Watcher of Fate

051 - Diverging Paths

The morning sun shone warmly over the bustling town that had sprung up around the Westgate of Gabilanûr. The air was crisp, carrying the mingled scents of fresh bread from the bakeries and the earthy aroma of dew-kissed stone. Once teeming with mercenaries and adventurers seeking fortune within the dwarven lands, the town now felt quieter. Many had departed as the tide of the civil war changed, not wanting to have been caught supporting the losing side, leaving behind empty inns and vacant stalls where merchants once haggled over exotic goods.

Elara stood at the edge of the cobblestone street, her gaze drifting over the familiar yet ever-changing landscape. She was ready to set out again because she was clad in her travel gear and well-worn [Shadowveil Cloak] draped over her [Living Steel Armor]. Beside her stood Kael, his attire suited for the road ahead. His satchel bulged with scrolls and arcane instruments, and a finely crafted staff rested in his hand.

They were joined by Mira, Owen, and Lily, appearing similar to when she traveled with Elara before assuming the persona of Hearthstone's Hammer. Dressed in a simple yet elegant robe of deep emerald, Lily's fiery red hair cascaded freely over her shoulders. Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and contentment.

"Hard to believe it's only been two days," Mira mused, glancing around at the town's quiet streets. "So much has changed."

Owen adjusted the straps of his leather pack, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Indeed. Those who sided with the Westgate Warden fled as soon as the tide turned. Cowards, the lot of them. But as you said, Mira, where some see emptiness, others see opportunity."

Lily turned to Elara, her smile warm and genuine. "I wanted to thank you again for everything," she said sincerely. "I wouldn't have made it to Gabilanûr without your help."

Elara returned the smile. "It was my pleasure, Lily. I'm glad things turned out well in the end." She paused, studying Lily's expression. There was a softness in her eyes, a gentle flush on her cheeks that hinted at something more. "You seem... happy," Elara observed, tilting her head inquisitively. "Did something happen while I was away?"

Lily's gaze softened further, and a shy smile bloomed. "Alden has proposed," she revealed, her voice barely above a whisper. A delicate blush deepened on her cheeks, painting them the color of dawn. "He wishes me to be by his side as we rebuild Gabilanûr. It seems I'll be... well, assuming the role of High Queen." She met Elara's eyes, a touch of wonder in her own. "It's all a bit overwhelming, to be honest."

Mira's eyes widened with delight. "Lily, that's wonderful news!"

Kael raised an eyebrow, a sly grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. "High Queen Lily. Has a nice ring to it."

Lily laughed lightly. "It's a bit overwhelming, to be honest. But I believe we can bring about real change together. Uniting the clans, fostering new alliances... there's so much to be done."

Owen stepped forward, his expression earnest. "If there's any way I can assist, you have only to ask. Establishing new trade routes and negotiating with merchants, I have experience in these areas. And knowing the new High Queen certainly opens doors."

Lily nodded appreciatively. "Your expertise would be invaluable, Owen. We'll need trusted individuals to help manage the economic aspects of the reconstruction."

Mira looked thoughtful. "I've decided to stay as well," she announced. "Numerous quests and contracts are coming through the Adventurer's Guild here. Plus, Gabilanûr is my home. It feels right to be here during this time of change."

Elara turned to her friend, a hint of sadness mingling with understanding in her eyes. "I'll miss having you by my side, Mira. But I know you'll do great things here."

Mira smiled softly. "Our paths will cross again, I'm sure of it. And you have your journey to continue."

Kael adjusted the strap of his satchel. "As for me, it's time I return to the Realm of the Magi," he said. "The Citadel of the Seven Moons awaits. There are studies I must resume, and the council will want a full report on the events here."

Elara took a deep breath, the weight of the moment settling upon her. "I'll be heading south," she stated. "Toward the Horde territories. There's... something I need to do there."

Owen looked at her with concern. "The Horde lands are treacherous, Elara. Especially now. Didn't you know it's their biannual Kurultai? All the clans gather, and it's... well, let's just say tensions run high."

She met his gaze steadily. "I have to go, Owen. It's my mother."

A sudden silence fell over the room. Lily's hand, which had been resting lightly on Elara's shoulder, tightened its grip. Mira's eyes widened in alarm. Even Owen, usually so stoic, seemed taken aback.

Before anyone could speak, a translucent blue box materialized before Elara's eyes, its ethereal glow casting an eerie light on her face.


New Quest Alert!

Rescue the Prisoners

Difficulty: S

Location: Fields of Concord

Objective: Rescue the prisoners at the Horde’s Biannaul Kurultai

Reward: Varies


Elara stared at the quest box, her breath catching in her throat. The world seemed to tilt, the familiar faces around her blurring as a wave of dizziness washed over her. This wasn't just a quest; it was a lifeline, a beacon of hope in a sea of despair she hadn't even realized she was drowning in. For years, she had clung to the faintest possibility that her mother might still be alive, a hope so fragile she barely dared to acknowledge it. And now, it was, stark and undeniable, glowing before her eyes.

"Elara?" Lily's voice was distant, cutting through the fog of disbelief. "What is it?"

