Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Chapter 6: Before the WAAAGH!

(Marina POV)

I saw Mary disappear behind the Elder's home and bolted out on horse heading towards those buildings on the hill... if were lucky that will only be a few hours until help.

Looking back towards the main gate where beasts are coming through, I breath out a sigh and ready myself for battle.

My two knights move in front of me but leave a gap so that I may send spell between them.

I try to count our enemies but, there are too many, some large and some small. But I can see two very tall beasts in the back...

"My lady when you are ready." I hear my knight says, the pairs swords are held out.

I begin to channel me Mana and form two fireballs and send them at two beasts that were beating the village guards, one impacts a beast in the side of it's torso and it burns through out the other side and it falls over dead. The other fireball nails the head of the other target. The two Guards look over at me and then returned to fighting the enemy.

My left knight swings out bisecting a beast, but the thing is still alive and needs to be impaled through the head. The other knight blocking a downward slash from the beast large axe and he guides it to the ground. The beast grunts and throws a punched sending the knight to the ground, and before the beast could lift his axe up and slam the blade down, a pair of guards ran their weapons, a spear went through it's back to front and the sword dug half-way in his throat.

With a quick rang the swordsmen pulls his sword out of the throat and chops down again removing the head, "MOVE!" The Spearmen calls and two small families with a pair of women and four children.

I look down at my knight that was punched... his head caved, with a fist imprint in his face. By the Golden Father.

"NOO! YOU BASTARDS!" My other knight screams and begins to hack away at more of the beasts that seemed to come, but now more smaller once came, and those larger ones seemed to be enjoying to watch?

"HAHAHA!" The tallest one laughed at us...

My last knight seemingly lost himself in a fury, the second tallest beast gives a guttural roar and a gap opens up and my knight still attacks at random...

"What is he doing?" A swordsman standing next to me asks me after I send another stream of fire at a group of smaller ones and two taller...

With a heavy voice and a bone chilling sweat down my face, "No idea... GET BACK!" I answer him and shout at the knight

He didn't hear my call... damn.

"Rear." Another one of the guards called. I turned and readied a fireball and and two other spearmen turn, and thrusted out.

Both skewered a pair beast and I send off my fireball hitting it square in the mouth, and a few guards with random assortment of villagers whom armed themselves slashed and thrusted their way through more of these things...

Glancing back to my knight. He was dueling one of the biggest ones... it raised it's large sword high and bring it down hard, their was a clear sound of metal snapping and armor crumpling... but no scream no nothing from my knight

The last few families run passed us and enter Hamels Inn, it does seem that the Inn is the hide away.

The beast start forming around us...  and our backs are to the door to the Inn...

"Why haven't they attacked?" One of the guards asked without taking his eyes of the beast in front of us.

I lick my lips nervously... I start channeling for another fire stream... damn... the voices are getting louder...

'Shut up!' I shout in my head, a few of the voice seemed cowed by, a few grow emboldened and start calling me weak for allowing me to let all these people to die...

'You are weak! That knight didn't hear you he didn't care about you! Your Father sent you here to die.' One shouts loudly, 'But I can help you, all you have to do is let me in.' I was tempted...

But my internal revelry is broken by a shout.

"""IN THE NAME OF THE GOD EMPEROR AND PRINCE!""" It sounded like a chorus of voices. Then their were red flashes from where the shout came from...

With my resolve reaffirmed I channel again and send a fire stream into the rows of beasts.

"URAH!" The armed villagers and guards start lashing out at the beast.

(Mary POV just before the chorus)

I was very nervous...

When I rode up to those buildings I was meet with hostility and I had to argue just to see this "Prince" they kept talking about. The uniforms were something akin to the King's Elites... but why are they in this Dukedom? And then there was their weapons they are even weirder then that man's...

After I had explained that a Heiress of the Dukedom was the one who sent me here, they reluctantly when and got the "Prince" and when he had shown himself...

"Good evening Mary was it?" That man, the one thee Heiress called a mutt... I was left stunned.

"Your joking?" I had asked confused.

He had smiled and waved his guards down, who after me saying that looked like they wanted me dead.

"What is going on? I heard the village's bell then that yell." For some reason... I felt as if he talked to me the same way a caring older Brother would.

I told him everything that had happened when I was there and what the enemy was... I just said it was green beasts.

