Watcher of Fate

007 - The Goblin King Part 1

Elara sat cross-legged on the ground, her eyes closed in deep concentration. She was using her [Oneness] skill to center herself, enhancing her health, mana, and stamina regeneration significantly. This state of calm also allowed her to focus on her task with greater precision, enhancing her skill at it. Before her, a nearly fully green thread floated in the air, its color deepening with each passing moment as she pulled green wisps of air mana into it.

The thread, once clear, now shimmered with a vibrant green hue, a testament to the multitude of breaks between goblin waves where Elara had diligently worked on infusing it with air mana. She felt a deep sense of satisfaction as the thread neared completion.

Koran approached her, his expression weary but determined. "After this wave and the six-hour break, we'll only have four more waves after the reset for the farmers to finish," he informed her.

Elara nodded, acknowledging his words without breaking her concentration. She continued to focus on her mana thread, the green color becoming more vivid with each passing second. Suddenly, a notification appeared before her eyes.

You have gained the skill Lvl 1 [Mana Dyeing: Air (Common)]

Compatible skills found: Mana Dyeing: Fire (Common), Mana Dyeing: Water (Common), Mana Dyeing: Earth (Common), and Mana Dyeing: Air (Common)

Merging skills...

A new skill was created: Mana Dyeing: Basic Elements (Uncommon)

Using the trimmed mean as the value: 4

Elara felt a surge of accomplishment at the creation of her new skill, but there was little time to dwell on it. Koran's voice rang out urgently, "The goblin wave is coming from the west!"

She sprang to her feet, her senses heightened and ready for battle. The adventurers moved into position, their faces a mix of determination and readiness. Taron, a well-built human fighter, held his longsword and shield with confidence, his muscles tensed for the impending clash. Lyria, a lithe elf archer with keen eyes, notched an arrow to her bow, her gaze sharp and focused. Grondar, the burly dwarf fighter with a thick, braided beard, hefted his warhammer, his stance solid and unwavering. Melisande, a young human mage, clutched her spellbook tightly, her staff strapped securely to her back. Kaelira, the imposing tiefling spiritualist with crimson skin and curling horns, held her large totem, ready to channel her spiritual powers.

From the west, the goblins came into view. Leading the charge was a formidable [Lvl 19 Hobgoblin Sorcerer (Rare)], his staff crackling with dark energy. Beside him, a [Lvl 17 Goblin Brawler (Uncommon)] and a [Lvl 15 Goblin Shaman (Uncommon)] flanked him, their eyes filled with malice. Behind them, 35 [Goblins (Common)] ranging from level 5 to 10 surged forward, their crude weapons gleaming in the light.

Elara, with [Rhistlam (Flawless)] in hand, joined her companions in the fray. Taron and Grondar led the charge, their weapons clashing with the goblins. Taron's movements were precise and powerful, each swing of his sword cleaving through goblin flesh with practiced efficiency. Grondar, the burly dwarf, fought with a ferocity that belied his size, his warhammer smashing through goblin shields and armor as if they were made of paper.

Lyria positioned herself at a vantage point, her arrows flying with deadly accuracy, each shot finding its mark in the chaotic mass of goblins. Melisande stood back, chanting spells from her book, her hands glowing with arcane energy as she unleashed bolts of magic that struck the goblins, causing them to writhe in pain.

Kaelira wove her hands through the air, casting protective and offensive spells alike. Her buffs strengthened the adventurers, making their strikes hit harder and their defenses more robust, while her debuffs weakened the goblins, causing them to stumble and falter.

Elara moved with fluid grace, her sword dancing through the air as she targeted the [Lvl 15 Goblin Shaman (Uncommon)]. Using her [Technique: Moonlit Inscription Piercing Thrust], she cut through the shaman's defenses, delivering a precise and lethal blow that ended its life swiftly. The shaman's staff clattered to the ground as it fell, its enchantments fading.

