Watcher of Fate

003 - Mysteries of the Badge

Elara stepped into the grand hall of the Adventurers' Guild, her boots echoing softly on the polished stone floor. The interior was spacious, with high ceilings and walls adorned with banners and trophies from past exploits. The hum of conversation and the clinking of armor created a lively atmosphere filled with the promise of new adventures and challenges.

She made her way toward the reception desk, her eyes widening in surprise. This was only the second Adventurers' Guild branch she had ever been to, and she hadn't expected such familiarity between them. The desk was manned by a familiar sight: an automaton receptionist identical to the one she had encountered in Ashfall. Its metallic surface gleamed under the enchanted lights, and its design was precise and humanoid with a calm, almost friendly demeanor.

"Welcome to the Frostspire Adventurers' Guild. I am here to assist you. How may I help you today?" the automaton said, its voice smooth and polite.

Elara reached into her pack and pulled out her copper adventurer's badge. "I'm here to collect a quest reward," she said, handing over the badge.

The automaton took the badge and held it up, threads of white magic weaving around it. Elara watched in surprise. She had always thought the automatons were simply powered by magic, not capable of performing magic themselves.

"Quest completion confirmed," the automaton said, handing back her badge. It then presented her with forty crystals. "Escorting a merchant caravan is always a reliable way to earn crystals. Would you like to sign up for another escort Quest?"

Elara couldn't help but laugh at the thought. Her mask mirrored her amusement, the black paint forming a broad smile. "Easy? The last mission was anything but easy." Internally, she calculated her earnings. 40 crystals for a 30-day journey was fair, though not great. However, the unexpected gain of over 18 gems from the quest made the automaton's statement about good money true, but not in the way it meant. Each gem was worth 100 crystals, and one crystal was roughly a day's wage for most. Eighteen gems equated to over five years of wages for a normal skilled laborer. Plus, she still had all the loot from the bandits to sell.

"Is there anything else you need?" the automaton asked, tilting its head slightly.

"Yes," Elara replied, handing over the sealed letters. "I'd like to deliver these and also see what quests are available."

The automaton accepted the letters, its metal fingers moving with surprising delicacy. "The locally available quests are posted on the boards over there," it said, pointing to a series of large bulletin boards. "As a copper-level adventurer, you can accept both copper and iron quests."

The automaton continued, "I need to deliver these letters, but please stay around until I can confirm the recipients don't need anything further from you."

Elara nodded. "Of course."

Elara walked over to the boards, her eyes scanning the numerous quests posted there. The lively atmosphere of the guild hall filled her with a sense of purpose and anticipation. As she perused the available quests, she felt ready for whatever challenges lay ahead, confident in her abilities and the path she had chosen.

Iron Quest: Harvest Guard

Protect the farmers in the lower levels while they harvest wheat from the dungeon fields. Recent monster activity has made this task dangerous. Reward: 5 crystals, 100 exp.

Elara considered this quest, knowing it was a straightforward task but potentially monotonous. Protecting farmers could be tedious, yet it was essential work, and she could use the time to hone her vigilance. However, she wanted something more challenging.

Iron Quest: Goblin Extermination

A group of goblins has been causing trouble near the mine entrances. Clear them out to ensure the miners' safety. Reward: 7 crystals, 100 exp.

Goblins, she mused, were troublesome but manageable. This quest offered more combat experience without overwhelming danger. It would be a good warm-up, but she felt she could handle something more rewarding.

Iron Quest: Herb Collection

Gather rare herbs from the forested sections of the dungeon. These herbs are needed for important medicinal potions. Reward: 4 crystals, 200 exp.

Elara smiled at the thought of exploring the forested sections of the dungeon. It would be a peaceful task, but the reward was relatively low. She needed to balance her desire for tranquility with the need for more significant earnings.

Copper Quest: Escort Supply Caravan

Escort a supply caravan from the lower city to the mining camp in the dungeon. Protect it from any potential threats along the way. Estimated duration: 3 days. Reward: 15 crystals, 100 exp.

She thought back to her recent escort mission and the dangers it entailed. Although it was familiar ground, she sought a different kind of challenge this time. However, the crystals offered were enticing.

Copper Quest: Crystal Ore Retrieval

Collect crystal ores from the lower mine levels. These ores are crucial for maintaining the city's magic infrastructure. Estimated duration: 2 days. Reward: 12 crystals, 100 exp.

The idea of venturing into the lower mine levels piqued her interest. The task was straightforward, but the environment could be treacherous. The reward was fair, and it seemed like a good mix of challenge and gain.

Copper Quest: Boss Hunt - Lesser Drakeling

A lesser drakeling has been sighted in the dungeon depths. Eliminate it and bring back proof of the kill. Estimated duration: 2 days. Reward: 10 crystals.

Elara's eyes widened at the mention of a lesser drakeling. The challenge was significant, but so was the reward. It promised intense combat and a true test of her skills. She felt a surge of excitement at the thought.

