Watcher of Fate

037 - Return to Reality Part 2

She took a moment to steady herself, the pain from her wounds threatening to overwhelm her. Quickly, she began weaving black and blue threads, casting [Warrior Reprieve (Uncommon)]. As the threads wove around her, she felt a surge of vitality, a significant boost to her HP and stamina, providing her with the strength she needed to continue the fight.

Elara took a deep breath, feeling the rejuvenating effects of the spell coursing through her. With her renewed strength, she quickly assessed the situation around her, using her [Awareness (Legendary)] to take stock of who was down and who was still up.

The camp was in disarray. The [Lvl 28 Human Mage] lay lifeless on the ground, his head severed cleanly from his body. Near him, the [Lvl 17 Human Rogue (Common)] was also down, her dagger still embedded in Elara's side. The [Lvl 12 Human Archer (Common)] was bisected, a look of shock and fear frozen on his face.

However, several threats still remained. The [Lvl 25 Human Spiritualist], the one responsible for the initial mental suppression, was still standing, a mix of anger and fear on his face as he prepared for another spell. The remaining bandits, including a [Lvl 20 Human Swordsman (Uncommon)], a [Lvl 13 Human Fighter (Common)], a [Lvl 15 Human Fighter (Common)], a [Lvl 16 Human Fighter (Common)], and a [Lvl 11 Human Archer (Common)], were converging on her position, weapons drawn and ready.

Elara's mind raced as she calculated her next move. She knew she needed to neutralize the remaining threats quickly and decisively. The Spiritualist was still a significant danger, and the fighters and archer could easily overwhelm her if she didn't act swiftly. The pain from her wounds was a constant reminder of the stakes, but the surge of vitality from [Warrior Reprieve (Uncommon)] gave her the resolve to press on.

Desperation clawed at her mind as she formulated a plan, knowing that if it failed, she might have to abandon the camp and leave her companions to their fate. The thought of running away filled her with a sense of dread and guilt, a haunting echo of the past.

Elara's emotions churned within her, a tumultuous mix of fear, determination, and regret. Her mind flashed back to that fateful day in Barrowbridge, when she had been forced to flee as her family home was destroyed. The memory of smoke, fire, and the shouts of orcs filled her senses. She remembered the overwhelming sense of helplessness and failure that had consumed her as she ran, leaving everything she knew and loved behind.

Now, faced with the possibility of running again, those feelings threatened to overwhelm her. Could she abandon the camp to save her own life? The thought of failing again, of not being able to protect those who depended on her, was almost too much to bear.

But then she remembered why she was fighting. Her family, her friends, and the people who had placed their trust in her. If she fell here, she would fail them all over again. With a deep, steadying breath, Elara pulled her resolve together, pushing past the fear and doubt that threatened to paralyze her.

Determined to give it her all, Elara began to weave a complex spell out of white threads, her hands moving with practiced precision. The threads glowed softly, their light cutting through the darkness as she concentrated on the intricate patterns. She poured all her focus and energy into the spell, knowing that this was her best chance to turn the tide of battle and protect those she cared about.

Elara focused intently on her spell, each thread of mana an extension of her will. She thought about the individual elements of the spell: each one a simple, cheap illusion. There were no complex shapes, sounds, textures, or actions—just simple 2D wall elements, each costing nearly nothing to cast. She envisioned the walls forming, basic and straightforward, but their sheer numbers would create the effect she needed.

As she worked, she could feel her mana pulsing through her veins, a river of energy being channeled into her spell. Thousands of these simple walls began to materialize, each one adding to the growing illusion. The strain on her mind and body was immense, her head starting to pound with the effort. The pain in her head was relentless, a deep, throbbing ache that grew more intense with each passing second. It felt as though a vise was tightening around her skull, squeezing her temples and sending sharp jolts of agony through her brain.

Elara willed the world to slow further as she continued to weave her spell, her focus narrowing to a razor's edge. The warriors moved in slow motion towards her, their expressions fierce and determined. She could see the archer pulling an arrow back, the string of the bow taut as the arrow was aimed directly at her.

Time seemed to stretch and elongate, the moments dragging out as she worked. The arrow loosed from the bow, moving slowly through the air towards her. Elara didn't flinch or move, her concentration unbroken as she cast spell after spell in parallel.

The pounding in her head intensified, each pulse of pain a reminder of the immense effort she was exerting. It felt as though her skull was about to split open, the searing heat of her mana consumption burning through her mind. She gritted her teeth, trying to ignore the sensation of nails being driven into her temples, the relentless hammering threatening to overwhelm her.

She watched the arrow approach, inching closer with agonizing slowness. Then, with a sharp, burning pain, the arrow penetrated her arm.

Elara gasped, the pain almost breaking her focus. But she held on, her determination unwavering. With a final surge of effort, she completed the spell, the last of the white threads snapping into place.

HP: 974 of 1944 + (17.4 HP / Sec)

Mana: 21 of 1995

A mirrored maze popped into existence around the camp, its reflective walls creating a labyrinth of confusion and deception.

