Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Chapter 19: “Humanitarian” if such a thing exists

Pulling the boy my arms as I stand up, he'd not noticed as he kept crying. Though everyone could see that I was very serious yet, they saw I was not here to fight.

Rubbing the back of the boy, I watched the Valkyries flew above us, without enough room to land they kinda shoved the supplies out the back and the Guardsmen grabbed some ropes and slowly got down. Giving the order to crack open the food and water, once they were resupplied.

I grabbing of loaf of bread, and with some minor issue as the boy started trying to figure out what I was doing. But after finally breaking a piece off hand passed it to him, "Here have some." I Offered and eat a little of my own, the taste was bland at least it wasn't that corpse bread from Hive-worlds. Seeing that it was fine he eat it too and I could see his face lit up.

Though I put him down, and got some water. A least these were in bottles... ironic these bottles are made of plastic, so. Meh, opening the cap and taking a sip.

Yeah it's clean if tasting a little like chlorine... "Here kiddo, the water's good." He hesitates, but I take a large swig and swallow, and finally he takes it and takes littles sips.

"You lot." I turn to the new arrives, "Medical help with the treatment of the wounded take what medical supplies you need and treat anyone that asks, Guardsmen hand out food and water to the people. If they don't believe it's safe, eat or drink. Two loafs, one bottle of water and a single set of clean cloths per person, nothing more nothing less."

"Yes Sir!" They shouted.

With a sigh I start helping by sorting the bodies, mostly by making them more presentable and guiding their souls to that strange feeling... and yet for each one I sent something looked back and smiled. Briefly I sent a glance to the still collapsed Hannah, though I could see her mind turning over at what had happened.

Barely a half hour later, the people who had till now stayed in their homes started to come out, though they didn't approached. Which was both understandable and yet demoralizing. Keep calm and carry on Joseph, the Emperor's work is still to be done.

After all the bodies were moved into rows, I did another head count. "Two, four, eight, sixtee-!"

Juliana interrupted me, "Thirty-six."

"What?" I asked not earing her properly.

"Thirty-six dead, the rest are stable... though are permanently crippled without any prosthetics." She answered and gave me some saddening news. I'm out of RP... shit. "Some need legs other's arms. Outside of that there is nothing I or my new arrival could do for them."

"Prosthetics? Could you get them on?" Hannah asked, looking over my shoulder she was clearly using her ears to hear us, her words were... hollow and yet. I wasn't sure.

Not really understanding Juliana answered, "Yes, though a Tech-adept would help greatly." Hannah smiled and her tail moved ever so slightly in what could be considered happiness.

"What state are the limbs in?" I asked, though my brief look over told me that some had lost them and others had far cleaner and recent removal.

"All but a handful had limbs that could have been recoverable but will still need prosthetics to make up for the damage they have sustained... without that, it would be better to remove them. Then risk infection."

Understanding that I just barely heard Hannah muttering something, before a distance sound barrier was broken.

[I will not lie, this is a waste of resources]

"System it's called Hearts and Minds, even the Imperium is aware of this. In the long run we've help the people more then the Duke ever had."

[I know, and not blind to that. In other news you are able to get a new section for the HQ] The System answered, a new section so new stuff and more shit to worry about. I'll deal with that another day.

Unwilling to deal with the constant staring I looked at the crowd, clearing my throat and shout. "Everyone! I have fresh food, clean water, clothing and if you need healing my people are willing to lend you aid!" Calming a little. But before I could continue Hannah's Valkyrie showed up and dropped a crate, leaving as suddenly as it showed up.

Even though I know what inside would be, I cracked the crate open. Peering in... "These look decent." Grabbing one... yeah these seem to be simple yet reliable. In other words they work and are able to move based on the signals sent from the brain to the missing limb, though slower then the top of the line augments or even ones the Machanicus uses. But in exchange they are used in a combat role or working in dangerous jobs, so they are meant to be used from installation to death without breaking unless something happened that broke the replacement.

"Juliana take what you need." I ordered... since the crate was only up to my waist and they were maybe two dozen prosthetics evenly split by arms and legs. Without warning I got shoved aside by the Medicaes who were to busy collecting what they need... "Really?" I asked.

"Sorry, but the needs of the patients are more important." She replied and returned to said patients with a pair of arms and legs each. The other Medicae nodded. With my arms going out wide I look at the crowd with a slight confused look, which the kids slightly laughed at... may the Emperor bless their innocent hearts.

Though thankfully the minor comedy, broke the staring and several people came forward and slowly collected the food, water and cloths. A smile came to me though subdued due to the tragic that is still fresh for all to smell. But as some men eat and drank from the supplies they reassured everyone that I had no ill intent with the what I was giving away.

Then a saw the poor sod of a man who crept towards the Medicaes just to only jump when they both asked if he needed medical attention... why is he gesturing to his crotch? Wait... the way the twos faces paled. STD is the first one. Snickering slightly, and having a few elderly people walking to me... subconsciously I straighten a tie that isn't there.

Clearing my throat, "Hello. I wish we could have met under less then... tragic circumstances." I greeted and gave my hand out for a shake, but at seeing that none wanted to shake I took it back. Looking away, just a brief look over towards those behind me. People were now getting medical attention and at least they lost the hesitation to grab food and water.

With a dismissive wave the eldest spoke, "Save it. We want answers." Surprisingly high despite his age, which only a guess would be early fifties and the three others with him were in the late forties. Licking his lips that seemed drier then a desert, he continued, "Why I ask, why are you here? Why did she attack us?" This question was followed by a furious finger pointing at Hannah who from what Old-Mate could see was giving pray to her deceased. "And lastly why have you giving us these?" This time his pointing finger became a open palm as he gestured at the supplies.

"One: Old man I recommend you listen carefully. Two: Do ever assume it was her fault for what happened, I watched as the people surrounded her, her men and refused to withdraw once asked, then ordered and even after getting a warning shot... that is when she attack. Which all counted as self defense. Three: I have giving this supplies as only a condolence for the dead." I pause to look around to check if anyone was paying attention to us. Grabbing the man's collar with a harsh whisper I gave my warning, "I will say this once. These people were lucky I wasn't here from the start otherwise there would be more dead and I wouldn't be this charitable." Letting go with a little push into his fellows, I move past him to help the handing out of supplies.

After several family sized groups came and went I felt a small tugging on my sleeve, checking who it was... "Oh yeah kid need anything?" I asked the child, just looking at his empty water bottle and missing bread I knew what had happened. "Want some more?"

He shook his head, "Is she okay?" Following his finger he was pointing at Hannah who was sitting with her knees close to her chest. Odd think to ask know what she and her men did to his mother.

"Why don't you go ask?" I offered. Realistically their is no way I could punish Hannah, but seeing what she had caused will... no should help her to think about the consequence of her future actions. "Take this." I gave him some anther water bottle and loaf, taking his empty bottle, not even a moment later he was walking to Hannah.

After a few words spoken between them before she finally looked up at him, tears staining her face she gave him a hug. I have no idea what he said, but after a few moments she stood up, wiping her tears gave her final thanks before helping us with the disputation of supplies. I wonder what he told her.

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