Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Chapter 4 2/2: Chosen, God-Prince

I was lucky... well according to my Farther while I was allowed to leave the Scola other couldn't...

I never did understand but I was a Student all and the same, I was going to become an Instructor it was family tradition we were one of the thousands of families like that.

"Felica Faros." My instructor called.

"Here." I shout, my 4 foot 5 making me short even by the girls who stood about 5,3 or 4...

As I sat back down, the class we were in was the simple tactics that my Farther had drilled into me for nearly six years before I had been enrolled here over a year ago.

As the Instructor was talking about Squad Level Tactics I heard voices.

"Command Squad or Militiamen?" It was soft but what did it ask? Command or Militiamen?

"Command." Another said it's Voice was harsh...


"Aid-de-Camp, The imperial Successor would need her, she knows company level tactics, while  I could get someone on an Officer training that would be to dangerous."

"Yes Creator."

I looked around myself...

The other Students were looking ahead and paying attention to the instructor...

I began to sweat... Who the  hell was talking? Imperial Successor? What?"

As if by a second sense the Instructor looked straight at me his right hand was on his Bolt-pistol...

What is happening?

The other Students followed the his death glare and stopped at me...

They too started moving away from me... and pointed at me.

I looked around myself and found circle below me...

I couldn't move from my sitting position...my muscles couldn't or wouldn't move, my breath was growing harsh and ragged...

My Instructor called back up and fired three bolts at me but the circle seemed to block the shots...

"Girl you have been chosen to help the Imperial Successor." The soft voice said to me...

A burning sensation filled my head, no my brain...

I was going to be help the Imperial Successor, he was thee Successor I was to help him no matter what...

"The Emperor's Successor had chosen me." I shouted from my sitting position, my Schola uniform changed, no morphed the once gray outfit slowly became that of a camo green and theses two armbands were added, the deep blue field in the background and the foreground had five stars...

The door to the lecture hall bursts open with about a dozen Sisters of Battle, a Commissar and the nearest Inquisitor.

The sisters followed a 'shot first ask later' doctrine along with the Commissar but the Inquisitor looked at me and after the Sisters and the Commissar finished firing with my circle destroying all of there bolt fire...

The Inquisitor asked me a question, "What darkness have you unleashed?" 

I got angry... but I couldn't respond the way I wanted I could only say, "The Emperor's Successor had chosen me." Everyone was more confused...

Then I felt the weight of armor and weapons... looking down I found a Las-Pistol and Las-Rifle...

I felt myself become lighter...

My hands started disappearing and so did my feet...

It wasn't long until I was gone from my lecture hall and now I was in a transport seat with another five just as confused people...

"Were are we and who are you all?" Another one of us asked, he was wearing the same uniform as everyone else but he had a Vox Caster on his back, he had the same weapons as the rest of us outside of the guy with the Banner who only had a Las-Pistol and sword.

The Banner had the same blue background and the same five stars but they had a golden outline same with the edge of the Banner...

At the bottom of the Banner was two lines of text.

The Emperor's Chosen Successor!

The Terran Old Guard!

The Writing was in full golden and the guy holding it had a death like grip...

"Better question did everyone hear a voice before coming here?" I asked everyone, they nodded. "So what did it say? I was going to be the Successors Aid-De-Camp."

"I was the Regimental Banner Carrier." Said the Banner guy, "Oh forgive me, my name is Robert, I am... was a Student of the Schola on Holy Terra."

We all looked at him... it was clear we had the same Question...

'Are we all from the same Shola?'

The Girl next to Robert asked said Question and we all nodded...

"Well then." The Same girl said, "My name is Juliana and the voice said I was the Command Squad Medic."

And this started a game of 'what do you do?'

We had in order of Rank and Role.

