Watcher of Fate

012 - A Moment's Respite

The sun climbed steadily toward its zenith, casting harsh, unrelenting rays across the desert sands. The heat shimmered in waves, distorting the landscape and making every dune ripple and dance. Elara, however, was too absorbed in her training to notice the blistering heat. She had been practicing for hours, focusing entirely on mastering the intricacies of [Altered Reality].

With each passing moment, Elara pushed herself harder, summoning many creations from thin air, her [Altered Reality] skill flowing like a never-ending stream of possibilities. Her eyes were sharp, and her brow furrowed in concentration as she conjured an endless series of weapons, testing her control. One moment, a gleaming sword materialized in her hands, the blade shimmering with an otherworldly silver sheen. She swung it with force, aiming at an imaginary target, only to see it shatter like glass upon impact. Frustration flickered across her face, but she didn't stop.

She immediately conjured a new weapon, a battle axe with a wide, ornate blade and an etched handle. She spun it in her hands, feeling its weight, then hurled it precisely at a phantom enemy. The axe disappeared mid-flight, breaking into countless shards that faded into nothingness. Undeterred, Elara moved on, forming a spear with a razor-sharp tip, thrusting it forward in a swift lunge, and then pivoting on her heel to bring a translucent shield into existence, blocking an imagined counterattack.

Her mind raced with possibilities, constantly shifting from one form to another: a curved scimitar, a jagged dagger, a heavy maul. Each conjuration tested different aspects of her control, weight, balance, and durability. She worked with the focus of a master craftsman, determined to find the flaws in her technique and correct them. Yet, despite her best efforts, each creation shattered after a few moments, unable to hold against her demanding standards.

Sweat rolled down her forehead, mixing with the desert dust that clung to her skin. Her muscles burned from the continuous exertion, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She took no breaks, moving seamlessly from one conjuration to the next, her hands weaving intricate patterns in the air as if she were conducting a symphony of blades and forms. Her frustration grew with every failure, but it only fueled her drive to perfect the skill, to make each creation last longer, hit harder, move faster.

Elara’s relentless pace and the sheer variety of her creations were mesmerizing. One second she would be wielding a flaming whip that cracked through the air, its heat palpable even in the desert sun, the next, she would be dual-wielding a pair of scythes that glinted dangerously as she danced with them, slashing through the space around her. She was a blur of motion, her feet shifting through the sand with practiced grace, each step deliberate and poised as if she were performing a deadly dance.

From her sedan chair, carried by two [Foxfire] puppets, Lily watched with amusement and consideration. She finally decided to call a halt to the relentless pace. Raising a hand, she called out, "Enough, Elara! Stop for now." Her voice carried an authority that cut through Elara's efforts' rhythmic clashing and slicing.

Elara halted mid-swing, breathing heavily, her body drenched in sweat and dust. She nodded, acknowledging the break, but the intensity in her eyes showed she was still mentally engaged in her training. She was about to conjure another sword when Lily continued, her tone shifting from command to guidance.

“Elara, you should try creating other things besides weapons,” Lily suggested, her tone both firm and encouraging. “Your [Crimson Quill Dance] affects how you wield blades, yes, but [Altered Reality] isn’t limited to that. Why not practice creating things that aren’t swords or weapons? Pillars, walls, flowers, spikes, even animals or people, anything that forces you to think differently about how you use your illusions.”

Elara blinked, pausing to consider Lily’s words. She realized she had been so focused on the weapons and how they integrated with her combat style that she hadn’t considered the broader potential of her skill. A sheepish smile tugged at her lips. “You’re right. I’ve been limiting myself,” she admitted, a note of determination creeping back into her voice.

Satisfied, Lily nodded approvingly. “Exactly. The more diverse your practice, the better your control over the illusions you create. Don’t just think about what can kill. Think about what can protect, deceive, and create.” She leaned back in her sedan chair with a knowing smile. “We’re only scratching the surface here.”

Elara listened, her exhaustion making her more open to suggestion. She realized how narrowly she had been focusing her efforts. “You’re right,” she murmured, taking a deep breath. “I’ve been so focused on combat that I’ve missed the bigger picture.”