The faces of his few guards faces hardened, and the hand full that came out to join us looked towards the man to know why there was so much tension, but he turned and spoke, "Felica rally the men and can you get someone to awaken H-!"

"Already here. My Acolytes woke me..." She shook her head like the way they had woke her was weird.

The man laughed, "To those that want to know what 'green beasts' mean, she was talking about the Orks or Green-skins a blight on our Imperium." He turns to find all his men are here and that Felica woman... she seems to be somewhere high on his command...

And what is this Imperium?

He turned to Hannah and told her simply, "I need to go test what my men are made of, you should say here incase the Orks are smarter then they are leading on."

"At least take my Aid-De-Camp as an observer for me since I doubt you'll let me come?"

"I'll agree to that."


But that conversation was two hours ago, and now we were just outside the village.

He stopped us nearly over one-hundred meters from the beasts... no archer could hit with any insurance... but these guns?

"Present Arms!" He ordered.

The men and women readied their weapons.

"Take Aim!"

The men raised their weapons, stocks hugged close to their bodies and cheeks kissed their weapons... I could see that some haven't seen combat, their hands shake.

"In the name of the God Emperor! FIRE!"


The soldiers repeat and fire, I expected singular shots and for them to fall short, but no. When they pulled the triggers several beams of red left their weapons.

I see a burst of flames near the Inn and a shout, "URAH!" 

"Short controlled burst Guardsmen." A man said to them, though he was wearing the same camo but his uniform seemed more finer made and he had cap on his head that seemed rather tall and ended in a peak... "Aim for their heads or upper torsos."

Have they fought them before?

"Advance slowly!"

The first rank of his firing line stands somewhat clumsily, the first ranks moves ten paces and knelt down and fired more of those red beams.

The second line advances while still firing over the heads of their comrades, they repeated the advance but once when the enemy started to attack us.

"Fix bayonets." Felica ordered.

We were only fifty meters from the Inn and barely in the Village.

"Do you smell that men?" Their Prince asked, "I smell piss, I think the Orks are scared! But you know what is better then a scared Ork? A dead one." He draw his own sword and his left hand started glowing red and a fireball started forming.

Was he a Mage? My face opened

He aimed his arm out with two fingers extended like he was about to fire a gun, but when he pulled his fingers forming a fist the fireball he had was sent towards the "Orks" and it punched  through one and exploded.

"CHARGE!" He shouted. His men and I watched as he effortlessly slashed his way through the Orks.

"I as representing the Daughter can't be one upped by a meat bag even if he is the God-Prince." The man who Hannah insistent that come with us spoke up he had a odd metallic sound in his voice. His deep green robe shook and a few metal tentacles came out and a two handed halberd, "FOR THE DAUGHTER AND MACHANICUS!" He charged forward with a single swing of his weapon four of the "Orks" crumpled and blow apart as the weapons sparked with lightning.

"OI! Fuck You! Come on men. Let show that tin-can what the Guard can do!" The Peak cap man said.

"""HORAH!""" Bayonets lowered they charged, I kicked the side of the horse I still sat upon and draw my short sword.

The Guardsmen dug their bayonets into the nearest "Orks" and fired with several beams bursting through hitting others.

My horse charged through the "Orks" while I slashed and stabbed.

Then my horse stopped and I was being lifted. I looked down their was the tallest one I have ever seen lifting my horse over his head...

But before he could do anything a few beams it the things face blowing it apart but It managed to throw me and my horse.

A myriad of shouts followed as I crash into the ground...

"ARGH!" I scream... I couldn't feel my leg, it must have shattered, the horses weight was pressing down on it hard...

"HE-he!" I heard and looked straight up their was one there and It was raising it's weapon at me, I lashed out the best I could and dug my sword into his legs...

"Think fast!" A woman shouted as she jumped over my downed horse and me, then shoved the end of her barrel into his mouth and fired.

Once it's head exploded, she turned to me and said simply, "Good evening, I'm Juliana. I'll be your Medicae to night now hold still."  With what seemed to be practiced ease she removed this thing from her bag the had a little Red Cross and jammed it into my neck...

It felt cold and icy... It was becoming harder to... think... what... was... is... that?

I raised my right arm, and she held it.

"Don't worry, this is just going to make you sleepy."

My eyes began to close... the next thing she jammed into my neck, filled me with a warmth but when I closed my eye I was out.

