Watcher of Fate

021 - The Huntmaster Part 1

Elara activated her skill [Forgettable (Rare)], feeling the subtle magic weave around her, making her presence blend seamlessly with her surroundings. As she approached the entrance of the gnoll-occupied fortress, she moved with the grace and silence of a shadow. Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat a reminder of the stakes at hand.

The ruined fort loomed ahead, its once mighty walls now crumbling and covered in ivy. The gnolls had made this place their home, and Elara could see them patrolling the perimeter, their keen eyes scanning for any intruders. She knew she had to be careful; a single misstep could alert the entire pack to her presence.

Drawing upon her skill [Greater Illusion (Rare)], Elara wove intricate threads of white magic, creating the illusion of solid walls where none existed. These false barriers provided her with temporary cover as she navigated the fortress's narrow corridors and open courtyards. Each step was deliberate, and each movement was calculated to avoid detection.

The magic of her illusions shimmered faintly, the walls appearing as real as the ancient stones of the fortress. She ducked behind one of her illusionary walls, pressing her back against it as a group of gnolls passed by. The gnolls sniffed the air suspiciously, their noses twitching, but the illusion held firm, masking her presence entirely.

Elara's [Awareness (Legendary)] skill allowed her to sense the presence of nearby gnolls before they came into view. She could feel the vibrations of their heavy footsteps through the ground and hear their guttural growls echoing off the stone walls. Whenever she sensed a patrol approaching, she would press herself against one of her illusionary walls, holding her breath until the danger had passed.

As she moved deeper into the fortress, she encountered more gnolls, each patrol more vigilant than the last. Elara's magic was her only advantage, and she used it to its fullest extent. Her illusions flickered and shifted, creating safe passages through the fortress as she followed the golden thread of fate. The thread shimmered faintly, guiding her steps toward the Goblin King's living steel spear.

At one point, she came upon a gnoll standing guard at a narrow archway. Elara paused, focusing her magic to create an illusion of an empty hallway. Seeing nothing amiss, the gnoll turned away, allowing Elara to slip past unnoticed. Her heart raced as she moved swiftly and silently, each step bringing her closer to her goal.

Elara found herself at the entrance to the fortress's great hall. The room was vast, with high ceilings supported by thick stone columns. Faded tapestries hung on the walls, remnants of a bygone era. The dim light from torches flickered, casting eerie shadows that danced across the cold, hard floor.

An extra-large gnoll in the hall's center, wielding a round shield and a short spear. The gnoll's fur was mottled and scarred, a testament to countless battles fought and won. His eyes gleamed with a feral intelligence as he scanned the room, his nose twitching as he sniffed the air.

Elara focused on the large gnoll, and a magical information box appeared above his head.

[Lvl 26 Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)]

The [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)] was an imposing figure, standing a full head taller than the other gnolls she had seen. His fur was a patchwork of grays and browns, marred by old battle wounds and deep scars that told stories of his combat prowess. His eyes were a piercing yellow, glowing with a cunning and predatory intelligence that sent a chill down Elara's spine. His every movement was deliberate and controlled, exuding confidence and authority.

The [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)] sniffed the air again, his head turning slowly toward where Elara was hiding. "I know you're there, thief," he said, his voice deep and resonant. "Come out of hiding."

Elara's heart pounded in her chest. She remained hidden, her breath shallow as she tried to quiet her thoughts. The [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)] sniffed again, his nostrils flaring. "I can smell the entrails of [Desert Scorpions (Common)]," he continued, his tone almost conversational. "You have faced them recently, haven't you?"

The [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)] took a few steps forward, his eyes narrowing as he continued to speak. "I can also smell the blood of goblins on you. And something else..." He sniffed the air once more, a slow smile spreading across his face. "Ah, yes. The feast of a goblin. You have dined with them."

Elara's concern grew. How could he know so much just by scent? She remained perfectly still, hoping her illusions would hold. The [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)] tilted his head as if listening to something only he could hear. "I understand now," he said, a note of realization in his voice. "They sent a human... but there's something more." He sniffed the air again, his expression becoming more thoughtful. "Something older, something... powerful."

Elara's pulse quickened. "Something older?" she thought, puzzled. She had no idea what the [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)] was referring to. Was he sensing the magic within her? Or something else entirely? She had to be careful and outmaneuver him somehow. The weight of the Goblin King's trust and the future of the Blackfang Clan pressed heavily upon her. She tightened her grip on her sword, her mind racing with possibilities.

The [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)] chuckled, a low, rumbling sound that echoed through the great hall. "Come now, little thief. Let us see if you are worthy of the prize you seek."

Elara knew she had to act quickly. She could not afford to be discovered, not now, not when she was so close to her goal. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the challenge ahead. She used her [Greater Illusion (Rare)] to create a duplicate of herself, sending it forward to distract the gnoll. As the illusion moved into view, the [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)]'s eyes locked onto it, his muscles tensing in preparation for an attack.

"Ah, there you are," the [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)] growled, stepping forward. "Do you think you can hide from me with your little tricks?"

