Watcher of Fate

034 - A Blink in Time

[Moment in Time] has been activated.

Elara was enveloped in the eerie silence of a world frozen by her spell [Moment in Time]. The garden, moments ago alive with tension and movement, was now a tableau of suspended animation. The air hung heavy, every particle caught in mid-motion. The massive [Deep Dragon] hovered just above the ground at the garden's edge. Its colossal wings stretched wide, each membrane detailed in sharp relief against the backdrop of the starlit Underdark sky. The Matrons and their attendants were statues, expressions of surprise and trepidation on their faces.

She stood alone amidst this stillness, the only being capable of thought and perception. Even her own body refused to move, bound by the very spell she had cast. Only her mind was free, racing with a flurry of thoughts as the gravity of the situation pressed upon her.

Elara realized that Lady Selya had activated the spell, her heart pounding despite the temporal stasis. It was a magical deathtrap designed to eliminate Lady Yathrin and her rivals in one swift stroke. Knowledge settled like a weight in her consciousness. Not only were the guests and Lady Yathrin caught in this lethal web, but Elara was also entangled.

And once the chaos subsides, she thought grimly, Lady Selya will have no further use for me or Mira. She'll trigger the explosive collar to silence any loose ends. The prospect of such a fate ignited a fierce determination within her. She refused to be a pawn sacrificed so casually.

Focusing her thoughts, Elara reached out with [Cognizance], seeking the real Lady Selya. She must be watching, Elara surmised. She wouldn't miss witnessing the downfall of her archrival.

As her mind extended outward, she felt the skill pushing further and faster than ever before. Her enhanced core surged, feeding power into the ability, and driving it to new heights. The sensation was exhilarating and unsettling, a testament to what the sun skill [Umbral Requiem (Shadow Weaving)] had done to amplify her capabilities.

Through the labyrinth of frozen moments, her awareness soared upward, scanning the intricate corridors and chambers of the opulent villa. The luxurious details blurred past, a tapestry frozen mid-sway, a candle flame halted in its flicker until she sensed a presence high above.

Lady Selya stood there, framed by an ornate window overlooking the garden. Her eyes gleamed with cold satisfaction, a faint smile playing on her lips as she observed the impending devastation below. The sight sent a chill through Elara. She truly cared for nothing but her own ascent.

Elara's awareness latched onto a new sensation, a thick golden thread intertwined with strands of black, pulsating with a familiar energy. Intrigued, she accelerated along this conduit, her consciousness hurtling through the villa's hidden spaces until she arrived at a dimly lit chamber.

Quill perched on the windowsill of a modest room, his luminescent form casting a gentle glow over Mira, who sat on a narrow cot, her expression weary but unbroken. The strength of the connection between Elara and Quill startled her; it was as if the distance between them had collapsed entirely.

Quill was watching over Mira, just as he had said. Sitting in a dimly lit cell in another villa wing, she looked unharmed. Quill perched nearby, his sharp eyes alert. She’s safe for now, Elara reassured herself. But the window of opportunity to save her was shrinking with every passing second, even in this frozen world.

Reluctantly, Elara forced her focus back to her own body. The reality of her situation loomed large, and the possibilities flickered before her like scattered threads waiting to be woven into a decision.

What are my options? she pondered, her thoughts sharp and clear despite the dire circumstances. I could use Quenya to disrupt the spell, but that would expose me, and either Lady Yathrin or Lady Selya or both would ensure my demise.

She considered leaving a [Shadow Clone] in her place and attempting to escape before the explosion occurred. But the explosive collar remained a lethal obstacle. *Even if I manage to flee, Lady Selya might trigger the collar as soon as she realizes I'm missing or earlier to tie the loose end of Mira.

Another option surfaced, dark and perilous: I could attempt to kill Lady Selya. Yet the explosive collar was tied to her life force; if she died, the collar would detonate automatically.

Time was of the essence, though ironically, she was trapped in a moment where time had ceased. The best course, albeit fraught with uncertainty, seemed to be escape. If I can get far enough away before the blast, perhaps I can find a way to remove the collar before she decides to trigger it.

But the window of opportunity would be slim. Elara reasoned that Lady Selya wouldn't wait long to tie up loose ends. She might activate the collar moments after the explosion, or I could be longer. But how long would she have? Minutes? Maybe hours, if I’m lucky. But Selya wasn’t one to leave loose ends. She’d clean up quickly, especially after detonating a section of her own estate.