Meanwhile, the [Lvl 17 Goblin Brawler (Uncommon)] charged at them, its brutish strength evident in its wild swings. Elara darted around it, using her agility to avoid its powerful attacks. She created illusions to distract and confuse the brawler, making it strike at shadows while she waited for an opening. With a swift combination of strikes, she brought the brawler to its knees, finishing it off with a final, decisive thrust.

The [Lvl 19 Hobgoblin Sorcerer (Rare)] was the most formidable opponent. It stood at the rear, casting intricate spells that wove complex knotworks of magic in the air. Red threads of fire intertwined with green threads of wind, creating a mesmerizing and deadly display. Bolts of fiery energy flew from the sorcerer's staff, spiraling through the air with the assistance of wind magic, striking the adventurers and forcing them to dodge and weave.

Taron shouted commands, directing the group's efforts to neutralize the sorcerer. "Focus on the sorcerer! We need to bring him down!"

Kaelira focused her spells on countering the sorcerer's magic, creating protective barriers and dispelling curses. Her hands moved swiftly, weaving spells that mirrored the sorcerer's, creating an intricate dance of opposing magics. The air crackled with the clash of their forces as her barriers absorbed the fiery bolts and her counterspells unraveled the wind threads.

Elara saw her chance and used her [Technique: Serpent's Inkflow Embrace], a flowing horizontal slash that brought her close to the sorcerer. She weaved around the sorcerer's defenses, her movements graceful and precise. Her blade cut through the red and green threads, disrupting the sorcerer's spells as she delivered a series of swift thrusts that broke through its defenses.

The sorcerer retaliated with a burst of concentrated fire and wind magic, the red and green threads coiling together into a powerful attack. Elara parried with her [Technique: Falling Leaf Reflection Brushstroke], redirecting the fiery wind away from herself and her allies. The spell dissipated harmlessly, leaving the sorcerer momentarily off-balance.

Seizing the opportunity, Elara and Taron closed in for the kill. Taron's sword and Elara's [Rhistlam (Flawless)] struck simultaneously, cutting through the sorcerer's intricate defenses. The red and green threads unraveled and dissipated as the sorcerer fell, its dark reign brought to an end.

The remaining goblins, leaderless and disoriented, were quickly dispatched by the adventurers. Grondar's warhammer, Lyria's arrows, Melisande's spells, Kaelira's magic, and Elara's sword made quick work of the stragglers, leaving the battlefield littered with goblin bodies.

As the immediate threat subsided, Taron and Grondar began collecting any loot that the goblins had dropped. They moved efficiently, gathering weapons, trinkets, and anything else of value. Meanwhile, the casters, including Melisande and Kaelira, used various techniques to regain their mana. Melisande settled into a trance, her breathing slow and measured as she employed [Meditation (Common)] to restore her energy. Kaelira, more experienced, entered a deeper state of [Greater Meditation (Uncommon)], her crimson skin glowing faintly as she drew in the ambient magical energy around her.

Elara, feeling the drain of the battle, also sought to recover. She slipped into her [Oneness (Rare)] state, centering herself. The world around her seemed to slow, her senses sharpening as her health, mana, and stamina regeneration increased. Despite her inward focus, she was still acutely aware of her surroundings, thanks to her [Awareness (Legendary)] skill.

In this heightened state, Elara's senses extended far beyond what she could normally perceive. She cataloged every rustle of the leaves, every distant bird call, and the faintest shifts in the environment. Suddenly, she detected an unusual sound, a rhythmic marching that set her nerves on edge.

Elara's eyes snapped open. "Something's coming," she said, her voice low but urgent. She stood, her body still relaxed but ready for action.

Taron looked up from the pile of loot. "What is it?"

"Goblins," Elara replied, her eyes scanning the horizon. "A large group, and they're marching in formation."

The adventurers sprang into action, forming up to face the new threat. Taron and Grondar moved to the front, their weapons at the ready. Lyria took a position slightly behind them, her bow drawn and an arrow already nocked. Melisande and Kaelira ended their meditations, their eyes sharp and focused as they prepared their spells.