Iron Quest: Slime Cleanup

Clear out the slime infestation in the sewer tunnels beneath the city. These creatures have been causing blockages and flooding. Reward: 6 crystals, 100 exp.

She wrinkled her nose at the thought of cleaning up slimes in the sewers. While it was necessary work, it wasn't the most appealing or rewarding. She quickly moved on to the next option.

Copper Quest: Group Assistance Needed

An adventuring group requires a skilled fighter to join them on a deeper dungeon exploration. They expect to encounter tough monsters and possible treasure. Estimated duration: 5 days. Reward: 20% share of loot.

Joining a group for a deeper dungeon exploration sounded thrilling. It offered camaraderie, significant rewards, and a chance to learn from more experienced adventurers. The potential for treasure sweetened the deal.

Iron Quest: Missing Person Search

A miner has gone missing in the lower levels. Find and rescue the miner, or recover any information about their fate. Estimated duration: 2 days. Reward: 10 crystals, 200 exp.

Elara felt a pang of empathy at the thought of a missing miner. It was a noble quest, and the reward was decent. Rescuing someone in distress aligned with her values, but she wondered if she was ready for such a responsibility alone.

Copper Quest: Bandit Ambush Prevention

Bandits have been ambushing traders on the outer roads. Set up a defensive position and stop the next attack. Estimated duration: 3 days. Reward: 18 crystals, 300 exp.

This quest reminded her of her recent experiences with bandits. It promised combat and strategy, and the reward was good. She felt confident in her ability to handle bandits but wondered if she wanted to face them again so soon.

Iron Quest: Wolf Pack Control

Hunt down and eliminate a pack of wolves that has been preying on livestock near the city outskirts. Reward: 9 crystals, 100 exp.

The thought of hunting wolves intrigued her. It required tracking and combat skills, and the reward was decent. It was a manageable challenge that could be satisfying.

Copper Quest: Magic Artifact Recovery

Recover a lost magic artifact from a deeper section of the dungeon. The artifact is rumored to be guarded by powerful creatures. Estimated duration: 3 days. Reward: 15 crystals, 200 exp.

The idea of recovering a magic artifact was captivating. It promised danger and intrigue, with powerful creatures guarding it. The reward was substantial, and the quest aligned with her desire for adventure and growth.

As Elara read through the quest descriptions, her mind buzzed with possibilities. Each quest presented its own unique challenges and rewards. She considered her options carefully, weighing the risks and potential gains.

Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by the automaton. "Excuse me, Elara. The Assistant Guild Leader would like to see you."

Elara looked up, surprised. "Of course," she said, curiosity piqued. She followed the automaton deeper into the guild hall, navigating through the bustling crowd of adventurers and the impressive architecture.

They walked down a wide corridor adorned with tapestries depicting epic battles and heroic deeds. The corridor opened up into a quieter section of the guild, with fewer people and a more subdued atmosphere. They arrived at a heavy wooden door, its surface intricately carved with the guild's emblem.

The automaton knocked on the door, its metal knuckles producing a solid, echoing sound. A voice from inside called out, "Enter."

The automaton opened the door and led Elara inside. The room was spacious, with a large desk cluttered with maps, documents, and various magical artifacts. Behind the desk sat a middle-aged elf with silver hair tied back in a neat ponytail. His sharp green eyes were focused and intelligent, and his demeanor exuded authority and calm confidence. He wore a finely crafted leather tunic with the guild's emblem embroidered on the chest.

"Assistant Guild Leader Eldrin, this is Elara," the automaton introduced. "Elara, this is Assistant Guild Leader Eldrin."

Eldrin stood and extended a hand. "Welcome, Elara. It's a pleasure to meet you. Please, have a seat."

Elara shook his hand and sat down, feeling a mix of anticipation and curiosity. The automaton nodded and exited the room, leaving them alone.

Eldrin leaned back in his chair, studying her with a keen gaze. "I've heard good things about you, Elara. Your recent quest to escort the merchant caravan was quite the challenge, and you handled it admirably."

Elara felt a flush of pride. "Thank you, Assistant Guild Leader. It was certainly an experience."

Eldrin nodded. "Indeed. We have a number of important matters to discuss, but first, I'd like to hear about your journey. Tell me, what brings you to Frostspire, and what are your aspirations within the guild?"

Elara took a deep breath, her emotions stirring. "I'm searching for my family," she began, her voice steady despite the pain the memories brought. "My hometown, Barrowbridge, was destroyed by an orc war band known as the Iron Horde. I lost my parents in the attack, and I've been trying to find out what happened to them ever since."

Her mask, previously neutral, shifted dramatically. The black paint flowed, forming a sorrowful expression with downcast eyes and a mouth drawn into a pained frown. Elara's voice wavered slightly as she continued, "I'm here in Frostspire because I believe there are clues here that can help me find my parents. My goal is to become strong enough to protect those I care about and to discover the truth about my family's fate."

Eldrin's eyes widened slightly at the changing expressions of her mask. "That mask of yours is quite distracting," he commented.