As Elara stood in the eerie stillness of the time-frozen world, the realization settled heavily upon her. Running and hoping for the best was a passive approach, one that surrendered her agency to Lady Selya's whims. If she fled now, she would merely be delaying the inevitable, placing her fate in the hands of someone who had proven ruthlessly untrustworthy. I need to take control, she thought firmly. I need to make my own choices.

Refocusing her mind, Elara pushed aside the looming threat of the explosion. It was a distraction, a symptom rather than the root of her predicament. The true obstacle was the explosive collar, a device that would detonate if the control wand was activated, if Lady Selya died, or if tampered with improperly. The collar is the key, she realized. I need to get the control wand from Lady Selya without her realizing or at least without giving her a chance to use it against me.

Her thoughts flashed back to the last time she had invoked [Moment in Time]. She remembered that while she couldn't move or speak, she could still cast spells. They wouldn't manifest until the world resumed its flow, but she could layer them, stacking her magic so that multiple effects would trigger simultaneously when time caught up. It was a risky maneuver but one that might just give her the edge she needed.

Mentally, she shrugged, a gesture of resolve more than nonchalance. Drawing upon her inner reserves, she activated [Unified Presence], feeling a surge of power course through her. Her magic expanded, the frozen world around her becoming more real, every detail etched with crystalline clarity. Threads of mana around, almost yearning for her to grab and weave them into a vast tapestry. The shadows themselves sprang to life, ready to obey her command.

Elara reached out with [Cognizance], her awareness stretching toward the spot where Lady Selya watched from her high vantage point. As she focused, she noticed a startling change, the golden and black braided thread that connected her to Quill was now wrapped in midnight blue shadow threads, pulsing with an almost blinding energy. The threads seemed alive, vibrating with newfound strength, nearly burning with power.

The unexpected transformation captivated her. What is happening? she wondered, momentarily distracted. Casting her perception down the line once more, she projected her awareness into Quill's form.

To her astonishment, Quill was no longer the translucent, ethereal crow she knew. Instead, he had become a shadowy figure, his form defined by swirling darkness tinged with hints of starlight. His eyes glowed softly, reflecting an intelligence that matched her own.

"Elara?" Quill's voice resonated in her mind, tinged with confusion. "What's going on? Everything is... still."

Elara was stunned. You can perceive the frozen moment, just like me. Before she could respond, a soft chime echoed within her consciousness. She instinctively pulled up the notification:


You have discovered a sub-skill of [Umbral Requiem]: Shadow Spirit

Shadow Spirit: Allows the wrapping of a spirit in shadow, enabling it to interact with the physical world for a limited time. Contracted spirits become valid points of origin for spell weaving.


Understanding blossomed within her, a clear path amid the chaos. If I can weave a spell from Quill's point of view, then perhaps...

She knew what she had to do.

Focusing on her intent, Elara drew upon this new aspect of [Umbral Requiem], channeling her mana through her connection with Quill. She envisioned the shadow beneath Mira's feet becoming a gateway, a conduit leading directly into her [Spirit Domain]. The energy flowed from her, a steady stream that marked the spell's activation. Though it wouldn't manifest until time resumed, the groundwork was laid.

"Quill,” she communicated mentally, "I've used a new skill to connect Mira's shadow to my Spirit Domain through you. When time starts again, the spell will pull her into safety. I need you to make sure she understands. She might be able to see and hear you in your shadow form. Help her not to resist the pull. I'm hoping that once she's within my Spirit Domain, the control wand's signal won't be able to reach her.”

Quill absorbed the information swiftly. "Understood," he replied, determination evident in his tone. "I'll do everything I can to reassure her."

Elara felt a surge of gratitude. Thank you, Quill. I couldn't do this without you.

She refocused her thoughts, assessing the situation. With Mira potentially safe, she could turn her attention back to the immediate threat, Lady Selya.

Elara extended her awareness toward Lady Selya's vantage point high above the garden. Concentrating, she sought out a corner steeped in the deepest shadows near the Matron. Visualizing the intricate patterns of her [Shadow Step] spell, she began weaving the threads of shadow mana. The energy flowed from her, a silent torrent that departed her form but hovered just beyond the threshold of reality, waiting for time to resume its course.