Lily’s knowing smile confirmed that Elara was starting to understand. “Good. But for now, you’ve earned a rest.”

Recognizing her body's need for a break, Elara took a few more calming breaths. She felt the muscle tension loosen, and her heartbeat slowly returned to a steady rhythm. She closed her eyes momentarily, letting the desert’s harsh light fade from her mind. Then, with a practiced motion, she activated [Create Water]. A cool cascade of water poured above her, drenching her from head to toe. The sudden rush of cold over her sunburned skin was shocking and refreshing.

The water flowed down her face and soaked through her hair, plastering it against her skin and rinsing away the layers of sweat and grit that clung to her. She ran her fingers through her wet hair, enjoying the refreshing sensation as it dripped down her back and shoulders, cooling her fevered body. She let out a slow, satisfied breath as the heat that had built up within her dissipated, carried away by the water pooling at her feet.

As she stood there, cooling off under the refreshing downpour, Lily waved a hand and dismissed her [Foxfire] puppets. The constructs dissolved back into flickering blue flames and then vanished entirely. Lily then focused her energy, her hands moving in a fluid motion, and conjured a shade dome with her [Foxfire]. The dome sprang to life around them, a gentle blue barrier that blocked out the worst of the sun's rays and cast a cool, soothing shadow over the area.

“Come on,” Lily said, patting the ground next to her. “Rest while you can.”

Elara nodded gratefully, feeling the relief of the cool water starting to wear off. She stepped into the shaded area, her feet sinking slightly into the cooler sand, and sat down, her body still humming with the aftereffects of intense practice. She let out a deep sigh, finally allowing herself to relax.

As Elara settled down under the shade, still catching her breath, Lily looked at her with a satisfied expression. “I’m proud of the work you’ve done,” she said, a rare sincerity in her voice. “But remember, this is only the start.” She gave Elara a knowing smile, her eyes gleaming with both encouragement and a hint of challenge, signaling that there was still much more to come.

Elara nodded, grateful for the encouragement and aware of the long road ahead. She leaned back against the cool sand, letting herself finally relax, though her mind remained active, reflecting on the training and what lay ahead.

Lily shifted slightly in her seat, her tone becoming more serious. "Elara, do you have any Class or Racial skills related to spell weaving?"

Elara shook her head, thinking over her abilities. "No, I don’t. But I do have [Weaver Insight]." With a thought, she brought up the skill’s description in her mind, the information box appearing before her eyes.


Weaver's Insight (Rare): Enhances the user's ability to perceive and manipulate the threads of magic in their environment. The user can detect subtle magical currents, identify enchantments, and weave complex spells more precisely. This skill also allows the user to unravel hostile spells and curses.


Lily’s eyes lit up with recognition as she read the description. “Ah, [Weaver Insight]. I have that skill in my Racial category. It’s a good foundation, especially since you haven’t chosen a more specialized skill related to spell weaving yet.”

Elara raised an eyebrow, curious. “Why do you think I should focus on that now?”

Lily leaned forward slightly, her expression thoughtful. “Because, Elara, you’re at a crucial point in your development. You’re at a high level, yet your core isn’t fully formed or affiliated with a specific element. If you choose a skill related to spell weaving now, there’s a chance it could influence the formation of your core, making it more attuned to a specific type of magic. It could help you develop a more powerful and specialized version of the skill, rather than just a general one.”

Elara frowned, considering this. “How do you know my core isn’t affiliated yet?”

Lily smiled, a touch of mischief in her eyes. “Why don’t you use your spirit sight and take a look? Focus on my core and see what you find.”

Intrigued, Elara nodded and activated her spirit sight, focusing on Lily. The world around her seemed to shift slightly, the physical forms of everything fading as she concentrated on the spiritual essence within her friend. As her vision sharpened, she saw Lily’s core, a sight to behold.