Elara's remained hidden behind a column, her heart pounding. She watched as the [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)] closed in on the illusion, focusing entirely on the false image. The gnoll's lips curled into a sneer. "You think you can outsmart me? I will enjoy tearing you apart."

Suddenly, the [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)] leapt toward her hiding spot with astonishing speed. Time seemed to slow around Elara as she instinctively moved, her body flowing like water. Her dance-like movements carried her gracefully out of the way just as his spear pierced the space she had occupied a split second ago, embedding itself into the column with a resounding crack.

Elara rolled to her feet, her senses heightened and her grip firm on her sword. The [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)] roared in frustration, yanking his spear free and turning to face her. The two began to circle each other, moving rapidly through the great room.

The gnoll lunged forward, his spear thrusting toward Elara with deadly precision. She parried with her sword, the clash of metal echoing through the hall. The force of the impact sent vibrations up her arm, but she maintained her balance, stepping back lightly on her feet. The gnoll pressed on, each thrust of his spear aimed with lethal intent.

Elara's movements were like a deadly dance, each step calculated to avoid the gnoll's attacks. Her blade flickered in the dim light as she executed a series of rapid slashes, aiming for the gaps in the gnoll's defense. The gnoll, however, was not easily fooled. He brought his shield up, deflecting her strikes with a resounding clang.

With a roar, the [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)] swung his spear in a wide arc, forcing Elara to duck and roll to the side. She sprang up quickly, her heart pounding, and countered with a swift thrust aimed at his unprotected side. The gnoll twisted his body, the spearhead glancing off his armor with a screech of metal against metal.

Elara tried to press her advantage, moving in closer to limit the gnoll's range with his spear. Her sword danced in her hands, striking out in a blur of motion. She managed to land a shallow cut on the gnoll's arm, but he retaliated with a powerful shove of his shield, sending her stumbling backward.

The [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)] growled, his eyes narrowing as he assessed Elara's movements. He lunged again, this time feinting with his spear before sweeping his shield toward her legs. Elara leapt over the low strike, twisting her body mid-air and bringing her sword down in a powerful arc. The gnoll raised his spear just in time, the blade striking the shaft with a sharp crack.

Quill's voice echoed in her mind, a note of urgency in his tone. "Elara, he's as fast as you are."

Elara gritted her teeth, her mind racing. "I know, Quill. I need to find a way to outmaneuver him."

An idea sparked in her mind. She sprinted behind a pillar, her heart pounding. She focused her magic, drawing deep from within her core. Her hands moved in fluid, practiced motions as she began weaving multiple threads of white light. The threads glowed brightly, intertwining and forming intricate patterns in the air. She could feel the magic pulsing through her veins, each thread a tangible extension of her will.

With [Multi Weave (Rare)], she combined the threads into several [Greater Illusion (Rare)] spells. The air shimmered and rippled as she created several illusory duplicates of herself. A message popped up before her eyes.

You have created a new spell: Lvl 1 Mirror Image (Uncommon).

Mirror Image: Creates multiple illusory duplicates of the caster to confuse and distract enemies.

Elara quickly dismissed the notification, her focus unwavering. She darted out from behind the pillar, her illusory copies preceding and following her. The [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)] sniffed the air, his nostrils flaring as he tried to discern the real Elara. He ignored the illusions and thrust his spear directly at her.

The world slowed as the gnoll's spear came straight at her, the deadly point aimed unerringly at her heart. Panic surged through Elara. She could see the gnoll's sneer, the lethal gleam of the spearhead, and the certainty of her death if she didn't act. Her muscles screamed in protest, locked in the commitment of her last attack, unable to twist away in time.

Desperation clawed at her mind. She needed to escape, but the spear was already too close, the air itself seemed to part before its deadly advance. Her breath caught in her throat, her heart hammering wildly as she realized she couldn't dodge in time.

Drawing on every ounce of her magical prowess, she forced herself to focus through the rising tide of fear. She wove midnight blue threads around her, the strands of shadow magic trembling under her intense concentration. The threads knitted together, forming the spell she needed: [Shadow Step (Uncommon)].

The spear was mere inches from her chest when she felt the magic take hold. In a heartbeat, she vanished in a puff of smoke, the world blurring around her as she was transported. The sensation of near death lingered, the adrenaline sharp in her veins. She reappeared behind another pillar, her body trembling from the close call.

Quill's voice broke the tension. "He must have a perception skill as high as yours."

Elara grunted in acknowledgment, her breath coming in quick, controlled bursts. She could feel the strain of her magic use, but the adrenaline kept her sharp.

"The [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)] is like an ugly, spear-wielding version of you," Quill said, a mix of frustration and admiration in his tone. "Fast and perceptive, a close-range combatant just like you."

Elara's mind raced, searching for a strategy to gain the upper hand. She could feel the weight of each decision, the threads of fate intertwining with her own actions. The tension in the room was overwhelming, but she steeled herself, ready for the next move.

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