Elara blinked, tears pricking her eyes as the quest box flickered and vanished. She pressed a hand to her mouth, stifling a sob that threatened to erupt. It was too much, too sudden. The months of grief, the crushing weight of uncertainty, the carefully constructed walls around her heart, all of it crumbled in the face of this unexpected revelation.

"It's..." she stammered, her voice thick with emotion. "It's about my mother. I might have confirmation that she ... she might be alive."

The words hung in the air, heavy with significance. Elara's vision blurred with tears, but through the haze, she saw the shock and concern on her friends' faces. Lily's hand reached out, a comforting presence on her arm. Mira's eyes were wide with a mix of disbelief and hope. Even Owen's stoic expression softened with sympathy.

Elara closed her eyes, fighting for control. She had to be strong, for her mother, for herself. This quest, this impossible chance, was all she had. She took a shaky breath, steeling her resolve. "I have to go," she whispered, her voice filled with a newfound determination. "I have to find her."

The group stood silently for a moment, the sounds of the waking town around them, a vendor setting up his cart, a distant bell chiming the hour, serving as a backdrop to their unspoken farewells.

Mira broke the silence, her eyes glistening slightly. "Take care of yourself out there. And don't forget to write."

Elara chuckled softly. "I'll do my best. And you keep an eye on things here. Gabilanûr is lucky to have you."

Kael extended his hand to Elara. "Until we meet again."

She clasped it firmly. "Safe travels, Kael. May your studies bring you wisdom."

He smiled wryly. "And may your journey bring you the answers you seek."

Owen gave a small bow. "May fortune favor you, Elara."

"Same to you, Owen. And good luck with your new ventures."

Lily embraced Elara warmly. "Stay safe. And remember, the palace doors will always be open to you."

Elara returned the hug. "I appreciate that. And congratulations, Lily. You'll make a wonderful queen."

As they parted, Elara and Kael turned toward the southern road, their paths aligned for at least the first leg of the journey. The sun had risen higher, casting long shadows behind them.

The two walked in comfortable silence for a while, the road stretching out before them like a ribbon winding through the emerald hills. Wildflowers dotted the landscape, and the distant call of birds added a peaceful soundtrack to their journey. After some time, Kael checked the position of the sun and adjusted the brim of his hat.

"This is where I take the eastern path," he said, gesturing to a fork in the road marked by an ancient oak tree. "The Citadel of the Seven Moons awaits."

Elara offered a warm smile. "Safe travels, Kael. May your studies be fruitful."

He inclined his head. "And may your journey lead you to what you seek. Until we meet again." With a final nod, he set off down the eastern path, his figure gradually diminishing among the rolling hills.

Left alone on the southern road, Elara took a deep breath, savoring the scent of fresh grass and the faint hint of the sea carried on the wind. The weight of solitude settled on her shoulders, not heavy but familiar. The road ahead was uncertain, but it was hers to walk.

Spotting a weathered stone bench beneath a blossoming cherry tree, she decided to rest momentarily. Setting down her pack, she sat and allowed the gentle rustling of leaves to soothe her thoughts. The petals fluttered like soft pink snow, creating a delicate carpet around her feet.

Feeling the need to assess her progress and prepare for the challenges ahead, Elara closed her eyes and centered herself. She reached inward, tapping into the arcane weave that connected her to her abilities. A translucent, shimmering interface appeared before her—a personal reflection of her journey thus far.


Name: Elara Crowhurst

Race: Human(Norn)

Class: The Watcher of Fate

Level: (376,286 of 408,000) 36

Quenya: (439,176 of 443,000) 37


HP: 13,123 of 13,123 (39.3/min)

Energy: 51,700 of 51,700 (59.1/sec)


Armor Class: 117

Strength: 120

Dexterity: 276 (303)

Constitution: 157

Perception: 323 (532)

Intelligence: 175 (192)

Resolve: 261 (378)

Free Points: 8

Class Skills:

Sanctuary of Learning (Legendary): 26

Skein of Destiny (Mythic): 11

Ephemeral (Legendary): 29

Crimson Quill Dance (Unique): 34 PERMANENT

Unified Presence (Legendary): 35

Moment in Time (Mythic): 3

Weaver’s Insight (Rare): 32

Racial Skills:

Weight of Fate (Rare): 16

Cognizance (Mythic): 35

Umbral Requiem (Legendary): 22

Quenya Skills:

Crimson Quill Dance (Unique): 34 PERMANENT


Dark Maze (Rare): 3

Greater Invisibility (Rare): 14

Warp Reality (Rare): 17

Shadow Hand (Uncommon): 31

Shadow Step (Uncommon): 35

Umbral Wings (Uncommon): 7

Shadow Clone (Rare): 6

Analyze (Common): 1

Bless Water (Common): 1

Lesser Restoration (Common): 1


Elara scanned the details thoughtfully. The battles in Gabilanûr had honed her skills, and she noted the slight increases in her agility, intelligence, and wisdom. Her experiences had not only strengthened her body but also sharpened her mind.

"Level 36," she mused. "Still a long way to go."

She sighed softly, recalling how Lily had defeated entire armies with her puppets and direct combat abilities. "I'm not able to take on armies like Lily did," Elara admitted to herself. "Her mastery over puppetry and battlefield prowess is incredible." Determination flickered in her eyes. "If I'm going to rescue my mother, I need to become stronger, strong enough to face hordes on my own."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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