You gained a new spell: Lvl 1 Mirror Maze (Rare).

Elara took a moment to focus, using [Awareness (Legendary)] to see through the illusory maze. The maze's reflective surfaces distorted and multiplied the images of everyone within, creating countless false paths and dead ends. She saw the bandits moving through the maze, their expressions confused and frustrated as they encountered endless reflections of themselves and each other.

With the maze creating chaos among the bandits, Elara activated [Forgettable (Rare)], making herself blend into the surroundings, nearly invisible and easily overlooked. She moved stealthily through the mirrored corridors, her eyes fixed on the Spiritualist.

As she approached him, the Spiritualist sensed her presence. His head whipped around, eyes wide with panic. He raised his shield, the metal gleaming dully in the distorted light of the maze. His movements were frantic but determined, as he tried to anticipate her attack. The reflections in the maze, however, played tricks on his perception. Dozens of Elaras danced around him, each one moving with lethal intent. He swung his shield to block one of the reflections, his arm shaking with the effort.

In that moment of confusion, Elara saw her opening. Her real form remained just out of his line of sight. She moved with swift precision, her blade slicing through the air. The Spiritualist's eyes widened further as he realized his mistake, but it was too late. Elara's sword cut through flesh and bone, severing his shield arm. The force of the strike sent the limb tumbling to the ground, blood spurting from the wound in rhythmic pulses.

The Spiritualist screamed, a high, keening wail of agony and despair. He staggered back, clutching the stump of his arm, his face contorted in pain. The sound echoed through the maze, a haunting cry that reverberated off the mirrored walls. The sight of his own blood seemed to paralyze him, his mind unable to process the sudden and brutal injury.

Elara didn't waste any time. She knew she had to finish this before he could recover or call for help. The Spiritualist, still reeling from the shock, began to weave a spell with his remaining hand, the black and blue threads forming rapidly. But Elara was faster. With a fluid motion, she followed through with another strike, her blade cutting through his neck, silencing his screams and ending his life.

Elara took a moment to catch her breath, her body aching from the exertion and wounds. She looked around, scanning the camp to see if any of her companions were stirring now that the Spiritualist was dispatched. Her [Awareness (Legendary)] picked up subtle signs, heightened breathing, slight movements, but no one had fully awakened yet. They were still under the lingering effects of the [Dominate Mind] spell.

She sighed to herself, knowing the fight wasn't over. She couldn't afford to relax until all the bandits were dealt with. Determined, Elara scanned the maze for the next closest bandit.

Her eyes locked onto the [Lvl 16 Human Fighter (Common)], who was stumbling through the maze, disoriented by the reflections. Elara moved swiftly, using her [Forgettable (Rare)] skill to remain unseen. She closed the distance silently, her movements precise and lethal.

The fighter never saw her coming. One moment he was trying to navigate the maze, and the next, Elara's blade was slicing through his torso. He let out a gurgled cry, collapsing to the ground in a pool of blood.

Next, she targeted the [Lvl 15 Human Fighter (Common)], who was swinging his weapon wildly at the illusions. Elara approached from behind, her steps silent and sure. With a single, decisive stroke, she severed his spine, and he crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

The [Lvl 13 Human Fighter (Common)] was her next target. He was closer to the edge of the maze, desperately trying to find a way out. Elara used the reflections to her advantage, making it seem as though she was attacking from one direction, only to strike from another. Her blade pierced his heart, and he fell without a sound.

Finally, she turned her attention to the [Lvl 11 Human Archer (Common)]. The archer was panicking, his eyes wide with fear as he aimed at phantom enemies. Elara approached him calmly, her blade ready. She waited for the perfect moment, then struck with precision, her sword slicing through his neck.

One by one, the bandits fell, their confusion and terror amplified by the mirrored maze. Elara moved through the battlefield with a deadly grace, her focus unwavering. The camp grew quieter with each enemy she dispatched, the echoes of the fight gradually fading into silence.

As the chaos subsided, Elara's attention was drawn to the remaining [Lvl 20 Human Swordsman (Uncommon)]. He had managed to bull his way through the mostly illusory mirror maze, his sheer strength and determination cutting a path through the deceptive reflections. His eyes locked onto a group of caravan people who were just waking from the [Dominate Mind] spell but were still restrained.

Elara's heart raced as she saw the swordsman moving towards them, his intent clear. She knew she had to act quickly to prevent further harm. With a deep breath, she dropped all her illusions, the mirrored maze dissolving into nothingness. The world seemed to snap back into focus, the camp now a stark and open battlefield.

"Hey!" Elara called out, her voice strong and commanding. "Over here!"

The swordsman turned towards her, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the new threat. Elara could see the determination in his gaze, the resolve to complete his mission no matter the cost. She tightened her grip on her sword, readying herself for the confrontation. The lives of the caravan members depended on her ability to stop him.

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