  1. Marcus, The Regimental Commissar, He in a Commissar Cadets uniform.
  2. Me, Felica, The Aid-De-Camp. 
  3. Gillian, The Command Squads Vox Caster.
  4. Juliana, The Command Squad Medic.
  5. Julius, Full on Bodyguard.
  6. Marius, Another full on Bodyguard.

"So we are all from the Schola on Holy Terra, we all heard two voices and it always concluded with 'Yes Creator'?" I asked again to confirm.

They all nod. "Okay and we don't know where the fuck we are?"

We had already tried to break into the cockpit of the transport to find that it was welded shut...


"What was that?" Marius asked his grip onto his Las-Rifle getting tighter...


Six small windows opened on the side of our of the hull...

We looked out and we could see that we were in the air and there was two other transports, "What world are we on? This isn't Holy Terra?" Marius muttered.

We could see others looking back at us from there own transports...

I knew what was going on the other two Air transports were Valkyries and this was a Combat drop, or what my Farther said was a "Touch and Go." 

"Prep for rapid deployment." I tell them all...

We got ready for a what we thought was a combat drop...

The Valkyrie we were in started circling a Base below us... the other two Vehicles moved behind us and the rear hatches opened allowing us to the Cockpits of the trailing Valkyries but we couldn't see anyone at all...

We did one last fly past and we started landing.

Within moments we jumped the second we were stable and close enough to the ground since we had no reason to think that we were going to use landing gear. We jumped about a meter of the ground, looking up we saw two people both seemed rather amused by the show our Valkyries had done...

The man was wearing what I could tell was a Cadian Officers style of uniform from neck down, his head had a hat that I didn't know to looked like a browed brim but one side was pinned up and had a single golden feather... He had a Auto-Pistol and sword strapped to his hip and Auto-Gun strapped to his back... His ashen-blueish eyes shone with golden light for a second before returning to normal.

The woman was wearing the Robes of the Omnissiah's chosen Tech-Priest, thou she wasn't as or not augmented at all from what I can see, but her robes had forest camo on them she carries herself unlike a Tech-Priest...

Both carried themselves as veteran soldiers but there was something casuals and yet holy about them.

As the next two transports dropped off their personnel, the other Valkyries had carried what looked like a Squad of PDFs there was eight of them and next to them was more Tech-Priest but they were all confused like us...

"Interesting... don't you agree." The man in-front of us asked the Tech-Priest next to him...

She nodded and spoke but she was silent reading her lips she said, "What about the defensive troops?" Who was she asking?

As if her Question was answer she turned to the Man and said, "They are in our HQs." With that said she left and walked into a workshop and shouted into it I couldn't hear what she shouted but followed by what seemed like a panicked shuffling and ladder climbing three Skitarii along side seven others that were unarmed came running out of her HQ? and formed up along side the Tech-Priest with us... the man however...

Walked into the Bunker and shouted, "LAST ONE OUT HERE IS GETTING SHOT!" His voice sounded so serious 

This from the sounds of it this started a mad dash to the door and the last one out got tripped as the man stuck his foot out...

"Please forgive me!" The last one out, a girl begged.

"No I just wanted you out as fast as fucking possible now FORM THE FUCK UP!" He said to reassure her and than shouted that the people he spooked out of the Bunker, which now I had a better look it had a antenna array and from the area around us it seemed to be a command bunker...

There was a eight of them two weren't armed but the other six had Auto-Guns...

Now from the count...

Six PDFs that came from the Man HQ.

Two unarmed as well from the Base.

Three Skitarii from the Women HQ.

Seven... I don't know what to call them... there not Servitors or anything...

Then there was us six, the eight PDFs that came with us and the six Machanicus people...

"Well then." The man says...

I take a step forward, I was the bravest in my class and asked, "Who you are?"

"Well... my name is Joseph and this is Hannah and well we are the Successors." He replies but after saying 'Well' seems to stall seemingly listening and then keeps talking.

The moment he said "Successors."

We all paled... and I shrank back a little...

'Did I piss off the Emperor's own Successor?' I thought...

