Watcher of Fate

005 - The Portal's Embrace

Elara walked through the bustling streets of Frostspire, searching for an inn to stay at. The evening air was crisp, and the city was alive with the sounds of merchants closing their shops and townsfolk heading to their favorite taverns. She eventually spotted a cozy-looking inn with a sign that read "The Crystal Hearth." The exterior was charming, with stone walls covered in ivy and warm light spilling from the windows, giving it a welcoming glow.

Entering the inn, Elara found herself in a lively tavern area. The lower floor was spacious, filled with sturdy wooden tables and chairs and a large hearth crackling with a cheerful fire. The place was packed with patrons, creating a cacophony of laughter, chatter, and clinking glasses. The scent of roasted meats and freshly baked bread filled the air, mingling with the sweet aroma of various drinks.

Behind the counter stood the innkeeper, a tall, elegant woman with lavender skin and shimmering silver hair. She had four arms and delicate, insect-like wings folded neatly behind her back. Her name tag read "Yvanna." Beside her was her spouse, a stout dwarf woman with a braided beard and twinkling green eyes named "Breda." Breda was busy pouring drinks and chatting with the patrons at the bar.

Elara approached the counter, catching Yvanna's attention. "Good evening," she said. "I'd like to rent a room, but I'm not sure how long I'll be staying."

Yvanna smiled warmly. "Certainly. It's 5 shards per night or 3 crystals per week. The weekly rate includes one meal and one drink per day."

Elara did some quick mental calculations. "I'll pay for the week, please," she decided, handing over 3 crystals.

Yvanna took the crystals and handed Elara a small, intricately carved wooden key. "Welcome to The Crystal Hearth. Your room is up the stairs, third door on the left."

Thanking Yvanna, Elara made her way to a vacant table and sat down. Shortly after, Breda approached her with a steaming plate and a tall glass. "Here's your meal and drink for the night," she said with a friendly grin.

The meal consisted of a succulent roast pheasant, accompanied by a side of roasted vegetables and a slice of freshly baked herb bread. The drink was a chilled glass of honey wine, light and refreshing. The flavors were rich and comforting, a perfect end to her long day.

As Elara ate, she observed the crowd around her. The tavern was filled with a diverse mix of patrons—adventurers sharing tales of their exploits, locals enjoying a night out, and travelers passing through. The sound of a lute being played in the corner added a melodic backdrop to the lively atmosphere.

The warm, savory aroma of her meal and the fragrant scent of the honey wine made Elara feel content and relaxed. She took her time savoring each bite, enjoying the moment of respite. She would embark on her next adventure tomorrow, but for now, she allowed herself to enjoy the lively company and the comforting meal simply.


Elara woke up in her room at The Crystal Hearth, feeling refreshed and ready for the day. The room was simple but comfortable, with a sturdy wooden bed draped in warm blankets, a small writing desk, and a washbasin in the corner. Soft morning light filtered through the small window, casting a gentle glow over the space. She quickly dressed and gathered her belongings, preparing for the Iron Quest: Harvest Guard meet-up.

Leaving the inn, Elara headed out into the bustling streets of Frostspire. She stopped by a bakery on her way and bought a warm, flaky pastry for 4 shards. The sweet scent of fresh bread and pastries filled the air, energizing her as she continued on her way.

Elara made her way to the ascenders, large platforms that were pulled up a track in the side of the mountain by a series of cables. She stepped onto one of the ascenders, joining a small group of people heading to the upper city. The ascender moved smoothly and steadily, giving Elara a panoramic view of Frostspire as it rose.

The upper city was a marvel of architecture, a testament to both ingenuity and artistry. Buildings were seamlessly integrated into the mountain, their dark stone facades adorned with intricate carvings that depicted ancient legends and heroic tales. The streets were lined with statues of mythical creatures and legendary figures, each one meticulously crafted to capture the spirit of Frostspire.

As the ascender reached its destination, Elara stepped off and was immediately struck by the grandeur of the upper city. Towering spires and turrets rose high into the sky, some connected by elegant stone bridges that spanned the streets below. The buildings were a mix of opulent residences, bustling marketplaces, and grand guild halls, each one showcasing the wealth and sophistication of the city's elite.