Her consciousness returned to her current position among the frozen parade of guests and the looming [Deep Dragon]. Without wasting a moment, she cast a third spell, [Shadow Clone]. She meticulously crafted a perfect replica of her disguised self as Lady Selya, positioning the clone near where she had been standing. When time moved forward once more, the clone would seamlessly take her place, and with everyone's attention drawn to the dragon's dramatic entrance, no one would notice her absence.

With her preparations as complete as she could make them within the constraints of the time-frozen world, Elara took a deep, steadying breath. The weight of her decisions pressed upon her, and she found herself at a crossroads. She mentally debated her next course of action.

She considered that I could attempt to steal the control wand from Lady Selya. But if she doesn't have it on her, or if I fail to take it without alerting her, she could activate the collar immediately. That would be the end of me.

An alternative formed in her mind. Perhaps I can overpower and destroy the collar right now. Since time was suspended, the collar wouldn't be able to detonate until the flow of time resumed. If she had neutralized it before then, it would have been excluded from her [Shadow Step], allowing her to teleport away before any disastrous consequences. She recalled how she had nearly overpowered the spell suppress collar of the auction house before using her aura control granted by [Unified Presence]. Now, with her enhanced abilities and powerful core, it might just be possible.

Determination solidified within her. I won't leave my fate to chance any longer. It's time to take control.

Focusing on the collar, Elara channeled her mana into her aura through [Unified Presence]. She envisioned her energy extending outward, enveloping the collar with an external magical grasp. Where once she had manipulated clear threads of mana, she now commanded shadowy tendrils forged from the depths of her shadow mana. These tendrils were an extension of her will finer in control yet vastly more potent.

The shadowy tentacles snaked around the collar, their ethereal forms pulsing with energy as they intertwined with the device. She began channeling power into the collar, intent on overloading its mechanisms. Through [Cognizance], she observed the intricate mana pathways and patterns within the collar. She could see them fraying, tiny fissures forming as the device struggled against the influx of energy.

Elara gritted her teeth as she poured more of her mana into the delicate task, her core straining with each passing second. Every pulse of energy she channeled felt like a dagger drawn from deep within her, pulling at the very essence of her being. The weight of her effort was immense, pressing down on her like a leaden cloak. Though time itself was frozen, Elara felt the mounting pressure within her as if the weight of all the stopped moments threatened to crush her from within.

Her core began to burn, a searing heat that spread outward like molten iron, tearing through the fragile threads of her remaining strength. Beads of sweat formed on her brow, but even they remained suspended in the stillness of the frozen world, unable to fall. Her entire body felt locked in a vise of her own making, straining beyond its limits as she forced more mana into the unraveling enchantments of the collar. The sheer effort of it sent waves of pain radiating through her limbs, as if each surge of power clawed at her from the inside, demanding release.

Despite the frozen nature of time, the collar around her neck trembled ever so slightly, a subtle, unnatural quiver rippled through the stillness. The delicate pathways of its enchantments, once flawless, now frayed and unstable. Elara could feel the intricate weave of magic unraveling under her relentless assault. Each destabilized thread screamed for control, threatening to snap back and lash at her if she faltered momentarily.

Her breath, too, felt frozen in her chest, unable to release the tension mounting within her. The quiver of the collar grew more pronounced, vibrating against her skin, signaling the impending collapse of its functions. Every fiber of her being screamed in agony, the pain intensifying with every ounce of mana she pulled from her core. Yet she continued, knowing that failure meant death.

As the strain peaked, she could sense the enchantment teetering on the edge of failure. The collapse was close now, but it demanded more of her, more than she had ever thought possible. Elara wove her final spell, [Shadow Hand]. She crafted shadowy appendages with the intent to grasp either side of the collar and, at the precise moment when time resumed, to pull it apart physically. The spell's energy lingered, coiled and ready to spring into action the instant the temporal stasis lifted.

With everything in place, Elara steadied herself. The culmination of her efforts would unfold in an instant once time flowed again. Success hinged on perfect timing and the strength of her newfound abilities. Failure was not a viable option.

This is it, she thought resolutely. No more running, no more relying on fate. I choose my own destiny.

Time ticked forward an eye blink.

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