to master it quickly thanks to his accelerated learning skill. 


However… the outfit… The outfit he had to wear was…


“Ufufufu~ I’m suuuuuuuuper looking forward to it, you know~? And I know the girls are too~!!! I’m sure there’ll be a rain of blood from how many nosebleeds you’ll cause the moment you step out in that skin-tight suit~”




A skin-tight swimsuit… They could just tell him to compete naked! That’s basically what they’re doing!


Ever since receiving [Divine Physique], he had been avoiding tight pants and outfits for a reason. It’s because he couldn’t physically hide his crotch! 


And instead of helping him, his girlfriend’s being like this…


“I’ll definitely snap a ton of pictures so the girls and I could enjoy it again later on, so do your best, okay~”




Here goes nothing…


Stopping right at the cusp of exiting his bench, Yuuji took deep, long breaths, preparing himself to go into the course. 


Some of his team members from First High thought he was preparing himself for the match, but he wasn’t. 


He was preparing himself for humiliation. 


He had… gotten the taste of it just earlier, when he came out in this dark-blue skin-tight swimsuit. The eyes of everyone around him, male or female, immediately went to the obviously accentuated part of him. 


The girls immediately shrieked and closed their eyes, while the guys became really awkward while telling him good luck on the match. 


It was… painful to say the least. 


“You can do it, Yuuji. Just focus on the match. Don’t mind the noise.”


Yuuji stepped forward, leaving behind the comfort and privacy of his bench, and into the venue. 


And the moment sunlight hit his figure, he could hear gasps and shrieks resounded all around him. 


“Kyaaa~! Yuuji- Eh?! I-I-Is that real?!”


“W-Wow… H-He’s so big…”



“H-H-How shameless!”


It wasn’t only the females. The males, although quieter, were also in shock at the sight of him.


“Kuh… Life is so unfair…”


“H-How is he allowed to do this?!”


“H-How could I even compete with that monster…!”


“I-It’s fine. Size doesn’t matter. I-It’s how you use it… It’s how you use it!!!”


Ignore it… Ignore all of it… *Sobs* Just focus on the match…


He had done everything he could to not make it obvious. He had even layered several layers of clothing underneath. But the accursed skint-tight swimsuit he had to wear still accentuated it. 


There was nothing he could do…


Aika must be laughing her ass off right about now… I’ll definitely punish her tonight and make her beg me to stop…


He approached the starting line of the course with his surfing board in hand, and he was immediately welcomed by the shocked, aghast, despaired expression of his opponents…


He put down his surfboard on the water surface and stepped on, ready for the match. 


Focus… The quicker I reach the finish line, the quicker I can get out of this swimsuit.


His eyes sharpened as the blaring horn of the countdown reverberated. And the moment the starting horn blared, Yuuji immediately burst into a tremendous speed, pulling head and shoulders ahead of his opponents. 


“W-What in the world?!”

“H-He’s so fast!”


“How amazing…”


“I-Is he really human…?”


Watching from the spectators' seats, Erika, Miyuki, Mizuki, Shizuku, Honoka, Leo, and Mikihiko all gasped in shock. Their eyes widened into saucers as Yuuji burst through the start line and continued pulling away from his opponents with a staggering speed.




Miyuki turned to her brother, who was smiling calmly as he watched Yuuji going through the course at record speed.


“Impressive, as expected.”

“O-Onii-sama, w-what is going on? How could Yuuji-san be so fast?”


“It’s simple. He’s using wind to push him forward.”


“Eh? But… how could he be this fast if he’s just being pushed by the wind?”


Mikihiko asked. 


“Normally, what restricts the speed of a moving object the most, given no obstacle, are friction and air resistance. Since he’s on water, the friction he needed to overcome to move that quickly was much lower than normal, even if the flow is against him. So, his biggest obstacle is wind resistance.”


“Yes… Everything has to fight against air resistance to move forward. Even things that fall down. They would eventually be reduced to terminal velocity since the air is pushing against it as it falls.”


Tatsuya nodded. 


“Yes. You’re right, Mikihiko. Now what if you can erase air resistance from the equation at that kind of speed?”

“Eh…? T-Tatsuya-kun, you mean…?”


Mizuki turned her gaze towards Yuuji, her eyes widened.


“Mm. Yuuji is creating a vacuum in front of him by redirecting the air in front of him to his back, pushing him instead. Without air resistance and a tremendous force of wind behind him in addition to the movement magic he’s using… He could reach supersonic speed if he wanted.”