The air was filled with the sounds of merchants calling out their wares, the clinking of blacksmiths at their forges, and the chatter of townsfolk and adventurers alike. The streets were paved with cobblestones, polished to a shine that reflected the sunlight. Enchanted lanterns hung from wrought-iron posts, ready to illuminate the city with a warm glow as dusk approached.

Elara's eyes were drawn to the sky, where a few airships drifted lazily, their sails catching the wind. The upper city was truly a sight to behold, a place where the past and the present coexisted in perfect harmony.

She followed the directions to the meet-up spot, which was a fortress at the edge of the upper city. The fortress was a formidable structure with high walls and watchtowers. Guards patrolled the area, dressed in the same imposing uniforms she had seen at the gates. They wore dark blue tunics with silver trim, reinforced with leather padding, and chainmail vests. The silver emblem of Frostspire was proudly displayed on their chests. Each guard had a staff caster slung at parade rest, ready for action. The guards ensured that no one unauthorized entered the dungeon and that monsters from within did not escape.

Elara entered the fortress and found herself in a large staging room filled with adventurers and farmers. The room was abuzz with activity as people prepared for the Harvest Guard mission. Weapons were being checked, and supplies were being organized. The atmosphere was one of focused determination.

Elara approached the group of adventurers and farmers, noticing how they were busily organizing themselves for the quest. One of the adventurers, a tall human with a friendly demeanor, stepped forward and greeted her.

"You must be here for the Harvest Guard. I'm Taron," he said, extending a hand.

Elara shook his hand and smiled. "I'm Elara. It's good to meet you."

Taron gestured to the rest of the group. "Let me introduce you to the team."

First, there was Taron himself. Well-built and confident, he carried a longsword at his side and had a shield strapped to his back, clearly prepared for frontline combat. His presence exuded a sense of leadership and reliability.

[Lvl 18 Human Fighter (Common)]

Next to Taron stood a lithe elf with keen eyes and an ever-watchful demeanor. She stepped forward and offered a nod. "I'm Lyria. I’m an archer."

Her quiver full of arrows and the elegant bow slung over her shoulder indicated her proficiency. She nodded at Elara, her fingers deftly fidgeting with the fletching of her arrows.

[Lvl 15 Elf Archer (Common)]

Leaning against the wall was a burly dwarf with a thick, braided beard. He stepped forward, his expression stoic. "Name's Grondar," he said, his voice gruff. "Fighter."

He had a warhammer at his side and a no-nonsense air about him. His eyes scanned the room, assessing everyone and everything around him.

[Lvl 20 Dwarf Fighter (Uncommon)]

To Grondar's side was a young human woman who held a book in her hand and had a staff strapped to her back. She smiled warmly at Elara. "I’m Melisande, a mage," she said, her voice soft but firm.

Her quiet intelligence was palpable, and she gave Elara a nod of acknowledgment.

[Lvl 16 Human Mage (Common)]

Finally, an imposing tiefling woman with crimson skin and curling horns stepped forward. A large totem hung from her neck, and she exuded a spiritual aura of calm and power. "I am Kaelira, a spiritualist," she said, her voice resonant and calming.

Her presence was both commanding and reassuring.

[Lvl 19 Tiefling Spiritualist (Common)]

Elara stepped forward next, introducing herself with a confident smile. "I'm Elara, a bard who can't sing or play an instrument, but I can dance and I'm pretty handy with a sword and illusions."

A few chuckles rippled through the group at her description, lightening the mood. Taron nodded, looking around at the assembled group. "That's everyone. The farmers are ready, so let's get this quest started. The wheat won't harvest itself."

He led the way, speaking briefly with the farmers who were bustling about, preparing their equipment and supplies. Elara watched the interaction, feeling a sense of camaraderie and purpose building among the group. Taron then motioned for everyone to follow him towards the dungeon's magical entrance.

As they approached the entrance, Elara felt a surge of excitement. The first leveled dungeon she had entered, Barrowdeep, was through a back door during an emergency. The second dungeon she explored was a basic, single-level, five-room dungeon that no one cared about. This entrance, however, was different.

It appeared as a flat, black void, seemingly absorbing all light. The closer Elara looked, the more she could see intricate threads of magic woven into the darkness. The threads were impossibly thin, like strands of a spider’s web, and they shimmered with hues of purple, gold, and black. The purple threads pulsed with an otherworldly energy, the gold threads sparkled with a light that seemed to come from within, and the black threads absorbed light entirely, creating an even deeper void within the darkness. The pattern was so complex, it twisted and turned in ways that defied logic, almost like a living, breathing tapestry. As she tried to follow the threads with her eyes, they seemed to dance and shift, causing a headache to form from the sheer intricacy and depth of the design.