At the center of Lily’s being was a core that pulsed with a profound, resonant energy. It was a swirl of Black, Silver, and White, the colors intertwining in a complex dance, each one vibrant and distinct. Wrapping around this core was a fierce, red flame that burned brightly, but as it extended outward, it transitioned into a cool blue flame at the edges, the two colors blending seamlessly where they met.

Elara stared in awe, taking in the intricate beauty of Lily’s core. The contrast between the intense red and the calming blue, the way the flames seemed to protect and enhance the core’s essence, was mesmerizing. It was a clear indication of Lily’s power and the balance she had achieved between her Oni heritage and her Kitsune abilities.

Lily’s voice cut through her reverie. “You see? My core is fully developed and affiliated with fire and spiritual energy. But yours isn’t yet. That’s why now is the perfect time for you to choose a path that could define your magical abilities more clearly.”

Elara pulled back her spirit sight, returning to the physical world. She nodded slowly, understanding the significance of what Lily had shown her. “I see what you mean. If I focus on developing my core now, I might be able to steer it in a direction that suits my strengths.”

Lily nodded, her expression serious and contemplative. "Exactly. But first, we must determine what affinities are best for your core. This isn’t something to rush; it’s about understanding your strengths and where you want to go with your magic."

Elara furrowed her brow, considering the idea. "But why should I even bother creating a core? Right now, I can cast spells without any major issues. It seems like a lot of trouble for something I don’t necessarily need."

Lily leaned forward, her eyes bright with patience and urgency. "Because the benefits are immense, Elara. A core attuned to specific affinities would make your spells significantly more powerful and cost less mana. Think about it, using a core that naturally generates affinity mana, rather than pulling from raw mana and trying to dye it to the right affinity, would give you a tenfold boost in efficiency and power."

Elara's eyes widened slightly as she processed that information. A tenfold increase in power was no small improvement. She opened her mouth to ask more, but Lily continued, pressing the point further.

“If you managed to get that as a skill within your Class,” Lily went on, “it would amplify that tenfold boost by five times, making it fifty times better than your current ability to cast unaffiliated spells. And if you could move that skill to your Racial category, it would double again, making it a hundred times more efficient and potent than what you can do now.”

Elara’s breath caught at the enormity of those numbers. Almost a hundred times more powerful than her current spellcasting capabilities? She tried to imagine what that would feel like. The ease of spellcasting, the depth of power behind each spell, and the drastic reduction in mana expenditure. The potential was staggering.

Seeing the wheels turning in Elara’s mind, Lily gave a small nod of encouragement. “I know it seems like a lot to consider, but it’s worth considering. You’re already strong, Elara, but with a well-formed, attuned core, you could be truly formidable.”

Elara took a deep breath, letting the idea settle. She could feel the weight of the decision ahead of her, but the potential was undeniable. "That... really puts things into perspective," she murmured, her mind beginning to race with the possibilities.

After a moment of silence, Elara's expression grew more serious, her brow furrowing slightly. "But what's the drawback, then?" she asked, her tone cautious. "Beyond just the hard work and time it would take to form and attune the core... there must be a downside."

Lily's smile faded into a more thoughtful expression. “There is one major drawback,” she admitted, her voice steady. “Once your core is attuned to specific affinities, you won’t be able to cast spells outside of those affinities. Spells that don’t align with your core’s nature would become inaccessible.”

Elara’s eyes widened slightly as she absorbed this new information. “So, if I choose certain affinities, that locks me out of anything else?”

Lily nodded. “Exactly. It’s a significant limitation. You’ll have to be very careful and deliberate in your choices. Once your core is formed, there’s no going back without some major, and I mean major, effort to undo or rework it.”

Elara nodded slowly, understanding the gravity of the decision even more now. She could feel the weight of the potential choices pressing down on her. It wasn’t just about gaining power; it was about setting the direction of her abilities for the rest of her life. She had to make sure she chose the path that would serve her best, without closing doors she might need open later.

"Thanks, Lily," Elara said quietly. "That's a lot to think about. But I guess it's better to know all the details upfront."

Lily nodded, her expression softening. "That's why we're having this conversation now. Better to understand the path before you start walking it."