(POV Joseph)

I glanced over and saw Juliana was taking care of Mary... good we were lucky that cheeky shit of an Ork tossed her at the reformed firing line... But where it that War-boss.

There was another burst of flame came over from where Hamels Inn was at.

"FORWARD!" I commanded, I saw Hannah's Aid come bursting out of a group of Orks his robes were torn and from the look two of his three Mechadendrites were half missing, "Had fun?" I asked him when he got close.

He just looked at me and muttered softly, "Over Zealous." And he proceeded to Juliana and with his last Mechadendrite he tore the horse apart so that Juliana could start working on Mary's leg.

I slashed out removing another Ork's head from it's body.

Looking left and right, the eight Guards militiamen were into squads with each having apart of my command squad. 

We advanced slowly my sword hacking through, but damn this sword isn't going to make it.

I thrust impaling a Gretchin and leave my blade in him and dive to another sword that a dead village guard had no need for.

The sword was heavier then mine but it still has her sharpness unlike mine that has lost hers.

I move again my new sword proving her sharpness as it bisects an Ork, and I thrust out impaling another's head.

I look towards the Inn, the last of the village Guards and what seems to be a few villagers who wanted to fight rather then die.

Then I see the girl with the Staff...

"TAT WIERDBOI HUMIE MI!" An Ork bellows in a poor low gothic.

I see him rush towards the girl his Coppa raised high.

As it came down she raised her Staff and when the two collided... the Coppa dug into the Staff and the carvings started glowing brightly, and the voices that came from it screamed in terror...


I slashed another Ork and kick a Gretchin in the head.


A bone chilling wave passes through everyone... and with that cold was a purple mist... it tasted like strawberry, I spat.

The girl was down, I gritted my teeth and moved, the Orks were confused by the weird tasting mist. My new blade slashed Orks one by one.

I heard a shout from my Commissar, "Resist the taint of the Warp! FIGHT IN THEIR NAMES!" And then the Lasgun fire resumed.

I bisected another Ork and rushed forward.

"Who Dat?" The Ork asked as he turned to face me, while raising Coppa.

"Sup." I say, as I run my sword through his gut, and I grab the Ork by the throat and push him to the ground.

I pull my sword and drew my Auto-Pistol, and fired blowing the Ork's head apart.

I turned to the girl, she seemed to be blinking the confusion out of her eye...

Reaching my hand out, she took it and I pulled her up.

"My Prince are you okay?" Felica asked me.

"Right side!" Someone shouted, the voice was new to me.

But Felica turned and fired, her Lasgun blow chunks out of the Ork.


The Banner man, Robert I think he's called? Ran past me and held my Banner high, and waved it around.

The men shortly arrived and formed the two rows.

"IN THE NAME OF THE PRINCE FIRE AT WILL!" Robert ordered, as he fired his Las-pistol.

I turned to the staff girl... fuck what was her name?

"My Prince?" Marcus asked.


"Your wings and eyes." He replies simply and resumes to his duties.

I raise an eyebrow I have wings? And my eyes what of them?

[Answer; When you are in the heat of the moment your "Wings" as Marcus called will show and your eyes will change color to show intensity of whatever you are looking at. I recommend you control your emotion because I doubt some people would like it if you suddenly have bright golden Wings, but you can also will them into being]

Oh... "How can I control it?" 


Okay... I take a breather, I feel a tingle.

"Mutt?" The girl asked.

"It's Joseph and we don't have the time for this." I tell her as I form another fireball and shot it off.

She seemed rather taken aback at that.

"You lot." I gestured at the armed villagers, "My people can deal with the rest."

The villagers instantly run into the Inn and the village guards come to me.

"I can tell your in charge, where do you need us?"

"Just watch the Inn, from the looks of it someone killed the War-boss since they seem to be fight each other just as much as they fight us." I tell the man as I watch a pair of Orks cut each others head off at the same time...

"Are you sure?" He asked.

I gestured at my men, who were more then contented to shoot any Ork that got within ten meters of them, but watched other wise...

"See that men?" I asked the guards, "Why waste your energy and ammo, if the enemy gonna do it themselves." My command squad chuckle and a few of the Militiamen chuckle, but it was more nervous.

"Mary!? Where is Mary!" I turn back to the girl who was now freaking out.

"She is fine... ish."