Elara joined them, her hand resting lightly on the hilt of [Rhistlam (Flawless)]. The group stood ready as the goblins came into view. Unlike the disorganized waves they had faced earlier, these goblins moved with discipline and purpose, their ranks tightly packed and their weapons gleaming in the fading light.

Elara focused her gaze on the approaching force, her [Awareness (Legendary)] skill allowing her to see magical boxes above their heads, displaying their levels, classes, and ranks. At the vanguard were 32 [Lvl 24 Hobgoblin Knights (Uncommon)], each clad in full plate armor. Their banners, emblazoned with a black and red emblem depicting a snarling wolf’s head over crossed swords, fluttered menacingly in the breeze.

Behind them stood several [Goblin Shaman (Uncommon)] and [Goblin Sorcerer (Rare)], their staffs and wands crackling with latent magical energy. However, what truly drew Elara’s eye was the massive figure towering over them, an [Lvl 34 Ogre Mage (Rare)], its hulking form twice as tall as the largest hobgoblin, its eyes glowing with arcane power.

But the most intimidating sight was the [Lvl 36 Goblin King (Legendary)], carried on a grand litter by numerous [Goblin (Common)]. The Goblin King wore an ornate crown and robes that glittered with gold and gems, his eyes sharp and calculating as he surveyed the adventurers.

The goblin force came to a halt, and the Goblin King raised a hand, signaling silence among his ranks. His voice boomed across the field, surprisingly deep and resonant. "You have done far better than most who face my goblin minions," he announced, a note of grudging respect in his tone. "I am King Zogar of the Blackfang Clan," he introduced himself, his voice filled with authority. "The bloodshed has been great, and it need not continue."

He paused, letting his words sink in. "I propose a challenge," he declared, a cunning smile playing on his lips. "Let my champion fight your champions. The victor shall claim the rights to this field for three lunar cycles."

Taron looked at his group of adventurers, about to speak, but Elara stepped forward, cutting him off. "We have to accept," she said firmly. "We can't beat what the King brought with him, not head-on. Taron, you'd either choose yourself because you feel the weight of leadership and don't want to send someone else to their death, or you might pick Grondar because he's the highest level and has an uncommon fighter class. But that would be a mistake."

Taron looked at her, surprised. "Why?"

"Because neither of you can heal yourselves or deal with magic well. The [Lvl 34 Ogre Mage (Rare)] is the likely champion, or perhaps the King himself. Kaelira and I are the only healers here, and no offense, Kaelira, but you're a better healer than a fighter. That leaves me as the best candidate."

Kaelira frowned, her crimson skin darkening slightly. "Elara, you can't—"

Elara cut her off. "I have to. I'm the only one who stands a chance."

Taron and Kaelira began to argue against Elara's suggestion, but Grondar spoke up, his voice cutting through the rising tension. "I've been watching you, Elara," he said thoughtfully. "I know you've been holding back."

Taron and Kaelira turned to Grondar, surprised. "Holding back?" Kaelira asked.

Grondar nodded. "Aye. The way you move, the control you have in battle... it's not something you see in a novice. What's the highest thing you've ever soloed, Elara? And what did the guild rank your effective level as?" He spoke with a mixture of curiosity and respect, clearly aware he was treading on personal ground.

Elara took a deep breath. "Right after I turned copper-ranked, I soloed a [Lvl 40 Oni (Rare)]. When I arrived in Frostspire, the guild tested me at an effective level of 51."

The silence that followed was heavy. Taron, Kaelira, and the rest of the group were stunned, their eyes wide with disbelief. Only Grondar seemed unsurprised. He chuckled, shaking his head. "I didn't think it would be that high. I guessed maybe 36, based on how you didn’t seem to fear the King much."

Grondar turned to Taron. "You have to choose Elara. Only she can win this. As the leader, you have to choose the best option."

Taron's jaw clenched, but he nodded, his eyes filled with reluctant respect. "Alright, Elara. You're our best chance."

Elara stepped forward, her resolve clear. She looked up at King Zogar of the Blackfang Clan, meeting his gaze with unwavering determination. "I accept your challenge, King Zogar," she declared, her voice strong and steady.

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