They started by listing Elara’s spells and analyzing their elemental requirements. It became clear quickly that if she aligned her core with only a few specific affinities, several spells would no longer work as they did now. Elara’s current repertoire was diverse, too diverse, in fact, for anyone affinity combination to cover them all seamlessly.

“Look here,” Lily said, pointing to Elara’s list of spells, her brow furrowing with thought. “You have spells that require Air, Fire, Water, Shadow, Spirit, Force, and even some that touch on Space and Time. If you choose to focus your core on certain affinities, you'll lose access to many of these.”

Elara sighed, feeling a bit overwhelmed. “Right… It seems like whatever affinities I choose, I’m going to lose out on something important.”

Lily nodded in agreement. “Yes, that’s why this decision is so crucial. You want to focus on affinities that cover as much of what you need as possible without spreading yourself too thin. Based on what you use most and what would complement your [Crimson Quill Dance] and [Altered Reality], it seems Spirit, Force, and Light could be good choices, with Shadow as a primary element.”

Elara thought about it and nodded slowly. “That does make sense. Spirit would cover a lot of my more subtle spells and my connection with Quill. Force for physical manipulation and defense, Light for illusions and sight, and Shadow would complement my stealth and teleportation spells.”

“Exactly,” Lily said, tapping her chin. “It aligns pretty similarly to my affinities, but you’d focus on Shadow instead of Fire. It would cover a lot of your core abilities and keep your options versatile.”

“But,” Elara added, her tone growing concerned, “I’m still worried about some of the specific spells. What about [Dimensional Link]? That one relies on Space and Time threads, and I don’t have those affinities.”

Quill, quietly listening, interjected with a calm, reassuring voice. *“The [Spirit Tree] provides the Space and Time elements for that spell. As long as the connection to the [Spirit Tree] remains intact, you don’t need to worry about your lack of affinity there.”*

Elara felt a wave of relief wash over her. “That’s good to know,” she said, nodding to Quill. “But then there’s also [Create Fire] and [Create Water].”

Lily shrugged, a smile forming on her lips. “You know, you could always store water barrels in your storage space. With your inventory benign, a timeless, almost infinite domain, you could store enough water that you would never run out. You’d just need a good storage container or containers that could hold a lot.”

Elara chuckled at that idea, feeling some of her tension lift. “I think I’ve got an enchanted fire starter somewhere in all the camping gear I’ve acquired over time. That should handle the fire part well enough.”

“Perfect,” Lily agreed, her eyes twinkling with approval. “Now, for some of your other spells like [Tempest's Touch], [Animate Objects], and [Stormcrow's Soar], I know replacements that work similarly with the affinities you’d be focusing on replacing the air affinity with your force affinity. They might require a bit of learning, but it shouldn’t be too hard to adapt.”

Elara nodded, feeling a bit more confident as she listened to Lily’s suggestions. But then Lily’s expression turned more serious. “However, I don’t know a direct replacement for [Haste] or [Warrior Reprieve]. As your dexterity and perception increase, [Haste] becomes less necessary. The speed boost becomes less noticeable the stronger and faster you get naturally.”

Elara’s brows furrowed in concern. “But what about [Warrior Reprieve]? That’s one of my core spells for healing minor wounds and restoring stamina. I’ve relied on it heavily in the past.”

Lily nodded sympathetically. “I understand. I don’t have a direct replacement for that. There are some other spells that might fit that category, but nothing quite as straightforward or reliable. It’s something you’d need to consider carefully. Losing that spell could be a major drawback.”

Elara’s worry deepened, the idea of losing such a reliable tool weighing on her. She had relied on [Warrior Reprieve] more times than she could count, especially in prolonged fights where every bit of stamina and health counted. “That’s... a lot to give up,” she said quietly, the reality of the decision settling in even more.

Lily nodded again, her expression understanding. “It’s a lot, yes. But it could also open up new possibilities. It’s a trade-off. Only you can decide if the gains outweigh the losses.”

Elara took a deep breath, her mind turning over everything they had discussed. She had a lot to think about, but at least now she had a clearer picture of the future and the choices she needed to make to get there.

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