We Spin the Stars Above: A West African GameLit Epic

Lore I

To understand the nature of creation is to understand the Architects themselves. There is yet much we do not know and though those of us Ascendants like to feel more superior to our planet-bound cousins, we are not truly better. After all, precious few of the Firstborn know and the Primordial Elders (commonly known in the lore of the worlds as gods/celestial beings) remain ever-changed by the choice to invest themselves in the Worlds of Promise. Indeed, as most scholars are coming to realise, it's the least of these, the mortals, the ofeke, the ones-without-the-spark that have come close to understanding the Apotheon's true nature.

In truth, creation or the multiverse as many like to think of it, is not truly that. It is not a nicely segregated construction of neatly demarcated regions and borders but instead one flowing whole, tightly woven. What we call worlds or universes or Instances are merely sections of that mass, stacked on top of each other, separated only because they are within or without the collective. With this idea in mind, it becomes fairly apparent why realm travel and portal creation is easier between closely numbered Instances. One simply does not have to fight through layers of space to get to their destination.

Indeed were it not for the Towers and their convenient piercing points, I highly doubt world travel would’ve been possible before the discovery of Nexus points and the spirit realm as a whole. Of course, it is also these Towers that have allowed the Aberrations free and near unchallenged access through the multiverse but the Duru weren't exactly known for their great foresight.

— Vestige Revealed: A Multiversal Explorer's Report.

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