One by one, each person stepped through the void and disappeared. Elara watched as Taron, Kaelira, and the others vanished, her excitement and curiosity mounting. Before stepping through, she decided to double-check her status. She opened her status window, which glowed softly in front of her.


Name: Elara Crowhurst

Race: Human(Shattered Soul)

Age: Adult

Class: The Watcher of Fate

Level: (48,095 of 53,000) 18

Rhistlam: (31,560 of 36,000) 16


HP: 3250 of 3250 (5.7/min)

Mana: 3132 of 3132 (17.4/min)

Sta: 3196 of 3196 (25.9/min)


Amor Class: 60

Strength: 30

Dexterity: 84 + 20 (114)

Constitution: 76 (91)

Perception: 111 + 8 (154)

Intelligence: 61

Resolve: 88+14 (137)

Free Points: 16

Class Skills:

Memory Bastion (Uncommon): 8

Thread of Fate (Legendary): 4

Awareness (Legendary): 10

Forgettable (Rare): 10

Crimson Quill Dance (Unique): 18

Oneness (Rare): 18


Dimensional Link (Rare): 16

Shadow Step (Uncommon): 15

Warrior Reprieve (Uncommon): 8

Greater Invisibility (Rare): 4

Create Flame (Common): 3

Create Water (Common): 3

Mirror Maze (Rare): 3

General Skills:

Gift of Gab (Common): 5

Cooking (Common): 4

Harvest (Common): 4

Mana Threads (Uncommon): 10

Mana Knot Cutting (Rare): 8

Mana Thread Tyeing (Uncommon): 9

Mana Thread Weaving (Rare): 7

Multi Weaving (Rare): 6

Mana Dyeing: Light (Uncommon): 3

Mana Dyeing: Shadow (Uncommon): 12

Mana Dyeing: Spirit (Uncommon): 6

Mana Dyeing: Water (Common): 6

Mana Dyeing: Fire (Common): 4

Mana Dyeing: Earth (Common): 1

Fire Resistance (Common): 2

Poison Resistance (Common): 9

Parasite Resistance (Common): 1

Current Fiances: 19 Gem, 217 Crystals, 44 Fragments, 48 Shards

Class: The Watcher of Fate (Rare): Destined always to watch the outcome of fate but never to participate.

Features of Class:

All Combat skills and magics cannot be learned, any existing will be removed.

Gain no experience from killing monsters.

Gain significant experience from witnessing important events, places, and things.

30% bonus to Perception Stat.

You are fate-chosen.

+5 PER, +2 DEX, CON, RES, and +4 free points per level.

Fate-Chosen: You are no mere plaything of fate, but its chosen instrument. Your rolls are not random, but guided by the grand tapestry of destiny. Yet, fate is capricious, testing your resolve and challenging you to alter the course of events. You are not merely to fulfill destiny, but to rewrite it, weaving your own threads into the grand design. Each roll is a calculated risk, a gamble against the established order, and the outcomes are as certain as solar eclipses - if you possess the wisdom and power to discern the patterns and bend them to your will.

Race: Shattered Soul: Recrystallization: A paragon of unwavering resolve forged in the fires of loss and adversity, their every action is a singular, unerring strike, leaving no room for doubt or regret. Fueled by setbacks that would crush others, their determination only strengthens, propelling them ever forward toward their goals. Under such unrelenting pressure, they begin to transform, growing into something more than they once were, their potential expanding with each challenge faced.

Features of a Recrystallization :

Resolve increased by 20%

Constitution increased by 20%

Reduced food consumption


She took a deep breath, ensuring that her gear was in place and that she was mentally prepared for whatever lay ahead. Satisfied, she closed the status window and approached the portal.

Finally, it was her turn. She reached out and touched the void, feeling a brief moment of nothingness before she stepped through. As she crossed the threshold, the sensation of stepping into a new realm washed over her. Elara braced herself for the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges awaited within the depths of this mysterious dungeon.

Now Entering The Shattered Kingdom of Ebonreach…

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