Elara blinked, then nodded apologetically. "I'm sorry. Let me fix that." She wove some white threads of light affinity into the mask, giving it the illusion of invisibility so that Eldrin could see her face clearly.

Eldrin's eyes widened further, this time in shock as he took in her youthful features. "You're... you're quite young," he said, his tone a mix of surprise and confusion. "You would normally just barely be at your selection ceremony. How did you become a copper-ranked adventurer?"

Elara's heart sank as she noticed a shift in his demeanor. Eldrin became suspicious, his earlier warmth giving way to a more guarded, slightly dismissive attitude. "I need to confirm your identity," he said, his voice now more formal.

He reached into a drawer and pulled out a silver plate with intricate knotwork carved into it. Elara recognized it instantly from when Lorien had used a similar plate to register her with the Adventurers' Guild. Eldrin held out his hand. "May I see your badge?"

Elara handed over her copper badge, feeling a knot of anxiety form in her stomach. Eldrin placed the badge on the plate and began casting a complex series of spells. Threads of white and black magic intertwined around the badge, the familiar energies of light and spirit magic swirling together.

As the spell completed, information began to display on the plate in glowing letters.

Copper Badge: 735921

Name: Elara Crowhurst

Race: Human

General Class: Bard

Level: 16 > 18

Primary Stat: Perception

Spirit Pressure: 435 > 575

Effective Level: 39 > 51

Contribution: 1,186

Withdrawal: 950

Eldrin's eyes widened in amazement as he read the details. "This is remarkable," he said, almost to himself. "Two levels and 140 spirit pressure growth in 30 days while on an escort quest is incredible. Now I understand why Lorien said you were a priority recruit."

He looked at Elara with a newfound respect. "Your contributions being positive by 20% instead of negative as a new member is impressive."

Elara furrowed her brow, curiosity piqued. "What does that mean exactly?"

Eldrin sighed and smiled. "Of course, Lorien didn't explain. The guild badge is a method to identify and track a member's accomplishments, but it's also a spiritually bonded growth item that takes 10% of your experience. The experience is collected by the guild and allows us to create quests with experience rewards. Most new members gain more from the quests than they give back by killing mobs. It's not until later that it flips. At that point, members stay to gain access to the various dungeons the Adventurers' Guild controls and the availability of secondary benefits."

Elara nodded, absorbing the information. "I noticed some of the quests seemed to be for activities outside the guild, like escorting Merchant Guild caravans. Is that common?"

Eldrin nodded. "Yes, people can request us to create quests. They pay the reward, the cost of experience, and a fee. That's one of the ways the guild stays afloat. The other is the sale of harvested materials from dungeons. We have a vast network of resources and quests that help maintain our operations and support our members."

Elara felt a sense of awe at the intricate system and how it all fit together. She looked back at Eldrin, her determination renewed. "Thank you for explaining, Assistant Guild Leader."

Eldrin nodded, a look of sincere apology crossing his face. "I must apologize for my earlier rudeness and suspicion, Elara. As an elf, it's hard to trust people with less than a few decades of experience. With how the Merchant Guild spoke of your skills, you seemed like a sword saint descended from the mountain. Seeing someone as young as you didn't match my expectations."

Elara appreciated the candidness. "I understand. Thank you for your honesty."

Eldrin took a deep breath, shifting back to the original purpose of their meeting. "Now, let's get back on track. The Empire's Mechanical Legion arrived slightly over a week ago and is setting up to deal with the Iron Horde. There hasn't been any new information or related quests yet, like scouting missions, but I'll share them with you as soon as they become available."

Elara felt a flicker of hope. "Thank you. That would mean a lot to me."

Eldrin smiled warmly. "There's a tradition at this guild for new members to go on a Harvest Guard quest. It's at the heart of what makes Frostspire great. You'll gain a great deal of understanding of the town and its people if you take part in it. Would you be interested?"

Elara nodded eagerly. "Yes, I'd like that very much."

"Excellent," Eldrin said, his smile broadening. "I'll assign it to you. The next one leaves in two days. Prepare yourself and be ready to meet your fellow adventurers for this task."

Elara felt a sense of anticipation and purpose. "I will. Thank you, Assistant Guild Leader."

As she left Eldrin's office, Elara pondered how she should spend the day and a half before her next quest. The bustling activity of the guild hall greeted her once more, and she navigated through the crowd with renewed focus. She approached the automaton receptionist, her thoughts aligning with her next course of action.

"Excuse me," she said to the automaton. "I'd like to accept the Iron Quest: Wolf Pack Control."

The automaton's eyes lit up with a soft glow. "Acknowledged. You have accepted the Iron Quest: Wolf Pack Control. The details have been added to your badge. Good luck, Elara."

Elara nodded, feeling a sense of readiness as she stepped away from the desk. The quest to control the wolf pack would not only keep her busy but also allow her to sharpen her combat skills. With her plan set, she felt the day and a half ahead would be both productive and rewarding. She left the guild hall, ready to embark on her new adventure and make the most of her time in Frostspire.

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