Everyone knelt down... but I stood straight after regaining my bravery...

The Successor looks at me... his eyes shone a golden hue again but return to his ashen-blue again...

I feel as if his eyes borrow into my soul and I collapse onto my knees, and hold my hands showing my Aquila and started praying for forgiveness...

"No time like the present..."

"Joseph is this really a good idea?"

"The Emperor would have destroyed the Cult." He said back in an harsh whisper I could barely hear him... but what does he mean?

"That maybe true but this is a hell of a way to start a war?" She hiss back.

"It would be better to have my troops know that I like the Emperor would see the Imperial Cult whipped out." 

"Can you just... not now... we need a real power base... they maybe loyal to a fault but what of those that only know of the Cult?" She argues...

"I will but my soldiers will not be worshipping me..."

I had no idea what they were arguing about... but it was clearly about me praying... what was wrong with showing reverence to one if not the most holy figure second only to the God-Emperor?

With trepanation I asked, "What is wrong with me praying for your forgiveness..." I pause thinking of a title to say, "God-Prince?"

This made them pause... Hannah laughs and punches him in the shoulder, "HAHA! No that is staying... God-Prince, HAHA! Priceless." She whips a tear from her eye...

The Imperial Successor looks at me but it seems off with his eye staring at me...

"Look a me." He commands.

My body trembles as I gaze up to him... he had a smile and he held his hand out...

"What is your name?" He asks.

"Felica Faros, God-Prince." I tell him and take his hand.

"Well then miss Felica." He turns to the rest of us... "While I would wish for you not to praying to me, I will not stop you. But please just Commander Joseph would be fine."



I looked at him confused... and then I noticed that my hand was still held by his...

"Forgive me..." I tell him.

"No please be at ease." He looks up to the rest of us, "If you keep kneeling I gonna have you start running laps around the base." Everyone gets up instantly... it was most likely not the threat of running but the threat off pissing of the God-Prince...

"Hannah can you deal with your cogboys."

"Show respect to your Tech-Adepts, I fixed your weapons."

"Yes, yes."

This interaction... is this romantic? No seems like they are Brother and Sister like...

The God-Prince release my hand and walks back a little and turns to face us...

"I may be the Emperor's Successor, but I wish to not be worshipped the same way..." As he spoke a golden light began to appear around him with although immature wings on his back, "My Emperor, you may call my Commander or whatever but non the less, I will not treat you any different then anyone else... you are all my Sons and Daughters of the Imperium, I could careless what world you hail. While you may come from only the Emperor will truly know." He Stops... to think of his next words... "I have come to ensure the Survival of our Imperium but we can't help it now, their will be people that call me a Heretic and have me Purged. There for we must be ready to ensure that we can save the Imperium." 

We all looked at him in awe, like the stories. 

His wings were fully extended we felt inspired, we felt awed... we were ready to die for him, for the Successor.

I turn to face everyone and shout, "FOR THE PRINCE!" I shouted the same way I would as if I shouted 'For the Emperor' everyone joined but the Machanicus soldiers shouted, "FOR THE DAUGHTER!" 

As it turned out the Tech-Priest had gotten a similar speech by the woman who seems to be in a similar to the God-Prince...

"Good then now," He turns to Hannah and says, "Well I'm going to tell me troops about the dos and fuck no's. I'll be in the command Bunker... more like the roof."

She nodded but countered, "You should do that here since they are already formed up and my HQ has the room for me." He seemed to agree and nodded at her, she than ordered her Tech-Priest to follow her and enter her HQ...

The God-Prince looked at us and gave us a predatory grin, "Welcome to the Terran Old Guard."

We all snap a salute and said, "Sir. Yes Sir!"




This was made into a two chap, and I hope those that voted for Three in the Poll like how I have handled the Base building and the 'Unknown Reason' as the Imperium starts losing it's mind about dozens of Students starts disappearing...

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