"She is right here." Juliana says, as she with the help of Hannah's Aid, Said Aid had his last Mechadendrite wrapped around Mary's left leg to keep it from moving, while Juliana was pulling Mary with under her arms.

Marina, AH That was her name... ran to her friend Mary... I wonder where her two other guys are at.

The sound of Orks beating the shit out of each other while yelling "I'm da War-Bozz." or, "No I'm da War-Bozz." Is rather funny.

I take stock of my men. I only had five unwounded Militiamen, five unwounded command squad with my Commissar getting a Coppa half dug into his shoulder, and the other three militiamen got shanked by Gretchin. Leaving Hannah Aid whom only lost some of his attachments.

I walked around, one of the Militiamen, a woman she seemed to be having trouble with her Las-Rifle, she was fiddling with it and seemed to be smacking it.

I walked over to her and knelt down.

She looked up at me and does a double take before talking, "Go-G-God Prince? H-have y-you need of me?" She stammered.

I smile and pat her shoulder, "What seems to be the problem?" I ask while gesturing to her Lasgun.

"My Prince, this is nothing of your station to c-concern yourself."

"Nonsense." I tell her, she gingerly hands over her Lasgun.

The weapon looks well maintained... too well maintained.

"Cadian born?" I ask suddenly.

"No... I wasn't, our fire arms instructor was though."

"Any words of the wise?"

"Treat your weapon like you would a lover, but sometimes said lover needs to have some sense smacked into it." She replies with a smile.

"Wise in deed."

"What of you God-Prince. What wise words have our God-Emperor told you?" She asked casually like you would a friend and then her eyes widen and she slaps her hand over her mouth, "Forgive me... I spoke to casually... I-I forgive me."

I smile at her and her tense body relaxes. "For me? The Emperor... well." I think it over. "Well I have no wise words from him since, I myself wasn't present, but I know some quotes. 'No world shall be beyond my rule; no enemy shall be beyond my wrath.'"

"I have heard that one before from our Priests, bu-" She pause, again she spoke in a tone that was casual to me again.

"Go on." I cox her to continue.

She nods and shakes her head to remove any more fears, "But what do you interpret the God-Emperor's words? The Priests tend to argue over that. But as the God-Prince, I wondered what was your take on it."

"That isn't for me to tell." I check the Las-Rifle again, "Can you give me a new Mag?"

She passed me a new magazine.

One quick removal and insert the new. I take aim at an Ork that so far has been going on a seven kill strike and gave him a missing head...

"Either that Mag was broke or you were out of ammo." She just blinked, as I pass the weapon back and gave her one last pat on her shoulder, and left.

Next was checking on the wounded, but Juliana told me in the politest way to "Fuck off so that, I may do my job."

I step away from that, it was clear she was busy.

Next? Ah the Villagers.

"Felica, on me." I shout to her and wave her over.

We both enter Hamels Little Inn.

Nearly a few dozen adults and maybe double that in children, I sigh in relieve... I had worried that they were defending an empty building but when the armed Villagers ran inside I got my hopes up.

"About time!" I pissed chipper voice enters my ear.

"Hello Hamel." I said to the Ratling, she held a frying pan ready to kneecap me, but she had relaxed. "I've been busy." I say with a chuckle.

"Busy? Who she? And who are those men and women you lead? Also were is Hannah?" Hamel rapid fires questions.

"OI! Know your place Abhuman!" Felica says as she aims her Lasgun at Hamel, "Your talking to a Prince!"

Hamel looks a Felica then turns to me, "That true?"

"The Prince thing? Yeah."

"And what is a 'Abhuman'? I am Human missy, get that broom out of your arse."

Felica gets inflamed and readies to fire, "Is that how the Schola taught you? To allow your emotions to control you?"

Felica freezes, she looks back to me. My eyes must have burned and my wings out in a manner that seemed like they are ready to strike. I am calm just a little annoyed about having my own act out...

"F-Fo--Forgive... m-me-me." She tries to ask for my forgiveness...

I sigh, "Out. I will deal with you later."

Felica walked out...

"Fuck." I mutter.

"M-My Lord?" I turn and there was an middle aged man, he was one of the armed villagers, "Who are you... if I may be so bold to ask."

"My name and title God-Prince Joseph, First Imperial Successor to the Imperium of Man." I tell the room with my full name and title that the System told me to announce myself as. My Wings went out wide and my eyes shone bright.

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