All of them fell into silence as the realization of the absurdity of what Yuuji’s doing right now fell on them.


At least, until Aika’s voice broke it.


“Geez! I told him I wanted to get a picture of him! If he’s this quick, how could I take one!!!”




Aika turned to Erika with a huff, her lips pouting, and whispered.


“Let’s punish him together later, Erika-chan! Let’s take embarrassing pictures of him in his room tonight!”


“W-Wha- What are you saying!!!”


“Hmph! I don’t care anymore! I was looking forward to having a collection of his pictures in that swimsuit, but now it’s ruined because he’s try-harding!”





Sitting beside Aika, Mizuki blushed redly as she listened to Aika and Erika’s conversation. Despite the loud cheers from all around them, Aika was whispering loud enough for her to hear. 


It was embarrassing and perverted, but even if she didn’t want to admit it, she was also looking forward to seeing Yuuji in such a tight swimsuit attire. She would be lying if she was a bit disappointed when she couldn’t see it because of how fast Yuuji was, but there’s no way she could express it!!!


And before long, the loud, blaring sound of the horn signaling Yuuji’s finish resounded throughout the stadium, followed by a deafening applause for the new record he had set in Battle Board history. 




The room was silent as everyone within it looked down with a frown, an expression of frustration, anxiousness, and helplessness. 


“What the hell was that…?”


“Is he a monster…?”


“K-Kichijouji-kun, do you know anything about him…? Aside from his name…”


A girl with short-brown hair, dressed in a dark maroon blazer and uniform of the Third High School, asked the petite, pale-skinned boy in the same uniform at the head of the table. 


Everyone turned their gazes towards him as he let out a soft sigh from his nose. 


“Just as much as you do… His name is Tsubakihara Yuuji, the male freshman ace of First High school. And from my digging… He’s apparently the one calibrating his own CAD for his events.”


“What? He’s doing it himself?”


“I thought his engineer was that other monster that was in charge of the female rookie’s speed shooting event!”


Gasps and words of shock and disbelief echoed throughout the meeting room. 


Kichijouji Shinkurou, a first year student considered to be the “brain” of the third highschool’s team coming into the Nine School’s Competition, turned to his side. 


“Masaki… What do you think of him?”


Ichijou Masaki, the handsome, light brown-haired heir of the Ichijou Clan, one of the ten masters clan, crossed his arms as the frown on his face deepened. 


“Well, I certainly didn’t think he would be that much of a monster when I heard the rumors…”


“Uhn… Creating a vacuum in front of him and redirecting the air to push him from behind, allowing him to reach tremendous speeds without needing to fight the air resistance, all the while anchoring himself to his board and multicasting various other spells… It’s something only a monster could do.”


“Kichijouji-kun… Masaki… For even you two to say something like that…”


A boy, a second year student, clenched his trembling fist. His expression looked at the two aces of their schools anxiously and nervously. 


Masaki sighed and raised up from his chair, walking towards the massive glass window pane overlooking the vast courtyard outside. 


“There’s nothing we can do against him in Battle Board. Not with him having that kind of spell. But we still haven’t seen his skills in Monolith Code.”


“Mm. Masaki’s right. From what information I could gather, other than Tsubakihara Yuuji, his other two teammates are nothing to be concerned about. As long as we can take him down, we’ll win.”

“I see… Then I guess we’ll need to see him in action first in the Monolith Code event tomorrow…”


“Then how about that monster engineer…?”


“It’s physically impossible for one engineer to be in charge of every single event, but…”


Masaki turned his gaze from the window to his teammates.


“Whatever matches he’s working, we’ll be facing an uphill battle. At the very least, we should take the field knowing that device-wise, we’re in the hole by two or three generations.”


He walked back to the side of his seat and placed a hand on Kichijouji’s shoulder. 


“As for Tsubakihara Yuuji, we’ll deal with him. He’s alone. And we’re not. We’ll crush him together.”

“Mm! We believe in you, Masaki-kun, Kichijouji-kun!”

“Yeah! We have the Crimson Prince and Cardinal George on our side! There’s nothing to fear!”


A small smile appeared on Kichijouji’s face. He looked up to his side, and saw Masaki also smiling at him, confidence radiation from within his eyes and his entire being. 


“Let’s do our best, Masaki.”

“Ah. We’ll watch his events closely tomorrow. We’ll find out his strengths and weaknesses, and thoroughly crush him.”




AN: Started doing Titles~ Hope you enjoy the story~

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